Section A
Section A
a paragraph with bold content
Last updated {{.LastUpdated}}
@@ -201,16 +199,14 @@ func verifyCompleteDocument(t GinkgoTInterface, expectedContent, source string)
t.Logf("processing '%s'", source)
sourceReader := strings.NewReader(source)
resultWriter := bytes.NewBuffer(nil)
- options := renderer.Options{}
- options[renderer.LastUpdated] = time.Now()
- err := ConvertToHTML(context.Background(), sourceReader, resultWriter, options)
+ lastUpdated := time.Now()
+ err := ConvertToHTML(context.Background(), sourceReader, resultWriter, renderer.LastUpdated(lastUpdated))
require.Nil(t, err, "Error found while parsing the document")
t.Log("Done processing document")
- result := string(resultWriter.Bytes())
+ result := resultWriter.String()
t.Logf("** Actual output:\n`%s`\n", result)
- lastUpdated, err := options.LastUpdated()
require.Nil(t, err)
- expectedContent = strings.Replace(expectedContent, "{{.LastUpdated}}", *lastUpdated, 1)
+ expectedContent = strings.Replace(expectedContent, "{{.LastUpdated}}", lastUpdated.Format(renderer.LastUpdatedFormat), 1)
t.Logf("** expectedContent output:\n`%s`\n", expectedContent)
assert.Equal(t, expectedContent, result)
diff --git a/parser/asciidoc-grammar.peg b/parser/asciidoc-grammar.peg
index 4e437649..935d1032 100644
--- a/parser/asciidoc-grammar.peg
+++ b/parser/asciidoc-grammar.peg
@@ -13,18 +13,19 @@ import "github.com/bytesparadise/libasciidoc/types"
// Document
// ------------------------------------------
-Document <- frontmatter:(FrontMatter?) blocks:(DocumentBlock*) EOF {
- if frontmatter != nil {
- return types.NewDocument(frontmatter.(*types.FrontMatter), blocks.([]interface{}))
- }
- return types.NewDocument(nil, blocks.([]interface{}))
+Document <- frontMatter:(FrontMatter?) documentHeader:(DocumentHeader?) blocks:(DocumentBlocks) EOF {
+ return types.NewDocument(frontMatter, documentHeader, blocks.([]interface{}))
-DocumentBlock <- content:(Section / StandaloneBlock) {
- return content.(types.DocElement), nil
+DocumentBlocks <- content:(Preamble Section+) / content:(StandaloneBlock*) {
+ return content, nil
-StandaloneBlock <- DocumentAttributeDeclaration / DocumentAttributeReset / List / BlockImage / LiteralBlock / DelimitedBlock / Paragraph / ElementAttribute / BlankLine //TODO: should Paragraph be the last type ?
+StandaloneBlock <- DocumentAttributeDeclaration / DocumentAttributeReset / List / BlockImage / LiteralBlock / DelimitedBlock / Paragraph / (ElementAttribute EOL) / BlankLine //TODO: should Paragraph be the last type ?
+Preamble <- elements:(StandaloneBlock*) {
+ return types.NewPreamble(elements.([]interface{}))
// ------------------------------------------
// Front Matter
@@ -38,120 +39,151 @@ FrontMatter <- YamlFrontMatterToken content:(!YamlFrontMatterToken .)* YamlFront
YamlFrontMatterToken <- "---" EOL
// ------------------------------------------
-// Sections
+// Document Header
// ------------------------------------------
-Section <- Section1 / Section2 / Section3 / Section4 / Section5 / Section6
-Section1 <- heading:(Heading1) elements:(Section1Block*) {
- return types.NewSection(heading.(*types.Heading), elements.([]interface{}))
+// TODO: include main title | subtitle with support for custom separator
+DocumentHeader <- header:(DocumentTitle) authors:(DocumentAuthors?) revision:(DocumentRevision?) otherAttributes:(DocumentAttributeDeclaration*){
+ return types.NewDocumentHeader(header, authors, revision, otherAttributes.([]interface{}))
-Section1Block <- content:(Section2 / Section3 / Section4 / Section5 / Section6 / StandaloneBlock) {
- return content.(types.DocElement), nil
+DocumentTitle <- attributes:(ElementAttribute)* level:("=") WS+ content:InlineContent EOL {
+ return types.NewSectionTitle(content.(*types.InlineContent), attributes.([]interface{}))
-Section2 <- heading:(Heading2) elements:(Section2Block*) {
- return types.NewSection(heading.(*types.Heading), elements.([]interface{}))
+DocumentAuthors <- DocumentAuthorsInlineForm / DocumentAuthorsAttributeForm
-Section2Block <- !Section1 !Section2 content:(Section3 / Section4 / Section5 / Section6 / StandaloneBlock) {
- return content.(types.DocElement), nil
+DocumentAuthorsInlineForm <- WS* !":" authors:(DocumentAuthor+) EOL {
+ return types.NewDocumentAuthors(authors.([]interface{}))
-Section3 <- heading:(Heading3) elements:(Section3Block*) &(Section3)* {
- return types.NewSection(heading.(*types.Heading), elements.([]interface{}))
+DocumentAuthorsAttributeForm <- WS* ":author:" author:(DocumentAuthor) {
+ return []*types.DocumentAuthor{author.(*types.DocumentAuthor)}, nil
-Section3Block <- !Section1 !Section2 !Section3 content:(Section4 / Section5 / Section6 / StandaloneBlock) {
- return content.(types.DocElement), nil
+DocumentAuthor <- WS* namePart1:(DocumentAuthorNamePart) namePart2:(DocumentAuthorNamePart)? namePart3:(DocumentAuthorNamePart)? email:(DocumentAuthorEmail)? WS* ";"? WS*{
+ return types.NewDocumentAuthor(namePart1, namePart2, namePart3, email)
+// "<" marks the beginning of the author email, and ";" is the authors separator
+DocumentAuthorNamePart <- !"<" !";" Word WS*
-Section4 <- heading:(Heading4) elements:(Section4Block*) {
- return types.NewSection(heading.(*types.Heading), elements.([]interface{}))
+DocumentAuthorEmail <- "<" email:(!">" !EOL .)+ ">"
+// see http://asciidoctor.org/docs/user-manual/#revision-number-date-and-remark
+// Eg: "v1.0, October 2, 2013: First incarnation"
+DocumentRevision <- WS* !":" revnumber:(DocumentRevisionNumber)? ","? revdate:(DocumentRevisionDate)? ":"? revremark:(DocumentRevisionRemark)? EOL {
+ return types.NewDocumentRevision(revnumber, revdate, revremark)
-Section4Block <- !Section1 !Section2 !Section3 !Section4 content:(Section5 / Section6 / StandaloneBlock) {
- return content.(types.DocElement), nil
+// DocumentRevisionNumber MUST start with a `v` or MAY start with a `v` but MUST end with a `,`
+DocumentRevisionNumber <- "v"i DIGIT (!EOL !"," !":" .)* / "v"i? DIGIT (!EOL !"," !":" .)* WS* &","
+DocumentRevisionDate <- (!EOL !":" .)*
+DocumentRevisionRemark <- (!EOL .)*
+// ------------------------------------------
+// Document Attributes
+// ------------------------------------------
+DocumentAttributeDeclaration <- DocumentAttributeDeclarationWithNameOnly / DocumentAttributeDeclarationWithNameAndValue
+DocumentAttributeDeclarationWithNameOnly <- ":" name:(AttributeName) ":" WS* EOL {
+ return types.NewDocumentAttributeDeclaration(name.([]interface{}), nil)
-Section5 <- heading:(Heading5) elements:(Section5Block*) {
- return types.NewSection(heading.(*types.Heading), elements.([]interface{}))
+DocumentAttributeDeclarationWithNameAndValue <- ":" name:(AttributeName) ":" WS+ value:(!NEWLINE .)* EOL {
+ return types.NewDocumentAttributeDeclaration(name.([]interface{}), value.([]interface{}))
-Section5Block <- !Section1 !Section2 !Section3 !Section4 !Section5 content:(Section6 / StandaloneBlock) {
- return content.(types.DocElement), nil
+DocumentAttributeReset <- DocumentAttributeResetWithSectionTitleBangSymbol / DocumentAttributeResetWithTrailingBangSymbol
+DocumentAttributeResetWithSectionTitleBangSymbol <- ":!" name:(AttributeName) ":" WS* EOL {
+ return types.NewDocumentAttributeReset(name.([]interface{}))
-Section6 <- heading:(Heading6) elements:(Section6Block*) {
- return types.NewSection(heading.(*types.Heading), elements.([]interface{}))
+DocumentAttributeResetWithTrailingBangSymbol <- ":" name:(AttributeName) "!:" WS* EOL {
+ return types.NewDocumentAttributeReset(name.([]interface{}))
-Section6Block <- !Section1 !Section2 !Section3 !Section4 !Section5 !Section6 content:(StandaloneBlock) {
- return content.(types.DocElement), nil
+DocumentAttributeSubstitution <- "{" name:(AttributeName) "}" {
+ return types.NewDocumentAttributeSubstitution(name.([]interface{}))
+// AttributeName must be at least one character long,
+// must begin with a word character (A-Z, a-z, 0-9 or _) and
+// must only contain word characters and hyphens ('-').
+AttributeName <- ([A-Z] / [a-z] / [0-9] / "_") ([A-Z] / [a-z] / [0-9] / "-")*
// ------------------------------------------
-// Headings
+// Sections
// ------------------------------------------
-Heading <- Heading1 / Heading2 / Heading3 / Heading4 / Heading5 / Heading6
+Section <- Section1 / Section2 / Section3 / Section4 / Section5
-Heading1 <- attributes:(ElementAttribute)* level:("=") WS+ content:InlineContent (BlankLine? / EOF) { //TODO: replace `(BlankLine? / EOF)` with `EOL` to allow for immediate attributes or any other content ?
- return types.NewHeading(1, content.(*types.InlineContent), attributes.([]interface{}))
+Section1 <- header:(Section1Title) elements:(Section1Block*) {
+ return types.NewSection(1, header.(*types.SectionTitle), elements.([]interface{}))
-Heading2 <- attributes:(ElementAttribute)* level:("==") WS+ content:InlineContent (BlankLine? / EOF) {
- return types.NewHeading(2, content.(*types.InlineContent), attributes.([]interface{}))
+Section1Block <- !Section1 content:(Section2 / Section3 / Section4 / Section5 / StandaloneBlock) {
+ return content.(types.DocElement), nil
-Heading3 <- attributes:(ElementAttribute)* level:("===") WS+ content:InlineContent (BlankLine? / EOF) {
- return types.NewHeading(3, content.(*types.InlineContent), attributes.([]interface{}))
+Section2 <- header:(Section2Title) elements:(Section2Block*) &(Section2)* {
+ return types.NewSection(2, header.(*types.SectionTitle), elements.([]interface{}))
-Heading4 <- attributes:(ElementAttribute)* level:("====") WS+ content:InlineContent (BlankLine? / EOF) {
- return types.NewHeading(4, content.(*types.InlineContent), attributes.([]interface{}))
+Section2Block <- !Section1 !Section2 content:(Section3 / Section4 / Section5 / StandaloneBlock) {
+ return content.(types.DocElement), nil
-Heading5 <- attributes:(ElementAttribute)* level:("=====") WS+ content:InlineContent (BlankLine? / EOF) {
- return types.NewHeading(5, content.(*types.InlineContent), attributes.([]interface{}))
+Section3 <- header:(Section3Title) elements:(Section3Block*) {
+ return types.NewSection(3, header.(*types.SectionTitle), elements.([]interface{}))
-Heading6 <- attributes:(ElementAttribute)* level:("======") WS+ content:InlineContent (BlankLine? / EOF) {
- return types.NewHeading(6, content.(*types.InlineContent), attributes.([]interface{}))
+Section3Block <- !Section1 !Section2 !Section3 content:(Section4 / Section5 / StandaloneBlock) {
+ return content.(types.DocElement), nil
+Section4 <- header:(Section4Title) elements:(Section4Block*) {
+ return types.NewSection(4, header.(*types.SectionTitle), elements.([]interface{}))
-// ------------------------------------------
-// Document Attributes
-// ------------------------------------------
-DocumentAttributeDeclaration <- DocumentAttributeDeclarationWithNameOnly / DocumentAttributeDeclarationWithNameAndValue
+Section4Block <- !Section1 !Section2 !Section3 !Section4 content:(Section5 / StandaloneBlock) {
+ return content.(types.DocElement), nil
-DocumentAttributeDeclarationWithNameOnly <- ":" name:(AttributeName) ":" WS* EOL {
- return types.NewDocumentAttributeDeclaration(name.([]interface{}), nil)
+Section5 <- header:(Section5Title) elements:(Section5Block*) {
+ return types.NewSection(5, header.(*types.SectionTitle), elements.([]interface{}))
-DocumentAttributeDeclarationWithNameAndValue <- ":" name:(AttributeName) ":" WS+ value:(!NEWLINE .)* EOL {
- return types.NewDocumentAttributeDeclaration(name.([]interface{}), value.([]interface{}))
+Section5Block <- !Section1 !Section2 !Section3 !Section4 !Section5 content:(StandaloneBlock) {
+ return content.(types.DocElement), nil
-DocumentAttributeReset <- DocumentAttributeResetWithHeadingBangSymbol / DocumentAttributeResetWithTrailingBangSymbol
+// ------------------------------------------
+// Section Titles
+// ------------------------------------------
-DocumentAttributeResetWithHeadingBangSymbol <- ":!" name:(AttributeName) ":" WS* EOL {
- return types.NewDocumentAttributeReset(name.([]interface{}))
+SectionTitle <- Section1Title / Section2Title / Section3Title / Section4Title / Section5Title
+Section1Title <- attributes:(ElementAttribute)* level:("==") WS+ content:InlineContent EOL (BlankLine? / EOF) {
+ return types.NewSectionTitle(content.(*types.InlineContent), attributes.([]interface{}))
-DocumentAttributeResetWithTrailingBangSymbol <- ":" name:(AttributeName) "!:" WS* EOL {
- return types.NewDocumentAttributeReset(name.([]interface{}))
+Section2Title <- attributes:(ElementAttribute)* level:("===") WS+ content:InlineContent EOL (BlankLine? / EOF) {
+ return types.NewSectionTitle(content.(*types.InlineContent), attributes.([]interface{}))
+Section3Title <- attributes:(ElementAttribute)* level:("====") WS+ content:InlineContent EOL (BlankLine? / EOF) {
+ return types.NewSectionTitle(content.(*types.InlineContent), attributes.([]interface{}))
-DocumentAttributeSubstitution <- "{" name:(AttributeName) "}" {
- return types.NewDocumentAttributeSubstitution(name.([]interface{}))
+Section4Title <- attributes:(ElementAttribute)* level:("=====") WS+ content:InlineContent EOL (BlankLine? / EOF) {
+ return types.NewSectionTitle(content.(*types.InlineContent), attributes.([]interface{}))
-// AttributeName must be at least one character long,
-// must begin with a word character (A-Z, a-z, 0-9 or _) and
-// must only contain word characters and hyphens ('-').
-AttributeName <- ([A-Z] / [a-z] / [0-9] / "_") ([A-Z] / [a-z] / [0-9] / "-")*
+Section5Title <- attributes:(ElementAttribute)* level:("======") WS+ content:InlineContent EOL (BlankLine? / EOF) {
+ return types.NewSectionTitle(content.(*types.InlineContent), attributes.([]interface{}))
// ------------------------------------------
// List Items
@@ -166,20 +198,21 @@ ListItem <- WS* level:('*'+ / '-') WS+ content:(ListItemContent) {
return types.NewListItem(level, content.(*types.ListItemContent), nil)
-ListItemContent <- lines:(!(WS* ('*'+ / '-') WS+) InlineContent)+ {
+ListItemContent <- lines:(!(WS* ('*'+ / '-') WS+) InlineContent EOL)+ {
return types.NewListItemContent(c.text, lines.([]interface{}))
// ------------------------------------------
// Paragraphs
// ------------------------------------------
// a paragraph is a group of line ending with a blank line (or end of file)
-Paragraph <- attributes:(ElementAttribute)* lines:(InlineContent)+ {
+// a paragraph cannot start with the `section` sequence (`= `, `== `, etc.)
+Paragraph <- attributes:(ElementAttribute)* !("="+ WS+) lines:(InlineContent EOL)+ {
return types.NewParagraph(c.text, lines.([]interface{}), attributes.([]interface{}))
// an inline content element may start with and end with spaces,
// but it must contain at least an inline element (image, quoted text, external link, document attribute substitution, word, etc.)
-InlineContent <- !FencedBlockDelimiter elements:(WS* InlineElement WS*)+ EOL {
+InlineContent <- !FencedBlockDelimiter elements:(WS* InlineElement WS*)+ &EOL { // needs an 'EOL' but does not consume it here.
return types.NewInlineContent(c.text, elements.([]interface{}))
diff --git a/parser/asciidoc_parser.go b/parser/asciidoc_parser.go
index 6b350faf..a5a69f35 100644
--- a/parser/asciidoc_parser.go
+++ b/parser/asciidoc_parser.go
@@ -6,8 +6,10 @@ import (
+ "math"
+ "strconv"
@@ -32,7 +34,7 @@ var g = &grammar{
exprs: []interface{}{
pos: position{line: 16, col: 13, offset: 468},
- label: "frontmatter",
+ label: "frontMatter",
expr: &zeroOrOneExpr{
pos: position{line: 16, col: 26, offset: 481},
expr: &ruleRefExpr{
@@ -43,17 +45,25 @@ var g = &grammar{
pos: position{line: 16, col: 40, offset: 495},
- label: "blocks",
- expr: &zeroOrMoreExpr{
- pos: position{line: 16, col: 48, offset: 503},
+ label: "documentHeader",
+ expr: &zeroOrOneExpr{
+ pos: position{line: 16, col: 56, offset: 511},
expr: &ruleRefExpr{
- pos: position{line: 16, col: 48, offset: 503},
- name: "DocumentBlock",
+ pos: position{line: 16, col: 56, offset: 511},
+ name: "DocumentHeader",
+ &labeledExpr{
+ pos: position{line: 16, col: 73, offset: 528},
+ label: "blocks",
+ expr: &ruleRefExpr{
+ pos: position{line: 16, col: 81, offset: 536},
+ name: "DocumentBlocks",
+ },
+ },
- pos: position{line: 16, col: 64, offset: 519},
+ pos: position{line: 16, col: 97, offset: 552},
name: "EOF",
@@ -61,24 +71,43 @@ var g = &grammar{
- name: "DocumentBlock",
- pos: position{line: 23, col: 1, offset: 705},
- expr: &actionExpr{
- pos: position{line: 23, col: 18, offset: 722},
- run: (*parser).callonDocumentBlock1,
- expr: &labeledExpr{
- pos: position{line: 23, col: 18, offset: 722},
- label: "content",
- expr: &choiceExpr{
- pos: position{line: 23, col: 27, offset: 731},
- alternatives: []interface{}{
- &ruleRefExpr{
- pos: position{line: 23, col: 27, offset: 731},
- name: "Section",
+ name: "DocumentBlocks",
+ pos: position{line: 20, col: 1, offset: 640},
+ expr: &choiceExpr{
+ pos: position{line: 20, col: 19, offset: 658},
+ alternatives: []interface{}{
+ &labeledExpr{
+ pos: position{line: 20, col: 19, offset: 658},
+ label: "content",
+ expr: &seqExpr{
+ pos: position{line: 20, col: 28, offset: 667},
+ exprs: []interface{}{
+ &ruleRefExpr{
+ pos: position{line: 20, col: 28, offset: 667},
+ name: "Preamble",
+ },
+ &oneOrMoreExpr{
+ pos: position{line: 20, col: 37, offset: 676},
+ expr: &ruleRefExpr{
+ pos: position{line: 20, col: 37, offset: 676},
+ name: "Section",
+ },
+ },
- &ruleRefExpr{
- pos: position{line: 23, col: 37, offset: 741},
- name: "StandaloneBlock",
+ },
+ },
+ &actionExpr{
+ pos: position{line: 20, col: 49, offset: 688},
+ run: (*parser).callonDocumentBlocks7,
+ expr: &labeledExpr{
+ pos: position{line: 20, col: 49, offset: 688},
+ label: "content",
+ expr: &zeroOrMoreExpr{
+ pos: position{line: 20, col: 58, offset: 697},
+ expr: &ruleRefExpr{
+ pos: position{line: 20, col: 58, offset: 697},
+ name: "StandaloneBlock",
+ },
@@ -87,175 +116,1151 @@ var g = &grammar{
name: "StandaloneBlock",
- pos: position{line: 27, col: 1, offset: 806},
+ pos: position{line: 24, col: 1, offset: 744},
expr: &choiceExpr{
- pos: position{line: 27, col: 20, offset: 825},
+ pos: position{line: 24, col: 20, offset: 763},
alternatives: []interface{}{
- pos: position{line: 27, col: 20, offset: 825},
+ pos: position{line: 24, col: 20, offset: 763},
name: "DocumentAttributeDeclaration",
- pos: position{line: 27, col: 51, offset: 856},
+ pos: position{line: 24, col: 51, offset: 794},
name: "DocumentAttributeReset",
- pos: position{line: 27, col: 76, offset: 881},
+ pos: position{line: 24, col: 76, offset: 819},
name: "List",
- pos: position{line: 27, col: 83, offset: 888},
+ pos: position{line: 24, col: 83, offset: 826},
name: "BlockImage",
- pos: position{line: 27, col: 96, offset: 901},
+ pos: position{line: 24, col: 96, offset: 839},
name: "LiteralBlock",
- pos: position{line: 27, col: 111, offset: 916},
+ pos: position{line: 24, col: 111, offset: 854},
name: "DelimitedBlock",
- pos: position{line: 27, col: 128, offset: 933},
+ pos: position{line: 24, col: 128, offset: 871},
name: "Paragraph",
- &ruleRefExpr{
- pos: position{line: 27, col: 140, offset: 945},
- name: "ElementAttribute",
+ &seqExpr{
+ pos: position{line: 24, col: 141, offset: 884},
+ exprs: []interface{}{
+ &ruleRefExpr{
+ pos: position{line: 24, col: 141, offset: 884},
+ name: "ElementAttribute",
+ },
+ &ruleRefExpr{
+ pos: position{line: 24, col: 158, offset: 901},
+ name: "EOL",
+ },
+ },
- pos: position{line: 27, col: 159, offset: 964},
+ pos: position{line: 24, col: 165, offset: 908},
name: "BlankLine",
+ {
+ name: "Preamble",
+ pos: position{line: 26, col: 1, offset: 963},
+ expr: &actionExpr{
+ pos: position{line: 26, col: 13, offset: 975},
+ run: (*parser).callonPreamble1,
+ expr: &labeledExpr{
+ pos: position{line: 26, col: 13, offset: 975},
+ label: "elements",
+ expr: &zeroOrMoreExpr{
+ pos: position{line: 26, col: 23, offset: 985},
+ expr: &ruleRefExpr{
+ pos: position{line: 26, col: 23, offset: 985},
+ name: "StandaloneBlock",
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ },
name: "FrontMatter",
- pos: position{line: 32, col: 1, offset: 1127},
+ pos: position{line: 33, col: 1, offset: 1171},
expr: &ruleRefExpr{
- pos: position{line: 32, col: 16, offset: 1142},
+ pos: position{line: 33, col: 16, offset: 1186},
name: "YamlFrontMatter",
name: "FrontMatter",
- pos: position{line: 34, col: 1, offset: 1160},
+ pos: position{line: 35, col: 1, offset: 1204},
expr: &actionExpr{
- pos: position{line: 34, col: 16, offset: 1175},
+ pos: position{line: 35, col: 16, offset: 1219},
run: (*parser).callonFrontMatter1,
expr: &seqExpr{
- pos: position{line: 34, col: 16, offset: 1175},
+ pos: position{line: 35, col: 16, offset: 1219},
exprs: []interface{}{
- pos: position{line: 34, col: 16, offset: 1175},
+ pos: position{line: 35, col: 16, offset: 1219},
name: "YamlFrontMatterToken",
- pos: position{line: 34, col: 37, offset: 1196},
+ pos: position{line: 35, col: 37, offset: 1240},
label: "content",
expr: &zeroOrMoreExpr{
- pos: position{line: 34, col: 45, offset: 1204},
+ pos: position{line: 35, col: 45, offset: 1248},
expr: &seqExpr{
- pos: position{line: 34, col: 46, offset: 1205},
+ pos: position{line: 35, col: 46, offset: 1249},
exprs: []interface{}{
- pos: position{line: 34, col: 46, offset: 1205},
+ pos: position{line: 35, col: 46, offset: 1249},
expr: &ruleRefExpr{
- pos: position{line: 34, col: 47, offset: 1206},
+ pos: position{line: 35, col: 47, offset: 1250},
name: "YamlFrontMatterToken",
- line: 34, col: 68, offset: 1227,
+ line: 35, col: 68, offset: 1271,
- &ruleRefExpr{
- pos: position{line: 34, col: 72, offset: 1231},
- name: "YamlFrontMatterToken",
- },
- },
- },
- },
- },
- {
- name: "YamlFrontMatterToken",
- pos: position{line: 38, col: 1, offset: 1318},
- expr: &seqExpr{
- pos: position{line: 38, col: 26, offset: 1343},
- exprs: []interface{}{
- &litMatcher{
- pos: position{line: 38, col: 26, offset: 1343},
- val: "---",
- ignoreCase: false,
- },
- &ruleRefExpr{
- pos: position{line: 38, col: 32, offset: 1349},
- name: "EOL",
+ &ruleRefExpr{
+ pos: position{line: 35, col: 72, offset: 1275},
+ name: "YamlFrontMatterToken",
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ name: "YamlFrontMatterToken",
+ pos: position{line: 39, col: 1, offset: 1362},
+ expr: &seqExpr{
+ pos: position{line: 39, col: 26, offset: 1387},
+ exprs: []interface{}{
+ &litMatcher{
+ pos: position{line: 39, col: 26, offset: 1387},
+ val: "---",
+ ignoreCase: false,
+ },
+ &ruleRefExpr{
+ pos: position{line: 39, col: 32, offset: 1393},
+ name: "EOL",
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ name: "DocumentHeader",
+ pos: position{line: 45, col: 1, offset: 1582},
+ expr: &actionExpr{
+ pos: position{line: 45, col: 19, offset: 1600},
+ run: (*parser).callonDocumentHeader1,
+ expr: &seqExpr{
+ pos: position{line: 45, col: 19, offset: 1600},
+ exprs: []interface{}{
+ &labeledExpr{
+ pos: position{line: 45, col: 19, offset: 1600},
+ label: "header",
+ expr: &ruleRefExpr{
+ pos: position{line: 45, col: 27, offset: 1608},
+ name: "DocumentTitle",
+ },
+ },
+ &labeledExpr{
+ pos: position{line: 45, col: 42, offset: 1623},
+ label: "authors",
+ expr: &zeroOrOneExpr{
+ pos: position{line: 45, col: 51, offset: 1632},
+ expr: &ruleRefExpr{
+ pos: position{line: 45, col: 51, offset: 1632},
+ name: "DocumentAuthors",
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ &labeledExpr{
+ pos: position{line: 45, col: 69, offset: 1650},
+ label: "revision",
+ expr: &zeroOrOneExpr{
+ pos: position{line: 45, col: 79, offset: 1660},
+ expr: &ruleRefExpr{
+ pos: position{line: 45, col: 79, offset: 1660},
+ name: "DocumentRevision",
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ &labeledExpr{
+ pos: position{line: 45, col: 98, offset: 1679},
+ label: "otherAttributes",
+ expr: &zeroOrMoreExpr{
+ pos: position{line: 45, col: 115, offset: 1696},
+ expr: &ruleRefExpr{
+ pos: position{line: 45, col: 115, offset: 1696},
+ name: "DocumentAttributeDeclaration",
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ name: "DocumentTitle",
+ pos: position{line: 49, col: 1, offset: 1827},
+ expr: &actionExpr{
+ pos: position{line: 49, col: 18, offset: 1844},
+ run: (*parser).callonDocumentTitle1,
+ expr: &seqExpr{
+ pos: position{line: 49, col: 18, offset: 1844},
+ exprs: []interface{}{
+ &labeledExpr{
+ pos: position{line: 49, col: 18, offset: 1844},
+ label: "attributes",
+ expr: &zeroOrMoreExpr{
+ pos: position{line: 49, col: 29, offset: 1855},
+ expr: &ruleRefExpr{
+ pos: position{line: 49, col: 30, offset: 1856},
+ name: "ElementAttribute",
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ &labeledExpr{
+ pos: position{line: 49, col: 49, offset: 1875},
+ label: "level",
+ expr: &litMatcher{
+ pos: position{line: 49, col: 56, offset: 1882},
+ val: "=",
+ ignoreCase: false,
+ },
+ },
+ &oneOrMoreExpr{
+ pos: position{line: 49, col: 61, offset: 1887},
+ expr: &ruleRefExpr{
+ pos: position{line: 49, col: 61, offset: 1887},
+ name: "WS",
+ },
+ },
+ &labeledExpr{
+ pos: position{line: 49, col: 65, offset: 1891},
+ label: "content",
+ expr: &ruleRefExpr{
+ pos: position{line: 49, col: 73, offset: 1899},
+ name: "InlineContent",
+ },
+ },
+ &ruleRefExpr{
+ pos: position{line: 49, col: 87, offset: 1913},
+ name: "EOL",
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ name: "DocumentAuthors",
+ pos: position{line: 53, col: 1, offset: 2017},
+ expr: &choiceExpr{
+ pos: position{line: 53, col: 20, offset: 2036},
+ alternatives: []interface{}{
+ &ruleRefExpr{
+ pos: position{line: 53, col: 20, offset: 2036},
+ name: "DocumentAuthorsInlineForm",
+ },
+ &ruleRefExpr{
+ pos: position{line: 53, col: 48, offset: 2064},
+ name: "DocumentAuthorsAttributeForm",
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ name: "DocumentAuthorsInlineForm",
+ pos: position{line: 55, col: 1, offset: 2094},
+ expr: &actionExpr{
+ pos: position{line: 55, col: 30, offset: 2123},
+ run: (*parser).callonDocumentAuthorsInlineForm1,
+ expr: &seqExpr{
+ pos: position{line: 55, col: 30, offset: 2123},
+ exprs: []interface{}{
+ &zeroOrMoreExpr{
+ pos: position{line: 55, col: 30, offset: 2123},
+ expr: &ruleRefExpr{
+ pos: position{line: 55, col: 30, offset: 2123},
+ name: "WS",
+ },
+ },
+ ¬Expr{
+ pos: position{line: 55, col: 34, offset: 2127},
+ expr: &litMatcher{
+ pos: position{line: 55, col: 35, offset: 2128},
+ val: ":",
+ ignoreCase: false,
+ },
+ },
+ &labeledExpr{
+ pos: position{line: 55, col: 39, offset: 2132},
+ label: "authors",
+ expr: &oneOrMoreExpr{
+ pos: position{line: 55, col: 48, offset: 2141},
+ expr: &ruleRefExpr{
+ pos: position{line: 55, col: 48, offset: 2141},
+ name: "DocumentAuthor",
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ &ruleRefExpr{
+ pos: position{line: 55, col: 65, offset: 2158},
+ name: "EOL",
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ name: "DocumentAuthorsAttributeForm",
+ pos: position{line: 59, col: 1, offset: 2228},
+ expr: &actionExpr{
+ pos: position{line: 59, col: 33, offset: 2260},
+ run: (*parser).callonDocumentAuthorsAttributeForm1,
+ expr: &seqExpr{
+ pos: position{line: 59, col: 33, offset: 2260},
+ exprs: []interface{}{
+ &zeroOrMoreExpr{
+ pos: position{line: 59, col: 33, offset: 2260},
+ expr: &ruleRefExpr{
+ pos: position{line: 59, col: 33, offset: 2260},
+ name: "WS",
+ },
+ },
+ &litMatcher{
+ pos: position{line: 59, col: 37, offset: 2264},
+ val: ":author:",
+ ignoreCase: false,
+ },
+ &labeledExpr{
+ pos: position{line: 59, col: 48, offset: 2275},
+ label: "author",
+ expr: &ruleRefExpr{
+ pos: position{line: 59, col: 56, offset: 2283},
+ name: "DocumentAuthor",
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ name: "DocumentAuthor",
+ pos: position{line: 63, col: 1, offset: 2376},
+ expr: &actionExpr{
+ pos: position{line: 63, col: 19, offset: 2394},
+ run: (*parser).callonDocumentAuthor1,
+ expr: &seqExpr{
+ pos: position{line: 63, col: 19, offset: 2394},
+ exprs: []interface{}{
+ &zeroOrMoreExpr{
+ pos: position{line: 63, col: 19, offset: 2394},
+ expr: &ruleRefExpr{
+ pos: position{line: 63, col: 19, offset: 2394},
+ name: "WS",
+ },
+ },
+ &labeledExpr{
+ pos: position{line: 63, col: 23, offset: 2398},
+ label: "namePart1",
+ expr: &ruleRefExpr{
+ pos: position{line: 63, col: 34, offset: 2409},
+ name: "DocumentAuthorNamePart",
+ },
+ },
+ &labeledExpr{
+ pos: position{line: 63, col: 58, offset: 2433},
+ label: "namePart2",
+ expr: &zeroOrOneExpr{
+ pos: position{line: 63, col: 68, offset: 2443},
+ expr: &ruleRefExpr{
+ pos: position{line: 63, col: 69, offset: 2444},
