Fourth level heading
diff --git a/pkg/renderer/sgml/xhtml5/table_of_contents_test.go b/pkg/renderer/sgml/xhtml5/table_of_contents_test.go
index f10b83bf..a5cae9b9 100644
--- a/pkg/renderer/sgml/xhtml5/table_of_contents_test.go
+++ b/pkg/renderer/sgml/xhtml5/table_of_contents_test.go
@@ -190,223 +190,3 @@ level 1 sections not exists.`
-// var _ = Describe("table of contents initialization", func() {
-// Context("document without section", func() {
-// It("should return empty table of contents when doc has no section", func() {
-// actual := &types.Document{
-// Attributes: types.Attributes{},
-// ElementReferences: types.ElementReferences{},
-// Footnotes: []*types.Footnote{},
-// Elements: []interface{}{
-// types.Paragraph{
-// Attributes: types.Attributes{},
-// Lines: [][]interface{}{
-// {
-// &types.StringElement{Content: "a paragraph"},
-// },
-// },
-// },
-// },
-// }
-// expected := types.TableOfContents{
-// Sections: []*types.ToCSection{},
-// }
-// Expect(TableOfContents(actual)).To(Equal(expected))
-// })
-// })
-// Context("document with sections", func() {
-// doctitle := []interface{}{
-// &types.StringElement{Content: "a header"},
-// }
-// sectionATitle := []interface{}{
-// &types.StringElement{Content: "Section A with link to "},
-// &types.InlineLink{
-// Location: &types.Location{
-// Scheme: "https://",
-// Path: []interface{}{
-// &types.StringElement{
-// Content: "redhat.com",
-// },
-// },
-// },
-// },
-// }
-// sectionAaTitle := []interface{}{
-// &types.StringElement{Content: "Section A.a "},
-// &types.FootnoteReference{
-// ID: 1,
-// Ref: "foo",
-// },
-// }
-// sectionAa1Title := []interface{}{
-// &types.StringElement{Content: "Section A.a.1"},
-// }
-// sectionBTitle := []interface{}{
-// &types.StringElement{Content: "Section B"},
-// }
-// document := &types.Document{
-// Attributes: types.Attributes{},
-// ElementReferences: types.ElementReferences{
-// "_a_header": doctitle,
-// "_section_a": sectionATitle,
-// "_section_a_a": sectionAaTitle,
-// "_section_b": sectionBTitle,
-// },
-// Footnotes: []*types.Footnote{
-// {
-// ID: 1,
-// Ref: "foo",
-// },
-// },
-// Elements: []interface{}{
-// types.Section{
-// Attributes: types.Attributes{
-// types.AttrID: "_a_header",
-// },
-// Level: 0,
-// Title: doctitle,
-// Elements: []interface{}{
-// types.Section{
-// Attributes: types.Attributes{
-// types.AttrID: "_section_a",
-// },
-// Level: 1,
-// Title: sectionATitle,
-// Elements: []interface{}{
-// types.Paragraph{
-// Attributes: types.Attributes{},
-// Lines: [][]interface{}{
-// {
-// &types.StringElement{Content: "a paragraph"},
-// },
-// },
-// },
-// types.Section{
-// Attributes: types.Attributes{
-// types.AttrID: "_section_a_a",
-// },
-// Level: 2,
-// Title: sectionAaTitle,
-// Elements: []interface{}{
-// types.Paragraph{
-// Attributes: types.Attributes{},
-// Lines: [][]interface{}{
-// {
-// &types.StringElement{Content: "a paragraph"},
-// },
-// },
-// },
-// types.Section{
-// Attributes: types.Attributes{
-// types.AttrID: "_section_a_a_1",
-// },
-// Level: 3,
-// Title: sectionAa1Title,
-// Elements: []interface{}{
-// types.Paragraph{
-// Attributes: types.Attributes{},
-// Lines: [][]interface{}{
-// {types.StringElement{Content: "a paragraph"}},
-// },
-// },
-// },
-// },
-// },
-// },
-// },
-// },
-// types.Section{
-// Attributes: types.Attributes{
-// types.AttrID: "_section_b",
-// },
-// Level: 1,
-// Title: sectionBTitle,
-// Elements: []interface{}{
-// types.Paragraph{
-// Attributes: types.Attributes{},
-// Lines: [][]interface{}{
-// {
-// &types.StringElement{Content: "a paragraph"},
-// },
-// },
-// },
-// },
-// },
-// },
-// },
-// },
-// }
-// It("should return table of contents with section level 1,2,3,2 with default level", func() {
-// delete(document.Attributes, types.AttrTableOfContentsLevels)
-// expected := types.TableOfContents{
-// Sections: []*types.ToCSection{
-// {
-// ID: "_section_a",
-// Level: 1,
-// Title: "Section A with link to https://redhat.com",
-// Children: []*types.ToCSection{
-// {
-// ID: "_section_a_a",
-// Level: 2,
-// Title: "Section A.a ",
