Adds support to SilverStripe for authentication via RealMe.
This module provides the foundation to support a quick integration for a SilverStripe application with RealMe as an identity provider. This module requires extensive setup prior to being utilised effectively.
If integration with RealMe is wanted, it is best to get in touch with the RealMe team as early as possible. There are a number of documents mentioned in this documentation that can only be found by accessing the RealMe Shared Workspace. This can be accomplished by getting in touch with the RealMe team.
Note: Currently this module does not integrate with the Member
functionality of SilverStripe. It is initially
intended to purely provide an authentication mechanism that can be extended by customers that require it. One such
extension would be to create standard SilverStripe Member
records linked to a unique RealMe identifier, but that's
not currently built in.
This module doesn't have any specific requirements beyond those required by SimpleSAMLphp: the tool used to control authentication with the RealMe systems.
These requirements are PHP 5.3, with the following required PHP extensions enabled: date, dom, hash, libxml, openssl, pcre, SPL, zlib, and mcrypt php53-mcrypt
This module is designed to be run on a CWP instance, and there are two sets of installation instructions - one for use on CWP, and one for generic use.
See the Installation section for full details.
RealMe provide two testing environments and a production environment for you to integrate with. Access to these environments is strictly controlled, and you must contact the RealMe team to gain access to the documentation required for these environments.
See for environment and YML configuration required before the module can be setup.
The configuration instructions above also steps you through setting up all three environments.
By default, the module integrates with the Authenticator
class in SilverStripe, extending the standard SilverStripe
login form. If you want to provide your own separate login form just for RealMe, then the built-in templates can help
with this. They have been designed to integrate as cleanly as possible with SilverStripe templates, but it is up to you
whether you use them, or roll your own.
See the templates documentation for more information on using or modifying these.
The RealMeService
service object allows you to inject authentication where-ever it is required. For example, let's
take a simple Controller that ensures that all users have a valid RealMe 'FLT' (a unique string that identifies a RealMe
account, but is not their username.
class RealMeTestController extends Controller {
* @var RealMeService
public $realMeService;
private static $dependencies = array(
'realMeService' => '%$RealMeService'
public function index() {
// enforceLogin will redirect the user to RealMe if they're not authenticated, or return true if they are
// authenticated with RealMe. It should only ever return 'false' if there was an initial error dealing with
// SimpleSAMLphp
if($this->service->enforceLogin()) {
$userData = $this->service->getUserData();
printf("Congratulations, you're authenticated with a FLT of '%s'!", $userData->UserFlt);
} else {
echo "There was an error while attempting to authenticate you.";
The first environment is MTS. This environment is setup to allow testing of your code on your development environment. In this environment, RealMe provide all SSL certificates required to communicate.
Obtain access to RealMe and the Shared Workspace for MTS public/private development keys
Fill out the "MTS checklist" available from the shared workspace and provide to the DIA RealMe team.
Download 'Integration Bundle Login MTS' from the RealMe Shared Workspace
Unpack the four certificates into the directory you've specified in
(ideally outside of your webroot)- mts_mutual_ssl_idp.cer
- mts_mutual_ssl_sp.cer
- mts_mutual_ssl_sp.pem
- mts_saml_idp.cer
- mts_saml_sp.pem
Run the RealMe build task to populate the configuration directories, metadata files, and authsources for MTS
sake dev/tasks/RealMeSetupTask forEnv=mts
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<EntityDescriptor xmlns="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:metadata" entityID="">
<SPSSODescriptor AuthnRequestsSigned="true"
<KeyDescriptor use="signing">
<ds:KeyInfo xmlns:ds="">
SSL certificate info
Location="" index="0"
<OrganizationName xml:lang="en-us">CWP Demo Organisation</OrganizationName>
<OrganizationDisplayName xml:lang="en-us">CWP Demo Organisation</OrganizationDisplayName>
<OrganizationURL xml:lang="en-us"></OrganizationURL>
<ContactPerson contactType="support">
Save the XML output from your task to an XML file, and upload this to the MTS metadata upload. Be sure to click continue and ok after uploading.
include the session data realme/templates/Layout/ in your template, or reference session data directly from any descendant of SiteTree $RealMeSessionData, or by using SiteConfig: SiteConfig::current_site_config()->RealMeSessionData();
See the templates/Includes or templates/Layout directory for more information.
- Complete an integration to MTS.
- Obtain the ITE checklist from the RealMe shared document library and complete it.
- Publish your site to your CWP UAT environment with a working configuration for MTS and ITE
- Create a support ticket with CWP Service desk requesting access to ITE, and referencing information about your project, domain, and the ITE checklist
Note There will be charges associated with this, as operations will need generate and purchase the SSL certificates required for your domain, and provide them to DIA To save time, both ITE and production certificates will be purchased at the same time.
If you wish do do this process yourself please see the ssl-certs documentation
- Complete an integration to MTS and ITE.
- Obtain the Production checklist from the RealMe shared document library and complete it.
- Publish your site to your CWP UAT environment with a working configuration for MTS and ITE and a configuration for production
- Create a support ticket with CWP Service desk requesting access to production, and referencing information about your project, domain, and the production checklist
Note There will be charges associated with this, as operations will need generate and purchase the SSL certificates required for your domain, and provide them to DIA
If you wish do do this process yourself please see the ssl-certs documentation
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