+ name: "DocumentAuthorNamePart",
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ &labeledExpr{
+ pos: position{line: 63, col: 94, offset: 2469},
+ label: "namePart3",
+ expr: &zeroOrOneExpr{
+ pos: position{line: 63, col: 104, offset: 2479},
+ expr: &ruleRefExpr{
+ pos: position{line: 63, col: 105, offset: 2480},
+ name: "DocumentAuthorNamePart",
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ &labeledExpr{
+ pos: position{line: 63, col: 130, offset: 2505},
+ label: "email",
+ expr: &zeroOrOneExpr{
+ pos: position{line: 63, col: 136, offset: 2511},
+ expr: &ruleRefExpr{
+ pos: position{line: 63, col: 137, offset: 2512},
+ name: "DocumentAuthorEmail",
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ &zeroOrMoreExpr{
+ pos: position{line: 63, col: 159, offset: 2534},
+ expr: &ruleRefExpr{
+ pos: position{line: 63, col: 159, offset: 2534},
+ name: "WS",
+ },
+ },
+ &zeroOrOneExpr{
+ pos: position{line: 63, col: 163, offset: 2538},
+ expr: &litMatcher{
+ pos: position{line: 63, col: 163, offset: 2538},
+ val: ";",
+ ignoreCase: false,
+ },
+ },
+ &zeroOrMoreExpr{
+ pos: position{line: 63, col: 168, offset: 2543},
+ expr: &ruleRefExpr{
+ pos: position{line: 63, col: 168, offset: 2543},
+ name: "WS",
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ name: "DocumentAuthorNamePart",
+ pos: position{line: 68, col: 1, offset: 2708},
+ expr: &seqExpr{
+ pos: position{line: 68, col: 27, offset: 2734},
+ exprs: []interface{}{
+ ¬Expr{
+ pos: position{line: 68, col: 27, offset: 2734},
+ expr: &litMatcher{
+ pos: position{line: 68, col: 28, offset: 2735},
+ val: "<",
+ ignoreCase: false,
+ },
+ },
+ ¬Expr{
+ pos: position{line: 68, col: 32, offset: 2739},
+ expr: &litMatcher{
+ pos: position{line: 68, col: 33, offset: 2740},
+ val: ";",
+ ignoreCase: false,
+ },
+ },
+ &ruleRefExpr{
+ pos: position{line: 68, col: 37, offset: 2744},
+ name: "Word",
+ },
+ &zeroOrMoreExpr{
+ pos: position{line: 68, col: 42, offset: 2749},
+ expr: &ruleRefExpr{
+ pos: position{line: 68, col: 42, offset: 2749},
+ name: "WS",
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ name: "DocumentAuthorEmail",
+ pos: position{line: 70, col: 1, offset: 2754},
+ expr: &seqExpr{
+ pos: position{line: 70, col: 24, offset: 2777},
+ exprs: []interface{}{
+ &litMatcher{
+ pos: position{line: 70, col: 24, offset: 2777},
+ val: "<",
+ ignoreCase: false,
+ },
+ &labeledExpr{
+ pos: position{line: 70, col: 28, offset: 2781},
+ label: "email",
+ expr: &oneOrMoreExpr{
+ pos: position{line: 70, col: 34, offset: 2787},
+ expr: &seqExpr{
+ pos: position{line: 70, col: 35, offset: 2788},
+ exprs: []interface{}{
+ ¬Expr{
+ pos: position{line: 70, col: 35, offset: 2788},
+ expr: &litMatcher{
+ pos: position{line: 70, col: 36, offset: 2789},
+ val: ">",
+ ignoreCase: false,
+ },
+ },
+ ¬Expr{
+ pos: position{line: 70, col: 40, offset: 2793},
+ expr: &ruleRefExpr{
+ pos: position{line: 70, col: 41, offset: 2794},
+ name: "EOL",
+ },
+ },
+ &anyMatcher{
+ line: 70, col: 45, offset: 2798,
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ &litMatcher{
+ pos: position{line: 70, col: 49, offset: 2802},
+ val: ">",
+ ignoreCase: false,
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ name: "DocumentRevision",
+ pos: position{line: 74, col: 1, offset: 2938},
+ expr: &actionExpr{
+ pos: position{line: 74, col: 21, offset: 2958},
+ run: (*parser).callonDocumentRevision1,
+ expr: &seqExpr{
+ pos: position{line: 74, col: 21, offset: 2958},
+ exprs: []interface{}{
+ &zeroOrMoreExpr{
+ pos: position{line: 74, col: 21, offset: 2958},
+ expr: &ruleRefExpr{
+ pos: position{line: 74, col: 21, offset: 2958},
+ name: "WS",
+ },
+ },
+ ¬Expr{
+ pos: position{line: 74, col: 25, offset: 2962},
+ expr: &litMatcher{
+ pos: position{line: 74, col: 26, offset: 2963},
+ val: ":",
+ ignoreCase: false,
+ },
+ },
+ &labeledExpr{
+ pos: position{line: 74, col: 30, offset: 2967},
+ label: "revnumber",
+ expr: &zeroOrOneExpr{
+ pos: position{line: 74, col: 40, offset: 2977},
+ expr: &ruleRefExpr{
+ pos: position{line: 74, col: 41, offset: 2978},
+ name: "DocumentRevisionNumber",
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ &zeroOrOneExpr{
+ pos: position{line: 74, col: 66, offset: 3003},
+ expr: &litMatcher{
+ pos: position{line: 74, col: 66, offset: 3003},
+ val: ",",
+ ignoreCase: false,
+ },
+ },
+ &labeledExpr{
+ pos: position{line: 74, col: 71, offset: 3008},
+ label: "revdate",
+ expr: &zeroOrOneExpr{
+ pos: position{line: 74, col: 79, offset: 3016},
+ expr: &ruleRefExpr{
+ pos: position{line: 74, col: 80, offset: 3017},
+ name: "DocumentRevisionDate",
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ &zeroOrOneExpr{
+ pos: position{line: 74, col: 103, offset: 3040},
+ expr: &litMatcher{
+ pos: position{line: 74, col: 103, offset: 3040},
+ val: ":",
+ ignoreCase: false,
+ },
+ },
+ &labeledExpr{
+ pos: position{line: 74, col: 108, offset: 3045},
+ label: "revremark",
+ expr: &zeroOrOneExpr{
+ pos: position{line: 74, col: 118, offset: 3055},
+ expr: &ruleRefExpr{
+ pos: position{line: 74, col: 119, offset: 3056},
+ name: "DocumentRevisionRemark",
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ &ruleRefExpr{
+ pos: position{line: 74, col: 144, offset: 3081},
+ name: "EOL",
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ name: "DocumentRevisionNumber",
+ pos: position{line: 79, col: 1, offset: 3254},
+ expr: &choiceExpr{
+ pos: position{line: 79, col: 27, offset: 3280},
+ alternatives: []interface{}{
+ &seqExpr{
+ pos: position{line: 79, col: 27, offset: 3280},
+ exprs: []interface{}{
+ &litMatcher{
+ pos: position{line: 79, col: 27, offset: 3280},
+ val: "v",
+ ignoreCase: true,
+ },
+ &ruleRefExpr{
+ pos: position{line: 79, col: 32, offset: 3285},
+ name: "DIGIT",
+ },
+ &zeroOrMoreExpr{
+ pos: position{line: 79, col: 39, offset: 3292},
+ expr: &seqExpr{
+ pos: position{line: 79, col: 40, offset: 3293},
+ exprs: []interface{}{
+ ¬Expr{
+ pos: position{line: 79, col: 40, offset: 3293},
+ expr: &ruleRefExpr{
+ pos: position{line: 79, col: 41, offset: 3294},
+ name: "EOL",
+ },
+ },
+ ¬Expr{
+ pos: position{line: 79, col: 45, offset: 3298},
+ expr: &litMatcher{
+ pos: position{line: 79, col: 46, offset: 3299},
+ val: ",",
+ ignoreCase: false,
+ },
+ },
+ ¬Expr{
+ pos: position{line: 79, col: 50, offset: 3303},
+ expr: &litMatcher{
+ pos: position{line: 79, col: 51, offset: 3304},
+ val: ":",
+ ignoreCase: false,
+ },
+ },
+ &anyMatcher{
+ line: 79, col: 55, offset: 3308,
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ &seqExpr{
+ pos: position{line: 79, col: 61, offset: 3314},
+ exprs: []interface{}{
+ &zeroOrOneExpr{
+ pos: position{line: 79, col: 61, offset: 3314},
+ expr: &litMatcher{
+ pos: position{line: 79, col: 61, offset: 3314},
+ val: "v",
+ ignoreCase: true,
+ },
+ },
+ &ruleRefExpr{
+ pos: position{line: 79, col: 67, offset: 3320},
+ name: "DIGIT",
+ },
+ &zeroOrMoreExpr{
+ pos: position{line: 79, col: 74, offset: 3327},
+ expr: &seqExpr{
+ pos: position{line: 79, col: 75, offset: 3328},
+ exprs: []interface{}{
+ ¬Expr{
+ pos: position{line: 79, col: 75, offset: 3328},
+ expr: &ruleRefExpr{
+ pos: position{line: 79, col: 76, offset: 3329},
+ name: "EOL",
+ },
+ },
+ ¬Expr{
+ pos: position{line: 79, col: 80, offset: 3333},
+ expr: &litMatcher{
+ pos: position{line: 79, col: 81, offset: 3334},
+ val: ",",
+ ignoreCase: false,
+ },
+ },
+ ¬Expr{
+ pos: position{line: 79, col: 85, offset: 3338},
+ expr: &litMatcher{
+ pos: position{line: 79, col: 86, offset: 3339},
+ val: ":",
+ ignoreCase: false,
+ },
+ },
+ &anyMatcher{
+ line: 79, col: 90, offset: 3343,
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ &zeroOrMoreExpr{
+ pos: position{line: 79, col: 94, offset: 3347},
+ expr: &ruleRefExpr{
+ pos: position{line: 79, col: 94, offset: 3347},
+ name: "WS",
+ },
+ },
+ &andExpr{
+ pos: position{line: 79, col: 98, offset: 3351},
+ expr: &litMatcher{
+ pos: position{line: 79, col: 99, offset: 3352},
+ val: ",",
+ ignoreCase: false,
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ name: "DocumentRevisionDate",
+ pos: position{line: 80, col: 1, offset: 3356},
+ expr: &zeroOrMoreExpr{
+ pos: position{line: 80, col: 25, offset: 3380},
+ expr: &seqExpr{
+ pos: position{line: 80, col: 26, offset: 3381},
+ exprs: []interface{}{
+ ¬Expr{
+ pos: position{line: 80, col: 26, offset: 3381},
+ expr: &ruleRefExpr{
+ pos: position{line: 80, col: 27, offset: 3382},
+ name: "EOL",
+ },
+ },
+ ¬Expr{
+ pos: position{line: 80, col: 31, offset: 3386},
+ expr: &litMatcher{
+ pos: position{line: 80, col: 32, offset: 3387},
+ val: ":",
+ ignoreCase: false,
+ },
+ },
+ &anyMatcher{
+ line: 80, col: 36, offset: 3391,
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ name: "DocumentRevisionRemark",
+ pos: position{line: 81, col: 1, offset: 3396},
+ expr: &zeroOrMoreExpr{
+ pos: position{line: 81, col: 27, offset: 3422},
+ expr: &seqExpr{
+ pos: position{line: 81, col: 28, offset: 3423},
+ exprs: []interface{}{
+ ¬Expr{
+ pos: position{line: 81, col: 28, offset: 3423},
+ expr: &ruleRefExpr{
+ pos: position{line: 81, col: 29, offset: 3424},
+ name: "EOL",
+ },
+ },
+ &anyMatcher{
+ line: 81, col: 33, offset: 3428,
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ name: "DocumentAttributeDeclaration",
+ pos: position{line: 86, col: 1, offset: 3548},
+ expr: &choiceExpr{
+ pos: position{line: 86, col: 33, offset: 3580},
+ alternatives: []interface{}{
+ &ruleRefExpr{
+ pos: position{line: 86, col: 33, offset: 3580},
+ name: "DocumentAttributeDeclarationWithNameOnly",
+ },
+ &ruleRefExpr{
+ pos: position{line: 86, col: 76, offset: 3623},
+ name: "DocumentAttributeDeclarationWithNameAndValue",
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ name: "DocumentAttributeDeclarationWithNameOnly",
+ pos: position{line: 88, col: 1, offset: 3670},
+ expr: &actionExpr{
+ pos: position{line: 88, col: 45, offset: 3714},
+ run: (*parser).callonDocumentAttributeDeclarationWithNameOnly1,
+ expr: &seqExpr{
+ pos: position{line: 88, col: 45, offset: 3714},
+ exprs: []interface{}{
+ &litMatcher{
+ pos: position{line: 88, col: 45, offset: 3714},
+ val: ":",
+ ignoreCase: false,
+ },
+ &labeledExpr{
+ pos: position{line: 88, col: 49, offset: 3718},
+ label: "name",
+ expr: &ruleRefExpr{
+ pos: position{line: 88, col: 55, offset: 3724},
+ name: "AttributeName",
+ },
+ },
+ &litMatcher{
+ pos: position{line: 88, col: 70, offset: 3739},
+ val: ":",
+ ignoreCase: false,
+ },
+ &zeroOrMoreExpr{
+ pos: position{line: 88, col: 74, offset: 3743},
+ expr: &ruleRefExpr{
+ pos: position{line: 88, col: 74, offset: 3743},
+ name: "WS",
+ },
+ },
+ &ruleRefExpr{
+ pos: position{line: 88, col: 78, offset: 3747},
+ name: "EOL",
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ name: "DocumentAttributeDeclarationWithNameAndValue",
+ pos: position{line: 92, col: 1, offset: 3832},
+ expr: &actionExpr{
+ pos: position{line: 92, col: 49, offset: 3880},
+ run: (*parser).callonDocumentAttributeDeclarationWithNameAndValue1,
+ expr: &seqExpr{
+ pos: position{line: 92, col: 49, offset: 3880},
+ exprs: []interface{}{
+ &litMatcher{
+ pos: position{line: 92, col: 49, offset: 3880},
+ val: ":",
+ ignoreCase: false,
+ },
+ &labeledExpr{
+ pos: position{line: 92, col: 53, offset: 3884},
+ label: "name",
+ expr: &ruleRefExpr{
+ pos: position{line: 92, col: 59, offset: 3890},
+ name: "AttributeName",
+ },
+ },
+ &litMatcher{
+ pos: position{line: 92, col: 74, offset: 3905},
+ val: ":",
+ ignoreCase: false,
+ },
+ &oneOrMoreExpr{
+ pos: position{line: 92, col: 78, offset: 3909},
+ expr: &ruleRefExpr{
+ pos: position{line: 92, col: 78, offset: 3909},
+ name: "WS",
+ },
+ },
+ &labeledExpr{
+ pos: position{line: 92, col: 82, offset: 3913},
+ label: "value",
+ expr: &zeroOrMoreExpr{
+ pos: position{line: 92, col: 88, offset: 3919},
+ expr: &seqExpr{
+ pos: position{line: 92, col: 89, offset: 3920},
+ exprs: []interface{}{
+ ¬Expr{
+ pos: position{line: 92, col: 89, offset: 3920},
+ expr: &ruleRefExpr{
+ pos: position{line: 92, col: 90, offset: 3921},
+ name: "NEWLINE",
+ },
+ },
+ &anyMatcher{
+ line: 92, col: 98, offset: 3929,
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ &ruleRefExpr{
+ pos: position{line: 92, col: 102, offset: 3933},
+ name: "EOL",
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ name: "DocumentAttributeReset",
+ pos: position{line: 96, col: 1, offset: 4036},
+ expr: &choiceExpr{
+ pos: position{line: 96, col: 27, offset: 4062},
+ alternatives: []interface{}{
+ &ruleRefExpr{
+ pos: position{line: 96, col: 27, offset: 4062},
+ name: "DocumentAttributeResetWithSectionTitleBangSymbol",
+ },
+ &ruleRefExpr{
+ pos: position{line: 96, col: 78, offset: 4113},
+ name: "DocumentAttributeResetWithTrailingBangSymbol",
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ name: "DocumentAttributeResetWithSectionTitleBangSymbol",
+ pos: position{line: 98, col: 1, offset: 4159},
+ expr: &actionExpr{
+ pos: position{line: 98, col: 53, offset: 4211},
+ run: (*parser).callonDocumentAttributeResetWithSectionTitleBangSymbol1,
+ expr: &seqExpr{
+ pos: position{line: 98, col: 53, offset: 4211},
+ exprs: []interface{}{
+ &litMatcher{
+ pos: position{line: 98, col: 53, offset: 4211},
+ val: ":!",
+ ignoreCase: false,
+ },
+ &labeledExpr{
+ pos: position{line: 98, col: 58, offset: 4216},
+ label: "name",
+ expr: &ruleRefExpr{
+ pos: position{line: 98, col: 64, offset: 4222},
+ name: "AttributeName",
+ },
+ },
+ &litMatcher{
+ pos: position{line: 98, col: 79, offset: 4237},
+ val: ":",
+ ignoreCase: false,
+ },
+ &zeroOrMoreExpr{
+ pos: position{line: 98, col: 83, offset: 4241},
+ expr: &ruleRefExpr{
+ pos: position{line: 98, col: 83, offset: 4241},
+ name: "WS",
+ },
+ },
+ &ruleRefExpr{
+ pos: position{line: 98, col: 87, offset: 4245},
+ name: "EOL",
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ name: "DocumentAttributeResetWithTrailingBangSymbol",
+ pos: position{line: 102, col: 1, offset: 4319},
+ expr: &actionExpr{
+ pos: position{line: 102, col: 49, offset: 4367},
+ run: (*parser).callonDocumentAttributeResetWithTrailingBangSymbol1,
+ expr: &seqExpr{
+ pos: position{line: 102, col: 49, offset: 4367},
+ exprs: []interface{}{
+ &litMatcher{
+ pos: position{line: 102, col: 49, offset: 4367},
+ val: ":",
+ ignoreCase: false,
+ },
+ &labeledExpr{
+ pos: position{line: 102, col: 53, offset: 4371},
+ label: "name",
+ expr: &ruleRefExpr{
+ pos: position{line: 102, col: 59, offset: 4377},
+ name: "AttributeName",
+ },
+ },
+ &litMatcher{
+ pos: position{line: 102, col: 74, offset: 4392},
+ val: "!:",
+ ignoreCase: false,
+ },
+ &zeroOrMoreExpr{
+ pos: position{line: 102, col: 79, offset: 4397},
+ expr: &ruleRefExpr{
+ pos: position{line: 102, col: 79, offset: 4397},
+ name: "WS",
+ },
+ },
+ &ruleRefExpr{
+ pos: position{line: 102, col: 83, offset: 4401},
+ name: "EOL",
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ name: "DocumentAttributeSubstitution",
+ pos: position{line: 107, col: 1, offset: 4476},
+ expr: &actionExpr{
+ pos: position{line: 107, col: 34, offset: 4509},
+ run: (*parser).callonDocumentAttributeSubstitution1,
+ expr: &seqExpr{
+ pos: position{line: 107, col: 34, offset: 4509},
+ exprs: []interface{}{
+ &litMatcher{
+ pos: position{line: 107, col: 34, offset: 4509},
+ val: "{",
+ ignoreCase: false,
+ },
+ &labeledExpr{
+ pos: position{line: 107, col: 38, offset: 4513},
+ label: "name",
+ expr: &ruleRefExpr{
+ pos: position{line: 107, col: 44, offset: 4519},
+ name: "AttributeName",
+ },
+ },
+ &litMatcher{
+ pos: position{line: 107, col: 59, offset: 4534},
+ val: "}",
+ ignoreCase: false,
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ name: "AttributeName",
+ pos: position{line: 114, col: 1, offset: 4788},
+ expr: &seqExpr{
+ pos: position{line: 114, col: 18, offset: 4805},
+ exprs: []interface{}{
+ &choiceExpr{
+ pos: position{line: 114, col: 19, offset: 4806},
+ alternatives: []interface{}{
+ &charClassMatcher{
+ pos: position{line: 114, col: 19, offset: 4806},
+ val: "[A-Z]",
+ ranges: []rune{'A', 'Z'},
+ ignoreCase: false,
+ inverted: false,
+ },
+ &charClassMatcher{
+ pos: position{line: 114, col: 27, offset: 4814},
+ val: "[a-z]",
+ ranges: []rune{'a', 'z'},
+ ignoreCase: false,
+ inverted: false,
+ },
+ &charClassMatcher{
+ pos: position{line: 114, col: 35, offset: 4822},
+ val: "[0-9]",
+ ranges: []rune{'0', '9'},
+ ignoreCase: false,
+ inverted: false,
+ },
+ &litMatcher{
+ pos: position{line: 114, col: 43, offset: 4830},
+ val: "_",
+ ignoreCase: false,
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ &zeroOrMoreExpr{
+ pos: position{line: 114, col: 48, offset: 4835},
+ expr: &choiceExpr{
+ pos: position{line: 114, col: 49, offset: 4836},
+ alternatives: []interface{}{
+ &charClassMatcher{
+ pos: position{line: 114, col: 49, offset: 4836},
+ val: "[A-Z]",
+ ranges: []rune{'A', 'Z'},
+ ignoreCase: false,
+ inverted: false,
+ },
+ &charClassMatcher{
+ pos: position{line: 114, col: 57, offset: 4844},
+ val: "[a-z]",
+ ranges: []rune{'a', 'z'},
+ ignoreCase: false,
+ inverted: false,
+ },
+ &charClassMatcher{
+ pos: position{line: 114, col: 65, offset: 4852},
+ val: "[0-9]",
+ ranges: []rune{'0', '9'},
+ ignoreCase: false,
+ inverted: false,
+ },
+ &litMatcher{
+ pos: position{line: 114, col: 73, offset: 4860},
+ val: "-",
+ ignoreCase: false,
+ },
+ },
+ },
name: "Section",
- pos: position{line: 43, col: 1, offset: 1458},
+ pos: position{line: 119, col: 1, offset: 4971},
expr: &choiceExpr{
- pos: position{line: 43, col: 12, offset: 1469},
+ pos: position{line: 119, col: 12, offset: 4982},
alternatives: []interface{}{
- pos: position{line: 43, col: 12, offset: 1469},
+ pos: position{line: 119, col: 12, offset: 4982},
name: "Section1",
- pos: position{line: 43, col: 23, offset: 1480},
+ pos: position{line: 119, col: 23, offset: 4993},
name: "Section2",
- pos: position{line: 43, col: 34, offset: 1491},
+ pos: position{line: 119, col: 34, offset: 5004},
name: "Section3",
- pos: position{line: 43, col: 45, offset: 1502},
+ pos: position{line: 119, col: 45, offset: 5015},
name: "Section4",
- pos: position{line: 43, col: 56, offset: 1513},
+ pos: position{line: 119, col: 56, offset: 5026},
name: "Section5",
- &ruleRefExpr{
- pos: position{line: 43, col: 67, offset: 1524},
- name: "Section6",
- },
name: "Section1",
- pos: position{line: 45, col: 1, offset: 1534},
+ pos: position{line: 122, col: 1, offset: 5037},
expr: &actionExpr{
- pos: position{line: 45, col: 13, offset: 1546},
+ pos: position{line: 122, col: 13, offset: 5049},
run: (*parser).callonSection11,
expr: &seqExpr{
- pos: position{line: 45, col: 13, offset: 1546},
+ pos: position{line: 122, col: 13, offset: 5049},
exprs: []interface{}{
- pos: position{line: 45, col: 13, offset: 1546},
- label: "heading",
+ pos: position{line: 122, col: 13, offset: 5049},
+ label: "header",
expr: &ruleRefExpr{
- pos: position{line: 45, col: 22, offset: 1555},
- name: "Heading1",
+ pos: position{line: 122, col: 21, offset: 5057},
+ name: "Section1Title",
- pos: position{line: 45, col: 32, offset: 1565},
+ pos: position{line: 122, col: 36, offset: 5072},
label: "elements",
expr: &zeroOrMoreExpr{
- pos: position{line: 45, col: 42, offset: 1575},
+ pos: position{line: 122, col: 46, offset: 5082},
expr: &ruleRefExpr{
- pos: position{line: 45, col: 42, offset: 1575},
+ pos: position{line: 122, col: 46, offset: 5082},
name: "Section1Block",
@@ -266,124 +1271,44 @@ var g = &grammar{
name: "Section1Block",
- pos: position{line: 49, col: 1, offset: 1676},
+ pos: position{line: 126, col: 1, offset: 5190},
expr: &actionExpr{
- pos: position{line: 49, col: 18, offset: 1693},
+ pos: position{line: 126, col: 18, offset: 5207},
run: (*parser).callonSection1Block1,
- expr: &labeledExpr{
- pos: position{line: 49, col: 18, offset: 1693},
- label: "content",
- expr: &choiceExpr{
- pos: position{line: 49, col: 27, offset: 1702},
- alternatives: []interface{}{
- &ruleRefExpr{
- pos: position{line: 49, col: 27, offset: 1702},
- name: "Section2",
- },
- &ruleRefExpr{
- pos: position{line: 49, col: 38, offset: 1713},
- name: "Section3",
- },
- &ruleRefExpr{
- pos: position{line: 49, col: 49, offset: 1724},
- name: "Section4",
- },
- &ruleRefExpr{
- pos: position{line: 49, col: 60, offset: 1735},
- name: "Section5",
- },
- &ruleRefExpr{
- pos: position{line: 49, col: 71, offset: 1746},
- name: "Section6",
- },
- &ruleRefExpr{
- pos: position{line: 49, col: 82, offset: 1757},
- name: "StandaloneBlock",
- },
- },
- },
- },
- },
- },
- {
- name: "Section2",
- pos: position{line: 53, col: 1, offset: 1822},
- expr: &actionExpr{
- pos: position{line: 53, col: 13, offset: 1834},
- run: (*parser).callonSection21,
expr: &seqExpr{
- pos: position{line: 53, col: 13, offset: 1834},
- exprs: []interface{}{
- &labeledExpr{
- pos: position{line: 53, col: 13, offset: 1834},
- label: "heading",
- expr: &ruleRefExpr{
- pos: position{line: 53, col: 22, offset: 1843},
- name: "Heading2",
- },
- },
- &labeledExpr{
- pos: position{line: 53, col: 32, offset: 1853},
- label: "elements",
- expr: &zeroOrMoreExpr{
- pos: position{line: 53, col: 42, offset: 1863},
- expr: &ruleRefExpr{
- pos: position{line: 53, col: 42, offset: 1863},
- name: "Section2Block",
- },
- },
- },
- },
- },
- },
- },
- {
- name: "Section2Block",
- pos: position{line: 57, col: 1, offset: 1964},
- expr: &actionExpr{
- pos: position{line: 57, col: 18, offset: 1981},
- run: (*parser).callonSection2Block1,
- expr: &seqExpr{
- pos: position{line: 57, col: 18, offset: 1981},
+ pos: position{line: 126, col: 18, offset: 5207},
exprs: []interface{}{
- pos: position{line: 57, col: 18, offset: 1981},
+ pos: position{line: 126, col: 18, offset: 5207},
expr: &ruleRefExpr{
- pos: position{line: 57, col: 19, offset: 1982},
+ pos: position{line: 126, col: 19, offset: 5208},
name: "Section1",
- ¬Expr{
- pos: position{line: 57, col: 28, offset: 1991},
- expr: &ruleRefExpr{
- pos: position{line: 57, col: 29, offset: 1992},
- name: "Section2",
- },
- },
- pos: position{line: 57, col: 38, offset: 2001},
+ pos: position{line: 126, col: 28, offset: 5217},
label: "content",
expr: &choiceExpr{
- pos: position{line: 57, col: 47, offset: 2010},
+ pos: position{line: 126, col: 37, offset: 5226},
alternatives: []interface{}{
- pos: position{line: 57, col: 47, offset: 2010},
+ pos: position{line: 126, col: 37, offset: 5226},
+ name: "Section2",
+ },
+ &ruleRefExpr{
+ pos: position{line: 126, col: 48, offset: 5237},
name: "Section3",
- pos: position{line: 57, col: 58, offset: 2021},
+ pos: position{line: 126, col: 59, offset: 5248},
name: "Section4",
- pos: position{line: 57, col: 69, offset: 2032},
+ pos: position{line: 126, col: 70, offset: 5259},
name: "Section5",
- pos: position{line: 57, col: 80, offset: 2043},
- name: "Section6",
- },
- &ruleRefExpr{
- pos: position{line: 57, col: 91, offset: 2054},
+ pos: position{line: 126, col: 81, offset: 5270},
name: "StandaloneBlock",
@@ -394,40 +1319,40 @@ var g = &grammar{
- name: "Section3",
- pos: position{line: 61, col: 1, offset: 2119},
+ name: "Section2",
+ pos: position{line: 130, col: 1, offset: 5335},
expr: &actionExpr{
- pos: position{line: 61, col: 13, offset: 2131},
- run: (*parser).callonSection31,
+ pos: position{line: 130, col: 13, offset: 5347},
+ run: (*parser).callonSection21,
expr: &seqExpr{
- pos: position{line: 61, col: 13, offset: 2131},
+ pos: position{line: 130, col: 13, offset: 5347},
exprs: []interface{}{
- pos: position{line: 61, col: 13, offset: 2131},
- label: "heading",
+ pos: position{line: 130, col: 13, offset: 5347},
+ label: "header",
expr: &ruleRefExpr{
- pos: position{line: 61, col: 22, offset: 2140},
- name: "Heading3",
+ pos: position{line: 130, col: 21, offset: 5355},
+ name: "Section2Title",
- pos: position{line: 61, col: 32, offset: 2150},
+ pos: position{line: 130, col: 36, offset: 5370},
label: "elements",
expr: &zeroOrMoreExpr{
- pos: position{line: 61, col: 42, offset: 2160},
+ pos: position{line: 130, col: 46, offset: 5380},
expr: &ruleRefExpr{
- pos: position{line: 61, col: 42, offset: 2160},
- name: "Section3Block",
+ pos: position{line: 130, col: 46, offset: 5380},
+ name: "Section2Block",
- pos: position{line: 61, col: 58, offset: 2176},
+ pos: position{line: 130, col: 62, offset: 5396},
expr: &zeroOrMoreExpr{
- pos: position{line: 61, col: 59, offset: 2177},
+ pos: position{line: 130, col: 63, offset: 5397},
expr: &ruleRefExpr{
- pos: position{line: 61, col: 60, offset: 2178},
- name: "Section3",
+ pos: position{line: 130, col: 64, offset: 5398},
+ name: "Section2",
@@ -436,55 +1361,48 @@ var g = &grammar{
- name: "Section3Block",
- pos: position{line: 65, col: 1, offset: 2274},
+ name: "Section2Block",
+ pos: position{line: 134, col: 1, offset: 5501},
expr: &actionExpr{
- pos: position{line: 65, col: 18, offset: 2291},
- run: (*parser).callonSection3Block1,
+ pos: position{line: 134, col: 18, offset: 5518},
+ run: (*parser).callonSection2Block1,
expr: &seqExpr{
- pos: position{line: 65, col: 18, offset: 2291},
+ pos: position{line: 134, col: 18, offset: 5518},
exprs: []interface{}{
- pos: position{line: 65, col: 18, offset: 2291},
+ pos: position{line: 134, col: 18, offset: 5518},
expr: &ruleRefExpr{
- pos: position{line: 65, col: 19, offset: 2292},
+ pos: position{line: 134, col: 19, offset: 5519},
name: "Section1",
- pos: position{line: 65, col: 28, offset: 2301},
+ pos: position{line: 134, col: 28, offset: 5528},
expr: &ruleRefExpr{
- pos: position{line: 65, col: 29, offset: 2302},
+ pos: position{line: 134, col: 29, offset: 5529},
name: "Section2",
- ¬Expr{
- pos: position{line: 65, col: 38, offset: 2311},
- expr: &ruleRefExpr{
- pos: position{line: 65, col: 39, offset: 2312},
- name: "Section3",
- },
- },
- pos: position{line: 65, col: 48, offset: 2321},
+ pos: position{line: 134, col: 38, offset: 5538},
label: "content",
expr: &choiceExpr{
- pos: position{line: 65, col: 57, offset: 2330},
+ pos: position{line: 134, col: 47, offset: 5547},
alternatives: []interface{}{
- pos: position{line: 65, col: 57, offset: 2330},
- name: "Section4",
+ pos: position{line: 134, col: 47, offset: 5547},
+ name: "Section3",
- pos: position{line: 65, col: 68, offset: 2341},
- name: "Section5",
+ pos: position{line: 134, col: 58, offset: 5558},
+ name: "Section4",
- pos: position{line: 65, col: 79, offset: 2352},
- name: "Section6",
+ pos: position{line: 134, col: 69, offset: 5569},
+ name: "Section5",
- pos: position{line: 65, col: 90, offset: 2363},
+ pos: position{line: 134, col: 80, offset: 5580},
name: "StandaloneBlock",
@@ -495,30 +1413,30 @@ var g = &grammar{
- name: "Section4",
- pos: position{line: 69, col: 1, offset: 2428},
+ name: "Section3",
+ pos: position{line: 138, col: 1, offset: 5645},
expr: &actionExpr{
- pos: position{line: 69, col: 13, offset: 2440},
- run: (*parser).callonSection41,
+ pos: position{line: 138, col: 13, offset: 5657},
+ run: (*parser).callonSection31,
expr: &seqExpr{
- pos: position{line: 69, col: 13, offset: 2440},
+ pos: position{line: 138, col: 13, offset: 5657},
exprs: []interface{}{
- pos: position{line: 69, col: 13, offset: 2440},
- label: "heading",
+ pos: position{line: 138, col: 13, offset: 5657},
+ label: "header",
expr: &ruleRefExpr{
- pos: position{line: 69, col: 22, offset: 2449},
- name: "Heading4",
+ pos: position{line: 138, col: 21, offset: 5665},
+ name: "Section3Title",
- pos: position{line: 69, col: 32, offset: 2459},
+ pos: position{line: 138, col: 36, offset: 5680},
label: "elements",
expr: &zeroOrMoreExpr{
- pos: position{line: 69, col: 42, offset: 2469},
+ pos: position{line: 138, col: 46, offset: 5690},
expr: &ruleRefExpr{
- pos: position{line: 69, col: 42, offset: 2469},
- name: "Section4Block",
+ pos: position{line: 138, col: 46, offset: 5690},
+ name: "Section3Block",
@@ -527,58 +1445,51 @@ var g = &grammar{
- name: "Section4Block",
- pos: position{line: 73, col: 1, offset: 2570},
+ name: "Section3Block",
+ pos: position{line: 142, col: 1, offset: 5798},
expr: &actionExpr{
- pos: position{line: 73, col: 18, offset: 2587},
- run: (*parser).callonSection4Block1,
+ pos: position{line: 142, col: 18, offset: 5815},
+ run: (*parser).callonSection3Block1,
expr: &seqExpr{
- pos: position{line: 73, col: 18, offset: 2587},
+ pos: position{line: 142, col: 18, offset: 5815},
exprs: []interface{}{
- pos: position{line: 73, col: 18, offset: 2587},
+ pos: position{line: 142, col: 18, offset: 5815},
expr: &ruleRefExpr{
- pos: position{line: 73, col: 19, offset: 2588},
+ pos: position{line: 142, col: 19, offset: 5816},
name: "Section1",
- pos: position{line: 73, col: 28, offset: 2597},
+ pos: position{line: 142, col: 28, offset: 5825},