-// Children: []*types.ToCSection{},
-// },
-// },
-// },
-// {
-// ID: "_section_b",
-// Level: 1,
-// Title: "Section B",
-// Children: []*types.ToCSection{},
-// },
-// },
-// }
-// Expect(TableOfContents(document)).To(Equal(expected))
-// })
-// It("should return table of contents with section level 1,2,3,2 with custom level", func() {
-// document.Attributes[types.AttrTableOfContentsLevels] = "4" // must be a string
-// expected := types.TableOfContents{
-// Sections: []*types.ToCSection{
-// {
-// ID: "_section_a",
-// Level: 1,
-// Title: "Section A with link to https://redhat.com",
-// Children: []*types.ToCSection{
-// {
-// ID: "_section_a_a",
-// Level: 2,
-// Title: "Section A.a ",
-// Children: []*types.ToCSection{
-// {
-// ID: "_section_a_a_1",
-// Level: 3,
-// Title: "Section A.a.1",
-// Children: []*types.ToCSection{},
-// },
-// },
-// },
-// },
-// },
-// {
-// ID: "_section_b",
-// Level: 1,
-// Title: "Section B",
-// Children: []*types.ToCSection{},
-// },
-// },
-// }
-// Expect(TableOfContents(document)).To(Equal(expected))
-// })
-// })
-// })
diff --git a/pkg/renderer/sgml/xhtml5/table_test.go b/pkg/renderer/sgml/xhtml5/table_test.go
index 5de6ae7f..e413b636 100644
--- a/pkg/renderer/sgml/xhtml5/table_test.go
+++ b/pkg/renderer/sgml/xhtml5/table_test.go
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ var _ = Describe("tables", func() {
It("table with title, headers and 1 line per cell", func() {
source := `.table title
-|Column heading 1 |Column heading 2
+|Column header 1 |Column header 2
|Column 1, row 1
|Column 2, row 1
@@ -70,8 +70,8 @@ var _ = Describe("tables", func() {
-Column heading 1 |
-Column heading 2 |
+Column header 1 |
+Column header 2 |
@@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ var _ = Describe("tables", func() {
source := `.table title
[caption="Example I. "]
-|Column heading 1 |Column heading 2
+|Column header 1 |Column header 2
|Column 1, row 1
|Column 2, row 1
@@ -109,8 +109,8 @@ var _ = Describe("tables", func() {
-Column heading 1 |
-Column heading 2 |
+Column header 1 |
+Column header 2 |
diff --git a/pkg/renderer/sgml/xhtml5/xhtml5_test.go b/pkg/renderer/sgml/xhtml5/xhtml5_test.go
index f275710b..7026fe76 100644
--- a/pkg/renderer/sgml/xhtml5/xhtml5_test.go
+++ b/pkg/renderer/sgml/xhtml5/xhtml5_test.go
@@ -228,7 +228,7 @@ Image is not a picture of a life form.
== Resources
-*Project web site:* http://eve.example.org
+*Project web site:* http://eve.example.com
== Copying
@@ -303,7 +303,7 @@ Image is not a picture of a life form.
@@ -371,7 +371,7 @@ Image is not a picture of a life form.
== Resources
-*Project web site:* http://eve.example.org
+*Project web site:* http://eve.example.com
== Copying
@@ -430,7 +430,7 @@ Image is not a picture of a life form.
diff --git a/pkg/types/attributes.go b/pkg/types/attributes.go
index 5ba84be4..04c4c760 100644
--- a/pkg/types/attributes.go
+++ b/pkg/types/attributes.go
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ import (
+ "github.com/davecgh/go-spew/spew"
log "github.com/sirupsen/logrus"
@@ -235,7 +236,7 @@ func toAttributesWithMapping(attrs interface{}, mapping map[string]string) Attri
if v != nil && v != "" { // nil and empty values are discarded (ie, not mapped to target key)
// (a bit hack-ish) make sure that `roles` is an `[]interface{}` if it came from a positional (1) attribute
if source == AttrPositional1 && target == AttrRoles {
- v = []interface{}{v}
+ v = Roles{v}
// do not override if already exists
@@ -309,6 +310,7 @@ type PositionalAttribute struct {
// NewPositionalAttribute returns a new attribute who key is the position in the group
func NewPositionalAttribute(value interface{}) (*PositionalAttribute, error) {
+ // log.Debugf("new positional attribute: '%s'", value)
return &PositionalAttribute{
Value: value,
}, nil
@@ -319,11 +321,17 @@ func (a *PositionalAttribute) Key() string {
return AttrPositionalIndex + strconv.Itoa(a.Index)
+type Options []interface{} // more explicit than `[]interface{}`, and to bypass the `Reduce` func that would merge all roles into a single string :/
// NewOptionAttribute sets a boolean option.
