Python and shell script to convert Torch models into Caffe2 protobuf files. The conversion uses ONNX-Caffe2 backend and has three steps like: Torch (.t7) -> PyTorch (.pth) -> ONNX (.onnx.pb) -> Caffe2 (.pb)
IMPORTANT: You need to specify the input dimension of the model.
git clone --recursive [email protected]:ca1773130n/Torch2Caffe2.git
- Python 3.5
- PyTorch
- ONNX, ONNX-Caffe2
- Caffe2 (optional)
- If you don't have those in your environment yet, follow the steps below:
- facebookarchive/caffe2#1204 <model_filename> <input_dimension>
- The model file must be in the same directory of the shell script
- The input dimension needs to be surrounded by quotes. It should look like this: "(1,3,512,512)"
This work is based on a GitHub project below.
Tested environment
- Ubuntu 16.04
- Anaconda Python 3.6
- A Torch VGG-19 model file
Known Issues
- PyTorch to ONNX conversion is imperfect (e.g. ONNX doesn't support ceil_mode in MaxPooling)