expr: &ruleRefExpr{
- pos: position{line: 73, col: 29, offset: 2598},
+ pos: position{line: 142, col: 29, offset: 5826},
name: "Section2",
- pos: position{line: 73, col: 38, offset: 2607},
+ pos: position{line: 142, col: 38, offset: 5835},
expr: &ruleRefExpr{
- pos: position{line: 73, col: 39, offset: 2608},
+ pos: position{line: 142, col: 39, offset: 5836},
name: "Section3",
- ¬Expr{
- pos: position{line: 73, col: 48, offset: 2617},
- expr: &ruleRefExpr{
- pos: position{line: 73, col: 49, offset: 2618},
- name: "Section4",
- },
- },
- pos: position{line: 73, col: 58, offset: 2627},
+ pos: position{line: 142, col: 48, offset: 5845},
label: "content",
expr: &choiceExpr{
- pos: position{line: 73, col: 67, offset: 2636},
+ pos: position{line: 142, col: 57, offset: 5854},
alternatives: []interface{}{
- pos: position{line: 73, col: 67, offset: 2636},
- name: "Section5",
+ pos: position{line: 142, col: 57, offset: 5854},
+ name: "Section4",
- pos: position{line: 73, col: 78, offset: 2647},
- name: "Section6",
+ pos: position{line: 142, col: 68, offset: 5865},
+ name: "Section5",
- pos: position{line: 73, col: 89, offset: 2658},
+ pos: position{line: 142, col: 79, offset: 5876},
name: "StandaloneBlock",
@@ -589,30 +1500,30 @@ var g = &grammar{
- name: "Section5",
- pos: position{line: 77, col: 1, offset: 2723},
+ name: "Section4",
+ pos: position{line: 146, col: 1, offset: 5941},
expr: &actionExpr{
- pos: position{line: 77, col: 13, offset: 2735},
- run: (*parser).callonSection51,
+ pos: position{line: 146, col: 13, offset: 5953},
+ run: (*parser).callonSection41,
expr: &seqExpr{
- pos: position{line: 77, col: 13, offset: 2735},
+ pos: position{line: 146, col: 13, offset: 5953},
exprs: []interface{}{
- pos: position{line: 77, col: 13, offset: 2735},
- label: "heading",
+ pos: position{line: 146, col: 13, offset: 5953},
+ label: "header",
expr: &ruleRefExpr{
- pos: position{line: 77, col: 22, offset: 2744},
- name: "Heading5",
+ pos: position{line: 146, col: 21, offset: 5961},
+ name: "Section4Title",
- pos: position{line: 77, col: 32, offset: 2754},
+ pos: position{line: 146, col: 36, offset: 5976},
label: "elements",
expr: &zeroOrMoreExpr{
- pos: position{line: 77, col: 42, offset: 2764},
+ pos: position{line: 146, col: 46, offset: 5986},
expr: &ruleRefExpr{
- pos: position{line: 77, col: 42, offset: 2764},
- name: "Section5Block",
+ pos: position{line: 146, col: 46, offset: 5986},
+ name: "Section4Block",
@@ -621,61 +1532,54 @@ var g = &grammar{
- name: "Section5Block",
- pos: position{line: 81, col: 1, offset: 2865},
+ name: "Section4Block",
+ pos: position{line: 150, col: 1, offset: 6094},
expr: &actionExpr{
- pos: position{line: 81, col: 18, offset: 2882},
- run: (*parser).callonSection5Block1,
+ pos: position{line: 150, col: 18, offset: 6111},
+ run: (*parser).callonSection4Block1,
expr: &seqExpr{
- pos: position{line: 81, col: 18, offset: 2882},
+ pos: position{line: 150, col: 18, offset: 6111},
exprs: []interface{}{
- pos: position{line: 81, col: 18, offset: 2882},
+ pos: position{line: 150, col: 18, offset: 6111},
expr: &ruleRefExpr{
- pos: position{line: 81, col: 19, offset: 2883},
+ pos: position{line: 150, col: 19, offset: 6112},
name: "Section1",
- pos: position{line: 81, col: 28, offset: 2892},
+ pos: position{line: 150, col: 28, offset: 6121},
expr: &ruleRefExpr{
- pos: position{line: 81, col: 29, offset: 2893},
+ pos: position{line: 150, col: 29, offset: 6122},
name: "Section2",
- pos: position{line: 81, col: 38, offset: 2902},
+ pos: position{line: 150, col: 38, offset: 6131},
expr: &ruleRefExpr{
- pos: position{line: 81, col: 39, offset: 2903},
+ pos: position{line: 150, col: 39, offset: 6132},
name: "Section3",
- pos: position{line: 81, col: 48, offset: 2912},
+ pos: position{line: 150, col: 48, offset: 6141},
expr: &ruleRefExpr{
- pos: position{line: 81, col: 49, offset: 2913},
+ pos: position{line: 150, col: 49, offset: 6142},
name: "Section4",
- ¬Expr{
- pos: position{line: 81, col: 58, offset: 2922},
- expr: &ruleRefExpr{
- pos: position{line: 81, col: 59, offset: 2923},
- name: "Section5",
- },
- },
- pos: position{line: 81, col: 68, offset: 2932},
+ pos: position{line: 150, col: 58, offset: 6151},
label: "content",
expr: &choiceExpr{
- pos: position{line: 81, col: 77, offset: 2941},
+ pos: position{line: 150, col: 67, offset: 6160},
alternatives: []interface{}{
- pos: position{line: 81, col: 77, offset: 2941},
- name: "Section6",
+ pos: position{line: 150, col: 67, offset: 6160},
+ name: "Section5",
- pos: position{line: 81, col: 88, offset: 2952},
+ pos: position{line: 150, col: 78, offset: 6171},
name: "StandaloneBlock",
@@ -686,30 +1590,30 @@ var g = &grammar{
- name: "Section6",
- pos: position{line: 85, col: 1, offset: 3017},
+ name: "Section5",
+ pos: position{line: 154, col: 1, offset: 6236},
expr: &actionExpr{
- pos: position{line: 85, col: 13, offset: 3029},
- run: (*parser).callonSection61,
+ pos: position{line: 154, col: 13, offset: 6248},
+ run: (*parser).callonSection51,
expr: &seqExpr{
- pos: position{line: 85, col: 13, offset: 3029},
+ pos: position{line: 154, col: 13, offset: 6248},
exprs: []interface{}{
- pos: position{line: 85, col: 13, offset: 3029},
- label: "heading",
+ pos: position{line: 154, col: 13, offset: 6248},
+ label: "header",
expr: &ruleRefExpr{
- pos: position{line: 85, col: 22, offset: 3038},
- name: "Heading6",
+ pos: position{line: 154, col: 21, offset: 6256},
+ name: "Section5Title",
- pos: position{line: 85, col: 32, offset: 3048},
+ pos: position{line: 154, col: 36, offset: 6271},
label: "elements",
expr: &zeroOrMoreExpr{
- pos: position{line: 85, col: 42, offset: 3058},
+ pos: position{line: 154, col: 46, offset: 6281},
expr: &ruleRefExpr{
- pos: position{line: 85, col: 42, offset: 3058},
- name: "Section6Block",
+ pos: position{line: 154, col: 46, offset: 6281},
+ name: "Section5Block",
@@ -718,61 +1622,54 @@ var g = &grammar{
- name: "Section6Block",
- pos: position{line: 89, col: 1, offset: 3159},
+ name: "Section5Block",
+ pos: position{line: 158, col: 1, offset: 6389},
expr: &actionExpr{
- pos: position{line: 89, col: 18, offset: 3176},
- run: (*parser).callonSection6Block1,
+ pos: position{line: 158, col: 18, offset: 6406},
+ run: (*parser).callonSection5Block1,
expr: &seqExpr{
- pos: position{line: 89, col: 18, offset: 3176},
+ pos: position{line: 158, col: 18, offset: 6406},
exprs: []interface{}{
- pos: position{line: 89, col: 18, offset: 3176},
+ pos: position{line: 158, col: 18, offset: 6406},
expr: &ruleRefExpr{
- pos: position{line: 89, col: 19, offset: 3177},
+ pos: position{line: 158, col: 19, offset: 6407},
name: "Section1",
- pos: position{line: 89, col: 28, offset: 3186},
+ pos: position{line: 158, col: 28, offset: 6416},
expr: &ruleRefExpr{
- pos: position{line: 89, col: 29, offset: 3187},
+ pos: position{line: 158, col: 29, offset: 6417},
name: "Section2",
- pos: position{line: 89, col: 38, offset: 3196},
+ pos: position{line: 158, col: 38, offset: 6426},
expr: &ruleRefExpr{
- pos: position{line: 89, col: 39, offset: 3197},
+ pos: position{line: 158, col: 39, offset: 6427},
name: "Section3",
- pos: position{line: 89, col: 48, offset: 3206},
+ pos: position{line: 158, col: 48, offset: 6436},
expr: &ruleRefExpr{
- pos: position{line: 89, col: 49, offset: 3207},
+ pos: position{line: 158, col: 49, offset: 6437},
name: "Section4",
- pos: position{line: 89, col: 58, offset: 3216},
+ pos: position{line: 158, col: 58, offset: 6446},
expr: &ruleRefExpr{
- pos: position{line: 89, col: 59, offset: 3217},
+ pos: position{line: 158, col: 59, offset: 6447},
name: "Section5",
- ¬Expr{
- pos: position{line: 89, col: 68, offset: 3226},
- expr: &ruleRefExpr{
- pos: position{line: 89, col: 69, offset: 3227},
- name: "Section6",
- },
- },
- pos: position{line: 89, col: 78, offset: 3236},
+ pos: position{line: 158, col: 68, offset: 6456},
label: "content",
expr: &ruleRefExpr{
- pos: position{line: 89, col: 87, offset: 3245},
+ pos: position{line: 158, col: 77, offset: 6465},
name: "StandaloneBlock",
@@ -781,158 +1678,94 @@ var g = &grammar{
- name: "Heading",
- pos: position{line: 96, col: 1, offset: 3414},
+ name: "SectionTitle",
+ pos: position{line: 166, col: 1, offset: 6641},
expr: &choiceExpr{
- pos: position{line: 96, col: 12, offset: 3425},
+ pos: position{line: 166, col: 17, offset: 6657},
alternatives: []interface{}{
- pos: position{line: 96, col: 12, offset: 3425},
- name: "Heading1",
- },
- &ruleRefExpr{
- pos: position{line: 96, col: 23, offset: 3436},
- name: "Heading2",
+ pos: position{line: 166, col: 17, offset: 6657},
+ name: "Section1Title",
- pos: position{line: 96, col: 34, offset: 3447},
- name: "Heading3",
+ pos: position{line: 166, col: 33, offset: 6673},
+ name: "Section2Title",
- pos: position{line: 96, col: 45, offset: 3458},
- name: "Heading4",
+ pos: position{line: 166, col: 49, offset: 6689},
+ name: "Section3Title",
- pos: position{line: 96, col: 56, offset: 3469},
- name: "Heading5",
+ pos: position{line: 166, col: 65, offset: 6705},
+ name: "Section4Title",
- pos: position{line: 96, col: 67, offset: 3480},
- name: "Heading6",
- },
- },
- },
- },
- {
- name: "Heading1",
- pos: position{line: 98, col: 1, offset: 3490},
- expr: &actionExpr{
- pos: position{line: 98, col: 13, offset: 3502},
- run: (*parser).callonHeading11,
- expr: &seqExpr{
- pos: position{line: 98, col: 13, offset: 3502},
- exprs: []interface{}{
- &labeledExpr{
- pos: position{line: 98, col: 13, offset: 3502},
- label: "attributes",
- expr: &zeroOrMoreExpr{
- pos: position{line: 98, col: 24, offset: 3513},
- expr: &ruleRefExpr{
- pos: position{line: 98, col: 25, offset: 3514},
- name: "ElementAttribute",
- },
- },
- },
- &labeledExpr{
- pos: position{line: 98, col: 44, offset: 3533},
- label: "level",
- expr: &litMatcher{
- pos: position{line: 98, col: 51, offset: 3540},
- val: "=",
- ignoreCase: false,
- },
- },
- &oneOrMoreExpr{
- pos: position{line: 98, col: 56, offset: 3545},
- expr: &ruleRefExpr{
- pos: position{line: 98, col: 56, offset: 3545},
- name: "WS",
- },
- },
- &labeledExpr{
- pos: position{line: 98, col: 60, offset: 3549},
- label: "content",
- expr: &ruleRefExpr{
- pos: position{line: 98, col: 68, offset: 3557},
- name: "InlineContent",
- },
- },
- &choiceExpr{
- pos: position{line: 98, col: 83, offset: 3572},
- alternatives: []interface{}{
- &zeroOrOneExpr{
- pos: position{line: 98, col: 83, offset: 3572},
- expr: &ruleRefExpr{
- pos: position{line: 98, col: 83, offset: 3572},
- name: "BlankLine",
- },
- },
- &ruleRefExpr{
- pos: position{line: 98, col: 96, offset: 3585},
- name: "EOF",
- },
- },
- },
+ pos: position{line: 166, col: 81, offset: 6721},
+ name: "Section5Title",
- name: "Heading2",
- pos: position{line: 102, col: 1, offset: 3792},
+ name: "Section1Title",
+ pos: position{line: 168, col: 1, offset: 6736},
expr: &actionExpr{
- pos: position{line: 102, col: 13, offset: 3804},
- run: (*parser).callonHeading21,
+ pos: position{line: 168, col: 18, offset: 6753},
+ run: (*parser).callonSection1Title1,
expr: &seqExpr{
- pos: position{line: 102, col: 13, offset: 3804},
+ pos: position{line: 168, col: 18, offset: 6753},
exprs: []interface{}{
- pos: position{line: 102, col: 13, offset: 3804},
+ pos: position{line: 168, col: 18, offset: 6753},
label: "attributes",
expr: &zeroOrMoreExpr{
- pos: position{line: 102, col: 24, offset: 3815},
+ pos: position{line: 168, col: 29, offset: 6764},
expr: &ruleRefExpr{
- pos: position{line: 102, col: 25, offset: 3816},
+ pos: position{line: 168, col: 30, offset: 6765},
name: "ElementAttribute",
- pos: position{line: 102, col: 44, offset: 3835},
+ pos: position{line: 168, col: 49, offset: 6784},
label: "level",
expr: &litMatcher{
- pos: position{line: 102, col: 51, offset: 3842},
+ pos: position{line: 168, col: 56, offset: 6791},
val: "==",
ignoreCase: false,
- pos: position{line: 102, col: 57, offset: 3848},
+ pos: position{line: 168, col: 62, offset: 6797},
expr: &ruleRefExpr{
- pos: position{line: 102, col: 57, offset: 3848},
+ pos: position{line: 168, col: 62, offset: 6797},
name: "WS",
- pos: position{line: 102, col: 61, offset: 3852},
+ pos: position{line: 168, col: 66, offset: 6801},
label: "content",
expr: &ruleRefExpr{
- pos: position{line: 102, col: 69, offset: 3860},
+ pos: position{line: 168, col: 74, offset: 6809},
name: "InlineContent",
+ &ruleRefExpr{
+ pos: position{line: 168, col: 88, offset: 6823},
+ name: "EOL",
+ },
- pos: position{line: 102, col: 84, offset: 3875},
+ pos: position{line: 168, col: 93, offset: 6828},
alternatives: []interface{}{
- pos: position{line: 102, col: 84, offset: 3875},
+ pos: position{line: 168, col: 93, offset: 6828},
expr: &ruleRefExpr{
- pos: position{line: 102, col: 84, offset: 3875},
+ pos: position{line: 168, col: 93, offset: 6828},
name: "BlankLine",
- pos: position{line: 102, col: 97, offset: 3888},
+ pos: position{line: 168, col: 106, offset: 6841},
name: "EOF",
@@ -942,125 +1775,65 @@ var g = &grammar{
- name: "Heading3",
- pos: position{line: 106, col: 1, offset: 3990},
+ name: "Section2Title",
+ pos: position{line: 172, col: 1, offset: 6946},
expr: &actionExpr{
- pos: position{line: 106, col: 13, offset: 4002},
- run: (*parser).callonHeading31,
+ pos: position{line: 172, col: 18, offset: 6963},
+ run: (*parser).callonSection2Title1,
expr: &seqExpr{
- pos: position{line: 106, col: 13, offset: 4002},
+ pos: position{line: 172, col: 18, offset: 6963},
exprs: []interface{}{
- pos: position{line: 106, col: 13, offset: 4002},
+ pos: position{line: 172, col: 18, offset: 6963},
label: "attributes",
expr: &zeroOrMoreExpr{
- pos: position{line: 106, col: 24, offset: 4013},
+ pos: position{line: 172, col: 29, offset: 6974},
expr: &ruleRefExpr{
- pos: position{line: 106, col: 25, offset: 4014},
+ pos: position{line: 172, col: 30, offset: 6975},
name: "ElementAttribute",
- pos: position{line: 106, col: 44, offset: 4033},
+ pos: position{line: 172, col: 49, offset: 6994},
label: "level",
expr: &litMatcher{
- pos: position{line: 106, col: 51, offset: 4040},
+ pos: position{line: 172, col: 56, offset: 7001},
val: "===",
ignoreCase: false,
- pos: position{line: 106, col: 58, offset: 4047},
+ pos: position{line: 172, col: 63, offset: 7008},
expr: &ruleRefExpr{
- pos: position{line: 106, col: 58, offset: 4047},
+ pos: position{line: 172, col: 63, offset: 7008},
name: "WS",
- pos: position{line: 106, col: 62, offset: 4051},
+ pos: position{line: 172, col: 67, offset: 7012},
label: "content",
expr: &ruleRefExpr{
- pos: position{line: 106, col: 70, offset: 4059},
+ pos: position{line: 172, col: 75, offset: 7020},
name: "InlineContent",
- &choiceExpr{
- pos: position{line: 106, col: 85, offset: 4074},
- alternatives: []interface{}{
- &zeroOrOneExpr{
- pos: position{line: 106, col: 85, offset: 4074},
- expr: &ruleRefExpr{
- pos: position{line: 106, col: 85, offset: 4074},
- name: "BlankLine",
- },
- },
- &ruleRefExpr{
- pos: position{line: 106, col: 98, offset: 4087},
- name: "EOF",
- },
- },
- },
- },
- },
- },
- },
- {
- name: "Heading4",
- pos: position{line: 110, col: 1, offset: 4189},
- expr: &actionExpr{
- pos: position{line: 110, col: 13, offset: 4201},
- run: (*parser).callonHeading41,
- expr: &seqExpr{
- pos: position{line: 110, col: 13, offset: 4201},
- exprs: []interface{}{
- &labeledExpr{
- pos: position{line: 110, col: 13, offset: 4201},
- label: "attributes",
- expr: &zeroOrMoreExpr{
- pos: position{line: 110, col: 24, offset: 4212},
- expr: &ruleRefExpr{
- pos: position{line: 110, col: 25, offset: 4213},
- name: "ElementAttribute",
- },
- },
- },
- &labeledExpr{
- pos: position{line: 110, col: 44, offset: 4232},
- label: "level",
- expr: &litMatcher{
- pos: position{line: 110, col: 51, offset: 4239},
- val: "====",
- ignoreCase: false,
- },
- },
- &oneOrMoreExpr{
- pos: position{line: 110, col: 59, offset: 4247},
- expr: &ruleRefExpr{
- pos: position{line: 110, col: 59, offset: 4247},
- name: "WS",
- },
- },
- &labeledExpr{
- pos: position{line: 110, col: 63, offset: 4251},
- label: "content",
- expr: &ruleRefExpr{
- pos: position{line: 110, col: 71, offset: 4259},
- name: "InlineContent",
- },
+ &ruleRefExpr{
+ pos: position{line: 172, col: 89, offset: 7034},
+ name: "EOL",
- pos: position{line: 110, col: 86, offset: 4274},
+ pos: position{line: 172, col: 94, offset: 7039},
alternatives: []interface{}{
- pos: position{line: 110, col: 86, offset: 4274},
+ pos: position{line: 172, col: 94, offset: 7039},
expr: &ruleRefExpr{
- pos: position{line: 110, col: 86, offset: 4274},
+ pos: position{line: 172, col: 94, offset: 7039},
name: "BlankLine",
- pos: position{line: 110, col: 99, offset: 4287},
+ pos: position{line: 172, col: 107, offset: 7052},
name: "EOF",
@@ -1070,61 +1843,65 @@ var g = &grammar{
- name: "Heading5",
- pos: position{line: 114, col: 1, offset: 4389},
+ name: "Section3Title",
+ pos: position{line: 176, col: 1, offset: 7156},
expr: &actionExpr{
- pos: position{line: 114, col: 13, offset: 4401},
- run: (*parser).callonHeading51,
+ pos: position{line: 176, col: 18, offset: 7173},
+ run: (*parser).callonSection3Title1,
expr: &seqExpr{
- pos: position{line: 114, col: 13, offset: 4401},
+ pos: position{line: 176, col: 18, offset: 7173},
exprs: []interface{}{
- pos: position{line: 114, col: 13, offset: 4401},
+ pos: position{line: 176, col: 18, offset: 7173},
label: "attributes",
expr: &zeroOrMoreExpr{
- pos: position{line: 114, col: 24, offset: 4412},
+ pos: position{line: 176, col: 29, offset: 7184},
expr: &ruleRefExpr{
- pos: position{line: 114, col: 25, offset: 4413},
+ pos: position{line: 176, col: 30, offset: 7185},
name: "ElementAttribute",
- pos: position{line: 114, col: 44, offset: 4432},
+ pos: position{line: 176, col: 49, offset: 7204},
label: "level",
expr: &litMatcher{
- pos: position{line: 114, col: 51, offset: 4439},
- val: "=====",
+ pos: position{line: 176, col: 56, offset: 7211},
+ val: "====",
ignoreCase: false,
- pos: position{line: 114, col: 60, offset: 4448},
+ pos: position{line: 176, col: 64, offset: 7219},
expr: &ruleRefExpr{
- pos: position{line: 114, col: 60, offset: 4448},
+ pos: position{line: 176, col: 64, offset: 7219},
name: "WS",
- pos: position{line: 114, col: 64, offset: 4452},
+ pos: position{line: 176, col: 68, offset: 7223},
label: "content",
expr: &ruleRefExpr{
- pos: position{line: 114, col: 72, offset: 4460},
+ pos: position{line: 176, col: 76, offset: 7231},
name: "InlineContent",
+ &ruleRefExpr{
+ pos: position{line: 176, col: 90, offset: 7245},
+ name: "EOL",
+ },
- pos: position{line: 114, col: 87, offset: 4475},
+ pos: position{line: 176, col: 95, offset: 7250},
alternatives: []interface{}{
- pos: position{line: 114, col: 87, offset: 4475},
+ pos: position{line: 176, col: 95, offset: 7250},
expr: &ruleRefExpr{
- pos: position{line: 114, col: 87, offset: 4475},
+ pos: position{line: 176, col: 95, offset: 7250},
name: "BlankLine",
- pos: position{line: 114, col: 100, offset: 4488},
+ pos: position{line: 176, col: 108, offset: 7263},
name: "EOF",
@@ -1134,61 +1911,65 @@ var g = &grammar{
- name: "Heading6",
- pos: position{line: 118, col: 1, offset: 4590},
+ name: "Section4Title",
+ pos: position{line: 180, col: 1, offset: 7367},
expr: &actionExpr{
- pos: position{line: 118, col: 13, offset: 4602},
- run: (*parser).callonHeading61,
+ pos: position{line: 180, col: 18, offset: 7384},
+ run: (*parser).callonSection4Title1,
expr: &seqExpr{
- pos: position{line: 118, col: 13, offset: 4602},
+ pos: position{line: 180, col: 18, offset: 7384},
exprs: []interface{}{
- pos: position{line: 118, col: 13, offset: 4602},
+ pos: position{line: 180, col: 18, offset: 7384},
label: "attributes",
expr: &zeroOrMoreExpr{
- pos: position{line: 118, col: 24, offset: 4613},
+ pos: position{line: 180, col: 29, offset: 7395},
expr: &ruleRefExpr{
- pos: position{line: 118, col: 25, offset: 4614},
+ pos: position{line: 180, col: 30, offset: 7396},
name: "ElementAttribute",
- pos: position{line: 118, col: 44, offset: 4633},
+ pos: position{line: 180, col: 49, offset: 7415},
label: "level",
expr: &litMatcher{
- pos: position{line: 118, col: 51, offset: 4640},
- val: "======",
+ pos: position{line: 180, col: 56, offset: 7422},
+ val: "=====",
ignoreCase: false,
- pos: position{line: 118, col: 61, offset: 4650},
+ pos: position{line: 180, col: 65, offset: 7431},
expr: &ruleRefExpr{
- pos: position{line: 118, col: 61, offset: 4650},
+ pos: position{line: 180, col: 65, offset: 7431},
name: "WS",
- pos: position{line: 118, col: 65, offset: 4654},
+ pos: position{line: 180, col: 69, offset: 7435},
label: "content",
expr: &ruleRefExpr{
- pos: position{line: 118, col: 73, offset: 4662},
+ pos: position{line: 180, col: 77, offset: 7443},
name: "InlineContent",
+ &ruleRefExpr{
+ pos: position{line: 180, col: 91, offset: 7457},
+ name: "EOL",
+ },
- pos: position{line: 118, col: 88, offset: 4677},
+ pos: position{line: 180, col: 96, offset: 7462},
alternatives: []interface{}{
- pos: position{line: 118, col: 88, offset: 4677},
+ pos: position{line: 180, col: 96, offset: 7462},
expr: &ruleRefExpr{
- pos: position{line: 118, col: 88, offset: 4677},
+ pos: position{line: 180, col: 96, offset: 7462},
name: "BlankLine",
- pos: position{line: 118, col: 101, offset: 4690},
+ pos: position{line: 180, col: 109, offset: 7475},
name: "EOF",
@@ -1198,327 +1979,66 @@ var g = &grammar{
- name: "DocumentAttributeDeclaration",
- pos: position{line: 126, col: 1, offset: 4908},
- expr: &choiceExpr{
- pos: position{line: 126, col: 33, offset: 4940},
- alternatives: []interface{}{
- &ruleRefExpr{
- pos: position{line: 126, col: 33, offset: 4940},
- name: "DocumentAttributeDeclarationWithNameOnly",
- },
- &ruleRefExpr{
- pos: position{line: 126, col: 76, offset: 4983},
- name: "DocumentAttributeDeclarationWithNameAndValue",
- },
- },
- },
- },
- {
- name: "DocumentAttributeDeclarationWithNameOnly",
- pos: position{line: 128, col: 1, offset: 5030},
- expr: &actionExpr{
- pos: position{line: 128, col: 45, offset: 5074},
- run: (*parser).callonDocumentAttributeDeclarationWithNameOnly1,
- expr: &seqExpr{
- pos: position{line: 128, col: 45, offset: 5074},
- exprs: []interface{}{
- &litMatcher{
- pos: position{line: 128, col: 45, offset: 5074},
- val: ":",
- ignoreCase: false,
- },
- &labeledExpr{
- pos: position{line: 128, col: 49, offset: 5078},
- label: "name",
- expr: &ruleRefExpr{
- pos: position{line: 128, col: 55, offset: 5084},
- name: "AttributeName",
- },
- },
- &litMatcher{
- pos: position{line: 128, col: 70, offset: 5099},
- val: ":",
- ignoreCase: false,
- },
- &zeroOrMoreExpr{
- pos: position{line: 128, col: 74, offset: 5103},
- expr: &ruleRefExpr{
- pos: position{line: 128, col: 74, offset: 5103},
- name: "WS",
- },
- },
- &ruleRefExpr{
- pos: position{line: 128, col: 78, offset: 5107},
- name: "EOL",
- },
- },
- },
- },
- },
- {
- name: "DocumentAttributeDeclarationWithNameAndValue",
- pos: position{line: 132, col: 1, offset: 5192},
+ name: "Section5Title",
+ pos: position{line: 184, col: 1, offset: 7579},
expr: &actionExpr{
- pos: position{line: 132, col: 49, offset: 5240},
- run: (*parser).callonDocumentAttributeDeclarationWithNameAndValue1,
+ pos: position{line: 184, col: 18, offset: 7596},
+ run: (*parser).callonSection5Title1,
expr: &seqExpr{
- pos: position{line: 132, col: 49, offset: 5240},
+ pos: position{line: 184, col: 18, offset: 7596},
exprs: []interface{}{
- &litMatcher{
- pos: position{line: 132, col: 49, offset: 5240},
- val: ":",
- ignoreCase: false,
- },
- &labeledExpr{
- pos: position{line: 132, col: 53, offset: 5244},
- label: "name",
- expr: &ruleRefExpr{
- pos: position{line: 132, col: 59, offset: 5250},
- name: "AttributeName",
- },
- },
- &litMatcher{
- pos: position{line: 132, col: 74, offset: 5265},
- val: ":",
- ignoreCase: false,
- },
- &oneOrMoreExpr{
- pos: position{line: 132, col: 78, offset: 5269},
- expr: &ruleRefExpr{
- pos: position{line: 132, col: 78, offset: 5269},
- name: "WS",
- },
- },
- pos: position{line: 132, col: 82, offset: 5273},
- label: "value",
+ pos: position{line: 184, col: 18, offset: 7596},
+ label: "attributes",
expr: &zeroOrMoreExpr{
- pos: position{line: 132, col: 88, offset: 5279},
- expr: &seqExpr{
- pos: position{line: 132, col: 89, offset: 5280},
- exprs: []interface{}{
- ¬Expr{
- pos: position{line: 132, col: 89, offset: 5280},
- expr: &ruleRefExpr{
- pos: position{line: 132, col: 90, offset: 5281},
- name: "NEWLINE",
- },
- },
- &anyMatcher{
- line: 132, col: 98, offset: 5289,
- },
- },
+ pos: position{line: 184, col: 29, offset: 7607},
+ expr: &ruleRefExpr{
+ pos: position{line: 184, col: 30, offset: 7608},
+ name: "ElementAttribute",
- &ruleRefExpr{
- pos: position{line: 132, col: 102, offset: 5293},
- name: "EOL",
- },
- },
- },
- },
- },
- {
- name: "DocumentAttributeReset",
- pos: position{line: 136, col: 1, offset: 5396},
- expr: &choiceExpr{
- pos: position{line: 136, col: 27, offset: 5422},
- alternatives: []interface{}{
- &ruleRefExpr{
- pos: position{line: 136, col: 27, offset: 5422},
- name: "DocumentAttributeResetWithHeadingBangSymbol",
- },
- &ruleRefExpr{
- pos: position{line: 136, col: 73, offset: 5468},
- name: "DocumentAttributeResetWithTrailingBangSymbol",
- },
- },
- },
- },
- {
- name: "DocumentAttributeResetWithHeadingBangSymbol",
- pos: position{line: 138, col: 1, offset: 5514},
- expr: &actionExpr{
- pos: position{line: 138, col: 48, offset: 5561},
- run: (*parser).callonDocumentAttributeResetWithHeadingBangSymbol1,
- expr: &seqExpr{
- pos: position{line: 138, col: 48, offset: 5561},
- exprs: []interface{}{
- &litMatcher{
- pos: position{line: 138, col: 48, offset: 5561},
- val: ":!",
- ignoreCase: false,
- },
- pos: position{line: 138, col: 53, offset: 5566},
- label: "name",
- expr: &ruleRefExpr{
- pos: position{line: 138, col: 59, offset: 5572},
- name: "AttributeName",
+ pos: position{line: 184, col: 49, offset: 7627},
+ label: "level",
+ expr: &litMatcher{
+ pos: position{line: 184, col: 56, offset: 7634},
+ val: "======",
+ ignoreCase: false,
- &litMatcher{
- pos: position{line: 138, col: 74, offset: 5587},
- val: ":",
- ignoreCase: false,
- },
- &zeroOrMoreExpr{
- pos: position{line: 138, col: 78, offset: 5591},
+ &oneOrMoreExpr{
+ pos: position{line: 184, col: 66, offset: 7644},
expr: &ruleRefExpr{
- pos: position{line: 138, col: 78, offset: 5591},
+ pos: position{line: 184, col: 66, offset: 7644},
name: "WS",
- &ruleRefExpr{
- pos: position{line: 138, col: 82, offset: 5595},
- name: "EOL",
- },
- },
- },
- },
- },
- {
- name: "DocumentAttributeResetWithTrailingBangSymbol",
- pos: position{line: 142, col: 1, offset: 5669},
- expr: &actionExpr{
- pos: position{line: 142, col: 49, offset: 5717},
- run: (*parser).callonDocumentAttributeResetWithTrailingBangSymbol1,
- expr: &seqExpr{
- pos: position{line: 142, col: 49, offset: 5717},
- exprs: []interface{}{
- &litMatcher{
- pos: position{line: 142, col: 49, offset: 5717},
- val: ":",
- ignoreCase: false,
- },
- pos: position{line: 142, col: 53, offset: 5721},
- label: "name",
- expr: &ruleRefExpr{
- pos: position{line: 142, col: 59, offset: 5727},
- name: "AttributeName",
- },
- },
- &litMatcher{
- pos: position{line: 142, col: 74, offset: 5742},
- val: "!:",
- ignoreCase: false,
- },
- &zeroOrMoreExpr{
- pos: position{line: 142, col: 79, offset: 5747},
+ pos: position{line: 184, col: 70, offset: 7648},
+ label: "content",
expr: &ruleRefExpr{
- pos: position{line: 142, col: 79, offset: 5747},
- name: "WS",
+ pos: position{line: 184, col: 78, offset: 7656},
+ name: "InlineContent",
- pos: position{line: 142, col: 83, offset: 5751},
+ pos: position{line: 184, col: 92, offset: 7670},
name: "EOL",
- },
- },
- },
- },
- {
- name: "DocumentAttributeSubstitution",
- pos: position{line: 147, col: 1, offset: 5826},
- expr: &actionExpr{
- pos: position{line: 147, col: 34, offset: 5859},
- run: (*parser).callonDocumentAttributeSubstitution1,
- expr: &seqExpr{
- pos: position{line: 147, col: 34, offset: 5859},
- exprs: []interface{}{
- &litMatcher{
- pos: position{line: 147, col: 34, offset: 5859},
- val: "{",
- ignoreCase: false,
- },
- &labeledExpr{
- pos: position{line: 147, col: 38, offset: 5863},
- label: "name",
- expr: &ruleRefExpr{
- pos: position{line: 147, col: 44, offset: 5869},
- name: "AttributeName",
- },
- },
- &litMatcher{
- pos: position{line: 147, col: 59, offset: 5884},
- val: "}",
- ignoreCase: false,
- },
- },
- },
- },
- },
- {
- name: "AttributeName",
- pos: position{line: 154, col: 1, offset: 6138},
- expr: &seqExpr{
- pos: position{line: 154, col: 18, offset: 6155},
- exprs: []interface{}{
- &choiceExpr{
- pos: position{line: 154, col: 19, offset: 6156},