-func NewOptionAttribute(options interface{}) (*Attribute, error) {
+func NewOptionAttribute(option interface{}) (*Attribute, error) {
+ option = Reduce(option)
+ if log.IsLevelEnabled(log.DebugLevel) {
+ log.Debugf("new option attribute: '%s'", spew.Sdump(option))
+ }
return &Attribute{
Key: AttrOption,
- Value: Reduce(options),
+ Value: option,
}, nil
@@ -341,7 +349,9 @@ func NewNamedAttribute(key string, value interface{}) (*Attribute, error) {
// NewTitleAttribute initializes a new attribute map with a single entry for the title using the given value
func NewTitleAttribute(title interface{}) (*Attribute, error) {
- // log.Debugf("initializing a new Title attribute with content=%v", title)
+ if log.IsLevelEnabled(log.DebugLevel) {
+ log.Debugf("initializing a new Title attribute with %s", spew.Sdump(title))
+ }
return &Attribute{
Key: AttrTitle,
Value: title,
@@ -351,12 +361,17 @@ func NewTitleAttribute(title interface{}) (*Attribute, error) {
// NewRoleAttribute initializes a new attribute map with a single entry for the title using the given value
func NewRoleAttribute(role interface{}) (*Attribute, error) {
role = Reduce(role)
+ if log.IsLevelEnabled(log.DebugLevel) {
+ log.Debugf("new role attribute: '%s'", spew.Sdump(role))
+ }
return &Attribute{
Key: AttrRole,
Value: role,
}, nil
+type Roles []interface{} // more explicit than `[]interface{}`, and to bypass the `Reduce` func that would merge all roles into a single string :/
// NewIDAttribute initializes a new attribute map with a single entry for the ID using the given value
func NewIDAttribute(id interface{}) (*Attribute, error) {
return &Attribute{
@@ -377,42 +392,42 @@ func (a Attributes) Set(key string, value interface{}) Attributes {
switch key {
case AttrRole:
- if roles, ok := a[AttrRoles].([]interface{}); ok {
+ if roles, ok := a[AttrRoles].(Roles); ok {
log.Debugf("appending role to existing ones: %v", value)
a[AttrRoles] = append(roles, value)
} else {
log.Debugf("setting first role: %v", value)
- a[AttrRoles] = []interface{}{value}
+ a[AttrRoles] = Roles{value}
case AttrRoles:
- if r, ok := value.([]interface{}); ok { // value should be an []interface{}
- if roles, ok := a[AttrRoles].([]interface{}); ok {
+ if r, ok := value.(Roles); ok {
+ if roles, ok := a[AttrRoles].(Roles); ok {
log.Debugf("appending role to existing ones: %v", value)
a[AttrRoles] = append(roles, r...)
} else {
log.Debugf("overridding roles: %v -> %v", a[AttrRoles], r)
- a[AttrRoles] = r
+ a[AttrRoles] = Roles(r)
case AttrOption: // move into `options`
- if options, ok := a[AttrOptions].([]interface{}); ok {
+ if options, ok := a[AttrOptions].(Options); ok {
a[AttrOptions] = append(options, value)
} else {
- a[AttrOptions] = []interface{}{value}
+ a[AttrOptions] = Options{value}
case AttrOptions: // make sure the value is wrapped into a []interface{}
switch v := value.(type) {
- case []interface{}:
+ case Options:
a[AttrOptions] = v
case string:
values := strings.Split(v, ",")
- options := make([]interface{}, len(values))
+ options := make(Options, len(values))
for i, v := range values {
options[i] = v
a[AttrOptions] = options
- a[AttrOptions] = []interface{}{value}
+ a[AttrOptions] = Options{value}
a[key] = value
@@ -456,7 +471,7 @@ func (a Attributes) Has(key string) bool {
// HasOption returns true if the option is set.
func (a Attributes) HasOption(key string) bool {
// in block attributes: search key in the `Options`
- if opts, ok := a[AttrOptions].([]interface{}); ok {
+ if opts, ok := a[AttrOptions].(Options); ok {
for _, opt := range opts {
if opt == key {
return true
diff --git a/pkg/types/non_alphanumeric_replacement_test.go b/pkg/types/non_alphanumeric_replacement_test.go
index f1af5a27..892c26ed 100644
--- a/pkg/types/non_alphanumeric_replacement_test.go
+++ b/pkg/types/non_alphanumeric_replacement_test.go
@@ -66,11 +66,7 @@ var _ = Describe("normalizing string", func() {
Attributes: types.Attributes{},
Location: &types.Location{
Scheme: "https://",
- Path: []interface{}{
- &types.StringElement{
- Content: "foo.bar",
- },
- },
+ Path: "foo.bar",
diff --git a/pkg/types/types.go b/pkg/types/types.go
index 23d37dfc..f325a1ad 100644
--- a/pkg/types/types.go
+++ b/pkg/types/types.go
@@ -28,8 +28,8 @@ type RawText interface {
RawText() (string, error)
-// BlockWithAttributes base interface for types on which attributes can be substituted
-type BlockWithAttributes interface {
+// WithAttributes base interface for types on which attributes can be substituted
+type WithAttributes interface {
GetAttributes() Attributes
@@ -39,18 +39,25 @@ type WithElementAddition interface {
AddElement(interface{}) error
-type WithConditionalElementAddition interface {
+type WithConditionalElementAddition interface { // TODO: still needed?
