These instructions should help you to build a custom version of the operator with your changes
- Golang (1.18.x)
- Operator SDK version (1.23.x+)
- podman and podman-docker or docker
- Access to Kubernetes cluster (1.24+)
- Container registry to store images
export QUAY_USER=<userid>
make help
make docker-build
make docker-push
Ensure KUBECONFIG points to target Kubernetes cluster
make install && make deploy
kubectl create -k config/samples/ccruntime/default
Ensure KUBECONFIG points to target Kubernetes cluster
make uninstall && make undeploy
You can use a Kind cluster running on non-TEE hardware for development purposes.
Kind version v0.16.0
have been successfully tested on the following Linux distros.
CentOS Stream 8
Ubuntu 20.04
Ubuntu 22.04
Note: Only
runtimeclass works with Kind cluster.