- alternatives: []interface{}{
- &charClassMatcher{
- pos: position{line: 154, col: 19, offset: 6156},
- val: "[A-Z]",
- ranges: []rune{'A', 'Z'},
- ignoreCase: false,
- inverted: false,
- },
- &charClassMatcher{
- pos: position{line: 154, col: 27, offset: 6164},
- val: "[a-z]",
- ranges: []rune{'a', 'z'},
- ignoreCase: false,
- inverted: false,
- },
- &charClassMatcher{
- pos: position{line: 154, col: 35, offset: 6172},
- val: "[0-9]",
- ranges: []rune{'0', '9'},
- ignoreCase: false,
- inverted: false,
- },
- &litMatcher{
- pos: position{line: 154, col: 43, offset: 6180},
- val: "_",
- ignoreCase: false,
- },
- },
- },
- &zeroOrMoreExpr{
- pos: position{line: 154, col: 48, offset: 6185},
- expr: &choiceExpr{
- pos: position{line: 154, col: 49, offset: 6186},
+ &choiceExpr{
+ pos: position{line: 184, col: 97, offset: 7675},
alternatives: []interface{}{
- &charClassMatcher{
- pos: position{line: 154, col: 49, offset: 6186},
- val: "[A-Z]",
- ranges: []rune{'A', 'Z'},
- ignoreCase: false,
- inverted: false,
- },
- &charClassMatcher{
- pos: position{line: 154, col: 57, offset: 6194},
- val: "[a-z]",
- ranges: []rune{'a', 'z'},
- ignoreCase: false,
- inverted: false,
- },
- &charClassMatcher{
- pos: position{line: 154, col: 65, offset: 6202},
- val: "[0-9]",
- ranges: []rune{'0', '9'},
- ignoreCase: false,
- inverted: false,
+ &zeroOrOneExpr{
+ pos: position{line: 184, col: 97, offset: 7675},
+ expr: &ruleRefExpr{
+ pos: position{line: 184, col: 97, offset: 7675},
+ name: "BlankLine",
+ },
- &litMatcher{
- pos: position{line: 154, col: 73, offset: 6210},
- val: "-",
- ignoreCase: false,
+ &ruleRefExpr{
+ pos: position{line: 184, col: 110, offset: 7688},
+ name: "EOF",
@@ -1528,40 +2048,40 @@ var g = &grammar{
name: "List",
- pos: position{line: 159, col: 1, offset: 6323},
+ pos: position{line: 191, col: 1, offset: 7898},
expr: &actionExpr{
- pos: position{line: 159, col: 9, offset: 6331},
+ pos: position{line: 191, col: 9, offset: 7906},
run: (*parser).callonList1,
expr: &seqExpr{
- pos: position{line: 159, col: 9, offset: 6331},
+ pos: position{line: 191, col: 9, offset: 7906},
exprs: []interface{}{
- pos: position{line: 159, col: 9, offset: 6331},
+ pos: position{line: 191, col: 9, offset: 7906},
label: "attributes",
expr: &zeroOrMoreExpr{
- pos: position{line: 159, col: 20, offset: 6342},
+ pos: position{line: 191, col: 20, offset: 7917},
expr: &ruleRefExpr{
- pos: position{line: 159, col: 21, offset: 6343},
+ pos: position{line: 191, col: 21, offset: 7918},
name: "ElementAttribute",
- pos: position{line: 161, col: 5, offset: 6435},
+ pos: position{line: 193, col: 5, offset: 8010},
label: "elements",
expr: &oneOrMoreExpr{
- pos: position{line: 161, col: 14, offset: 6444},
+ pos: position{line: 193, col: 14, offset: 8019},
expr: &seqExpr{
- pos: position{line: 161, col: 15, offset: 6445},
+ pos: position{line: 193, col: 15, offset: 8020},
exprs: []interface{}{
- pos: position{line: 161, col: 15, offset: 6445},
+ pos: position{line: 193, col: 15, offset: 8020},
name: "ListItem",
- pos: position{line: 161, col: 24, offset: 6454},
+ pos: position{line: 193, col: 24, offset: 8029},
expr: &ruleRefExpr{
- pos: position{line: 161, col: 24, offset: 6454},
+ pos: position{line: 193, col: 24, offset: 8029},
name: "BlankLine",
@@ -1575,36 +2095,36 @@ var g = &grammar{
name: "ListItem",
- pos: position{line: 165, col: 1, offset: 6551},
+ pos: position{line: 197, col: 1, offset: 8126},
expr: &actionExpr{
- pos: position{line: 165, col: 13, offset: 6563},
+ pos: position{line: 197, col: 13, offset: 8138},
run: (*parser).callonListItem1,
expr: &seqExpr{
- pos: position{line: 165, col: 13, offset: 6563},
+ pos: position{line: 197, col: 13, offset: 8138},
exprs: []interface{}{
- pos: position{line: 165, col: 13, offset: 6563},
+ pos: position{line: 197, col: 13, offset: 8138},
expr: &ruleRefExpr{
- pos: position{line: 165, col: 13, offset: 6563},
+ pos: position{line: 197, col: 13, offset: 8138},
name: "WS",
- pos: position{line: 165, col: 17, offset: 6567},
+ pos: position{line: 197, col: 17, offset: 8142},
label: "level",
expr: &choiceExpr{
- pos: position{line: 165, col: 24, offset: 6574},
+ pos: position{line: 197, col: 24, offset: 8149},
alternatives: []interface{}{
- pos: position{line: 165, col: 24, offset: 6574},
+ pos: position{line: 197, col: 24, offset: 8149},
expr: &litMatcher{
- pos: position{line: 165, col: 24, offset: 6574},
+ pos: position{line: 197, col: 24, offset: 8149},
val: "*",
ignoreCase: false,
- pos: position{line: 165, col: 31, offset: 6581},
+ pos: position{line: 197, col: 31, offset: 8156},
val: "-",
ignoreCase: false,
@@ -1612,17 +2132,17 @@ var g = &grammar{
- pos: position{line: 165, col: 36, offset: 6586},
+ pos: position{line: 197, col: 36, offset: 8161},
expr: &ruleRefExpr{
- pos: position{line: 165, col: 36, offset: 6586},
+ pos: position{line: 197, col: 36, offset: 8161},
name: "WS",
- pos: position{line: 165, col: 40, offset: 6590},
+ pos: position{line: 197, col: 40, offset: 8165},
label: "content",
expr: &ruleRefExpr{
- pos: position{line: 165, col: 49, offset: 6599},
+ pos: position{line: 197, col: 49, offset: 8174},
name: "ListItemContent",
@@ -1632,52 +2152,52 @@ var g = &grammar{
name: "ListItemContent",
- pos: position{line: 169, col: 1, offset: 6696},
+ pos: position{line: 201, col: 1, offset: 8271},
expr: &actionExpr{
- pos: position{line: 169, col: 20, offset: 6715},
+ pos: position{line: 201, col: 20, offset: 8290},
run: (*parser).callonListItemContent1,
expr: &labeledExpr{
- pos: position{line: 169, col: 20, offset: 6715},
+ pos: position{line: 201, col: 20, offset: 8290},
label: "lines",
expr: &oneOrMoreExpr{
- pos: position{line: 169, col: 26, offset: 6721},
+ pos: position{line: 201, col: 26, offset: 8296},
expr: &seqExpr{
- pos: position{line: 169, col: 27, offset: 6722},
+ pos: position{line: 201, col: 27, offset: 8297},
exprs: []interface{}{
- pos: position{line: 169, col: 27, offset: 6722},
+ pos: position{line: 201, col: 27, offset: 8297},
expr: &seqExpr{
- pos: position{line: 169, col: 29, offset: 6724},
+ pos: position{line: 201, col: 29, offset: 8299},
exprs: []interface{}{
- pos: position{line: 169, col: 29, offset: 6724},
+ pos: position{line: 201, col: 29, offset: 8299},
expr: &ruleRefExpr{
- pos: position{line: 169, col: 29, offset: 6724},
+ pos: position{line: 201, col: 29, offset: 8299},
name: "WS",
- pos: position{line: 169, col: 34, offset: 6729},
+ pos: position{line: 201, col: 34, offset: 8304},
alternatives: []interface{}{
- pos: position{line: 169, col: 34, offset: 6729},
+ pos: position{line: 201, col: 34, offset: 8304},
expr: &litMatcher{
- pos: position{line: 169, col: 34, offset: 6729},
+ pos: position{line: 201, col: 34, offset: 8304},
val: "*",
ignoreCase: false,
- pos: position{line: 169, col: 41, offset: 6736},
+ pos: position{line: 201, col: 41, offset: 8311},
val: "-",
ignoreCase: false,
- pos: position{line: 169, col: 46, offset: 6741},
+ pos: position{line: 201, col: 46, offset: 8316},
expr: &ruleRefExpr{
- pos: position{line: 169, col: 46, offset: 6741},
+ pos: position{line: 201, col: 46, offset: 8316},
name: "WS",
@@ -1685,9 +2205,13 @@ var g = &grammar{
- pos: position{line: 169, col: 51, offset: 6746},
+ pos: position{line: 201, col: 51, offset: 8321},
name: "InlineContent",
+ &ruleRefExpr{
+ pos: position{line: 201, col: 65, offset: 8335},
+ name: "EOL",
+ },
@@ -1696,32 +2220,64 @@ var g = &grammar{
name: "Paragraph",
- pos: position{line: 176, col: 1, offset: 7016},
+ pos: position{line: 209, col: 1, offset: 8672},
expr: &actionExpr{
- pos: position{line: 176, col: 14, offset: 7029},
+ pos: position{line: 209, col: 14, offset: 8685},
run: (*parser).callonParagraph1,
expr: &seqExpr{
- pos: position{line: 176, col: 14, offset: 7029},
+ pos: position{line: 209, col: 14, offset: 8685},
exprs: []interface{}{
- pos: position{line: 176, col: 14, offset: 7029},
+ pos: position{line: 209, col: 14, offset: 8685},
label: "attributes",
expr: &zeroOrMoreExpr{
- pos: position{line: 176, col: 25, offset: 7040},
+ pos: position{line: 209, col: 25, offset: 8696},
expr: &ruleRefExpr{
- pos: position{line: 176, col: 26, offset: 7041},
+ pos: position{line: 209, col: 26, offset: 8697},
name: "ElementAttribute",
+ ¬Expr{
+ pos: position{line: 209, col: 45, offset: 8716},
+ expr: &seqExpr{
+ pos: position{line: 209, col: 47, offset: 8718},
+ exprs: []interface{}{
+ &oneOrMoreExpr{
+ pos: position{line: 209, col: 47, offset: 8718},
+ expr: &litMatcher{
+ pos: position{line: 209, col: 47, offset: 8718},
+ val: "=",
+ ignoreCase: false,
+ },
+ },
+ &oneOrMoreExpr{
+ pos: position{line: 209, col: 52, offset: 8723},
+ expr: &ruleRefExpr{
+ pos: position{line: 209, col: 52, offset: 8723},
+ name: "WS",
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ },
- pos: position{line: 176, col: 45, offset: 7060},
+ pos: position{line: 209, col: 57, offset: 8728},
label: "lines",
expr: &oneOrMoreExpr{
- pos: position{line: 176, col: 51, offset: 7066},
- expr: &ruleRefExpr{
- pos: position{line: 176, col: 52, offset: 7067},
- name: "InlineContent",
+ pos: position{line: 209, col: 63, offset: 8734},
+ expr: &seqExpr{
+ pos: position{line: 209, col: 64, offset: 8735},
+ exprs: []interface{}{
+ &ruleRefExpr{
+ pos: position{line: 209, col: 64, offset: 8735},
+ name: "InlineContent",
+ },
+ &ruleRefExpr{
+ pos: position{line: 209, col: 78, offset: 8749},
+ name: "EOL",
+ },
+ },
@@ -1731,43 +2287,43 @@ var g = &grammar{
name: "InlineContent",
- pos: position{line: 182, col: 1, offset: 7375},
+ pos: position{line: 215, col: 1, offset: 9047},
expr: &actionExpr{
- pos: position{line: 182, col: 18, offset: 7392},
+ pos: position{line: 215, col: 18, offset: 9064},
run: (*parser).callonInlineContent1,
expr: &seqExpr{
- pos: position{line: 182, col: 18, offset: 7392},
+ pos: position{line: 215, col: 18, offset: 9064},
exprs: []interface{}{
- pos: position{line: 182, col: 18, offset: 7392},
+ pos: position{line: 215, col: 18, offset: 9064},
expr: &ruleRefExpr{
- pos: position{line: 182, col: 19, offset: 7393},
+ pos: position{line: 215, col: 19, offset: 9065},
name: "FencedBlockDelimiter",
- pos: position{line: 182, col: 40, offset: 7414},
+ pos: position{line: 215, col: 40, offset: 9086},
label: "elements",
expr: &oneOrMoreExpr{
- pos: position{line: 182, col: 49, offset: 7423},
+ pos: position{line: 215, col: 49, offset: 9095},
expr: &seqExpr{
- pos: position{line: 182, col: 50, offset: 7424},
+ pos: position{line: 215, col: 50, offset: 9096},
exprs: []interface{}{
- pos: position{line: 182, col: 50, offset: 7424},
+ pos: position{line: 215, col: 50, offset: 9096},
expr: &ruleRefExpr{
- pos: position{line: 182, col: 50, offset: 7424},
+ pos: position{line: 215, col: 50, offset: 9096},
name: "WS",
- pos: position{line: 182, col: 54, offset: 7428},
+ pos: position{line: 215, col: 54, offset: 9100},
name: "InlineElement",
- pos: position{line: 182, col: 68, offset: 7442},
+ pos: position{line: 215, col: 68, offset: 9114},
expr: &ruleRefExpr{
- pos: position{line: 182, col: 68, offset: 7442},
+ pos: position{line: 215, col: 68, offset: 9114},
name: "WS",
@@ -1775,9 +2331,12 @@ var g = &grammar{
- &ruleRefExpr{
- pos: position{line: 182, col: 74, offset: 7448},
- name: "EOL",
+ &andExpr{
+ pos: position{line: 215, col: 74, offset: 9120},
+ expr: &ruleRefExpr{
+ pos: position{line: 215, col: 75, offset: 9121},
+ name: "EOL",
+ },
@@ -1785,28 +2344,28 @@ var g = &grammar{
name: "InlineElement",
- pos: position{line: 186, col: 1, offset: 7526},
+ pos: position{line: 219, col: 1, offset: 9247},
expr: &choiceExpr{
- pos: position{line: 186, col: 18, offset: 7543},
+ pos: position{line: 219, col: 18, offset: 9264},
alternatives: []interface{}{
- pos: position{line: 186, col: 18, offset: 7543},
+ pos: position{line: 219, col: 18, offset: 9264},
name: "InlineImage",
- pos: position{line: 186, col: 32, offset: 7557},
+ pos: position{line: 219, col: 32, offset: 9278},
name: "QuotedText",
- pos: position{line: 186, col: 45, offset: 7570},
+ pos: position{line: 219, col: 45, offset: 9291},
name: "ExternalLink",
- pos: position{line: 186, col: 60, offset: 7585},
+ pos: position{line: 219, col: 60, offset: 9306},
name: "DocumentAttributeSubstitution",
- pos: position{line: 186, col: 92, offset: 7617},
+ pos: position{line: 219, col: 92, offset: 9338},
name: "Word",
@@ -1814,20 +2373,20 @@ var g = &grammar{
name: "QuotedText",
- pos: position{line: 191, col: 1, offset: 7760},
+ pos: position{line: 224, col: 1, offset: 9481},
expr: &choiceExpr{
- pos: position{line: 191, col: 15, offset: 7774},
+ pos: position{line: 224, col: 15, offset: 9495},
alternatives: []interface{}{
- pos: position{line: 191, col: 15, offset: 7774},
+ pos: position{line: 224, col: 15, offset: 9495},
name: "BoldText",
- pos: position{line: 191, col: 26, offset: 7785},
+ pos: position{line: 224, col: 26, offset: 9506},
name: "ItalicText",
- pos: position{line: 191, col: 39, offset: 7798},
+ pos: position{line: 224, col: 39, offset: 9519},
name: "MonospaceText",
@@ -1835,28 +2394,28 @@ var g = &grammar{
name: "BoldText",
- pos: position{line: 193, col: 1, offset: 7813},
+ pos: position{line: 226, col: 1, offset: 9534},
expr: &actionExpr{
- pos: position{line: 193, col: 13, offset: 7825},
+ pos: position{line: 226, col: 13, offset: 9546},
run: (*parser).callonBoldText1,
expr: &seqExpr{
- pos: position{line: 193, col: 13, offset: 7825},
+ pos: position{line: 226, col: 13, offset: 9546},
exprs: []interface{}{
- pos: position{line: 193, col: 13, offset: 7825},
+ pos: position{line: 226, col: 13, offset: 9546},
val: "*",
ignoreCase: false,
- pos: position{line: 193, col: 17, offset: 7829},
+ pos: position{line: 226, col: 17, offset: 9550},
label: "content",
expr: &ruleRefExpr{
- pos: position{line: 193, col: 26, offset: 7838},
+ pos: position{line: 226, col: 26, offset: 9559},
name: "QuotedTextContent",
- pos: position{line: 193, col: 45, offset: 7857},
+ pos: position{line: 226, col: 45, offset: 9578},
val: "*",
ignoreCase: false,
@@ -1866,28 +2425,28 @@ var g = &grammar{
name: "ItalicText",
- pos: position{line: 197, col: 1, offset: 7934},
+ pos: position{line: 230, col: 1, offset: 9655},
expr: &actionExpr{
- pos: position{line: 197, col: 15, offset: 7948},
+ pos: position{line: 230, col: 15, offset: 9669},
run: (*parser).callonItalicText1,
expr: &seqExpr{
- pos: position{line: 197, col: 15, offset: 7948},
+ pos: position{line: 230, col: 15, offset: 9669},
exprs: []interface{}{
- pos: position{line: 197, col: 15, offset: 7948},
+ pos: position{line: 230, col: 15, offset: 9669},
val: "_",
ignoreCase: false,
- pos: position{line: 197, col: 19, offset: 7952},
+ pos: position{line: 230, col: 19, offset: 9673},
label: "content",
expr: &ruleRefExpr{
- pos: position{line: 197, col: 28, offset: 7961},
+ pos: position{line: 230, col: 28, offset: 9682},
name: "QuotedTextContent",
- pos: position{line: 197, col: 47, offset: 7980},
+ pos: position{line: 230, col: 47, offset: 9701},
val: "_",
ignoreCase: false,
@@ -1897,28 +2456,28 @@ var g = &grammar{
name: "MonospaceText",
- pos: position{line: 201, col: 1, offset: 8059},
+ pos: position{line: 234, col: 1, offset: 9780},
expr: &actionExpr{
- pos: position{line: 201, col: 18, offset: 8076},
+ pos: position{line: 234, col: 18, offset: 9797},
run: (*parser).callonMonospaceText1,
expr: &seqExpr{
- pos: position{line: 201, col: 18, offset: 8076},
+ pos: position{line: 234, col: 18, offset: 9797},
exprs: []interface{}{
- pos: position{line: 201, col: 18, offset: 8076},
+ pos: position{line: 234, col: 18, offset: 9797},
val: "`",
ignoreCase: false,
- pos: position{line: 201, col: 22, offset: 8080},
+ pos: position{line: 234, col: 22, offset: 9801},
label: "content",
expr: &ruleRefExpr{
- pos: position{line: 201, col: 31, offset: 8089},
+ pos: position{line: 234, col: 31, offset: 9810},
name: "QuotedTextContent",
- pos: position{line: 201, col: 50, offset: 8108},
+ pos: position{line: 234, col: 50, offset: 9829},
val: "`",
ignoreCase: false,
@@ -1928,28 +2487,28 @@ var g = &grammar{
name: "QuotedTextContent",
- pos: position{line: 205, col: 1, offset: 8190},
+ pos: position{line: 238, col: 1, offset: 9911},
expr: &seqExpr{
- pos: position{line: 205, col: 22, offset: 8211},
+ pos: position{line: 238, col: 22, offset: 9932},
exprs: []interface{}{
- pos: position{line: 205, col: 22, offset: 8211},
+ pos: position{line: 238, col: 22, offset: 9932},
name: "QuotedTextContentElement",
- pos: position{line: 205, col: 47, offset: 8236},
+ pos: position{line: 238, col: 47, offset: 9957},
expr: &seqExpr{
- pos: position{line: 205, col: 48, offset: 8237},
+ pos: position{line: 238, col: 48, offset: 9958},
exprs: []interface{}{
- pos: position{line: 205, col: 48, offset: 8237},
+ pos: position{line: 238, col: 48, offset: 9958},
expr: &ruleRefExpr{
- pos: position{line: 205, col: 48, offset: 8237},
+ pos: position{line: 238, col: 48, offset: 9958},
name: "WS",
- pos: position{line: 205, col: 52, offset: 8241},
+ pos: position{line: 238, col: 52, offset: 9962},
name: "QuotedTextContentElement",
@@ -1960,20 +2519,20 @@ var g = &grammar{
name: "QuotedTextContentElement",
- pos: position{line: 207, col: 1, offset: 8269},
+ pos: position{line: 240, col: 1, offset: 9990},
expr: &choiceExpr{
- pos: position{line: 207, col: 29, offset: 8297},
+ pos: position{line: 240, col: 29, offset: 10018},
alternatives: []interface{}{
- pos: position{line: 207, col: 29, offset: 8297},
+ pos: position{line: 240, col: 29, offset: 10018},
name: "QuotedText",
- pos: position{line: 207, col: 42, offset: 8310},
+ pos: position{line: 240, col: 42, offset: 10031},
name: "QuotedTextContentWord",
- pos: position{line: 207, col: 66, offset: 8334},
+ pos: position{line: 240, col: 66, offset: 10055},
name: "InvalidQuotedTextContentWord",
@@ -1981,52 +2540,52 @@ var g = &grammar{
name: "QuotedTextContentWord",
- pos: position{line: 209, col: 1, offset: 8364},
+ pos: position{line: 242, col: 1, offset: 10085},
expr: &oneOrMoreExpr{
- pos: position{line: 209, col: 26, offset: 8389},
+ pos: position{line: 242, col: 26, offset: 10110},
expr: &seqExpr{
- pos: position{line: 209, col: 27, offset: 8390},
+ pos: position{line: 242, col: 27, offset: 10111},
exprs: []interface{}{
- pos: position{line: 209, col: 27, offset: 8390},
+ pos: position{line: 242, col: 27, offset: 10111},
expr: &ruleRefExpr{
- pos: position{line: 209, col: 28, offset: 8391},
+ pos: position{line: 242, col: 28, offset: 10112},
name: "NEWLINE",
- pos: position{line: 209, col: 36, offset: 8399},
+ pos: position{line: 242, col: 36, offset: 10120},
expr: &ruleRefExpr{
- pos: position{line: 209, col: 37, offset: 8400},
+ pos: position{line: 242, col: 37, offset: 10121},
name: "WS",
- pos: position{line: 209, col: 40, offset: 8403},
+ pos: position{line: 242, col: 40, offset: 10124},
expr: &litMatcher{
- pos: position{line: 209, col: 41, offset: 8404},
+ pos: position{line: 242, col: 41, offset: 10125},
val: "*",
ignoreCase: false,
- pos: position{line: 209, col: 45, offset: 8408},
+ pos: position{line: 242, col: 45, offset: 10129},
expr: &litMatcher{
- pos: position{line: 209, col: 46, offset: 8409},
+ pos: position{line: 242, col: 46, offset: 10130},
val: "_",
ignoreCase: false,
- pos: position{line: 209, col: 50, offset: 8413},
+ pos: position{line: 242, col: 50, offset: 10134},
expr: &litMatcher{
- pos: position{line: 209, col: 51, offset: 8414},
+ pos: position{line: 242, col: 51, offset: 10135},
val: "`",
ignoreCase: false,
- line: 209, col: 55, offset: 8418,
+ line: 242, col: 55, offset: 10139,
@@ -2034,28 +2593,28 @@ var g = &grammar{
name: "InvalidQuotedTextContentWord",
- pos: position{line: 210, col: 1, offset: 8460},
+ pos: position{line: 243, col: 1, offset: 10181},
expr: &oneOrMoreExpr{
- pos: position{line: 210, col: 33, offset: 8492},
+ pos: position{line: 243, col: 33, offset: 10213},
expr: &seqExpr{
- pos: position{line: 210, col: 34, offset: 8493},
+ pos: position{line: 243, col: 34, offset: 10214},
exprs: []interface{}{
- pos: position{line: 210, col: 34, offset: 8493},
+ pos: position{line: 243, col: 34, offset: 10214},
expr: &ruleRefExpr{
- pos: position{line: 210, col: 35, offset: 8494},
+ pos: position{line: 243, col: 35, offset: 10215},
name: "NEWLINE",
- pos: position{line: 210, col: 43, offset: 8502},
+ pos: position{line: 243, col: 43, offset: 10223},
expr: &ruleRefExpr{
- pos: position{line: 210, col: 44, offset: 8503},
+ pos: position{line: 243, col: 44, offset: 10224},
name: "WS",
- line: 210, col: 48, offset: 8507,
+ line: 243, col: 48, offset: 10228,
@@ -2063,52 +2622,52 @@ var g = &grammar{
name: "ExternalLink",
- pos: position{line: 215, col: 1, offset: 8724},
+ pos: position{line: 248, col: 1, offset: 10445},
expr: &actionExpr{
- pos: position{line: 215, col: 17, offset: 8740},
+ pos: position{line: 248, col: 17, offset: 10461},
run: (*parser).callonExternalLink1,
expr: &seqExpr{
- pos: position{line: 215, col: 17, offset: 8740},
+ pos: position{line: 248, col: 17, offset: 10461},
exprs: []interface{}{
- pos: position{line: 215, col: 17, offset: 8740},
+ pos: position{line: 248, col: 17, offset: 10461},
label: "url",
expr: &seqExpr{
- pos: position{line: 215, col: 22, offset: 8745},
+ pos: position{line: 248, col: 22, offset: 10466},
exprs: []interface{}{
- pos: position{line: 215, col: 22, offset: 8745},
+ pos: position{line: 248, col: 22, offset: 10466},
name: "URL_SCHEME",
- pos: position{line: 215, col: 33, offset: 8756},
+ pos: position{line: 248, col: 33, offset: 10477},
name: "URL",
- pos: position{line: 215, col: 38, offset: 8761},
+ pos: position{line: 248, col: 38, offset: 10482},
label: "text",
expr: &zeroOrOneExpr{
- pos: position{line: 215, col: 43, offset: 8766},
+ pos: position{line: 248, col: 43, offset: 10487},
expr: &seqExpr{
- pos: position{line: 215, col: 44, offset: 8767},
+ pos: position{line: 248, col: 44, offset: 10488},
exprs: []interface{}{
- pos: position{line: 215, col: 44, offset: 8767},
+ pos: position{line: 248, col: 44, offset: 10488},
val: "[",
ignoreCase: false,
- pos: position{line: 215, col: 48, offset: 8771},
+ pos: position{line: 248, col: 48, offset: 10492},
expr: &ruleRefExpr{
- pos: position{line: 215, col: 49, offset: 8772},
+ pos: position{line: 248, col: 49, offset: 10493},
name: "URL_TEXT",
- pos: position{line: 215, col: 60, offset: 8783},
+ pos: position{line: 248, col: 60, offset: 10504},
val: "]",
ignoreCase: false,
@@ -2122,41 +2681,41 @@ var g = &grammar{
name: "BlockImage",
- pos: position{line: 225, col: 1, offset: 9062},
+ pos: position{line: 258, col: 1, offset: 10783},
expr: &actionExpr{
- pos: position{line: 225, col: 15, offset: 9076},
+ pos: position{line: 258, col: 15, offset: 10797},
run: (*parser).callonBlockImage1,
expr: &seqExpr{
- pos: position{line: 225, col: 15, offset: 9076},
+ pos: position{line: 258, col: 15, offset: 10797},
exprs: []interface{}{
- pos: position{line: 225, col: 15, offset: 9076},
+ pos: position{line: 258, col: 15, offset: 10797},
label: "attributes",
expr: &zeroOrMoreExpr{
- pos: position{line: 225, col: 26, offset: 9087},
+ pos: position{line: 258, col: 26, offset: 10808},
expr: &ruleRefExpr{
- pos: position{line: 225, col: 27, offset: 9088},
+ pos: position{line: 258, col: 27, offset: 10809},
name: "ElementAttribute",
- pos: position{line: 225, col: 46, offset: 9107},
+ pos: position{line: 258, col: 46, offset: 10828},
label: "image",
expr: &ruleRefExpr{
- pos: position{line: 225, col: 52, offset: 9113},
+ pos: position{line: 258, col: 52, offset: 10834},
name: "BlockImageMacro",
- pos: position{line: 225, col: 69, offset: 9130},
+ pos: position{line: 258, col: 69, offset: 10851},
expr: &ruleRefExpr{
- pos: position{line: 225, col: 69, offset: 9130},
+ pos: position{line: 258, col: 69, offset: 10851},
name: "WS",
- pos: position{line: 225, col: 73, offset: 9134},
+ pos: position{line: 258, col: 73, offset: 10855},
name: "EOL",
@@ -2165,44 +2724,44 @@ var g = &grammar{
name: "BlockImageMacro",
- pos: position{line: 230, col: 1, offset: 9303},
+ pos: position{line: 263, col: 1, offset: 11024},
expr: &actionExpr{
- pos: position{line: 230, col: 20, offset: 9322},
+ pos: position{line: 263, col: 20, offset: 11043},
run: (*parser).callonBlockImageMacro1,
expr: &seqExpr{
- pos: position{line: 230, col: 20, offset: 9322},
+ pos: position{line: 263, col: 20, offset: 11043},
exprs: []interface{}{
- pos: position{line: 230, col: 20, offset: 9322},
+ pos: position{line: 263, col: 20, offset: 11043},
val: "image::",
ignoreCase: false,
- pos: position{line: 230, col: 30, offset: 9332},
+ pos: position{line: 263, col: 30, offset: 11053},
label: "path",
expr: &ruleRefExpr{
- pos: position{line: 230, col: 36, offset: 9338},
+ pos: position{line: 263, col: 36, offset: 11059},
name: "URL",
- pos: position{line: 230, col: 41, offset: 9343},
+ pos: position{line: 263, col: 41, offset: 11064},
val: "[",
ignoreCase: false,
- pos: position{line: 230, col: 45, offset: 9347},
+ pos: position{line: 263, col: 45, offset: 11068},
label: "attributes",
expr: &zeroOrOneExpr{
- pos: position{line: 230, col: 57, offset: 9359},
+ pos: position{line: 263, col: 57, offset: 11080},
expr: &ruleRefExpr{
- pos: position{line: 230, col: 57, offset: 9359},
+ pos: position{line: 263, col: 57, offset: 11080},
name: "URL_TEXT",
- pos: position{line: 230, col: 68, offset: 9370},
+ pos: position{line: 263, col: 68, offset: 11091},
val: "]",
ignoreCase: false,
@@ -2212,15 +2771,15 @@ var g = &grammar{
name: "InlineImage",
- pos: position{line: 234, col: 1, offset: 9445},
+ pos: position{line: 267, col: 1, offset: 11166},
expr: &actionExpr{
- pos: position{line: 234, col: 16, offset: 9460},
+ pos: position{line: 267, col: 16, offset: 11181},
run: (*parser).callonInlineImage1,
expr: &labeledExpr{
- pos: position{line: 234, col: 16, offset: 9460},
+ pos: position{line: 267, col: 16, offset: 11181},
label: "image",
expr: &ruleRefExpr{
- pos: position{line: 234, col: 22, offset: 9466},
+ pos: position{line: 267, col: 22, offset: 11187},
name: "InlineImageMacro",
@@ -2228,52 +2787,52 @@ var g = &grammar{
name: "InlineImageMacro",
- pos: position{line: 239, col: 1, offset: 9621},
+ pos: position{line: 272, col: 1, offset: 11342},
expr: &actionExpr{
- pos: position{line: 239, col: 21, offset: 9641},
+ pos: position{line: 272, col: 21, offset: 11362},
run: (*parser).callonInlineImageMacro1,
expr: &seqExpr{
- pos: position{line: 239, col: 21, offset: 9641},
+ pos: position{line: 272, col: 21, offset: 11362},
exprs: []interface{}{
- pos: position{line: 239, col: 21, offset: 9641},
+ pos: position{line: 272, col: 21, offset: 11362},
val: "image:",
ignoreCase: false,
- pos: position{line: 239, col: 30, offset: 9650},
+ pos: position{line: 272, col: 30, offset: 11371},
expr: &litMatcher{
- pos: position{line: 239, col: 31, offset: 9651},
+ pos: position{line: 272, col: 31, offset: 11372},
val: ":",
ignoreCase: false,
- pos: position{line: 239, col: 35, offset: 9655},
+ pos: position{line: 272, col: 35, offset: 11376},
label: "path",
expr: &ruleRefExpr{
- pos: position{line: 239, col: 41, offset: 9661},
+ pos: position{line: 272, col: 41, offset: 11382},
name: "URL",
- pos: position{line: 239, col: 46, offset: 9666},
+ pos: position{line: 272, col: 46, offset: 11387},
val: "[",
ignoreCase: false,
- pos: position{line: 239, col: 50, offset: 9670},
+ pos: position{line: 272, col: 50, offset: 11391},
label: "attributes",
expr: &zeroOrOneExpr{
- pos: position{line: 239, col: 62, offset: 9682},
+ pos: position{line: 272, col: 62, offset: 11403},
expr: &ruleRefExpr{
- pos: position{line: 239, col: 62, offset: 9682},
+ pos: position{line: 272, col: 62, offset: 11403},
name: "URL_TEXT",
- pos: position{line: 239, col: 73, offset: 9693},
+ pos: position{line: 272, col: 73, offset: 11414},
val: "]",
ignoreCase: false,
@@ -2283,57 +2842,57 @@ var g = &grammar{
name: "DelimitedBlock",
- pos: position{line: 246, col: 1, offset: 10031},
+ pos: position{line: 279, col: 1, offset: 11752},
expr: &ruleRefExpr{
- pos: position{line: 246, col: 19, offset: 10049},
+ pos: position{line: 279, col: 19, offset: 11770},
name: "FencedBlock",
name: "FencedBlock",
- pos: position{line: 248, col: 1, offset: 10063},
+ pos: position{line: 281, col: 1, offset: 11784},
expr: &actionExpr{
- pos: position{line: 248, col: 16, offset: 10078},
+ pos: position{line: 281, col: 16, offset: 11799},
run: (*parser).callonFencedBlock1,
expr: &seqExpr{
- pos: position{line: 248, col: 16, offset: 10078},
+ pos: position{line: 281, col: 16, offset: 11799},
exprs: []interface{}{