CanAddElement(interface{}) bool
-type BlockWithElements interface {
- BlockWithAttributes
+type WithElements interface {
+ WithAttributes
GetElements() []interface{}
SetElements([]interface{}) error
-type BlockWithLocation interface {
- BlockWithAttributes
+type WithTitle interface {
+ WithAttributes
+ GetTitle() []interface{}
+ SetTitle([]interface{}) error
+type WithLocation interface {
+ WithAttributes
GetLocation() *Location
SetLocation(*Location) // TODO: unused?
@@ -268,7 +275,18 @@ func (h *DocumentHeader) Revision() *DocumentRevision {
return nil
-var _ BlockWithAttributes = &DocumentHeader{}
+var _ WithTitle = &DocumentHeader{}
+func (h *DocumentHeader) GetTitle() []interface{} {
+ return h.Title
+func (h *DocumentHeader) SetTitle(title []interface{}) error {
+ h.Title = title
+ return nil
+var _ WithAttributes = &DocumentHeader{}
func (h *DocumentHeader) GetAttributes() Attributes {
return h.Attributes
@@ -348,7 +366,6 @@ func (authors DocumentAuthors) Expand() Attributes {
result[key("email", i)] = author.Email
- // result = append(result, NewAttributeDeclaration(AttrAuthors, authors))
if log.IsLevelEnabled(log.DebugLevel) {
log.Debugf("authors: %s", spew.Sdump(result))
@@ -467,7 +484,7 @@ func NewDocumentRevision(revnumber, revdate, revremark interface{}) (*DocumentRe
if revremark, ok := revremark.(string); ok {
- // then we need to strip the heading ":" and spaces
+ // then we need to strip the leading ":" and spaces
remark = Apply(revremark,
func(s string) string {
return strings.TrimPrefix(s, ":")
@@ -550,8 +567,8 @@ func (a *AttributeReset) RawText() (string, error) {
return a.rawText, nil
-// AttributeSubstitution the type for AttributeSubstitution
-type AttributeSubstitution struct {
+// AttributeReference the type for AttributeReference
+type AttributeReference struct {
Name string
rawText string
@@ -564,22 +581,22 @@ func NewAttributeSubstitution(name, rawText string) (interface{}, error) {
rawText: rawText},
- return &AttributeSubstitution{
+ return &AttributeReference{
Name: name,
rawText: rawText},
-var _ RawText = &AttributeSubstitution{}
+var _ RawText = &AttributeReference{}
// RawText returns the raw text representation of this element as it was (supposedly) written in the source document
-func (s *AttributeSubstitution) RawText() (string, error) {
+func (s *AttributeReference) RawText() (string, error) {
return s.rawText, nil
// PredefinedAttribute a special kind of attribute substitution, which
// uses a predefined attribute
-type PredefinedAttribute AttributeSubstitution
+type PredefinedAttribute AttributeReference
// CounterSubstitution is a counter, that may increment when it is substituted.
// If Increment is set, then it will increment before being expanded.
@@ -591,11 +608,11 @@ type CounterSubstitution struct {
// NewCounterSubstitution returns a counter substitution.
-func NewCounterSubstitution(name string, hidden bool, val interface{}, rawText string) (CounterSubstitution, error) {
+func NewCounterSubstitution(name string, hidden bool, val interface{}, rawText string) (*CounterSubstitution, error) {
if v, ok := val.(string); ok {
val = rune(v[0])
- return CounterSubstitution{
+ return &CounterSubstitution{
Name: name,
Hidden: hidden,
Value: val,
@@ -663,7 +680,7 @@ func NewYamlFrontMatter(content string) (*FrontMatter, error) {
// ListElement a list item
type ListElement interface { // TODO: convert to struct and use as composant in OrderedListElement, etc.