- pos: position{line: 248, col: 16, offset: 10078},
+ pos: position{line: 281, col: 16, offset: 11799},
name: "FencedBlockDelimiter",
- pos: position{line: 248, col: 37, offset: 10099},
+ pos: position{line: 281, col: 37, offset: 11820},
expr: &ruleRefExpr{
- pos: position{line: 248, col: 37, offset: 10099},
+ pos: position{line: 281, col: 37, offset: 11820},
name: "WS",
- pos: position{line: 248, col: 41, offset: 10103},
+ pos: position{line: 281, col: 41, offset: 11824},
name: "NEWLINE",
- pos: position{line: 248, col: 49, offset: 10111},
+ pos: position{line: 281, col: 49, offset: 11832},
label: "content",
expr: &ruleRefExpr{
- pos: position{line: 248, col: 58, offset: 10120},
+ pos: position{line: 281, col: 58, offset: 11841},
name: "FencedBlockContent",
- pos: position{line: 248, col: 78, offset: 10140},
+ pos: position{line: 281, col: 78, offset: 11861},
name: "FencedBlockDelimiter",
- pos: position{line: 248, col: 99, offset: 10161},
+ pos: position{line: 281, col: 99, offset: 11882},
expr: &ruleRefExpr{
- pos: position{line: 248, col: 99, offset: 10161},
+ pos: position{line: 281, col: 99, offset: 11882},
name: "WS",
- pos: position{line: 248, col: 103, offset: 10165},
+ pos: position{line: 281, col: 103, offset: 11886},
name: "EOL",
@@ -2342,33 +2901,33 @@ var g = &grammar{
name: "FencedBlockDelimiter",
- pos: position{line: 252, col: 1, offset: 10253},
+ pos: position{line: 285, col: 1, offset: 11974},
expr: &litMatcher{
- pos: position{line: 252, col: 25, offset: 10277},
+ pos: position{line: 285, col: 25, offset: 11998},
val: "```",
ignoreCase: false,
name: "FencedBlockContent",
- pos: position{line: 254, col: 1, offset: 10284},
+ pos: position{line: 287, col: 1, offset: 12005},
expr: &labeledExpr{
- pos: position{line: 254, col: 23, offset: 10306},
+ pos: position{line: 287, col: 23, offset: 12027},
label: "content",
expr: &zeroOrMoreExpr{
- pos: position{line: 254, col: 31, offset: 10314},
+ pos: position{line: 287, col: 31, offset: 12035},
expr: &seqExpr{
- pos: position{line: 254, col: 32, offset: 10315},
+ pos: position{line: 287, col: 32, offset: 12036},
exprs: []interface{}{
- pos: position{line: 254, col: 32, offset: 10315},
+ pos: position{line: 287, col: 32, offset: 12036},
expr: &ruleRefExpr{
- pos: position{line: 254, col: 33, offset: 10316},
+ pos: position{line: 287, col: 33, offset: 12037},
name: "FencedBlockDelimiter",
- line: 254, col: 54, offset: 10337,
+ line: 287, col: 54, offset: 12058,
@@ -2377,20 +2936,20 @@ var g = &grammar{
name: "LiteralBlock",
- pos: position{line: 259, col: 1, offset: 10610},
+ pos: position{line: 292, col: 1, offset: 12331},
expr: &choiceExpr{
- pos: position{line: 259, col: 17, offset: 10626},
+ pos: position{line: 292, col: 17, offset: 12347},
alternatives: []interface{}{
- pos: position{line: 259, col: 17, offset: 10626},
+ pos: position{line: 292, col: 17, offset: 12347},
name: "ParagraphWithSpaces",
- pos: position{line: 259, col: 39, offset: 10648},
+ pos: position{line: 292, col: 39, offset: 12369},
name: "ParagraphWithLiteralBlockDelimiter",
- pos: position{line: 259, col: 76, offset: 10685},
+ pos: position{line: 292, col: 76, offset: 12406},
name: "ParagraphWithLiteralAttribute",
@@ -2398,41 +2957,41 @@ var g = &grammar{
name: "ParagraphWithSpaces",
- pos: position{line: 262, col: 1, offset: 10780},
+ pos: position{line: 295, col: 1, offset: 12501},
expr: &actionExpr{
- pos: position{line: 262, col: 24, offset: 10803},
+ pos: position{line: 295, col: 24, offset: 12524},
run: (*parser).callonParagraphWithSpaces1,
expr: &seqExpr{
- pos: position{line: 262, col: 24, offset: 10803},
+ pos: position{line: 295, col: 24, offset: 12524},
exprs: []interface{}{
- pos: position{line: 262, col: 24, offset: 10803},
+ pos: position{line: 295, col: 24, offset: 12524},
label: "spaces",
expr: &oneOrMoreExpr{
- pos: position{line: 262, col: 32, offset: 10811},
+ pos: position{line: 295, col: 32, offset: 12532},
expr: &ruleRefExpr{
- pos: position{line: 262, col: 32, offset: 10811},
+ pos: position{line: 295, col: 32, offset: 12532},
name: "WS",
- pos: position{line: 262, col: 37, offset: 10816},
+ pos: position{line: 295, col: 37, offset: 12537},
expr: &ruleRefExpr{
- pos: position{line: 262, col: 38, offset: 10817},
+ pos: position{line: 295, col: 38, offset: 12538},
name: "NEWLINE",
- pos: position{line: 262, col: 46, offset: 10825},
+ pos: position{line: 295, col: 46, offset: 12546},
label: "content",
expr: &ruleRefExpr{
- pos: position{line: 262, col: 55, offset: 10834},
+ pos: position{line: 295, col: 55, offset: 12555},
name: "LiteralBlockContent",
- pos: position{line: 262, col: 76, offset: 10855},
+ pos: position{line: 295, col: 76, offset: 12576},
name: "EndOfLiteralBlock",
@@ -2441,36 +3000,36 @@ var g = &grammar{
name: "LiteralBlockContent",
- pos: position{line: 268, col: 1, offset: 11112},
+ pos: position{line: 301, col: 1, offset: 12833},
expr: &actionExpr{
- pos: position{line: 268, col: 24, offset: 11135},
+ pos: position{line: 301, col: 24, offset: 12856},
run: (*parser).callonLiteralBlockContent1,
expr: &labeledExpr{
- pos: position{line: 268, col: 24, offset: 11135},
+ pos: position{line: 301, col: 24, offset: 12856},
label: "content",
expr: &oneOrMoreExpr{
- pos: position{line: 268, col: 32, offset: 11143},
+ pos: position{line: 301, col: 32, offset: 12864},
expr: &seqExpr{
- pos: position{line: 268, col: 33, offset: 11144},
+ pos: position{line: 301, col: 33, offset: 12865},
exprs: []interface{}{
- pos: position{line: 268, col: 33, offset: 11144},
+ pos: position{line: 301, col: 33, offset: 12865},
expr: &seqExpr{
- pos: position{line: 268, col: 35, offset: 11146},
+ pos: position{line: 301, col: 35, offset: 12867},
exprs: []interface{}{
- pos: position{line: 268, col: 35, offset: 11146},
+ pos: position{line: 301, col: 35, offset: 12867},
name: "NEWLINE",
- pos: position{line: 268, col: 43, offset: 11154},
+ pos: position{line: 301, col: 43, offset: 12875},
name: "BlankLine",
- line: 268, col: 54, offset: 11165,
+ line: 301, col: 54, offset: 12886,
@@ -2480,29 +3039,29 @@ var g = &grammar{
name: "EndOfLiteralBlock",
- pos: position{line: 273, col: 1, offset: 11250},
+ pos: position{line: 306, col: 1, offset: 12971},
expr: &choiceExpr{
- pos: position{line: 273, col: 22, offset: 11271},
+ pos: position{line: 306, col: 22, offset: 12992},
alternatives: []interface{}{
- pos: position{line: 273, col: 22, offset: 11271},
+ pos: position{line: 306, col: 22, offset: 12992},
exprs: []interface{}{
- pos: position{line: 273, col: 22, offset: 11271},
+ pos: position{line: 306, col: 22, offset: 12992},
name: "NEWLINE",
- pos: position{line: 273, col: 30, offset: 11279},
+ pos: position{line: 306, col: 30, offset: 13000},
name: "BlankLine",
- pos: position{line: 273, col: 42, offset: 11291},
+ pos: position{line: 306, col: 42, offset: 13012},
name: "NEWLINE",
- pos: position{line: 273, col: 52, offset: 11301},
+ pos: position{line: 306, col: 52, offset: 13022},
name: "EOF",
@@ -2510,63 +3069,63 @@ var g = &grammar{
name: "ParagraphWithLiteralBlockDelimiter",
- pos: position{line: 276, col: 1, offset: 11361},
+ pos: position{line: 309, col: 1, offset: 13082},
expr: &actionExpr{
- pos: position{line: 276, col: 39, offset: 11399},
+ pos: position{line: 309, col: 39, offset: 13120},
run: (*parser).callonParagraphWithLiteralBlockDelimiter1,
expr: &seqExpr{
- pos: position{line: 276, col: 39, offset: 11399},
+ pos: position{line: 309, col: 39, offset: 13120},
exprs: []interface{}{
- pos: position{line: 276, col: 39, offset: 11399},
+ pos: position{line: 309, col: 39, offset: 13120},
name: "LiteralBlockDelimiter",
- pos: position{line: 276, col: 61, offset: 11421},
+ pos: position{line: 309, col: 61, offset: 13142},
expr: &ruleRefExpr{
- pos: position{line: 276, col: 61, offset: 11421},
+ pos: position{line: 309, col: 61, offset: 13142},
name: "WS",
- pos: position{line: 276, col: 65, offset: 11425},
+ pos: position{line: 309, col: 65, offset: 13146},
name: "NEWLINE",
- pos: position{line: 276, col: 73, offset: 11433},
+ pos: position{line: 309, col: 73, offset: 13154},
label: "content",
expr: &zeroOrMoreExpr{
- pos: position{line: 276, col: 81, offset: 11441},
+ pos: position{line: 309, col: 81, offset: 13162},
expr: &seqExpr{
- pos: position{line: 276, col: 82, offset: 11442},
+ pos: position{line: 309, col: 82, offset: 13163},
exprs: []interface{}{
- pos: position{line: 276, col: 82, offset: 11442},
+ pos: position{line: 309, col: 82, offset: 13163},
expr: &ruleRefExpr{
- pos: position{line: 276, col: 83, offset: 11443},
+ pos: position{line: 309, col: 83, offset: 13164},
name: "LiteralBlockDelimiter",
- line: 276, col: 105, offset: 11465,
+ line: 309, col: 105, offset: 13186,
- pos: position{line: 276, col: 109, offset: 11469},
+ pos: position{line: 309, col: 109, offset: 13190},
name: "LiteralBlockDelimiter",
- pos: position{line: 276, col: 131, offset: 11491},
+ pos: position{line: 309, col: 131, offset: 13212},
expr: &ruleRefExpr{
- pos: position{line: 276, col: 131, offset: 11491},
+ pos: position{line: 309, col: 131, offset: 13212},
name: "WS",
- pos: position{line: 276, col: 135, offset: 11495},
+ pos: position{line: 309, col: 135, offset: 13216},
name: "EOL",
@@ -2575,48 +3134,48 @@ var g = &grammar{
name: "LiteralBlockDelimiter",
- pos: position{line: 280, col: 1, offset: 11579},
+ pos: position{line: 313, col: 1, offset: 13300},
expr: &litMatcher{
- pos: position{line: 280, col: 26, offset: 11604},
+ pos: position{line: 313, col: 26, offset: 13325},
val: "....",
ignoreCase: false,
name: "ParagraphWithLiteralAttribute",
- pos: position{line: 283, col: 1, offset: 11666},
+ pos: position{line: 316, col: 1, offset: 13387},
expr: &actionExpr{
- pos: position{line: 283, col: 34, offset: 11699},
+ pos: position{line: 316, col: 34, offset: 13420},
run: (*parser).callonParagraphWithLiteralAttribute1,
expr: &seqExpr{
- pos: position{line: 283, col: 34, offset: 11699},
+ pos: position{line: 316, col: 34, offset: 13420},
exprs: []interface{}{
- pos: position{line: 283, col: 34, offset: 11699},
+ pos: position{line: 316, col: 34, offset: 13420},
val: "[literal]",
ignoreCase: false,
- pos: position{line: 283, col: 46, offset: 11711},
+ pos: position{line: 316, col: 46, offset: 13432},
expr: &ruleRefExpr{
- pos: position{line: 283, col: 46, offset: 11711},
+ pos: position{line: 316, col: 46, offset: 13432},
name: "WS",
- pos: position{line: 283, col: 50, offset: 11715},
+ pos: position{line: 316, col: 50, offset: 13436},
name: "NEWLINE",
- pos: position{line: 283, col: 58, offset: 11723},
+ pos: position{line: 316, col: 58, offset: 13444},
label: "content",
expr: &ruleRefExpr{
- pos: position{line: 283, col: 67, offset: 11732},
+ pos: position{line: 316, col: 67, offset: 13453},
name: "LiteralBlockContent",
- pos: position{line: 283, col: 88, offset: 11753},
+ pos: position{line: 316, col: 88, offset: 13474},
name: "EndOfLiteralBlock",
@@ -2625,23 +3184,23 @@ var g = &grammar{
name: "ElementAttribute",
- pos: position{line: 290, col: 1, offset: 11965},
+ pos: position{line: 323, col: 1, offset: 13686},
expr: &labeledExpr{
- pos: position{line: 290, col: 21, offset: 11985},
+ pos: position{line: 323, col: 21, offset: 13706},
label: "meta",
expr: &choiceExpr{
- pos: position{line: 290, col: 27, offset: 11991},
+ pos: position{line: 323, col: 27, offset: 13712},
alternatives: []interface{}{
- pos: position{line: 290, col: 27, offset: 11991},
+ pos: position{line: 323, col: 27, offset: 13712},
name: "ElementLink",
- pos: position{line: 290, col: 41, offset: 12005},
+ pos: position{line: 323, col: 41, offset: 13726},
name: "ElementID",
- pos: position{line: 290, col: 53, offset: 12017},
+ pos: position{line: 323, col: 53, offset: 13738},
name: "ElementTitle",
@@ -2650,71 +3209,71 @@ var g = &grammar{
name: "ElementLink",
- pos: position{line: 293, col: 1, offset: 12088},
+ pos: position{line: 326, col: 1, offset: 13809},
expr: &actionExpr{
- pos: position{line: 293, col: 16, offset: 12103},
+ pos: position{line: 326, col: 16, offset: 13824},
run: (*parser).callonElementLink1,
expr: &seqExpr{
- pos: position{line: 293, col: 16, offset: 12103},
+ pos: position{line: 326, col: 16, offset: 13824},
exprs: []interface{}{
- pos: position{line: 293, col: 16, offset: 12103},
+ pos: position{line: 326, col: 16, offset: 13824},
val: "[",
ignoreCase: false,
- pos: position{line: 293, col: 20, offset: 12107},
+ pos: position{line: 326, col: 20, offset: 13828},
expr: &ruleRefExpr{
- pos: position{line: 293, col: 20, offset: 12107},
+ pos: position{line: 326, col: 20, offset: 13828},
name: "WS",
- pos: position{line: 293, col: 24, offset: 12111},
+ pos: position{line: 326, col: 24, offset: 13832},
val: "link",
ignoreCase: false,
- pos: position{line: 293, col: 31, offset: 12118},
+ pos: position{line: 326, col: 31, offset: 13839},
expr: &ruleRefExpr{
- pos: position{line: 293, col: 31, offset: 12118},
+ pos: position{line: 326, col: 31, offset: 13839},
name: "WS",
- pos: position{line: 293, col: 35, offset: 12122},
+ pos: position{line: 326, col: 35, offset: 13843},
val: "=",
ignoreCase: false,
- pos: position{line: 293, col: 39, offset: 12126},
+ pos: position{line: 326, col: 39, offset: 13847},
expr: &ruleRefExpr{
- pos: position{line: 293, col: 39, offset: 12126},
+ pos: position{line: 326, col: 39, offset: 13847},
name: "WS",
- pos: position{line: 293, col: 43, offset: 12130},
+ pos: position{line: 326, col: 43, offset: 13851},
label: "path",
expr: &ruleRefExpr{
- pos: position{line: 293, col: 48, offset: 12135},
+ pos: position{line: 326, col: 48, offset: 13856},
name: "URL",
- pos: position{line: 293, col: 52, offset: 12139},
+ pos: position{line: 326, col: 52, offset: 13860},
expr: &ruleRefExpr{
- pos: position{line: 293, col: 52, offset: 12139},
+ pos: position{line: 326, col: 52, offset: 13860},
name: "WS",
- pos: position{line: 293, col: 56, offset: 12143},
+ pos: position{line: 326, col: 56, offset: 13864},
val: "]",
ignoreCase: false,
- pos: position{line: 293, col: 60, offset: 12147},
+ pos: position{line: 326, col: 60, offset: 13868},
name: "EOL",
@@ -2723,52 +3282,52 @@ var g = &grammar{
name: "ElementID",
- pos: position{line: 298, col: 1, offset: 12257},
+ pos: position{line: 331, col: 1, offset: 13978},
expr: &actionExpr{
- pos: position{line: 298, col: 14, offset: 12270},
+ pos: position{line: 331, col: 14, offset: 13991},
run: (*parser).callonElementID1,
expr: &seqExpr{
- pos: position{line: 298, col: 14, offset: 12270},
+ pos: position{line: 331, col: 14, offset: 13991},
exprs: []interface{}{
- pos: position{line: 298, col: 14, offset: 12270},
+ pos: position{line: 331, col: 14, offset: 13991},
val: "[",
ignoreCase: false,
- pos: position{line: 298, col: 18, offset: 12274},
+ pos: position{line: 331, col: 18, offset: 13995},
expr: &ruleRefExpr{
- pos: position{line: 298, col: 18, offset: 12274},
+ pos: position{line: 331, col: 18, offset: 13995},
name: "WS",
- pos: position{line: 298, col: 22, offset: 12278},
+ pos: position{line: 331, col: 22, offset: 13999},
val: "#",
ignoreCase: false,
- pos: position{line: 298, col: 26, offset: 12282},
+ pos: position{line: 331, col: 26, offset: 14003},
label: "id",
expr: &ruleRefExpr{
- pos: position{line: 298, col: 30, offset: 12286},
+ pos: position{line: 331, col: 30, offset: 14007},
name: "ID",
- pos: position{line: 298, col: 34, offset: 12290},
+ pos: position{line: 331, col: 34, offset: 14011},
expr: &ruleRefExpr{
- pos: position{line: 298, col: 34, offset: 12290},
+ pos: position{line: 331, col: 34, offset: 14011},
name: "WS",
- pos: position{line: 298, col: 38, offset: 12294},
+ pos: position{line: 331, col: 38, offset: 14015},
val: "]",
ignoreCase: false,
- pos: position{line: 298, col: 42, offset: 12298},
+ pos: position{line: 331, col: 42, offset: 14019},
name: "EOL",
@@ -2777,57 +3336,57 @@ var g = &grammar{
name: "ElementTitle",
- pos: position{line: 304, col: 1, offset: 12492},
+ pos: position{line: 337, col: 1, offset: 14213},
expr: &actionExpr{
- pos: position{line: 304, col: 17, offset: 12508},
+ pos: position{line: 337, col: 17, offset: 14229},
run: (*parser).callonElementTitle1,
expr: &seqExpr{
- pos: position{line: 304, col: 17, offset: 12508},
+ pos: position{line: 337, col: 17, offset: 14229},
exprs: []interface{}{
- pos: position{line: 304, col: 17, offset: 12508},
+ pos: position{line: 337, col: 17, offset: 14229},
val: ".",
ignoreCase: false,
- pos: position{line: 304, col: 21, offset: 12512},
+ pos: position{line: 337, col: 21, offset: 14233},
expr: &litMatcher{
- pos: position{line: 304, col: 22, offset: 12513},
+ pos: position{line: 337, col: 22, offset: 14234},
val: ".",
ignoreCase: false,
- pos: position{line: 304, col: 26, offset: 12517},
+ pos: position{line: 337, col: 26, offset: 14238},
expr: &ruleRefExpr{
- pos: position{line: 304, col: 27, offset: 12518},
+ pos: position{line: 337, col: 27, offset: 14239},
name: "WS",
- pos: position{line: 304, col: 30, offset: 12521},
+ pos: position{line: 337, col: 30, offset: 14242},
label: "title",
expr: &oneOrMoreExpr{
- pos: position{line: 304, col: 36, offset: 12527},
+ pos: position{line: 337, col: 36, offset: 14248},
expr: &seqExpr{
- pos: position{line: 304, col: 37, offset: 12528},
+ pos: position{line: 337, col: 37, offset: 14249},
exprs: []interface{}{
- pos: position{line: 304, col: 37, offset: 12528},
+ pos: position{line: 337, col: 37, offset: 14249},
expr: &ruleRefExpr{
- pos: position{line: 304, col: 38, offset: 12529},
+ pos: position{line: 337, col: 38, offset: 14250},
name: "NEWLINE",
- line: 304, col: 46, offset: 12537,
+ line: 337, col: 46, offset: 14258,
- pos: position{line: 304, col: 50, offset: 12541},
+ pos: position{line: 337, col: 50, offset: 14262},
name: "EOL",
@@ -2836,31 +3395,31 @@ var g = &grammar{
name: "Word",
- pos: position{line: 311, col: 1, offset: 12712},
+ pos: position{line: 344, col: 1, offset: 14433},
expr: &actionExpr{
- pos: position{line: 311, col: 9, offset: 12720},
+ pos: position{line: 344, col: 9, offset: 14441},
run: (*parser).callonWord1,
expr: &oneOrMoreExpr{
- pos: position{line: 311, col: 9, offset: 12720},
+ pos: position{line: 344, col: 9, offset: 14441},
expr: &seqExpr{
- pos: position{line: 311, col: 10, offset: 12721},
+ pos: position{line: 344, col: 10, offset: 14442},
exprs: []interface{}{
- pos: position{line: 311, col: 10, offset: 12721},
+ pos: position{line: 344, col: 10, offset: 14442},
expr: &ruleRefExpr{
- pos: position{line: 311, col: 11, offset: 12722},
+ pos: position{line: 344, col: 11, offset: 14443},
name: "NEWLINE",
- pos: position{line: 311, col: 19, offset: 12730},
+ pos: position{line: 344, col: 19, offset: 14451},
expr: &ruleRefExpr{
- pos: position{line: 311, col: 20, offset: 12731},
+ pos: position{line: 344, col: 20, offset: 14452},
name: "WS",
- line: 311, col: 23, offset: 12734,
+ line: 344, col: 23, offset: 14455,
@@ -2869,29 +3428,29 @@ var g = &grammar{
name: "BlankLine",
- pos: position{line: 315, col: 1, offset: 12774},
+ pos: position{line: 348, col: 1, offset: 14495},
expr: &actionExpr{
- pos: position{line: 315, col: 14, offset: 12787},
+ pos: position{line: 348, col: 14, offset: 14508},
run: (*parser).callonBlankLine1,
expr: &seqExpr{
- pos: position{line: 315, col: 14, offset: 12787},
+ pos: position{line: 348, col: 14, offset: 14508},
exprs: []interface{}{
- pos: position{line: 315, col: 14, offset: 12787},
+ pos: position{line: 348, col: 14, offset: 14508},
expr: &ruleRefExpr{
- pos: position{line: 315, col: 15, offset: 12788},
+ pos: position{line: 348, col: 15, offset: 14509},
name: "EOF",
- pos: position{line: 315, col: 19, offset: 12792},
+ pos: position{line: 348, col: 19, offset: 14513},
expr: &ruleRefExpr{
- pos: position{line: 315, col: 19, offset: 12792},
+ pos: position{line: 348, col: 19, offset: 14513},
name: "WS",
- pos: position{line: 315, col: 23, offset: 12796},
+ pos: position{line: 348, col: 23, offset: 14517},
name: "EOL",
@@ -2900,47 +3459,47 @@ var g = &grammar{
name: "URL",
- pos: position{line: 319, col: 1, offset: 12837},
+ pos: position{line: 352, col: 1, offset: 14558},
expr: &actionExpr{
- pos: position{line: 319, col: 8, offset: 12844},
+ pos: position{line: 352, col: 8, offset: 14565},
run: (*parser).callonURL1,
expr: &oneOrMoreExpr{
- pos: position{line: 319, col: 8, offset: 12844},
+ pos: position{line: 352, col: 8, offset: 14565},
expr: &seqExpr{
- pos: position{line: 319, col: 9, offset: 12845},
+ pos: position{line: 352, col: 9, offset: 14566},
exprs: []interface{}{
- pos: position{line: 319, col: 9, offset: 12845},
+ pos: position{line: 352, col: 9, offset: 14566},
expr: &ruleRefExpr{
- pos: position{line: 319, col: 10, offset: 12846},
+ pos: position{line: 352, col: 10, offset: 14567},
name: "NEWLINE",
- pos: position{line: 319, col: 18, offset: 12854},
+ pos: position{line: 352, col: 18, offset: 14575},
expr: &ruleRefExpr{
- pos: position{line: 319, col: 19, offset: 12855},
+ pos: position{line: 352, col: 19, offset: 14576},
name: "WS",
- pos: position{line: 319, col: 22, offset: 12858},
+ pos: position{line: 352, col: 22, offset: 14579},
expr: &litMatcher{
- pos: position{line: 319, col: 23, offset: 12859},
+ pos: position{line: 352, col: 23, offset: 14580},
val: "[",
ignoreCase: false,
- pos: position{line: 319, col: 27, offset: 12863},
+ pos: position{line: 352, col: 27, offset: 14584},
expr: &litMatcher{
- pos: position{line: 319, col: 28, offset: 12864},
+ pos: position{line: 352, col: 28, offset: 14585},
val: "]",
ignoreCase: false,
- line: 319, col: 32, offset: 12868,
+ line: 352, col: 32, offset: 14589,
@@ -2949,47 +3508,47 @@ var g = &grammar{
name: "ID",
- pos: position{line: 323, col: 1, offset: 12908},
+ pos: position{line: 356, col: 1, offset: 14629},
expr: &actionExpr{
- pos: position{line: 323, col: 7, offset: 12914},
+ pos: position{line: 356, col: 7, offset: 14635},
run: (*parser).callonID1,
expr: &oneOrMoreExpr{
- pos: position{line: 323, col: 7, offset: 12914},
+ pos: position{line: 356, col: 7, offset: 14635},
expr: &seqExpr{
- pos: position{line: 323, col: 8, offset: 12915},
+ pos: position{line: 356, col: 8, offset: 14636},
exprs: []interface{}{
- pos: position{line: 323, col: 8, offset: 12915},
+ pos: position{line: 356, col: 8, offset: 14636},
expr: &ruleRefExpr{
- pos: position{line: 323, col: 9, offset: 12916},
+ pos: position{line: 356, col: 9, offset: 14637},
name: "NEWLINE",
- pos: position{line: 323, col: 17, offset: 12924},
+ pos: position{line: 356, col: 17, offset: 14645},
expr: &ruleRefExpr{
- pos: position{line: 323, col: 18, offset: 12925},
+ pos: position{line: 356, col: 18, offset: 14646},
name: "WS",
- pos: position{line: 323, col: 21, offset: 12928},
+ pos: position{line: 356, col: 21, offset: 14649},
expr: &litMatcher{
- pos: position{line: 323, col: 22, offset: 12929},
+ pos: position{line: 356, col: 22, offset: 14650},
val: "[",
ignoreCase: false,
- pos: position{line: 323, col: 26, offset: 12933},
+ pos: position{line: 356, col: 26, offset: 14654},
expr: &litMatcher{
- pos: position{line: 323, col: 27, offset: 12934},
+ pos: position{line: 356, col: 27, offset: 14655},
val: "]",
ignoreCase: false,
- line: 323, col: 31, offset: 12938,
+ line: 356, col: 31, offset: 14659,
@@ -2998,40 +3557,40 @@ var g = &grammar{
name: "URL_TEXT",
- pos: position{line: 327, col: 1, offset: 12978},
+ pos: position{line: 360, col: 1, offset: 14699},
expr: &actionExpr{
- pos: position{line: 327, col: 13, offset: 12990},
+ pos: position{line: 360, col: 13, offset: 14711},
run: (*parser).callonURL_TEXT1,
expr: &oneOrMoreExpr{
- pos: position{line: 327, col: 13, offset: 12990},
+ pos: position{line: 360, col: 13, offset: 14711},
expr: &seqExpr{
- pos: position{line: 327, col: 14, offset: 12991},
+ pos: position{line: 360, col: 14, offset: 14712},
exprs: []interface{}{
- pos: position{line: 327, col: 14, offset: 12991},
+ pos: position{line: 360, col: 14, offset: 14712},
expr: &ruleRefExpr{
- pos: position{line: 327, col: 15, offset: 12992},
+ pos: position{line: 360, col: 15, offset: 14713},
name: "NEWLINE",
- pos: position{line: 327, col: 23, offset: 13000},
+ pos: position{line: 360, col: 23, offset: 14721},
expr: &litMatcher{
- pos: position{line: 327, col: 24, offset: 13001},
+ pos: position{line: 360, col: 24, offset: 14722},
val: "[",
ignoreCase: false,
- pos: position{line: 327, col: 28, offset: 13005},
+ pos: position{line: 360, col: 28, offset: 14726},
expr: &litMatcher{
- pos: position{line: 327, col: 29, offset: 13006},
+ pos: position{line: 360, col: 29, offset: 14727},
val: "]",
ignoreCase: false,
- line: 327, col: 33, offset: 13010,
+ line: 360, col: 33, offset: 14731,
@@ -3040,32 +3599,32 @@ var g = &grammar{
name: "URL_SCHEME",
- pos: position{line: 331, col: 1, offset: 13050},
+ pos: position{line: 364, col: 1, offset: 14771},
expr: &choiceExpr{
- pos: position{line: 331, col: 15, offset: 13064},
+ pos: position{line: 364, col: 15, offset: 14785},
alternatives: []interface{}{
- pos: position{line: 331, col: 15, offset: 13064},
+ pos: position{line: 364, col: 15, offset: 14785},
val: "http://",
ignoreCase: false,
- pos: position{line: 331, col: 27, offset: 13076},
+ pos: position{line: 364, col: 27, offset: 14797},
val: "https://",
ignoreCase: false,
- pos: position{line: 331, col: 40, offset: 13089},
+ pos: position{line: 364, col: 40, offset: 14810},
val: "ftp://",
ignoreCase: false,
- pos: position{line: 331, col: 51, offset: 13100},
+ pos: position{line: 364, col: 51, offset: 14821},
val: "irc://",
ignoreCase: false,
- pos: position{line: 331, col: 62, offset: 13111},
+ pos: position{line: 364, col: 62, offset: 14832},
val: "mailto:",
ignoreCase: false,
@@ -3074,9 +3633,9 @@ var g = &grammar{
name: "DIGIT",
- pos: position{line: 333, col: 1, offset: 13122},
+ pos: position{line: 366, col: 1, offset: 14843},
expr: &charClassMatcher{
- pos: position{line: 333, col: 13, offset: 13134},
+ pos: position{line: 366, col: 13, offset: 14855},
val: "[0-9]",
ranges: []rune{'0', '9'},
ignoreCase: false,
@@ -3085,22 +3644,22 @@ var g = &grammar{
name: "NEWLINE",
- pos: position{line: 335, col: 1, offset: 13141},
+ pos: position{line: 368, col: 1, offset: 14862},
expr: &choiceExpr{
- pos: position{line: 335, col: 13, offset: 13153},
+ pos: position{line: 368, col: 13, offset: 14874},
alternatives: []interface{}{
- pos: position{line: 335, col: 13, offset: 13153},
+ pos: position{line: 368, col: 13, offset: 14874},
val: "\r\n",
ignoreCase: false,
- pos: position{line: 335, col: 22, offset: 13162},
+ pos: position{line: 368, col: 22, offset: 14883},
val: "\r",
ignoreCase: false,
- pos: position{line: 335, col: 29, offset: 13169},
+ pos: position{line: 368, col: 29, offset: 14890},
val: "\n",
ignoreCase: false,
@@ -3109,20 +3668,20 @@ var g = &grammar{
name: "WS",
- pos: position{line: 337, col: 1, offset: 13175},
+ pos: position{line: 370, col: 1, offset: 14896},
expr: &choiceExpr{
- pos: position{line: 337, col: 13, offset: 13187},
+ pos: position{line: 370, col: 13, offset: 14908},
alternatives: []interface{}{
- pos: position{line: 337, col: 13, offset: 13187},
+ pos: position{line: 370, col: 13, offset: 14908},
val: " ",
ignoreCase: false,
- pos: position{line: 337, col: 19, offset: 13193},
+ pos: position{line: 370, col: 19, offset: 14914},
run: (*parser).callonWS3,
expr: &litMatcher{
- pos: position{line: 337, col: 19, offset: 13193},
+ pos: position{line: 370, col: 19, offset: 14914},
val: "\t",
ignoreCase: false,
@@ -3132,26 +3691,26 @@ var g = &grammar{
name: "EOF",
- pos: position{line: 341, col: 1, offset: 13238},
+ pos: position{line: 374, col: 1, offset: 14959},
expr: ¬Expr{
- pos: position{line: 341, col: 13, offset: 13250},
+ pos: position{line: 374, col: 13, offset: 14971},
expr: &anyMatcher{
- line: 341, col: 14, offset: 13251,
+ line: 374, col: 14, offset: 14972,
name: "EOL",
- pos: position{line: 343, col: 1, offset: 13254},
+ pos: position{line: 376, col: 1, offset: 14975},
expr: &choiceExpr{
- pos: position{line: 343, col: 13, offset: 13266},
+ pos: position{line: 376, col: 13, offset: 14987},
alternatives: []interface{}{
- pos: position{line: 343, col: 13, offset: 13266},
+ pos: position{line: 376, col: 13, offset: 14987},
name: "NEWLINE",
- pos: position{line: 343, col: 23, offset: 13276},
+ pos: position{line: 376, col: 23, offset: 14997},
name: "EOF",
@@ -3160,27 +3719,34 @@ var g = &grammar{
-func (c *current) onDocument1(frontmatter, blocks interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
- if frontmatter != nil {
- return types.NewDocument(frontmatter.(*types.FrontMatter), blocks.([]interface{}))
- }
- return types.NewDocument(nil, blocks.([]interface{}))
+func (c *current) onDocument1(frontMatter, documentHeader, blocks interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
+ return types.NewDocument(frontMatter, documentHeader, blocks.([]interface{}))
func (p *parser) callonDocument1() (interface{}, error) {
stack := p.vstack[len(p.vstack)-1]
_ = stack
- return p.cur.onDocument1(stack["frontmatter"], stack["blocks"])
+ return p.cur.onDocument1(stack["frontMatter"], stack["documentHeader"], stack["blocks"])
-func (c *current) onDocumentBlock1(content interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
- return content.(types.DocElement), nil
+func (c *current) onDocumentBlocks7(content interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
+ return content, nil
-func (p *parser) callonDocumentBlock1() (interface{}, error) {
+func (p *parser) callonDocumentBlocks7() (interface{}, error) {
stack := p.vstack[len(p.vstack)-1]
_ = stack
- return p.cur.onDocumentBlock1(stack["content"])
+ return p.cur.onDocumentBlocks7(stack["content"])
+func (c *current) onPreamble1(elements interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
+ return types.NewPreamble(elements.([]interface{}))
+func (p *parser) callonPreamble1() (interface{}, error) {
+ stack := p.vstack[len(p.vstack)-1]
+ _ = stack
+ return p.cur.onPreamble1(stack["elements"])
func (c *current) onFrontMatter1(content interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
@@ -3193,235 +3759,267 @@ func (p *parser) callonFrontMatter1() (interface{}, error) {
return p.cur.onFrontMatter1(stack["content"])
-func (c *current) onSection11(heading, elements interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
- return types.NewSection(heading.(*types.Heading), elements.([]interface{}))
+func (c *current) onDocumentHeader1(header, authors, revision, otherAttributes interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
+ return types.NewDocumentHeader(header, authors, revision, otherAttributes.([]interface{}))
-func (p *parser) callonSection11() (interface{}, error) {
+func (p *parser) callonDocumentHeader1() (interface{}, error) {
stack := p.vstack[len(p.vstack)-1]
_ = stack
- return p.cur.onSection11(stack["heading"], stack["elements"])
+ return p.cur.onDocumentHeader1(stack["header"], stack["authors"], stack["revision"], stack["otherAttributes"])
-func (c *current) onSection1Block1(content interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
- return content.(types.DocElement), nil
+func (c *current) onDocumentTitle1(attributes, level, content interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
+ return types.NewSectionTitle(content.(*types.InlineContent), attributes.([]interface{}))
-func (p *parser) callonSection1Block1() (interface{}, error) {
+func (p *parser) callonDocumentTitle1() (interface{}, error) {
stack := p.vstack[len(p.vstack)-1]
_ = stack
- return p.cur.onSection1Block1(stack["content"])
+ return p.cur.onDocumentTitle1(stack["attributes"], stack["level"], stack["content"])
-func (c *current) onSection21(heading, elements interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
- return types.NewSection(heading.(*types.Heading), elements.([]interface{}))
+func (c *current) onDocumentAuthorsInlineForm1(authors interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
+ return types.NewDocumentAuthors(authors.([]interface{}))
-func (p *parser) callonSection21() (interface{}, error) {
+func (p *parser) callonDocumentAuthorsInlineForm1() (interface{}, error) {
stack := p.vstack[len(p.vstack)-1]
_ = stack
- return p.cur.onSection21(stack["heading"], stack["elements"])
+ return p.cur.onDocumentAuthorsInlineForm1(stack["authors"])
-func (c *current) onSection2Block1(content interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
- return content.(types.DocElement), nil
+func (c *current) onDocumentAuthorsAttributeForm1(author interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
+ return []*types.DocumentAuthor{author.(*types.DocumentAuthor)}, nil
-func (p *parser) callonSection2Block1() (interface{}, error) {
+func (p *parser) callonDocumentAuthorsAttributeForm1() (interface{}, error) {
stack := p.vstack[len(p.vstack)-1]
_ = stack
- return p.cur.onSection2Block1(stack["content"])
+ return p.cur.onDocumentAuthorsAttributeForm1(stack["author"])
-func (c *current) onSection31(heading, elements interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
- return types.NewSection(heading.(*types.Heading), elements.([]interface{}))
+func (c *current) onDocumentAuthor1(namePart1, namePart2, namePart3, email interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
+ return types.NewDocumentAuthor(namePart1, namePart2, namePart3, email)
-func (p *parser) callonSection31() (interface{}, error) {
+func (p *parser) callonDocumentAuthor1() (interface{}, error) {
stack := p.vstack[len(p.vstack)-1]
_ = stack
- return p.cur.onSection31(stack["heading"], stack["elements"])
+ return p.cur.onDocumentAuthor1(stack["namePart1"], stack["namePart2"], stack["namePart3"], stack["email"])
-func (c *current) onSection3Block1(content interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
- return content.(types.DocElement), nil
+func (c *current) onDocumentRevision1(revnumber, revdate, revremark interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
+ return types.NewDocumentRevision(revnumber, revdate, revremark)
-func (p *parser) callonSection3Block1() (interface{}, error) {
+func (p *parser) callonDocumentRevision1() (interface{}, error) {
stack := p.vstack[len(p.vstack)-1]
_ = stack
- return p.cur.onSection3Block1(stack["content"])
+ return p.cur.onDocumentRevision1(stack["revnumber"], stack["revdate"], stack["revremark"])
-func (c *current) onSection41(heading, elements interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
- return types.NewSection(heading.(*types.Heading), elements.([]interface{}))
+func (c *current) onDocumentAttributeDeclarationWithNameOnly1(name interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
+ return types.NewDocumentAttributeDeclaration(name.([]interface{}), nil)
-func (p *parser) callonSection41() (interface{}, error) {
+func (p *parser) callonDocumentAttributeDeclarationWithNameOnly1() (interface{}, error) {
stack := p.vstack[len(p.vstack)-1]
_ = stack
- return p.cur.onSection41(stack["heading"], stack["elements"])
+ return p.cur.onDocumentAttributeDeclarationWithNameOnly1(stack["name"])
-func (c *current) onSection4Block1(content interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
- return content.(types.DocElement), nil
+func (c *current) onDocumentAttributeDeclarationWithNameAndValue1(name, value interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
+ return types.NewDocumentAttributeDeclaration(name.([]interface{}), value.([]interface{}))
-func (p *parser) callonSection4Block1() (interface{}, error) {
+func (p *parser) callonDocumentAttributeDeclarationWithNameAndValue1() (interface{}, error) {
stack := p.vstack[len(p.vstack)-1]
_ = stack
- return p.cur.onSection4Block1(stack["content"])
+ return p.cur.onDocumentAttributeDeclarationWithNameAndValue1(stack["name"], stack["value"])
-func (c *current) onSection51(heading, elements interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
- return types.NewSection(heading.(*types.Heading), elements.([]interface{}))
+func (c *current) onDocumentAttributeResetWithSectionTitleBangSymbol1(name interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
+ return types.NewDocumentAttributeReset(name.([]interface{}))
-func (p *parser) callonSection51() (interface{}, error) {
+func (p *parser) callonDocumentAttributeResetWithSectionTitleBangSymbol1() (interface{}, error) {
stack := p.vstack[len(p.vstack)-1]
_ = stack
- return p.cur.onSection51(stack["heading"], stack["elements"])
+ return p.cur.onDocumentAttributeResetWithSectionTitleBangSymbol1(stack["name"])
-func (c *current) onSection5Block1(content interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
+func (c *current) onDocumentAttributeResetWithTrailingBangSymbol1(name interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
+ return types.NewDocumentAttributeReset(name.([]interface{}))
+func (p *parser) callonDocumentAttributeResetWithTrailingBangSymbol1() (interface{}, error) {
+ stack := p.vstack[len(p.vstack)-1]
+ _ = stack
+ return p.cur.onDocumentAttributeResetWithTrailingBangSymbol1(stack["name"])
+func (c *current) onDocumentAttributeSubstitution1(name interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
+ return types.NewDocumentAttributeSubstitution(name.([]interface{}))
+func (p *parser) callonDocumentAttributeSubstitution1() (interface{}, error) {
+ stack := p.vstack[len(p.vstack)-1]
+ _ = stack
+ return p.cur.onDocumentAttributeSubstitution1(stack["name"])
+func (c *current) onSection11(header, elements interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
+ return types.NewSection(1, header.(*types.SectionTitle), elements.([]interface{}))
+func (p *parser) callonSection11() (interface{}, error) {
+ stack := p.vstack[len(p.vstack)-1]
+ _ = stack
+ return p.cur.onSection11(stack["header"], stack["elements"])
+func (c *current) onSection1Block1(content interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
return content.(types.DocElement), nil
-func (p *parser) callonSection5Block1() (interface{}, error) {
+func (p *parser) callonSection1Block1() (interface{}, error) {
stack := p.vstack[len(p.vstack)-1]
_ = stack
- return p.cur.onSection5Block1(stack["content"])
+ return p.cur.onSection1Block1(stack["content"])
-func (c *current) onSection61(heading, elements interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
- return types.NewSection(heading.(*types.Heading), elements.([]interface{}))
+func (c *current) onSection21(header, elements interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
+ return types.NewSection(2, header.(*types.SectionTitle), elements.([]interface{}))
-func (p *parser) callonSection61() (interface{}, error) {
+func (p *parser) callonSection21() (interface{}, error) {
stack := p.vstack[len(p.vstack)-1]
_ = stack
- return p.cur.onSection61(stack["heading"], stack["elements"])
+ return p.cur.onSection21(stack["header"], stack["elements"])
-func (c *current) onSection6Block1(content interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
+func (c *current) onSection2Block1(content interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
return content.(types.DocElement), nil
-func (p *parser) callonSection6Block1() (interface{}, error) {
+func (p *parser) callonSection2Block1() (interface{}, error) {
stack := p.vstack[len(p.vstack)-1]
_ = stack
- return p.cur.onSection6Block1(stack["content"])
+ return p.cur.onSection2Block1(stack["content"])
-func (c *current) onHeading11(attributes, level, content interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
- //TODO: replace `(BlankLine? / EOF)` with `EOL` to allow for immediate attributes or any other content ?
- return types.NewHeading(1, content.(*types.InlineContent), attributes.([]interface{}))
+func (c *current) onSection31(header, elements interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
+ return types.NewSection(3, header.(*types.SectionTitle), elements.([]interface{}))
-func (p *parser) callonHeading11() (interface{}, error) {
+func (p *parser) callonSection31() (interface{}, error) {
stack := p.vstack[len(p.vstack)-1]
_ = stack
- return p.cur.onHeading11(stack["attributes"], stack["level"], stack["content"])
+ return p.cur.onSection31(stack["header"], stack["elements"])
-func (c *current) onHeading21(attributes, level, content interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
- return types.NewHeading(2, content.(*types.InlineContent), attributes.([]interface{}))
+func (c *current) onSection3Block1(content interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
+ return content.(types.DocElement), nil
-func (p *parser) callonHeading21() (interface{}, error) {
+func (p *parser) callonSection3Block1() (interface{}, error) {
stack := p.vstack[len(p.vstack)-1]
_ = stack
- return p.cur.onHeading21(stack["attributes"], stack["level"], stack["content"])
+ return p.cur.onSection3Block1(stack["content"])
-func (c *current) onHeading31(attributes, level, content interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
- return types.NewHeading(3, content.(*types.InlineContent), attributes.([]interface{}))
+func (c *current) onSection41(header, elements interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
+ return types.NewSection(4, header.(*types.SectionTitle), elements.([]interface{}))
-func (p *parser) callonHeading31() (interface{}, error) {
+func (p *parser) callonSection41() (interface{}, error) {
stack := p.vstack[len(p.vstack)-1]
_ = stack
- return p.cur.onHeading31(stack["attributes"], stack["level"], stack["content"])
+ return p.cur.onSection41(stack["header"], stack["elements"])
-func (c *current) onHeading41(attributes, level, content interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
- return types.NewHeading(4, content.(*types.InlineContent), attributes.([]interface{}))
+func (c *current) onSection4Block1(content interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
+ return content.(types.DocElement), nil
-func (p *parser) callonHeading41() (interface{}, error) {
+func (p *parser) callonSection4Block1() (interface{}, error) {
stack := p.vstack[len(p.vstack)-1]
_ = stack
- return p.cur.onHeading41(stack["attributes"], stack["level"], stack["content"])
+ return p.cur.onSection4Block1(stack["content"])
-func (c *current) onHeading51(attributes, level, content interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
- return types.NewHeading(5, content.(*types.InlineContent), attributes.([]interface{}))
+func (c *current) onSection51(header, elements interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
+ return types.NewSection(5, header.(*types.SectionTitle), elements.([]interface{}))
-func (p *parser) callonHeading51() (interface{}, error) {
+func (p *parser) callonSection51() (interface{}, error) {
stack := p.vstack[len(p.vstack)-1]
_ = stack
- return p.cur.onHeading51(stack["attributes"], stack["level"], stack["content"])
+ return p.cur.onSection51(stack["header"], stack["elements"])
-func (c *current) onHeading61(attributes, level, content interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
- return types.NewHeading(6, content.(*types.InlineContent), attributes.([]interface{}))
+func (c *current) onSection5Block1(content interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
+ return content.(types.DocElement), nil
-func (p *parser) callonHeading61() (interface{}, error) {
+func (p *parser) callonSection5Block1() (interface{}, error) {
stack := p.vstack[len(p.vstack)-1]
_ = stack
- return p.cur.onHeading61(stack["attributes"], stack["level"], stack["content"])
+ return p.cur.onSection5Block1(stack["content"])
-func (c *current) onDocumentAttributeDeclarationWithNameOnly1(name interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
- return types.NewDocumentAttributeDeclaration(name.([]interface{}), nil)
+func (c *current) onSection1Title1(attributes, level, content interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
+ return types.NewSectionTitle(content.(*types.InlineContent), attributes.([]interface{}))
-func (p *parser) callonDocumentAttributeDeclarationWithNameOnly1() (interface{}, error) {
+func (p *parser) callonSection1Title1() (interface{}, error) {
stack := p.vstack[len(p.vstack)-1]
_ = stack
- return p.cur.onDocumentAttributeDeclarationWithNameOnly1(stack["name"])
+ return p.cur.onSection1Title1(stack["attributes"], stack["level"], stack["content"])
-func (c *current) onDocumentAttributeDeclarationWithNameAndValue1(name, value interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
- return types.NewDocumentAttributeDeclaration(name.([]interface{}), value.([]interface{}))
+func (c *current) onSection2Title1(attributes, level, content interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
+ return types.NewSectionTitle(content.(*types.InlineContent), attributes.([]interface{}))
-func (p *parser) callonDocumentAttributeDeclarationWithNameAndValue1() (interface{}, error) {
+func (p *parser) callonSection2Title1() (interface{}, error) {
stack := p.vstack[len(p.vstack)-1]
_ = stack
- return p.cur.onDocumentAttributeDeclarationWithNameAndValue1(stack["name"], stack["value"])
+ return p.cur.onSection2Title1(stack["attributes"], stack["level"], stack["content"])
-func (c *current) onDocumentAttributeResetWithHeadingBangSymbol1(name interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
- return types.NewDocumentAttributeReset(name.([]interface{}))
+func (c *current) onSection3Title1(attributes, level, content interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
+ return types.NewSectionTitle(content.(*types.InlineContent), attributes.([]interface{}))
-func (p *parser) callonDocumentAttributeResetWithHeadingBangSymbol1() (interface{}, error) {
+func (p *parser) callonSection3Title1() (interface{}, error) {
stack := p.vstack[len(p.vstack)-1]
_ = stack
- return p.cur.onDocumentAttributeResetWithHeadingBangSymbol1(stack["name"])
+ return p.cur.onSection3Title1(stack["attributes"], stack["level"], stack["content"])
-func (c *current) onDocumentAttributeResetWithTrailingBangSymbol1(name interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
- return types.NewDocumentAttributeReset(name.([]interface{}))
+func (c *current) onSection4Title1(attributes, level, content interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
+ return types.NewSectionTitle(content.(*types.InlineContent), attributes.([]interface{}))
-func (p *parser) callonDocumentAttributeResetWithTrailingBangSymbol1() (interface{}, error) {
+func (p *parser) callonSection4Title1() (interface{}, error) {
stack := p.vstack[len(p.vstack)-1]
_ = stack
- return p.cur.onDocumentAttributeResetWithTrailingBangSymbol1(stack["name"])
+ return p.cur.onSection4Title1(stack["attributes"], stack["level"], stack["content"])
-func (c *current) onDocumentAttributeSubstitution1(name interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
- return types.NewDocumentAttributeSubstitution(name.([]interface{}))
+func (c *current) onSection5Title1(attributes, level, content interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
+ return types.NewSectionTitle(content.(*types.InlineContent), attributes.([]interface{}))
-func (p *parser) callonDocumentAttributeSubstitution1() (interface{}, error) {
+func (p *parser) callonSection5Title1() (interface{}, error) {
stack := p.vstack[len(p.vstack)-1]
_ = stack
- return p.cur.onDocumentAttributeSubstitution1(stack["name"])
+ return p.cur.onSection5Title1(stack["attributes"], stack["level"], stack["content"])
func (c *current) onList1(attributes, elements interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
@@ -3445,6 +4043,7 @@ func (p *parser) callonListItem1() (interface{}, error) {
func (c *current) onListItemContent1(lines interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
return types.NewListItemContent(c.text, lines.([]interface{}))
@@ -3465,6 +4064,7 @@ func (p *parser) callonParagraph1() (interface{}, error) {
func (c *current) onInlineContent1(elements interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
+ // needs an 'EOL' but does not consume it here.
return types.NewInlineContent(c.text, elements.([]interface{}))
@@ -3705,15 +4305,85 @@ var (
// errNoRule is returned when the grammar to parse has no rule.
errNoRule = errors.New("grammar has no rule")
+ // errInvalidEntrypoint is returned when the specified entrypoint rule
+ // does not exit.
+ errInvalidEntrypoint = errors.New("invalid entrypoint")
// errInvalidEncoding is returned when the source is not properly
// utf8-encoded.
errInvalidEncoding = errors.New("invalid encoding")
+ // errMaxExprCnt is used to signal that the maximum number of
+ // expressions have been parsed.
+ errMaxExprCnt = errors.New("max number of expresssions parsed")
// Option is a function that can set an option on the parser. It returns
// the previous setting as an Option.
type Option func(*parser) Option
+// MaxExpressions creates an Option to stop parsing after the provided
+// number of expressions have been parsed, if the value is 0 then the parser will
+// parse for as many steps as needed (possibly an infinite number).
+// The default for maxExprCnt is 0.
+func MaxExpressions(maxExprCnt uint64) Option {
+ return func(p *parser) Option {
+ oldMaxExprCnt := p.maxExprCnt
+ p.maxExprCnt = maxExprCnt
+ return MaxExpressions(oldMaxExprCnt)
+ }
+// Entrypoint creates an Option to set the rule name to use as entrypoint.
+// The rule name must have been specified in the -alternate-entrypoints
+// if generating the parser with the -optimize-grammar flag, otherwise
+// it may have been optimized out. Passing an empty string sets the
+// entrypoint to the first rule in the grammar.
+// The default is to start parsing at the first rule in the grammar.
+func Entrypoint(ruleName string) Option {
+ return func(p *parser) Option {
+ oldEntrypoint := p.entrypoint
+ p.entrypoint = ruleName
+ if ruleName == "" {
+ p.entrypoint = g.rules[0].name
+ }
+ return Entrypoint(oldEntrypoint)
+ }
+// Statistics adds a user provided Stats struct to the parser to allow
+// the user to process the results after the parsing has finished.
+// Also the key for the "no match" counter is set.
+// Example usage:
+// input := "input"
+// stats := Stats{}
+// _, err := Parse("input-file", []byte(input), Statistics(&stats, "no match"))
+// if err != nil {
+// log.Panicln(err)
+// }
+// b, err := json.MarshalIndent(stats.ChoiceAltCnt, "", " ")
+// if err != nil {
+// log.Panicln(err)
+// }
+// fmt.Println(string(b))
+func Statistics(stats *Stats, choiceNoMatch string) Option {
+ return func(p *parser) Option {
+ oldStats := p.Stats
+ p.Stats = stats
+ oldChoiceNoMatch := p.choiceNoMatch
+ p.choiceNoMatch = choiceNoMatch
+ if p.Stats.ChoiceAltCnt == nil {
+ p.Stats.ChoiceAltCnt = make(map[string]map[string]int)
+ }
+ return Statistics(oldStats, oldChoiceNoMatch)
+ }
// Debug creates an Option to set the debug flag to b. When set to true,
// debugging information is printed to stdout while parsing.
@@ -3764,6 +4434,16 @@ func GlobalStore(key string, value interface{}) Option {
+// InitState creates an Option to set a key to a certain value in
+// the global "state" store.
+func InitState(key string, value interface{}) Option {
+ return func(p *parser) Option {
+ old := p.cur.state[key]
+ p.cur.state[key] = value
+ return InitState(key, old)
+ }
// ParseFile parses the file identified by filename.
func ParseFile(filename string, opts ...Option) (i interface{}, err error) {
f, err := os.Open(filename)
@@ -3816,10 +4496,21 @@ type current struct {
pos position // start position of the match
text []byte // raw text of the match
- // the globalStore allows the parser to store arbitrary values
- globalStore map[string]interface{}
+ // state is a store for arbitrary key,value pairs that the user wants to be
+ // tied to the backtracking of the parser.
+ // This is always rolled back if a parsing rule fails.
+ state storeDict
+ // globalStore is a general store for the user to store arbitrary key-value
+ // pairs that they need to manage and that they do not want tied to the
+ // backtracking of the parser. This is only modified by the user and never
+ // rolled back by the parser. It is always up to the user to keep this in a
+ // consistent state.
+ globalStore storeDict
+type storeDict map[string]interface{}
// the AST types...
type grammar struct {
@@ -3845,11 +4536,23 @@ type actionExpr struct {
run func(*parser) (interface{}, error)
+type recoveryExpr struct {
+ pos position
+ expr interface{}
+ recoverExpr interface{}
+ failureLabel []string
type seqExpr struct {
pos position
exprs []interface{}
+type throwExpr struct {
+ pos position
+ label string
type labeledExpr struct {
pos position
label string
@@ -3872,6 +4575,11 @@ type ruleRefExpr struct {
name string
+type stateCodeExpr struct {
+ pos position
+ run func(*parser) error
type andCodeExpr struct {
pos position
run func(*parser) (bool, error)
@@ -3963,6 +4671,10 @@ func (p *parserError) Error() string {
// newParser creates a parser with the specified input source and options.
func newParser(filename string, b []byte, opts ...Option) *parser {
+ stats := Stats{
+ ChoiceAltCnt: make(map[string]map[string]int),
+ }
p := &parser{
filename: filename,
errs: new(errList),
@@ -3970,12 +4682,22 @@ func newParser(filename string, b []byte, opts ...Option) *parser {
pt: savepoint{position: position{line: 1}},
recover: true,
cur: current{
- globalStore: make(map[string]interface{}),
+ state: make(storeDict),
+ globalStore: make(storeDict),
maxFailPos: position{col: 1, line: 1},
maxFailExpected: make([]string, 0, 20),
+ Stats: &stats,
+ // start rule is rule [0] unless an alternate entrypoint is specified
+ entrypoint: g.rules[0].name,
+ emptyState: make(storeDict),
+ if p.maxExprCnt == 0 {
+ p.maxExprCnt = math.MaxUint64
+ }
return p
@@ -3992,6 +4714,30 @@ type resultTuple struct {
end savepoint
+const choiceNoMatch = -1
+// Stats stores some statistics, gathered during parsing
+type Stats struct {
+ // ExprCnt counts the number of expressions processed during parsing
+ // This value is compared to the maximum number of expressions allowed
+ // (set by the MaxExpressions option).
+ ExprCnt uint64
+ // ChoiceAltCnt is used to count for each ordered choice expression,
+ // which alternative is used how may times.
+ // These numbers allow to optimize the order of the ordered choice expression
+ // to increase the performance of the parser
+ //
+ // The outer key of ChoiceAltCnt is composed of the name of the rule as well
+ // as the line and the column of the ordered choice.
+ // The inner key of ChoiceAltCnt is the number (one-based) of the matching alternative.
+ // For each alternative the number of matches are counted. If an ordered choice does not
+ // match, a special counter is incremented. The name of this counter is set with
+ // the parser option Statistics.
+ // For an alternative to be included in ChoiceAltCnt, it has to match at least once.
+ ChoiceAltCnt map[string]map[string]int
type parser struct {
filename string
pt savepoint
@@ -4016,13 +4762,24 @@ type parser struct {
// rule stack, allows identification of the current rule in errors
rstack []*rule
- // stats
- exprCnt int
// parse fail
maxFailPos position
maxFailExpected []string
maxFailInvertExpected bool
+ // max number of expressions to be parsed
+ maxExprCnt uint64
+ // entrypoint for the parser
+ entrypoint string
+ *Stats
+ choiceNoMatch string
+ // recovery expression stack, keeps track of the currently available recovery expression, these are traversed in reverse
+ recoveryStack []map[string]interface{}
+ // emptyState contains an empty storeDict, which is used to optimize cloneState if global "state" store is not used.
+ emptyState storeDict
// push a variable set on the vstack.
@@ -4057,6 +4814,31 @@ func (p *parser) popV() {
p.vstack = p.vstack[:len(p.vstack)-1]
+// push a recovery expression with its labels to the recoveryStack
+func (p *parser) pushRecovery(labels []string, expr interface{}) {
+ if cap(p.recoveryStack) == len(p.recoveryStack) {
+ // create new empty slot in the stack
+ p.recoveryStack = append(p.recoveryStack, nil)
+ } else {
+ // slice to 1 more
+ p.recoveryStack = p.recoveryStack[:len(p.recoveryStack)+1]
+ }
+ m := make(map[string]interface{}, len(labels))
+ for _, fl := range labels {
+ m[fl] = expr
+ }
+ p.recoveryStack[len(p.recoveryStack)-1] = m
+// pop a recovery expression from the recoveryStack
+func (p *parser) popRecovery() {
+ // GC that map
+ p.recoveryStack[len(p.recoveryStack)-1] = nil
+ p.recoveryStack = p.recoveryStack[:len(p.recoveryStack)-1]
func (p *parser) print(prefix, s string) string {
if !p.debug {
return s
@@ -4136,10 +4918,8 @@ func (p *parser) read() {
p.pt.col = 0
- if rn == utf8.RuneError {
- if n == 1 {
- p.addErr(errInvalidEncoding)
- }
+ if rn == utf8.RuneError && n == 1 { // see utf8.DecodeRune
+ p.addErr(errInvalidEncoding)
@@ -4154,6 +4934,47 @@ func (p *parser) restore(pt savepoint) {
p.pt = pt
+// Cloner is implemented by any value that has a Clone method, which returns a
+// copy of the value. This is mainly used for types which are not passed by
+// value (e.g map, slice, chan) or structs that contain such types.