- BlockWithElements
+ WithElements
LastElement() interface{}
ListKind() ListKind
@@ -701,6 +718,41 @@ type List struct {
var _ WithConditionalElementAddition = &List{}
+var _ WithElements = &List{}
+func (l *List) GetAttributes() Attributes {
+ return l.Attributes
+func (l *List) AddAttributes(attrs Attributes) {
+ l.Attributes.AddAll(attrs)
+func (l *List) SetAttributes(attrs Attributes) {
+ l.Attributes.SetAll(attrs)
+func (l *List) GetElements() []interface{} {
+ elements := make([]interface{}, len(l.Elements))
+ for i, e := range l.Elements {
+ elements[i] = e
+ }
+ return elements
+func (l *List) SetElements(elements []interface{}) error {
+ elmts := make([]ListElement, len(elements))
+ for i, e := range elements {
+ if e, ok := e.(ListElement); ok {
+ elmts[i] = e
+ continue
+ }
+ return fmt.Errorf("unexpected type of list element: '%T'", e)
+ }
+ l.Elements = elmts
+ return nil
// CanAddElement checks if the given element can be added
func (l *List) CanAddElement(element interface{}) bool {
switch e := element.(type) {
@@ -773,7 +825,7 @@ func NewListElements(elements []interface{}) (*ListElements, error) {
switch e := e.(type) {
case Attributes:
attrs = attrs.AddAll(e)
- case BlockWithAttributes:
+ case WithAttributes:
if attrs != nil {
attrs = nil
@@ -810,7 +862,7 @@ func NewListElements(elements []interface{}) (*ListElements, error) {
return result, nil
-var _ BlockWithElements = &ListElements{}
+var _ WithElements = &ListElements{}
func (l *ListElements) GetAttributes() Attributes {
return nil // unused
@@ -1126,7 +1178,7 @@ func (e *OrderedListElement) AddElement(element interface{}) error {
return addToListElement(e, element)
-var _ BlockWithAttributes = &OrderedListElement{}
+var _ WithAttributes = &OrderedListElement{}
// GetAttributes returns this list item's attributes
func (e *OrderedListElement) GetAttributes() Attributes {
@@ -1292,7 +1344,7 @@ func (e *UnorderedListElement) SetElements(elements []interface{}) error {
return nil
-var _ BlockWithAttributes = &UnorderedListElement{}
+var _ WithAttributes = &UnorderedListElement{}
// GetAttributes returns this list item's attributes
func (e *UnorderedListElement) GetAttributes() Attributes {
@@ -1525,7 +1577,7 @@ func (e *LabeledListElement) SetElements(elements []interface{}) error {
return nil
-var _ BlockWithAttributes = &LabeledListElement{}
+var _ WithAttributes = &LabeledListElement{}
// GetAttributes returns this list item's attributes
func (e *LabeledListElement) GetAttributes() Attributes {
@@ -1587,31 +1639,37 @@ const DocumentAttrHardBreaks = "hardbreaks"
// NewParagraph initializes a new `Paragraph`
func NewParagraph(elements ...interface{}) (*Paragraph, error) {
// log.Debugf("new paragraph with attributes: '%v'", attributes)
+ for i, l := range elements {
+ if l, ok := l.(RawLine); ok {
+ // add `\n` unless the we're on the last element
+ if i < len(elements)-1 {
+ elements[i] = RawLine(l + "\n")
+ }
+ }
+ }
return &Paragraph{
Elements: elements,
}, nil
func NewAdmonitionParagraph(kind string, elements []interface{}) (*Paragraph, error) {
- return &Paragraph{
- Attributes: Attributes{
- AttrStyle: kind,
- },
- Elements: elements,
- }, nil
+ p, _ := NewParagraph(elements...)
+ p.Attributes = Attributes{
+ AttrStyle: kind,
+ }
+ return p, nil
func NewLiteralParagraph(kind string, elements []interface{}) (*Paragraph, error) {
- return &Paragraph{
- Attributes: Attributes{
- AttrStyle: Literal,
- AttrLiteralBlockType: kind,
- },
- Elements: elements,
- }, nil
+ p, _ := NewParagraph(elements...)
+ p.Attributes = Attributes{
+ AttrStyle: Literal,
+ AttrLiteralBlockType: kind,
+ }
+ return p, nil
-var _ BlockWithElements = &Paragraph{}
+var _ WithElements = &Paragraph{}
// GetElements returns this paragraph's elements (or lines)
func (p *Paragraph) GetElements() []interface{} {
@@ -1627,11 +1685,14 @@ func (p *Paragraph) SetElements(elements []interface{}) error {
var _ WithElementAddition = &Paragraph{}
func (p *Paragraph) AddElement(e interface{}) error {
+ if r, ok := p.Elements[len(p.Elements)-1].(RawLine); ok {
+ p.Elements[len(p.Elements)-1] = RawLine(r + "\n")
+ }
p.Elements = append(p.Elements, e)
return nil
-var _ BlockWithAttributes = &Paragraph{}
+var _ WithAttributes = &Paragraph{}
// GetAttributes returns the attributes of this paragraph so that substitutions can be applied onto them
func (p *Paragraph) GetAttributes() Attributes {
@@ -1769,7 +1830,7 @@ func NewExternalCrossReference(location *Location, attributes interface{}) (*Ext
}, nil
-var _ BlockWithLocation = &ExternalCrossReference{}
+var _ WithLocation = &ExternalCrossReference{}
func (x *ExternalCrossReference) GetLocation() *Location {
return x.Location
@@ -1820,7 +1881,7 @@ func NewImageBlock(location *Location, inlineAttributes Attributes) (*ImageBlock
}, nil
-var _ BlockWithAttributes = &ImageBlock{}
+var _ WithAttributes = &ImageBlock{}
// GetAttributes returns this list item's attributes
func (i *ImageBlock) GetAttributes() Attributes {
@@ -1837,7 +1898,7 @@ func (i *ImageBlock) SetAttributes(attributes Attributes) {
i.Attributes = attributes
-var _ BlockWithLocation = &ImageBlock{}
+var _ WithLocation = &ImageBlock{}
func (i *ImageBlock) GetLocation() *Location {
return i.Location
@@ -1854,8 +1915,7 @@ type InlineImage struct {
// NewInlineImage initializes a new `InlineImage` (similar to ImageBlock, but without attributes)
-func NewInlineImage(location *Location, attributes interface{}, imagesdir interface{}) (*InlineImage, error) {
- location.SetPathPrefix(imagesdir)
+func NewInlineImage(location *Location, attributes interface{}) (*InlineImage, error) {
attrs := toAttributesWithMapping(attributes, map[string]string{
AttrPositional1: AttrImageAlt,
AttrPositional2: AttrWidth,
@@ -1867,7 +1927,7 @@ func NewInlineImage(location *Location, attributes interface{}, imagesdir interf
}, nil
-var _ BlockWithAttributes = &InlineImage{}
+var _ WithAttributes = &InlineImage{}
// GetAttributes returns this inline image's attributes
func (i *InlineImage) GetAttributes() Attributes {
@@ -1884,7 +1944,7 @@ func (i *InlineImage) SetAttributes(attributes Attributes) {
i.Attributes = attributes
-var _ BlockWithLocation = &InlineImage{}
+var _ WithLocation = &InlineImage{}
func (i *InlineImage) GetLocation() *Location {
return i.Location
@@ -2080,13 +2140,21 @@ type DelimitedBlock struct {
func NewDelimitedBlock(kind string, elements []interface{}) (*DelimitedBlock, error) {
+ for i, l := range elements {
+ if l, ok := l.(RawLine); ok {
+ // add `\n` unless the we're on the last element
+ if i < len(elements)-1 {
+ elements[i] = RawLine(l + "\n")
+ }
+ }
+ }
return &DelimitedBlock{
Kind: kind,
Elements: elements,
}, nil
-var _ BlockWithElements = &DelimitedBlock{}
+var _ WithElements = &DelimitedBlock{}
// GetElements returns this paragraph's elements (or lines)
func (b *DelimitedBlock) GetElements() []interface{} {
@@ -2099,20 +2167,20 @@ func (b *DelimitedBlock) SetElements(elements []interface{}) error {
switch b.Kind {
case Listing, Literal:
// preserve space but discard empty lines
- log.Debugf("discarding heading crlf on elements in block of kind '%s'", b.Kind)
- // discard heading spaces and CR/LF
+ // log.Debugf("discarding leading crlf on elements in block of kind '%s'", b.Kind)
+ // discard leading spaces and CR/LF
if s, ok := elements[0].(*StringElement); ok {
s.Content = strings.TrimLeft(s.Content, "\r\n")
- log.Debugf("discarding heading spaces+crlf on elements in block of kind '%s'", b.Kind)
- // discard heading spaces and CR/LF
+ // log.Debugf("discarding leading spaces+crlf on elements in block of kind '%s'", b.Kind)
+ // discard leading spaces and CR/LF
if s, ok := elements[0].(*StringElement); ok {
s.Content = strings.TrimLeft(s.Content, " \t\r\n")
// discard trailing spaces and CR/LF
- log.Debugf("discarding trailing spaces+crlf on elements in block of kind '%s'", b.Kind)
+ // log.Debugf("discarding trailing spaces+crlf on elements in block of kind '%s'", b.Kind)
if s, ok := elements[len(elements)-1].(*StringElement); ok {
s.Content = strings.TrimRight(s.Content, " \t\r\n")
@@ -2121,7 +2189,7 @@ func (b *DelimitedBlock) SetElements(elements []interface{}) error {
return nil
-var _ BlockWithAttributes = &DelimitedBlock{}
+var _ WithAttributes = &DelimitedBlock{}
// GetAttributes returns the attributes of this paragraph so that substitutions can be applied onto them
func (b *DelimitedBlock) GetAttributes() Attributes {
@@ -2236,15 +2304,15 @@ func NewSection(level int, title []interface{}) (*Section, error) {
}, nil
-var _ BlockWithElements = &Section{}
+var _ WithTitle = &Section{}