+// This is used in conjunction with the global state feature to create proper
+// copies of the state to allow the parser to properly restore the state in
+// the case of backtracking.
+type Cloner interface {
+ Clone() interface{}
+// clone and return parser current state.
+func (p *parser) cloneState() storeDict {
+ if p.debug {
+ defer p.out(p.in("cloneState"))
+ }
+ if len(p.cur.state) == 0 {
+ return p.emptyState
+ }
+ state := make(storeDict, len(p.cur.state))
+ for k, v := range p.cur.state {
+ if c, ok := v.(Cloner); ok {
+ state[k] = c.Clone()
+ } else {
+ state[k] = v
+ }
+ }
+ return state
+// restore parser current state to the state storeDict.
+// every restoreState should applied only one time for every cloned state
+func (p *parser) restoreState(state storeDict) {
+ if p.debug {
+ defer p.out(p.in("restoreState"))
+ }
+ p.cur.state = state
// get the slice of bytes from the savepoint start to the current position.
func (p *parser) sliceFrom(start savepoint) []byte {
return p.data[start.position.offset:p.pt.position.offset]
@@ -4219,9 +5040,14 @@ func (p *parser) parse(g *grammar) (val interface{}, err error) {
- // start rule is rule [0]
+ startRule, ok := p.rules[p.entrypoint]
+ if !ok {
+ p.addErr(errInvalidEntrypoint)
+ return nil, p.errs.err()
+ }
p.read() // advance to first rune
- val, ok := p.parseRule(g.rules[0])
+ val, ok = p.parseRule(startRule)
if !ok {
if len(*p.errs) == 0 {
// If parsing fails, but no errors have been recorded, the expected values
@@ -4245,6 +5071,7 @@ func (p *parser) parse(g *grammar) (val interface{}, err error) {
p.addErrAt(errors.New("no match found, expected: "+listJoin(expected, ", ", "or")), p.maxFailPos, expected)
return nil, p.errs.err()
return val, p.errs.err()
@@ -4302,7 +5129,11 @@ func (p *parser) parseExpr(expr interface{}) (interface{}, bool) {
pt = p.pt
- p.exprCnt++
+ p.ExprCnt++
+ if p.ExprCnt > p.maxExprCnt {
+ panic(errMaxExprCnt)
+ }
var val interface{}
var ok bool
switch expr := expr.(type) {
@@ -4328,10 +5159,16 @@ func (p *parser) parseExpr(expr interface{}) (interface{}, bool) {
val, ok = p.parseNotExpr(expr)
case *oneOrMoreExpr:
val, ok = p.parseOneOrMoreExpr(expr)
+ case *recoveryExpr:
+ val, ok = p.parseRecoveryExpr(expr)
case *ruleRefExpr:
val, ok = p.parseRuleRefExpr(expr)
case *seqExpr:
val, ok = p.parseSeqExpr(expr)
+ case *stateCodeExpr:
+ val, ok = p.parseStateCodeExpr(expr)
+ case *throwExpr:
+ val, ok = p.parseThrowExpr(expr)
case *zeroOrMoreExpr:
val, ok = p.parseZeroOrMoreExpr(expr)
case *zeroOrOneExpr:
@@ -4355,10 +5192,13 @@ func (p *parser) parseActionExpr(act *actionExpr) (interface{}, bool) {
if ok {
p.cur.pos = start.position
p.cur.text = p.sliceFrom(start)
+ state := p.cloneState()
actVal, err := act.run(p)
if err != nil {
p.addErrAt(err, start.position, []string{})
+ p.restoreState(state)
val = actVal
if ok && p.debug {
@@ -4372,10 +5212,14 @@ func (p *parser) parseAndCodeExpr(and *andCodeExpr) (interface{}, bool) {
defer p.out(p.in("parseAndCodeExpr"))
+ state := p.cloneState()
ok, err := and.run(p)
if err != nil {
+ p.restoreState(state)
return nil, ok
@@ -4397,7 +5241,7 @@ func (p *parser) parseAnyMatcher(any *anyMatcher) (interface{}, bool) {
defer p.out(p.in("parseAnyMatcher"))
- if p.pt.rn != utf8.RuneError {
+ if p.pt.rn != utf8.RuneError || p.pt.w > 1 { // see utf8.DecodeRune
start := p.pt
p.failAt(true, start.position, ".")
@@ -4416,7 +5260,7 @@ func (p *parser) parseCharClassMatcher(chr *charClassMatcher) (interface{}, bool
start := p.pt
// can't match EOF
- if cur == utf8.RuneError {
+ if cur == utf8.RuneError && p.pt.w == 0 { // see utf8.DecodeRune
p.failAt(false, start.position, chr.val)
return nil, false
@@ -4473,19 +5317,41 @@ func (p *parser) parseCharClassMatcher(chr *charClassMatcher) (interface{}, bool
return nil, false
+func (p *parser) incChoiceAltCnt(ch *choiceExpr, altI int) {
+ choiceIdent := fmt.Sprintf("%s %d:%d", p.rstack[len(p.rstack)-1].name, ch.pos.line, ch.pos.col)
+ m := p.ChoiceAltCnt[choiceIdent]
+ if m == nil {
+ m = make(map[string]int)
+ p.ChoiceAltCnt[choiceIdent] = m
+ }
+ // We increment altI by 1, so the keys do not start at 0
+ alt := strconv.Itoa(altI + 1)
+ if altI == choiceNoMatch {
+ alt = p.choiceNoMatch
+ }
+ m[alt]++
func (p *parser) parseChoiceExpr(ch *choiceExpr) (interface{}, bool) {
if p.debug {
defer p.out(p.in("parseChoiceExpr"))
- for _, alt := range ch.alternatives {
+ for altI, alt := range ch.alternatives {
+ // dummy assignment to prevent compile error if optimized
+ _ = altI
+ state := p.cloneState()
val, ok := p.parseExpr(alt)
if ok {
+ p.incChoiceAltCnt(ch, altI)
return val, ok
+ p.restoreState(state)
+ p.incChoiceAltCnt(ch, choiceNoMatch)
return nil, false
@@ -4536,10 +5402,14 @@ func (p *parser) parseNotCodeExpr(not *notCodeExpr) (interface{}, bool) {
defer p.out(p.in("parseNotCodeExpr"))
+ state := p.cloneState()
ok, err := not.run(p)
if err != nil {
+ p.restoreState(state)
return nil, !ok
@@ -4580,6 +5450,18 @@ func (p *parser) parseOneOrMoreExpr(expr *oneOrMoreExpr) (interface{}, bool) {
+func (p *parser) parseRecoveryExpr(recover *recoveryExpr) (interface{}, bool) {
+ if p.debug {
+ defer p.out(p.in("parseRecoveryExpr (" + strings.Join(recover.failureLabel, ",") + ")"))
+ }
+ p.pushRecovery(recover.failureLabel, recover.recoverExpr)
+ val, ok := p.parseExpr(recover.expr)
+ p.popRecovery()
+ return val, ok
func (p *parser) parseRuleRefExpr(ref *ruleRefExpr) (interface{}, bool) {
if p.debug {
defer p.out(p.in("parseRuleRefExpr " + ref.name))
@@ -4616,6 +5498,34 @@ func (p *parser) parseSeqExpr(seq *seqExpr) (interface{}, bool) {
return vals, true
+func (p *parser) parseStateCodeExpr(state *stateCodeExpr) (interface{}, bool) {
+ if p.debug {
+ defer p.out(p.in("parseStateCodeExpr"))
+ }
+ err := state.run(p)
+ if err != nil {
+ p.addErr(err)
+ }
+ return nil, true
+func (p *parser) parseThrowExpr(expr *throwExpr) (interface{}, bool) {
+ if p.debug {
+ defer p.out(p.in("parseThrowExpr"))
+ }
+ for i := len(p.recoveryStack) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
+ if recoverExpr, ok := p.recoveryStack[i][expr.label]; ok {
+ if val, ok := p.parseExpr(recoverExpr); ok {
+ return val, ok
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return nil, false
func (p *parser) parseZeroOrMoreExpr(expr *zeroOrMoreExpr) (interface{}, bool) {
if p.debug {
defer p.out(p.in("parseZeroOrMoreExpr"))
diff --git a/parser/asciidoc_parser_test.go b/parser/asciidoc_parser_test.go
index c26924b1..14f36581 100644
--- a/parser/asciidoc_parser_test.go
+++ b/parser/asciidoc_parser_test.go
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ import (
. "github.com/bytesparadise/libasciidoc/parser"
+ "github.com/davecgh/go-spew/spew"
. "github.com/onsi/ginkgo"
log "github.com/sirupsen/logrus"
@@ -13,54 +14,39 @@ import (
var _ = Describe("Parsing content", func() {
- It("heading section inline with bold quote", func() {
+ It("header section inline with bold quote", func() {
- actualContent := "= a heading\n" +
+ actualContent := "= a header\n" +
"\n" +
"== section 1\n" +
"\n" +
"a paragraph with *bold content*"
expectedDocument := &types.Document{
- Attributes: &types.DocumentAttributes{
- "title": "a heading",
+ Attributes: map[string]interface{}{
+ "doctitle": "a header",
Elements: []types.DocElement{
- Heading: types.Heading{
- Level: 1,
+ Level: 1,
+ SectionTitle: types.SectionTitle{
Content: &types.InlineContent{
Elements: []types.InlineElement{
- &types.StringElement{Content: "a heading"},
+ &types.StringElement{Content: "section 1"},
ID: &types.ElementID{
- Value: "_a_heading",
+ Value: "_section_1",
Elements: []types.DocElement{
- &types.Section{
- Heading: types.Heading{
- Level: 2,
- Content: &types.InlineContent{
+ &types.Paragraph{
+ Lines: []*types.InlineContent{
+ &types.InlineContent{
Elements: []types.InlineElement{
- &types.StringElement{Content: "section 1"},
- },
- },
- ID: &types.ElementID{
- Value: "_section_1",
- },
- },
- Elements: []types.DocElement{
- &types.Paragraph{
- Lines: []*types.InlineContent{
- &types.InlineContent{
+ &types.StringElement{Content: "a paragraph with "},
+ &types.QuotedText{Kind: types.Bold,
Elements: []types.InlineElement{
- &types.StringElement{Content: "a paragraph with "},
- &types.QuotedText{Kind: types.Bold,
- Elements: []types.InlineElement{
- &types.StringElement{Content: "bold content"},
- },
- },
+ &types.StringElement{Content: "bold content"},
@@ -76,16 +62,15 @@ var _ = Describe("Parsing content", func() {
-func verify(t GinkgoTInterface, expectedDocument *types.Document, content string) {
+func verify(t GinkgoTInterface, expectedDocument interface{}, content string, options ...Option) {
log.Debugf("processing: %s", content)
reader := strings.NewReader(content)
- result, err := ParseReader("", reader) //Debug(true)
+ result, err := ParseReader("", reader, options...) //, Debug(true))
if err != nil {
log.WithError(err).Error("Error found while parsing the document")
require.Nil(t, err)
- actualDocument := result.(*types.Document)
- t.Logf("actual document: `%s`", actualDocument.String(0))
- t.Logf("expected document: `%s`", expectedDocument.String(0))
- assert.EqualValues(t, *expectedDocument, *actualDocument)
+ t.Logf("actual document: `%s`", spew.Sdump(result))
+ t.Logf("expected document: `%s`", spew.Sdump(expectedDocument))
+ assert.EqualValues(t, expectedDocument, result)
diff --git a/parser/blank_line_test.go b/parser/blank_line_test.go
index 62faec0d..561a1a0f 100644
--- a/parser/blank_line_test.go
+++ b/parser/blank_line_test.go
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ var _ = Describe("Blank lines", func() {
second paragraph`
expectedDocument := &types.Document{
- Attributes: &types.DocumentAttributes{},
+ Attributes: map[string]interface{}{},
Elements: []types.DocElement{
Lines: []*types.InlineContent{
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ second paragraph`
second paragraph
expectedDocument := &types.Document{
- Attributes: &types.DocumentAttributes{},
+ Attributes: map[string]interface{}{},
Elements: []types.DocElement{
Lines: []*types.InlineContent{
diff --git a/parser/delimited_block_test.go b/parser/delimited_block_test.go
index a243b4b9..b6c15fab 100644
--- a/parser/delimited_block_test.go
+++ b/parser/delimited_block_test.go
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ var _ = Describe("Delimited Blocks", func() {
content := "some source code"
actualContent := "```\n" + content + "\n```"
expectedDocument := &types.Document{
- Attributes: &types.DocumentAttributes{},
+ Attributes: map[string]interface{}{},
Elements: []types.DocElement{
Kind: types.FencedBlock,
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ var _ = Describe("Delimited Blocks", func() {
content := ""
actualContent := "```\n" + content + "```"
expectedDocument := &types.Document{
- Attributes: &types.DocumentAttributes{},
+ Attributes: map[string]interface{}{},
Elements: []types.DocElement{
Kind: types.FencedBlock,
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ var _ = Describe("Delimited Blocks", func() {
content := "some source code\nwith an empty line\n\nin the middle"
actualContent := "```\n" + content + "\n```"
expectedDocument := &types.Document{
- Attributes: &types.DocumentAttributes{},
+ Attributes: map[string]interface{}{},
Elements: []types.DocElement{
Kind: types.FencedBlock,
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ var _ = Describe("Delimited Blocks", func() {
content := "some source code\nwith an empty line\n\nin the middle"
actualContent := "```\n" + content + "\n```\nthen a normal paragraph."
expectedDocument := &types.Document{
- Attributes: &types.DocumentAttributes{},
+ Attributes: map[string]interface{}{},
Elements: []types.DocElement{
Kind: types.FencedBlock,
@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ var _ = Describe("Delimited Blocks", func() {
content := "some source code"
actualContent := "a paragraph.\n```\n" + content + "\n```\n"
expectedDocument := &types.Document{
- Attributes: &types.DocumentAttributes{},
+ Attributes: map[string]interface{}{},
Elements: []types.DocElement{
Lines: []*types.InlineContent{
diff --git a/parser/document_attributes_test.go b/parser/document_attributes_test.go
index ea952960..6a49153d 100644
--- a/parser/document_attributes_test.go
+++ b/parser/document_attributes_test.go
@@ -1,253 +1,517 @@
package parser_test
import (
+ "github.com/bytesparadise/libasciidoc/parser"
. "github.com/onsi/ginkgo"
var _ = Describe("Parsing Document Attributes", func() {
- Context("Valid document attributes", func() {
+ Context("Valid Document Header", func() {
- It("valid attribute names", func() {
- actualContent := `:a:
-:author: Xavier
-:_author: Xavier
-:Author: Xavier
-:0Author: Xavier
-:Auth0r: Xavier`
- expectedDocument := &types.Document{
- Attributes: &types.DocumentAttributes{},
- Elements: []types.DocElement{
- &types.DocumentAttributeDeclaration{Name: "a"},
- &types.DocumentAttributeDeclaration{Name: "author", Value: "Xavier"},
- &types.DocumentAttributeDeclaration{Name: "_author", Value: "Xavier"},
- &types.DocumentAttributeDeclaration{Name: "Author", Value: "Xavier"},
- &types.DocumentAttributeDeclaration{Name: "0Author", Value: "Xavier"},
- &types.DocumentAttributeDeclaration{Name: "Auth0r", Value: "Xavier"},
- },
- }
- verify(GinkgoT(), expectedDocument, actualContent)
- })
- It("heading section with attributes", func() {
- actualContent := `= a heading
-:date: 2017-01-01
-:author: Xavier
-a paragraph`
- expectedDocument := &types.Document{
- Attributes: &types.DocumentAttributes{
- "title": "a heading",
+ It("header alone", func() {
+ actualContent := `= The Dangerous and Thrilling Documentation Chronicles
+This journey begins on a bleary Monday morning.`
+ expectedResult := &types.Document{
+ Attributes: map[string]interface{}{
+ "doctitle": "The Dangerous and Thrilling Documentation Chronicles",
Elements: []types.DocElement{
- &types.Section{
- Heading: types.Heading{
- Level: 1,
- Content: &types.InlineContent{
+ &types.Paragraph{
+ Lines: []*types.InlineContent{
+ &types.InlineContent{
Elements: []types.InlineElement{
- &types.StringElement{Content: "a heading"},
- },
- },
- ID: &types.ElementID{
- Value: "_a_heading",
- },
- },
- Elements: []types.DocElement{
- &types.DocumentAttributeDeclaration{Name: "toc"},
- &types.DocumentAttributeDeclaration{Name: "date", Value: "2017-01-01"},
- &types.DocumentAttributeDeclaration{Name: "author", Value: "Xavier"},
- &types.Paragraph{
- Lines: []*types.InlineContent{
- &types.InlineContent{
- Elements: []types.InlineElement{
- &types.StringElement{Content: "a paragraph"},
- },
- },
+ &types.StringElement{Content: "This journey begins on a bleary Monday morning."},
- verify(GinkgoT(), expectedDocument, actualContent)
+ verify(GinkgoT(), expectedResult, actualContent)
+ })
+ Context("Document Authors", func() {
+ Context("Single Author", func() {
+ It("all data", func() {
+ actualContent := `Kismet Rainbow Chameleon `
+ fullName := "Kismet Rainbow Chameleon"
+ initials := "KRC"
+ firstname := "Kismet"
+ middleName := "Rainbow"
+ lastName := "Chameleon"
+ email := `kismet@asciidoctor.org`
+ expectedResult := []*types.DocumentAuthor{
+ &types.DocumentAuthor{
+ FullName: fullName,
+ FirstName: &firstname,
+ MiddleName: &middleName,
+ LastName: &lastName,
+ Initials: initials,
+ Email: &email,
+ },
+ }
+ verify(GinkgoT(), expectedResult, actualContent, parser.Entrypoint("DocumentAuthors"))
+ })
+ It("lastname with underscores", func() {
+ actualContent := `Lazarus het_Draeke `
+ fullName := "Lazarus het Draeke"
+ initials := "Lh"
+ firstname := "Lazarus"
+ lastName := "het Draeke"
+ email := `lazarus@asciidoctor.org`
+ expectedResult := []*types.DocumentAuthor{
+ &types.DocumentAuthor{
+ FullName: fullName,
+ FirstName: &firstname,
+ LastName: &lastName,
+ Initials: initials,
+ Email: &email,
+ },
+ }
+ verify(GinkgoT(), expectedResult, actualContent, parser.Entrypoint("DocumentAuthors"))
+ })
+ It("firstname and lastname only", func() {
+ actualContent := `Kismet Chameleon`
+ fullName := "Kismet Chameleon"
+ initials := "KC"
+ firstname := "Kismet"
+ lastName := "Chameleon"
+ expectedResult := []*types.DocumentAuthor{
+ &types.DocumentAuthor{
+ FullName: fullName,
+ FirstName: &firstname,
+ LastName: &lastName,
+ Initials: initials,
+ },
+ }
+ verify(GinkgoT(), expectedResult, actualContent, parser.Entrypoint("DocumentAuthors"))
+ })
+ It("firstname only", func() {
+ actualContent := ` Chameleon`
+ fullName := "Chameleon"
+ initials := "C"
+ firstname := "Chameleon"
+ expectedResult := []*types.DocumentAuthor{
+ &types.DocumentAuthor{
+ FullName: fullName,
+ FirstName: &firstname,
+ Initials: initials,
+ },
+ }
+ verify(GinkgoT(), expectedResult, actualContent, parser.Entrypoint("DocumentAuthors"))
+ })
+ It("alternate author input", func() {
+ actualContent := `:author: Kismet Rainbow Chameleon` // `:email:` is processed as a regular attribute
+ fullName := "Kismet Rainbow Chameleon"
+ initials := "KRC"
+ firstname := "Kismet"
+ middleName := "Rainbow"
+ lastName := "Chameleon"
+ expectedResult := []*types.DocumentAuthor{
+ &types.DocumentAuthor{
+ FullName: fullName,
+ FirstName: &firstname,
+ MiddleName: &middleName,
+ LastName: &lastName,
+ Initials: initials,
+ },
+ }
+ verify(GinkgoT(), expectedResult, actualContent, parser.Entrypoint("DocumentAuthors"))
+ })
+ })
+ Context("Multiple authors", func() {
+ It("2 authors only", func() {
+ actualContent := `Kismet Rainbow Chameleon ; Lazarus het_Draeke `
+ fullName := "Kismet Rainbow Chameleon"
+ initials := "KRC"
+ firstname := "Kismet"
+ middleName := "Rainbow"
+ lastName := "Chameleon"
+ email := `kismet@asciidoctor.org`
+ fullName2 := "Lazarus het Draeke"
+ initials2 := "Lh"
+ firstname2 := "Lazarus"
+ lastName2 := "het Draeke"
+ email2 := `lazarus@asciidoctor.org`
+ expectedResult := []*types.DocumentAuthor{
+ &types.DocumentAuthor{
+ FullName: fullName,
+ FirstName: &firstname,
+ MiddleName: &middleName,
+ LastName: &lastName,
+ Initials: initials,
+ Email: &email,
+ },
+ &types.DocumentAuthor{
+ FullName: fullName2,
+ FirstName: &firstname2,
+ LastName: &lastName2,
+ Initials: initials2,
+ Email: &email2,
+ },
+ }
+ verify(GinkgoT(), expectedResult, actualContent, parser.Entrypoint("DocumentAuthors"))
+ })
+ })
+ })
+ Context("Document Revision", func() {
+ It("Full document revision", func() {
+ actualContent := `v1.0, June 19, 2017: First incarnation`
+ revnumber := "1.0"
+ revdate := "June 19, 2017"
+ revremark := "First incarnation"
+ expectedResult := &types.DocumentRevision{
+ Revnumber: &revnumber,
+ Revdate: &revdate,
+ Revremark: &revremark,
+ }
+ verify(GinkgoT(), expectedResult, actualContent, parser.Entrypoint("DocumentRevision"))
+ })
+ It("revision with revnumber and revdate only", func() {
+ actualContent := `v1.0, June 19, 2017`
+ revnumber := "1.0"
+ revdate := "June 19, 2017"
+ expectedResult := &types.DocumentRevision{
+ Revnumber: &revnumber,
+ Revdate: &revdate,
+ }
+ verify(GinkgoT(), expectedResult, actualContent, parser.Entrypoint("DocumentRevision"))
+ })
+ It("revision with revnumber and revdate - with colon separator", func() {
+ actualContent := `v1.0, June 19, 2017:`
+ revnumber := "1.0"
+ revdate := "June 19, 2017"
+ expectedResult := &types.DocumentRevision{
+ Revnumber: &revnumber,
+ Revdate: &revdate,
+ }
+ verify(GinkgoT(), expectedResult, actualContent, parser.Entrypoint("DocumentRevision"))
+ })
+ It("revision with revnumber only - comma suffix", func() {
+ actualContent := `1.0,`
+ revnumber := "1.0"
+ expectedResult := &types.DocumentRevision{
+ Revnumber: &revnumber,
+ }
+ verify(GinkgoT(), expectedResult, actualContent, parser.Entrypoint("DocumentRevision"))
+ })
+ It("revision with revdate as number - spaces and no prefix no suffix", func() {
+ actualContent := `1.0`
+ revdate := "1.0"
+ expectedResult := &types.DocumentRevision{
+ Revdate: &revdate,
+ }
+ verify(GinkgoT(), expectedResult, actualContent, parser.Entrypoint("DocumentRevision"))
+ })
+ It("revision with revdate as alphanum - spaces and no prefix no suffix", func() {
+ actualContent := `1.0a`
+ revdate := "1.0a"
+ expectedResult := &types.DocumentRevision{
+ Revdate: &revdate,
+ }
+ verify(GinkgoT(), expectedResult, actualContent, parser.Entrypoint("DocumentRevision"))
+ })
+ It("revision with revnumber only", func() {
+ actualContent := `v1.0:`
+ revnumber := "1.0"
+ expectedResult := &types.DocumentRevision{
+ Revnumber: &revnumber,
+ }
+ verify(GinkgoT(), expectedResult, actualContent, parser.Entrypoint("DocumentRevision"))
+ })
+ It("revision with spaces and capital revnumber ", func() {
+ actualContent := `V1.0:`
+ revnumber := "1.0"
+ expectedResult := &types.DocumentRevision{
+ Revnumber: &revnumber,
+ }
+ verify(GinkgoT(), expectedResult, actualContent, parser.Entrypoint("DocumentRevision"))
+ })
+ It("revision only - with comma separator", func() {
+ actualContent := `v1.0,`
+ revnumber := "1.0"
+ expectedResult := &types.DocumentRevision{
+ Revnumber: &revnumber,
+ }
+ verify(GinkgoT(), expectedResult, actualContent, parser.Entrypoint("DocumentRevision"))
+ })
+ It("revision with revnumber plus comma and colon separators", func() {
+ actualContent := `v1.0,:`
+ revnumber := "1.0"
+ expectedResult := &types.DocumentRevision{
+ Revnumber: &revnumber,
+ }
+ verify(GinkgoT(), expectedResult, actualContent, parser.Entrypoint("DocumentRevision"))
+ })
+ It("revision with revnumber plus colon separator", func() {
+ actualContent := `v1.0:`
+ revnumber := "1.0"
+ expectedResult := &types.DocumentRevision{
+ Revnumber: &revnumber,
+ }
+ verify(GinkgoT(), expectedResult, actualContent, parser.Entrypoint("DocumentRevision"))
+ })
- It("attributes and paragraph without blank line in-between", func() {
+ Context("Document Header Attributes", func() {
- actualContent := `:toc:
+ It("valid attribute names", func() {
+ actualContent := `:a:
+:author: Xavier
+:_author: Xavier
+:Author: Xavier
+:0Author: Xavier
+:Auth0r: Xavier`
+ expectedResult := &types.Document{
+ Attributes: map[string]interface{}{},
+ Elements: []types.DocElement{
+ &types.DocumentAttributeDeclaration{Name: "a"},
+ &types.DocumentAttributeDeclaration{Name: "author", Value: "Xavier"},
+ &types.DocumentAttributeDeclaration{Name: "_author", Value: "Xavier"},
+ &types.DocumentAttributeDeclaration{Name: "Author", Value: "Xavier"},
+ &types.DocumentAttributeDeclaration{Name: "0Author", Value: "Xavier"},
+ &types.DocumentAttributeDeclaration{Name: "Auth0r", Value: "Xavier"},
+ },
+ }
+ verify(GinkgoT(), expectedResult, actualContent)
+ })
+ It("attributes and paragraph without blank line in-between", func() {
+ actualContent := `:toc:
:date: 2017-01-01
:author: Xavier
a paragraph`
- expectedDocument := &types.Document{
- Attributes: &types.DocumentAttributes{},
- Elements: []types.DocElement{
- &types.DocumentAttributeDeclaration{Name: "toc"},
- &types.DocumentAttributeDeclaration{Name: "date", Value: "2017-01-01"},
- &types.DocumentAttributeDeclaration{Name: "author", Value: "Xavier"},
- &types.Paragraph{
- Lines: []*types.InlineContent{
- &types.InlineContent{
- Elements: []types.InlineElement{
- &types.StringElement{Content: "a paragraph"},
+ expectedResult := &types.Document{
+ Attributes: map[string]interface{}{},
+ Elements: []types.DocElement{
+ &types.DocumentAttributeDeclaration{Name: "toc"},
+ &types.DocumentAttributeDeclaration{Name: "date", Value: "2017-01-01"},
+ &types.DocumentAttributeDeclaration{Name: "author", Value: "Xavier"},
+ &types.Paragraph{
+ Lines: []*types.InlineContent{
+ &types.InlineContent{
+ Elements: []types.InlineElement{
+ &types.StringElement{Content: "a paragraph"},
+ },
- },
- }
- verify(GinkgoT(), expectedDocument, actualContent)
- })
- It("contiguous attributes and paragraph with blank line in-between", func() {
+ }
+ verify(GinkgoT(), expectedResult, actualContent)
+ })
- actualContent := `:toc:
+ It("contiguous attributes and paragraph with blank line in-between", func() {
+ actualContent := `:toc:
:date: 2017-01-01
:author: Xavier
a paragraph`
- expectedDocument := &types.Document{
- Attributes: &types.DocumentAttributes{},
- Elements: []types.DocElement{
- &types.DocumentAttributeDeclaration{Name: "toc"},
- &types.DocumentAttributeDeclaration{Name: "date", Value: "2017-01-01"},
- &types.DocumentAttributeDeclaration{Name: "author", Value: "Xavier"},
- &types.Paragraph{
- Lines: []*types.InlineContent{
- &types.InlineContent{
- Elements: []types.InlineElement{
- &types.StringElement{Content: "a paragraph"},
+ expectedResult := &types.Document{
+ Attributes: map[string]interface{}{},
+ Elements: []types.DocElement{
+ &types.DocumentAttributeDeclaration{Name: "toc"},
+ &types.DocumentAttributeDeclaration{Name: "date", Value: "2017-01-01"},
+ &types.DocumentAttributeDeclaration{Name: "author", Value: "Xavier"},
+ &types.Paragraph{
+ Lines: []*types.InlineContent{
+ &types.InlineContent{
+ Elements: []types.InlineElement{
+ &types.StringElement{Content: "a paragraph"},
+ },
- },
- }
- verify(GinkgoT(), expectedDocument, actualContent)
- })
+ }
+ verify(GinkgoT(), expectedResult, actualContent)
+ })
- It("splitted attributes and paragraph with blank line in-between", func() {
- actualContent := `:toc:
+ It("splitted attributes and paragraph with blank line in-between", func() {
+ actualContent := `:toc:
:date: 2017-01-01
:author: Xavier
a paragraph`
- expectedDocument := &types.Document{
- Attributes: &types.DocumentAttributes{},
- Elements: []types.DocElement{
- &types.DocumentAttributeDeclaration{Name: "toc"},
- &types.DocumentAttributeDeclaration{Name: "date", Value: "2017-01-01"},
- &types.DocumentAttributeDeclaration{Name: "author", Value: "Xavier"},
- &types.Paragraph{
- Lines: []*types.InlineContent{
- &types.InlineContent{
- Elements: []types.InlineElement{
- &types.StringElement{Content: "a paragraph"},
+ expectedResult := &types.Document{
+ Attributes: map[string]interface{}{},
+ Elements: []types.DocElement{
+ &types.DocumentAttributeDeclaration{Name: "toc"},
+ &types.DocumentAttributeDeclaration{Name: "date", Value: "2017-01-01"},
+ &types.DocumentAttributeDeclaration{Name: "author", Value: "Xavier"},
+ &types.Paragraph{
+ Lines: []*types.InlineContent{
+ &types.InlineContent{
+ Elements: []types.InlineElement{
+ &types.StringElement{Content: "a paragraph"},
+ },
- },
- }
- verify(GinkgoT(), expectedDocument, actualContent)
- })
- It("no heading and attributes in body", func() {
+ }
+ verify(GinkgoT(), expectedResult, actualContent)
+ })
- actualContent := `a paragraph
+ It("no header and attributes in body", func() {
+ actualContent := `a paragraph
:date: 2017-01-01
:author: Xavier`
- expectedDocument := &types.Document{
- Attributes: &types.DocumentAttributes{},
- Elements: []types.DocElement{
- &types.Paragraph{
- Lines: []*types.InlineContent{
- &types.InlineContent{
- Elements: []types.InlineElement{
- &types.StringElement{Content: "a paragraph"},
+ expectedResult := &types.Document{
+ Attributes: map[string]interface{}{},
+ Elements: []types.DocElement{
+ &types.Paragraph{
+ Lines: []*types.InlineContent{
+ &types.InlineContent{
+ Elements: []types.InlineElement{
+ &types.StringElement{Content: "a paragraph"},
+ },
+ &types.DocumentAttributeDeclaration{Name: "toc"},
+ &types.DocumentAttributeDeclaration{Name: "date", Value: "2017-01-01"},
+ &types.DocumentAttributeDeclaration{Name: "author", Value: "Xavier"},
- &types.DocumentAttributeDeclaration{Name: "toc"},
- &types.DocumentAttributeDeclaration{Name: "date", Value: "2017-01-01"},
- &types.DocumentAttributeDeclaration{Name: "author", Value: "Xavier"},
- },
- }
- verify(GinkgoT(), expectedDocument, actualContent)
+ }
+ verify(GinkgoT(), expectedResult, actualContent)
+ })
- It("paragraph with attribute substitution", func() {
+ Context("Document Attribute Substitutions", func() {
- actualContent := `:author: Xavier
+ It("paragraph with attribute substitution", func() {
+ actualContent := `:author: Xavier
a paragraph written by {author}.`
- expectedDocument := &types.Document{
- Attributes: &types.DocumentAttributes{},
- Elements: []types.DocElement{
- &types.DocumentAttributeDeclaration{Name: "author", Value: "Xavier"},
- &types.Paragraph{
- Lines: []*types.InlineContent{
- &types.InlineContent{
- Elements: []types.InlineElement{
- &types.StringElement{Content: "a paragraph written by "},
- &types.DocumentAttributeSubstitution{Name: "author"},
- &types.StringElement{Content: "."},
+ expectedResult := &types.Document{
+ Attributes: map[string]interface{}{},
+ Elements: []types.DocElement{
+ &types.DocumentAttributeDeclaration{Name: "author", Value: "Xavier"},
+ &types.Paragraph{
+ Lines: []*types.InlineContent{
+ &types.InlineContent{
+ Elements: []types.InlineElement{
+ &types.StringElement{Content: "a paragraph written by "},
+ &types.DocumentAttributeSubstitution{Name: "author"},
+ &types.StringElement{Content: "."},
+ },
- },
- }
- verify(GinkgoT(), expectedDocument, actualContent)
- })
- It("paragraph with attribute resets", func() {
+ }
+ verify(GinkgoT(), expectedResult, actualContent)
+ })
- actualContent := `:author: Xavier
+ It("paragraph with attribute resets", func() {
+ actualContent := `:author: Xavier
a paragraph written by {author}.`
- expectedDocument := &types.Document{
- Attributes: &types.DocumentAttributes{},
+ expectedResult := &types.Document{
+ Attributes: map[string]interface{}{},
+ Elements: []types.DocElement{
+ &types.DocumentAttributeDeclaration{Name: "author", Value: "Xavier"},
+ &types.DocumentAttributeReset{Name: "author1"},
+ &types.DocumentAttributeReset{Name: "author2"},
+ &types.Paragraph{
+ Lines: []*types.InlineContent{
+ &types.InlineContent{
+ Elements: []types.InlineElement{
+ &types.StringElement{Content: "a paragraph written by "},
+ &types.DocumentAttributeSubstitution{Name: "author"},
+ &types.StringElement{Content: "."},
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ }
+ verify(GinkgoT(), expectedResult, actualContent)
+ })
+ })
+ It("header with 2 authors, revision and attributes", func() {
+ actualContent := `= The Dangerous and Thrilling Documentation Chronicles
+Kismet Rainbow Chameleon ; Lazarus het_Draeke
+v1.0, June 19, 2017: First incarnation
+:keywords: documentation, team, obstacles, journey, victory
+This journey begins on a bleary Monday morning.`
+ expectedResult := &types.Document{
+ Attributes: map[string]interface{}{
+ "doctitle": "The Dangerous and Thrilling Documentation Chronicles",
+ "author": "Kismet Rainbow Chameleon",
+ "firstname": "Kismet",
+ "middlename": "Rainbow",
+ "lastname": "Chameleon",
+ "authorinitials": "KRC",
+ "email": "kismet@asciidoctor.org",
+ "author_2": "Lazarus het Draeke",
+ "firstname_2": "Lazarus",
+ "lastname_2": "het Draeke",
+ "authorinitials_2": "Lh",
+ "email_2": "lazarus@asciidoctor.org",
+ "revnumber": "1.0",
+ "revdate": "June 19, 2017",
+ "revremark": "First incarnation",
+ "keywords": "documentation, team, obstacles, journey, victory",
+ "toc": "",
+ },
Elements: []types.DocElement{
- &types.DocumentAttributeDeclaration{Name: "author", Value: "Xavier"},
- &types.DocumentAttributeReset{Name: "author1"},
- &types.DocumentAttributeReset{Name: "author2"},
Lines: []*types.InlineContent{
Elements: []types.InlineElement{
- &types.StringElement{Content: "a paragraph written by "},
- &types.DocumentAttributeSubstitution{Name: "author"},
- &types.StringElement{Content: "."},
+ &types.StringElement{Content: "This journey begins on a bleary Monday morning."},
- verify(GinkgoT(), expectedDocument, actualContent)
+ verify(GinkgoT(), expectedResult, actualContent)
Context("Invalid document attributes", func() {
- It("paragraph and without blank line in between", func() {
+ It("paragraph without blank line before attribute declarations", func() {
actualContent := `a paragraph
:date: 2017-01-01
:author: Xavier`
- expectedDocument := &types.Document{
- Attributes: &types.DocumentAttributes{},
+ expectedResult := &types.Document{
+ Attributes: map[string]interface{}{},
Elements: []types.DocElement{
Lines: []*types.InlineContent{
@@ -275,15 +539,14 @@ a paragraph written by {author}.`
- verify(GinkgoT(), expectedDocument, actualContent)
+ verify(GinkgoT(), expectedResult, actualContent)
It("invalid attribute names", func() {
actualContent := `:@date: 2017-01-01
:{author}: Xavier`
- expectedDocument := &types.Document{
- Attributes: &types.DocumentAttributes{},
+ expectedResult := &types.Document{
+ Attributes: map[string]interface{}{},
Elements: []types.DocElement{
Lines: []*types.InlineContent{
@@ -301,7 +564,7 @@ a paragraph written by {author}.`
- verify(GinkgoT(), expectedDocument, actualContent)
+ verify(GinkgoT(), expectedResult, actualContent)
diff --git a/parser/external_link_test.go b/parser/external_link_test.go
index b85493c7..93429366 100644
--- a/parser/external_link_test.go
+++ b/parser/external_link_test.go
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ var _ = Describe("External Links", func() {
It("external link", func() {
actualContent := "a link to https://foo.bar"
expectedDocument := &types.Document{
- Attributes: &types.DocumentAttributes{},
+ Attributes: map[string]interface{}{},
Elements: []types.DocElement{
Lines: []*types.InlineContent{
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ var _ = Describe("External Links", func() {
It("external link with empty text", func() {
actualContent := "a link to https://foo.bar[]"
expectedDocument := &types.Document{
- Attributes: &types.DocumentAttributes{},
+ Attributes: map[string]interface{}{},
Elements: []types.DocElement{
Lines: []*types.InlineContent{
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ var _ = Describe("External Links", func() {
It("external link with text", func() {
actualContent := "a link to mailto:foo@bar[the foo@bar email]"
expectedDocument := &types.Document{
- Attributes: &types.DocumentAttributes{},
+ Attributes: map[string]interface{}{},
Elements: []types.DocElement{
Lines: []*types.InlineContent{
diff --git a/parser/frontmatter_test.go b/parser/frontmatter_test.go
index 88c4f4c0..d17ce98e 100644
--- a/parser/frontmatter_test.go
+++ b/parser/frontmatter_test.go
@@ -16,8 +16,8 @@ author: Xavier
first paragraph`
expectedDocument := &types.Document{
- Attributes: &types.DocumentAttributes{
- "title": "a title",
+ Attributes: map[string]interface{}{
+ "title": "a title", // TODO: convert `title` attribute from front-matter into `doctitle` here ?