-// GetElements returns this section's title
-func (s *Section) GetElements() []interface{} {
+// GetTitle returns this section's title
+func (s *Section) GetTitle() []interface{} {
return s.Title
-// SetElements sets this section's title
-func (s *Section) SetElements(title []interface{}) error {
+// SetTitle sets this section's title
+func (s *Section) SetTitle(title []interface{}) error {
// inline ID attribute foud at the end is *moved* at the attributes level of the section
if id, ok := title[len(title)-1].(*Attribute); ok {
sectionID := stringify(id.Value)
@@ -2558,7 +2626,7 @@ func toRawText(elements []interface{}) (string, error) {
return result.String(), nil
-var _ BlockWithElements = &QuotedText{}
+var _ WithElements = &QuotedText{}
// GetElements returns this QuotedText's elements
func (t *QuotedText) GetElements() []interface{} {
@@ -2571,7 +2639,7 @@ func (t *QuotedText) SetElements(elements []interface{}) error {
return nil
-var _ BlockWithAttributes = &QuotedText{}
+var _ WithAttributes = &QuotedText{}
// GetAttributes returns the attributes of this QuotedText
func (t *QuotedText) GetAttributes() Attributes {
@@ -2745,7 +2813,7 @@ func NewInlineLink(url *Location, attributes interface{}) (*InlineLink, error) {
}, nil
-var _ BlockWithAttributes = &InlineLink{}
+var _ WithAttributes = &InlineLink{}
// GetAttributes returns this link's attributes
func (l *InlineLink) GetAttributes() Attributes {
@@ -2761,7 +2829,7 @@ func (l *InlineLink) SetAttributes(attributes Attributes) {
l.Attributes = attributes
-var _ BlockWithLocation = &InlineLink{}
+var _ WithLocation = &InlineLink{}
func (l *InlineLink) GetLocation() *Location {
return l.Location
@@ -2867,7 +2935,7 @@ func (c *IfevalCondition) Eval(attributes map[string]interface{}) bool {
func (c *IfevalCondition) left(attributes map[string]interface{}) interface{} {
- if s, ok := c.Left.(*AttributeSubstitution); ok {
+ if s, ok := c.Left.(*AttributeReference); ok {
if v, found := attributes[s.Name]; found {
return v
@@ -2876,7 +2944,7 @@ func (c *IfevalCondition) left(attributes map[string]interface{}) interface{} {
func (c *IfevalCondition) right(attributes map[string]interface{}) interface{} {
- if s, ok := c.Right.(*AttributeSubstitution); ok {
+ if s, ok := c.Right.(*AttributeReference); ok {
if v, found := attributes[s.Name]; found {
return v
@@ -3094,7 +3162,7 @@ func NewFileInclusion(location *Location, attributes interface{}, rawtext string
}, nil
-var _ BlockWithLocation = &FileInclusion{}
+var _ WithLocation = &FileInclusion{}
func (f *FileInclusion) GetLocation() *Location {
return f.Location
@@ -3365,12 +3433,11 @@ func NewIncludedFileEndTag(tag string) (IncludedFileEndTag, error) {
// Location a Location contains characters and optionaly, document attributes
type Location struct {
Scheme string
- Path []interface{}
+ Path interface{}
// NewLocation return a new location with the given elements
func NewLocation(scheme interface{}, path []interface{}) (*Location, error) {
- path = merge(path)
// log.Debugf("new location: scheme='%v' path='%+v", scheme, path)
s := ""
if scheme, ok := scheme.([]byte); ok {
@@ -3378,17 +3445,24 @@ func NewLocation(scheme interface{}, path []interface{}) (*Location, error) {
return &Location{
Scheme: s,
- Path: path,
+ Path: Reduce(path),
}, nil
-func (l *Location) SetPath(elements []interface{}) {
- l.Path = merge(elements)
+func (l *Location) SetPath(path interface{}) {
+ p := Reduce(path)
+ if log.IsLevelEnabled(log.DebugLevel) {
+ log.Debugf("setting path in location: %v", p)
+ }
+ l.Path = p
// SetPathPrefix adds the given prefix to the path if this latter is NOT an absolute
// path and if there is no defined scheme
func (l *Location) SetPathPrefix(p interface{}) {
+ if log.IsLevelEnabled(log.DebugLevel) {
+ log.Debugf("setting path with prefix: '%s' + '%s'", p, spew.Sdump(l.Path))
+ }
if p, ok := p.(string); ok && p != "" {
if !strings.HasSuffix(p, "/") {
p = p + "/"
@@ -3396,14 +3470,14 @@ func (l *Location) SetPathPrefix(p interface{}) {
if l.Scheme == "" && !strings.HasPrefix(l.Stringify(), "/") {
if u, err := url.Parse(l.Stringify()); err == nil {
if !u.IsAbs() {
- l.Path = merge(p, l.Path)
+ l.SetPath(merge(p, l.Path))
- // if log.IsLevelEnabled(log.DebugLevel) {
- // log.Debugf("set path with prefix: '%s'", spew.Sdump(l.Path...))
- // }
+ if log.IsLevelEnabled(log.DebugLevel) {
+ log.Debugf("set path with prefix: '%s'", spew.Sdump(l.Path))
+ }
// Stringify returns a string representation of the location
@@ -3527,6 +3601,8 @@ func NewTable(header interface{}, elements []interface{}) (*Table, error) {
return t, nil
+var _ WithElements = &Table{}
// return the optional header line and the cell lines
func (t *Table) GetElements() []interface{} {
rows := make([]interface{}, len(t.Rows))
@@ -3554,7 +3630,7 @@ func (t *Table) SetElements(elements []interface{}) error {
return nil
-var _ BlockWithAttributes = &Table{}
+var _ WithAttributes = &Table{}
func (t *Table) GetAttributes() Attributes {
return t.Attributes
@@ -3750,7 +3826,7 @@ func NewTableRow(elements []interface{}) (*TableRow, error) {
}, nil
-var _ BlockWithElements = &TableRow{}
+var _ WithElements = &TableRow{}
func (r *TableRow) GetAttributes() Attributes {
return nil
@@ -3797,7 +3873,7 @@ func NewTableCell(content RawContent) (*TableCell, error) {
}, nil
-var _ BlockWithElements = &TableCell{}
+var _ WithElements = &TableCell{}
func (c *TableCell) GetAttributes() Attributes {
return nil
diff --git a/pkg/types/types_test.go b/pkg/types/types_test.go
index 0b970cfe..0976ad7d 100644
--- a/pkg/types/types_test.go
+++ b/pkg/types/types_test.go
@@ -513,11 +513,7 @@ var _ = Describe("section id resolution", func() {
Location: &types.Location{
Scheme: "https://",
- Path: []interface{}{
- &types.StringElement{
- Content: "foo.com",
- },
- },
+ Path: "foo.com",
@@ -585,11 +581,7 @@ var _ = Describe("section id resolution", func() {
Location: &types.Location{
Scheme: "https://",
- Path: []interface{}{
- &types.StringElement{
- Content: "foo.com",
- },
- },
+ Path: "foo.com",
@@ -648,11 +640,7 @@ var _ = Describe("section id resolution", func() {
Location: &types.Location{
Scheme: "https://",
- Path: []interface{}{
- &types.StringElement{
- Content: "foo.com",
- },
- },
+ Path: "foo.com",
diff --git a/pkg/types/types_utils.go b/pkg/types/types_utils.go
index 1b30d828..6d86f370 100644
--- a/pkg/types/types_utils.go
+++ b/pkg/types/types_utils.go
@@ -145,7 +145,7 @@ func stringify(element interface{}) string {
return element.Content
case *SpecialCharacter:
return element.Name
- case *AttributeSubstitution: // TODO: should never happen?
+ case *AttributeReference: // TODO: should never happen?
return "{" + element.Name + "}"
return fmt.Sprintf("%v", element) // "best-effort" here
diff --git a/testsupport/document_matcher.go b/testsupport/document_matcher.go
index 4103e75a..7ddaeb30 100644
--- a/testsupport/document_matcher.go
+++ b/testsupport/document_matcher.go
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ var opts = []cmp.Option{cmpopts.IgnoreUnexported(
- types.AttributeSubstitution{},
+ types.AttributeReference{},
diff --git a/testsupport/html5_matcher.go b/testsupport/html5_matcher.go
index aad21a68..4fb1c0f3 100644
--- a/testsupport/html5_matcher.go
+++ b/testsupport/html5_matcher.go
@@ -27,8 +27,8 @@ func (m *htmlMatcher) Match(actual interface{}) (success bool, err error) {
return false, errors.Errorf("MatchHTML matcher expects a string (actual: %T)", actual)
if m.expected != actual {
- GinkgoT().Logf("actual HTML:\n%s", actual)
- GinkgoT().Logf("expected HTML:\n%s", m.expected)
+ GinkgoT().Logf("actual HTML:\n'%s'", actual)
+ GinkgoT().Logf("expected HTML:\n'%s'", m.expected)
dmp := diffmatchpatch.New()
diffs := dmp.DiffMain(actual.(string), m.expected, true)
m.diffs = dmp.DiffPrettyText(diffs)
diff --git a/testsupport/parse_document.go b/testsupport/parse_document.go
index 0d935c29..c7dcb6a6 100644
--- a/testsupport/parse_document.go
+++ b/testsupport/parse_document.go
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ func ParseDocument(actual string, options ...interface{}) (*types.Document, erro
return nil, err
if log.IsLevelEnabled(log.DebugLevel) {
- log.Debugf("preparsed document:\n'%s'", p)
+ log.Debugf("preparsed document:\n%s", p)
return parser.ParseDocument(strings.NewReader(p), c, opts...)
diff --git a/testsupport/preparse_document.go b/testsupport/preparse_document.go
index bce8c37c..4d97a336 100644
--- a/testsupport/preparse_document.go
+++ b/testsupport/preparse_document.go
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ func PreparseDocument(source string, options ...interface{}) (string, error) {
result, err := parser.Preprocess(strings.NewReader(source), configuration.NewConfiguration(settings...), opts...)
if log.IsLevelEnabled(log.DebugLevel) && err == nil {
- log.Debugf("preparsed document:\n'%s'", result)
+ log.Debugf("preparsed document:\n%s", result)
return result, err