"author": "Xavier",
Elements: []types.DocElement{
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ first paragraph`
first paragraph`
expectedDocument := &types.Document{
- Attributes: &types.DocumentAttributes{},
+ Attributes: map[string]interface{}{},
Elements: []types.DocElement{
Lines: []*types.InlineContent{
diff --git a/parser/image_test.go b/parser/image_test.go
index ea5d0357..2446fff0 100644
--- a/parser/image_test.go
+++ b/parser/image_test.go
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ var _ = Describe("Images", func() {
It("block image with empty alt", func() {
actualContent := "image::images/foo.png[]"
expectedDocument := &types.Document{
- Attributes: &types.DocumentAttributes{},
+ Attributes: map[string]interface{}{},
Elements: []types.DocElement{
Macro: types.ImageMacro{
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ var _ = Describe("Images", func() {
It("block image with empty alt and trailing spaces", func() {
actualContent := "image::images/foo.png[] \t\t "
expectedDocument := &types.Document{
- Attributes: &types.DocumentAttributes{},
+ Attributes: map[string]interface{}{},
Elements: []types.DocElement{
Macro: types.ImageMacro{
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ var _ = Describe("Images", func() {
actualContent := `image::images/foo.png[]
expectedDocument := &types.Document{
- Attributes: &types.DocumentAttributes{},
+ Attributes: map[string]interface{}{},
Elements: []types.DocElement{
Macro: types.ImageMacro{
@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ var _ = Describe("Images", func() {
actualContent := `image::images/foo.png[]
expectedDocument := &types.Document{
- Attributes: &types.DocumentAttributes{},
+ Attributes: map[string]interface{}{},
Elements: []types.DocElement{
Macro: types.ImageMacro{
@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ var _ = Describe("Images", func() {
expectedDocument := &types.Document{
- Attributes: &types.DocumentAttributes{},
+ Attributes: map[string]interface{}{},
Elements: []types.DocElement{
Macro: types.ImageMacro{
@@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ var _ = Describe("Images", func() {
It("block image with alt", func() {
actualContent := "image::images/foo.png[the foo.png image]"
expectedDocument := &types.Document{
- Attributes: &types.DocumentAttributes{},
+ Attributes: map[string]interface{}{},
Elements: []types.DocElement{
Macro: types.ImageMacro{
@@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ var _ = Describe("Images", func() {
width := "600"
height := "400"
expectedDocument := &types.Document{
- Attributes: &types.DocumentAttributes{},
+ Attributes: map[string]interface{}{},
Elements: []types.DocElement{
Macro: types.ImageMacro{
@@ -144,7 +144,7 @@ var _ = Describe("Images", func() {
It("block image appending inline content", func() {
actualContent := "a paragraph\nimage::images/foo.png[]"
expectedDocument := &types.Document{
- Attributes: &types.DocumentAttributes{},
+ Attributes: map[string]interface{}{},
Elements: []types.DocElement{
Lines: []*types.InlineContent{
@@ -173,7 +173,7 @@ var _ = Describe("Images", func() {
It("inline image with empty alt", func() {
actualContent := "image:images/foo.png[]"
expectedDocument := &types.Document{
- Attributes: &types.DocumentAttributes{},
+ Attributes: map[string]interface{}{},
Elements: []types.DocElement{
Lines: []*types.InlineContent{
@@ -197,7 +197,7 @@ var _ = Describe("Images", func() {
It("inline image with empty alt and trailing spaces", func() {
actualContent := "image:images/foo.png[] \t\t "
expectedDocument := &types.Document{
- Attributes: &types.DocumentAttributes{},
+ Attributes: map[string]interface{}{},
Elements: []types.DocElement{
Lines: []*types.InlineContent{
@@ -224,7 +224,7 @@ var _ = Describe("Images", func() {
It("inline image surrounded with test", func() {
actualContent := "a foo image:images/foo.png[] bar..."
expectedDocument := &types.Document{
- Attributes: &types.DocumentAttributes{},
+ Attributes: map[string]interface{}{},
Elements: []types.DocElement{
Lines: []*types.InlineContent{
@@ -254,7 +254,7 @@ var _ = Describe("Images", func() {
It("inline image with alt", func() {
actualContent := "image:images/foo.png[the foo.png image]"
expectedDocument := &types.Document{
- Attributes: &types.DocumentAttributes{},
+ Attributes: map[string]interface{}{},
Elements: []types.DocElement{
Lines: []*types.InlineContent{
@@ -279,7 +279,7 @@ var _ = Describe("Images", func() {
It("inline image appending inline content", func() {
actualContent := "a paragraph\nimage::images/foo.png[]"
expectedDocument := &types.Document{
- Attributes: &types.DocumentAttributes{},
+ Attributes: map[string]interface{}{},
Elements: []types.DocElement{
Lines: []*types.InlineContent{
diff --git a/parser/list_test.go b/parser/list_test.go
index 87447795..cdecf663 100644
--- a/parser/list_test.go
+++ b/parser/list_test.go
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ var _ = Describe("List Items", func() {
It("1 list with a single item", func() {
actualContent := "* a list item"
expectedDocument := &types.Document{
- Attributes: &types.DocumentAttributes{},
+ Attributes: map[string]interface{}{},
Elements: []types.DocElement{
Items: []*types.ListItem{
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ var _ = Describe("List Items", func() {
actualContent := "[#listID]\n" +
"* a list item"
expectedDocument := &types.Document{
- Attributes: &types.DocumentAttributes{},
+ Attributes: map[string]interface{}{},
Elements: []types.DocElement{
ID: &types.ElementID{Value: "listID"},
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ var _ = Describe("List Items", func() {
actualContent := "* a first item\n" +
"* a second item with *bold content*"
expectedDocument := &types.Document{
- Attributes: &types.DocumentAttributes{},
+ Attributes: map[string]interface{}{},
Elements: []types.DocElement{
Items: []*types.ListItem{
@@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ var _ = Describe("List Items", func() {
actualContent := "- a first item\n" +
"- a second item with *bold content*"
expectedDocument := &types.Document{
- Attributes: &types.DocumentAttributes{},
+ Attributes: map[string]interface{}{},
Elements: []types.DocElement{
Items: []*types.ListItem{
@@ -154,7 +154,7 @@ var _ = Describe("List Items", func() {
"\n" +
"* a second item with *bold content*"
expectedDocument := &types.Document{
- Attributes: &types.DocumentAttributes{},
+ Attributes: map[string]interface{}{},
Elements: []types.DocElement{
Items: []*types.ListItem{
@@ -199,7 +199,7 @@ var _ = Describe("List Items", func() {
"* item 2\n" +
"on 2 lines, too."
expectedDocument := &types.Document{
- Attributes: &types.DocumentAttributes{},
+ Attributes: map[string]interface{}{},
Elements: []types.DocElement{
Items: []*types.ListItem{
@@ -250,7 +250,7 @@ var _ = Describe("List Items", func() {
"\n" +
"* an item in the second list"
expectedDocument := &types.Document{
- Attributes: &types.DocumentAttributes{},
+ Attributes: map[string]interface{}{},
Elements: []types.DocElement{
Items: []*types.ListItem{
@@ -303,7 +303,7 @@ var _ = Describe("List Items", func() {
"* item 2\n" +
"** item 2.1\n"
expectedDocument := &types.Document{
- Attributes: &types.DocumentAttributes{},
+ Attributes: map[string]interface{}{},
Elements: []types.DocElement{
Items: []*types.ListItem{
@@ -432,7 +432,7 @@ var _ = Describe("List Items", func() {
"** item 1.2\n" +
"* item 2"
expectedDocument := &types.Document{
- Attributes: &types.DocumentAttributes{},
+ Attributes: map[string]interface{}{},
Elements: []types.DocElement{
Items: []*types.ListItem{
@@ -514,7 +514,7 @@ var _ = Describe("List Items", func() {
It("invalid list item", func() {
actualContent := "*an invalid list item"
expectedDocument := &types.Document{
- Attributes: &types.DocumentAttributes{},
+ Attributes: map[string]interface{}{},
Elements: []types.DocElement{
Lines: []*types.InlineContent{
diff --git a/parser/literal_block_test.go b/parser/literal_block_test.go
index 78926bb7..020ca2ae 100644
--- a/parser/literal_block_test.go
+++ b/parser/literal_block_test.go
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ var _ = Describe("Literal Blocks", func() {
It("literal block from 1-line paragraph with single space", func() {
actualContent := ` some literal content`
expectedDocument := &types.Document{
- Attributes: &types.DocumentAttributes{},
+ Attributes: map[string]interface{}{},
Elements: []types.DocElement{
Content: " some literal content",
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ var _ = Describe("Literal Blocks", func() {
actualContent := ` some literal content
on 2 lines.`
expectedDocument := &types.Document{
- Attributes: &types.DocumentAttributes{},
+ Attributes: map[string]interface{}{},
Elements: []types.DocElement{
Content: " some literal content\non 2 lines.",
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ on 2 lines.`
a normal paragraph.`
expectedDocument := &types.Document{
- Attributes: &types.DocumentAttributes{},
+ Attributes: map[string]interface{}{},
Elements: []types.DocElement{
Content: " some literal content",
@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ some literal content
a normal paragraph.`
expectedDocument := &types.Document{
- Attributes: &types.DocumentAttributes{},
+ Attributes: map[string]interface{}{},
Elements: []types.DocElement{
Content: "some literal content",
@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ some literal content
a normal paragraph.`
expectedDocument := &types.Document{
- Attributes: &types.DocumentAttributes{},
+ Attributes: map[string]interface{}{},
Elements: []types.DocElement{
Content: "some literal content",
diff --git a/parser/meta_elements_test.go b/parser/meta_elements_test.go
index b0a8f4fb..e754db4d 100644
--- a/parser/meta_elements_test.go
+++ b/parser/meta_elements_test.go
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ var _ = Describe("Meta Elements", func() {
It("element link alone", func() {
actualContent := "[link=http://foo.bar]"
expectedDocument := &types.Document{
- Attributes: &types.DocumentAttributes{},
+ Attributes: map[string]interface{}{},
Elements: []types.DocElement{
&types.ElementLink{Path: "http://foo.bar"},
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ var _ = Describe("Meta Elements", func() {
It("element link with spaces", func() {
actualContent := "[ link = http://foo.bar ]"
expectedDocument := &types.Document{
- Attributes: &types.DocumentAttributes{},
+ Attributes: map[string]interface{}{},
Elements: []types.DocElement{
&types.ElementLink{Path: "http://foo.bar"},
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ var _ = Describe("Meta Elements", func() {
It("element link invalid", func() {
actualContent := "[ link = http://foo.bar"
expectedDocument := &types.Document{
- Attributes: &types.DocumentAttributes{},
+ Attributes: map[string]interface{}{},
Elements: []types.DocElement{
Lines: []*types.InlineContent{
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ var _ = Describe("Meta Elements", func() {
It("element id", func() {
actualContent := "[#img-foobar]"
expectedDocument := &types.Document{
- Attributes: &types.DocumentAttributes{},
+ Attributes: map[string]interface{}{},
Elements: []types.DocElement{
&types.ElementID{Value: "img-foobar"},
@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ var _ = Describe("Meta Elements", func() {
It("element id with spaces", func() {
actualContent := "[ #img-foobar ]"
expectedDocument := &types.Document{
- Attributes: &types.DocumentAttributes{},
+ Attributes: map[string]interface{}{},
Elements: []types.DocElement{
&types.ElementID{Value: "img-foobar"},
@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ var _ = Describe("Meta Elements", func() {
It("element id invalid", func() {
actualContent := "[#img-foobar"
expectedDocument := &types.Document{
- Attributes: &types.DocumentAttributes{},
+ Attributes: map[string]interface{}{},
Elements: []types.DocElement{
Lines: []*types.InlineContent{
@@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ var _ = Describe("Meta Elements", func() {
It("element title", func() {
actualContent := ".a title"
expectedDocument := &types.Document{
- Attributes: &types.DocumentAttributes{},
+ Attributes: map[string]interface{}{},
Elements: []types.DocElement{
&types.ElementTitle{Value: "a title"},
@@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ var _ = Describe("Meta Elements", func() {
It("element title invalid1", func() {
actualContent := ". a title"
expectedDocument := &types.Document{
- Attributes: &types.DocumentAttributes{},
+ Attributes: map[string]interface{}{},
Elements: []types.DocElement{
Lines: []*types.InlineContent{
@@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ var _ = Describe("Meta Elements", func() {
It("element title invalid2", func() {
actualContent := "!a title"
expectedDocument := &types.Document{
- Attributes: &types.DocumentAttributes{},
+ Attributes: map[string]interface{}{},
Elements: []types.DocElement{
Lines: []*types.InlineContent{
diff --git a/parser/paragraph_test.go b/parser/paragraph_test.go
index 3bc24a00..15e437b4 100644
--- a/parser/paragraph_test.go
+++ b/parser/paragraph_test.go
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ var _ = Describe("Paragraphs", func() {
It("paragraph with 1 word", func() {
actualContent := "hello"
expectedDocument := &types.Document{
- Attributes: &types.DocumentAttributes{},
+ Attributes: map[string]interface{}{},
Elements: []types.DocElement{
Lines: []*types.InlineContent{
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ var _ = Describe("Paragraphs", func() {
It("paragraph with few words", func() {
actualContent := "a paragraph with some content"
expectedDocument := &types.Document{
- Attributes: &types.DocumentAttributes{},
+ Attributes: map[string]interface{}{},
Elements: []types.DocElement{
Lines: []*types.InlineContent{
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ var _ = Describe("Paragraphs", func() {
It("paragraph with bold content", func() {
actualContent := "a paragraph with *some bold content*"
expectedDocument := &types.Document{
- Attributes: &types.DocumentAttributes{},
+ Attributes: map[string]interface{}{},
Elements: []types.DocElement{
Lines: []*types.InlineContent{
@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ var _ = Describe("Paragraphs", func() {
.a title
a paragraph`
expectedDocument := &types.Document{
- Attributes: &types.DocumentAttributes{},
+ Attributes: map[string]interface{}{},
Elements: []types.DocElement{
ID: &types.ElementID{Value: "foo"},
diff --git a/parser/quoted_text_test.go b/parser/quoted_text_test.go
index f39a5212..483d7e15 100644
--- a/parser/quoted_text_test.go
+++ b/parser/quoted_text_test.go
@@ -1,395 +1,264 @@
package parser_test
import (
+ "github.com/bytesparadise/libasciidoc/parser"
. "github.com/onsi/ginkgo"
var _ = Describe("Quoted Texts", func() {
- It("bold text of 1 word", func() {
- actualContent := "*hello*"
- expectedDocument := &types.Document{
- Attributes: &types.DocumentAttributes{},
- Elements: []types.DocElement{
- &types.Paragraph{
- Lines: []*types.InlineContent{
- &types.InlineContent{
- Elements: []types.InlineElement{
- &types.QuotedText{
- Kind: types.Bold,
- Elements: []types.InlineElement{
- &types.StringElement{Content: "hello"},
- },
- },
- },
- },
- },
+ Context("Quoted text alone", func() {
+ It("bold text of 1 word", func() {
+ actualContent := "*hello*"
+ expectedResult := &types.QuotedText{
+ Kind: types.Bold,
+ Elements: []types.InlineElement{
+ &types.StringElement{Content: "hello"},
- },
- }
- verify(GinkgoT(), expectedDocument, actualContent)
- })
+ }
+ verify(GinkgoT(), expectedResult, actualContent, parser.Entrypoint("QuotedText"))
+ })
- It("bold text of 2 words", func() {
- actualContent := "*bold content*"
- expectedDocument := &types.Document{
- Attributes: &types.DocumentAttributes{},
- Elements: []types.DocElement{
- &types.Paragraph{
- Lines: []*types.InlineContent{
- &types.InlineContent{
- Elements: []types.InlineElement{
- &types.QuotedText{
- Kind: types.Bold,
- Elements: []types.InlineElement{
- &types.StringElement{Content: "bold content"},
- },
- },
- },
- },
- },
+ It("bold text of 2 words", func() {
+ actualContent := "*bold content*"
+ expectedResult := &types.QuotedText{
+ Kind: types.Bold,
+ Elements: []types.InlineElement{
+ &types.StringElement{Content: "bold content"},
- },
- }
- verify(GinkgoT(), expectedDocument, actualContent)
- })
+ }
+ verify(GinkgoT(), expectedResult, actualContent, parser.Entrypoint("QuotedText"))
+ })
- It("bold text of 3 words", func() {
- actualContent := "*some bold content*"
- expectedDocument := &types.Document{
- Attributes: &types.DocumentAttributes{},
- Elements: []types.DocElement{
- &types.Paragraph{
- Lines: []*types.InlineContent{
- &types.InlineContent{
- Elements: []types.InlineElement{
- &types.QuotedText{
- Kind: types.Bold,
- Elements: []types.InlineElement{
- &types.StringElement{Content: "some bold content"},
- },
- },
- },
- },
- },
+ It("bold text of 3 words", func() {
+ actualContent := "*some bold content*"
+ expectedResult := &types.QuotedText{
+ Kind: types.Bold,
+ Elements: []types.InlineElement{
+ &types.StringElement{Content: "some bold content"},
- },
- }
- verify(GinkgoT(), expectedDocument, actualContent)
- })
+ }
+ verify(GinkgoT(), expectedResult, actualContent, parser.Entrypoint("QuotedText"))
+ })
- It("inline with bold text", func() {
- actualContent := "a paragraph with *some bold content*"
- expectedDocument := &types.Document{
- Attributes: &types.DocumentAttributes{},
- Elements: []types.DocElement{
- &types.Paragraph{
- Lines: []*types.InlineContent{
- &types.InlineContent{
- Elements: []types.InlineElement{
- &types.StringElement{Content: "a paragraph with "},
- &types.QuotedText{
- Kind: types.Bold,
- Elements: []types.InlineElement{
- &types.StringElement{Content: "some bold content"},
- },
- },
- },
- },
- },
+ It("italic text with3 words", func() {
+ actualContent := "_some italic content_"
+ expectedResult := &types.QuotedText{
+ Kind: types.Italic,
+ Elements: []types.InlineElement{
+ &types.StringElement{Content: "some italic content"},
- },
- }
- verify(GinkgoT(), expectedDocument, actualContent)
- })
+ }
+ verify(GinkgoT(), expectedResult, actualContent, parser.Entrypoint("QuotedText"))
+ })
- It("inline with invalid bold text1", func() {
- actualContent := "a paragraph with *some bold content"
- expectedDocument := &types.Document{
- Attributes: &types.DocumentAttributes{},
- Elements: []types.DocElement{
- &types.Paragraph{
- Lines: []*types.InlineContent{
- &types.InlineContent{
- Elements: []types.InlineElement{
- &types.StringElement{Content: "a paragraph with *some bold content"},
- },
- },
- },
+ It("monospace text with3 words", func() {
+ actualContent := "`some monospace content`"
+ expectedResult := &types.QuotedText{
+ Kind: types.Monospace,
+ Elements: []types.InlineElement{
+ &types.StringElement{Content: "some monospace content"},
- },
- }
- verify(GinkgoT(), expectedDocument, actualContent)
- })
+ }
+ verify(GinkgoT(), expectedResult, actualContent, parser.Entrypoint("QuotedText"))
+ })
- It("inline with invalid bold text2", func() {
- actualContent := "a paragraph with *some bold content *"
- expectedDocument := &types.Document{
- Attributes: &types.DocumentAttributes{},
- Elements: []types.DocElement{
- &types.Paragraph{
- Lines: []*types.InlineContent{
- &types.InlineContent{
- Elements: []types.InlineElement{
- &types.StringElement{Content: "a paragraph with *some bold content *"},
- },
+ It("bold text within italic text", func() {
+ actualContent := "_some *bold* content_"
+ expectedResult := &types.QuotedText{
+ Kind: types.Italic,
+ Elements: []types.InlineElement{
+ &types.StringElement{Content: "some "},
+ &types.QuotedText{
+ Kind: types.Bold,
+ Elements: []types.InlineElement{
+ &types.StringElement{Content: "bold"},
+ &types.StringElement{Content: " content"},
- },
- }
- verify(GinkgoT(), expectedDocument, actualContent)
- })
+ }
+ verify(GinkgoT(), expectedResult, actualContent, parser.Entrypoint("QuotedText"))
+ })
- It("inline with invalid bold text3", func() {
- actualContent := "a paragraph with * some bold content*"
- expectedDocument := &types.Document{
- Attributes: &types.DocumentAttributes{},
- Elements: []types.DocElement{
- &types.Paragraph{
- Lines: []*types.InlineContent{
- &types.InlineContent{
- Elements: []types.InlineElement{
- &types.StringElement{Content: "a paragraph with * some bold content*"},
+ It("monospace text within bold text within italic quote", func() {
+ actualContent := "*some _italic and `monospaced content`_*"
+ expectedResult := &types.QuotedText{
+ Kind: types.Bold,
+ Elements: []types.InlineElement{
+ &types.StringElement{Content: "some "},
+ &types.QuotedText{
+ Kind: types.Italic,
+ Elements: []types.InlineElement{
+ &types.StringElement{Content: "italic and "},
+ &types.QuotedText{
+ Kind: types.Monospace,
+ Elements: []types.InlineElement{
+ &types.StringElement{Content: "monospaced content"},
+ },
- },
- }
- verify(GinkgoT(), expectedDocument, actualContent)
- })
+ }
+ verify(GinkgoT(), expectedResult, actualContent, parser.Entrypoint("QuotedText"))
+ })
- It("italic text with3 words", func() {
- actualContent := "_some italic content_"
- expectedDocument := &types.Document{
- Attributes: &types.DocumentAttributes{},
- Elements: []types.DocElement{
- &types.Paragraph{
- Lines: []*types.InlineContent{
- &types.InlineContent{
- Elements: []types.InlineElement{
- &types.QuotedText{
- Kind: types.Italic,
- Elements: []types.InlineElement{
- &types.StringElement{Content: "some italic content"},
- },
- },
- },
+ It("italic text within italic text", func() {
+ actualContent := "_some _very italic_ content_"
+ expectedResult := &types.QuotedText{
+ Kind: types.Italic,
+ Elements: []types.InlineElement{
+ &types.StringElement{Content: "some "},
+ &types.QuotedText{
+ Kind: types.Italic,
+ Elements: []types.InlineElement{
+ &types.StringElement{Content: "very italic"},
+ &types.StringElement{Content: " content"},
- },
- }
- verify(GinkgoT(), expectedDocument, actualContent)
+ }
+ verify(GinkgoT(), expectedResult, actualContent, parser.Entrypoint("QuotedText"))
+ })
- It("monospace text with3 words", func() {
- actualContent := "`some monospace content`"
- expectedDocument := &types.Document{
- Attributes: &types.DocumentAttributes{},
- Elements: []types.DocElement{
- &types.Paragraph{
- Lines: []*types.InlineContent{
- &types.InlineContent{
- Elements: []types.InlineElement{
- &types.QuotedText{
- Kind: types.Monospace,
- Elements: []types.InlineElement{
- &types.StringElement{Content: "some monospace content"},
- },
+ Context("Quoted text inline", func() {
+ It("inline with bold text", func() {
+ actualContent := "a paragraph with *some bold content*"
+ expectedResult := &types.Paragraph{
+ Lines: []*types.InlineContent{
+ &types.InlineContent{
+ Elements: []types.InlineElement{
+ &types.StringElement{Content: "a paragraph with "},
+ &types.QuotedText{
+ Kind: types.Bold,
+ Elements: []types.InlineElement{
+ &types.StringElement{Content: "some bold content"},
- },
- }
- verify(GinkgoT(), expectedDocument, actualContent)
- })
+ }
+ verify(GinkgoT(), expectedResult, actualContent, parser.Entrypoint("Paragraph"))
+ })
- It("italic text within bold text", func() {
- actualContent := "some *bold and _italic content_ together*."
- expectedDocument := &types.Document{
- Attributes: &types.DocumentAttributes{},
- Elements: []types.DocElement{
- &types.Paragraph{
- Lines: []*types.InlineContent{
- &types.InlineContent{
- Elements: []types.InlineElement{
- &types.StringElement{Content: "some "},
- &types.QuotedText{
- Kind: types.Bold,
- Elements: []types.InlineElement{
- &types.StringElement{Content: "bold and "},
- &types.QuotedText{
- Kind: types.Italic,
- Elements: []types.InlineElement{
- &types.StringElement{Content: "italic content"},
- },
- },
- &types.StringElement{Content: " together"},
- },
- },
- &types.StringElement{Content: "."},
- },
+ It("inline with invalid bold text1", func() {
+ actualContent := "a paragraph with *some bold content"
+ expectedResult := &types.Paragraph{
+ Lines: []*types.InlineContent{
+ &types.InlineContent{
+ Elements: []types.InlineElement{
+ &types.StringElement{Content: "a paragraph with *some bold content"},
- },
- }
- verify(GinkgoT(), expectedDocument, actualContent)
- })
+ }
+ verify(GinkgoT(), expectedResult, actualContent, parser.Entrypoint("Paragraph"))
+ })
- It("invalid italic text within bold text", func() {
- actualContent := "some *bold and _italic content _ together*."
- expectedDocument := &types.Document{
- Attributes: &types.DocumentAttributes{},
- Elements: []types.DocElement{
- &types.Paragraph{
- Lines: []*types.InlineContent{
- &types.InlineContent{
- Elements: []types.InlineElement{
- &types.StringElement{Content: "some "},
- &types.QuotedText{
- Kind: types.Bold,
- Elements: []types.InlineElement{
- &types.StringElement{Content: "bold and _italic content _ together"},
- },
- },
- &types.StringElement{Content: "."},
- },
+ It("inline with invalid bold text2", func() {
+ actualContent := "a paragraph with *some bold content *"
+ expectedResult := &types.Paragraph{
+ Lines: []*types.InlineContent{
+ &types.InlineContent{
+ Elements: []types.InlineElement{
+ &types.StringElement{Content: "a paragraph with *some bold content *"},
- },
- }
- verify(GinkgoT(), expectedDocument, actualContent)
- })
+ }
+ verify(GinkgoT(), expectedResult, actualContent, parser.Entrypoint("Paragraph"))
+ })
- It("italic text within invalid bold text", func() {
- actualContent := "some *bold and _italic content_ together *."
- expectedDocument := &types.Document{
- Attributes: &types.DocumentAttributes{},
- Elements: []types.DocElement{
- &types.Paragraph{
- Lines: []*types.InlineContent{
- &types.InlineContent{
- Elements: []types.InlineElement{
- &types.StringElement{Content: "some *bold and "},
- &types.QuotedText{
- Kind: types.Italic,
- Elements: []types.InlineElement{
- &types.StringElement{Content: "italic content"},
- },
- },
- &types.StringElement{Content: " together *."},
- },
+ It("inline with invalid bold text3", func() {
+ actualContent := "a paragraph with * some bold content*"
+ expectedResult := &types.Paragraph{
+ Lines: []*types.InlineContent{
+ &types.InlineContent{
+ Elements: []types.InlineElement{
+ &types.StringElement{Content: "a paragraph with * some bold content*"},
- },
- }
- verify(GinkgoT(), expectedDocument, actualContent)
- })
+ }
+ verify(GinkgoT(), expectedResult, actualContent, parser.Entrypoint("Paragraph"))
+ })
- It("bold text within italic text", func() {
- actualContent := "_some *bold* content_"
- expectedDocument := &types.Document{
- Attributes: &types.DocumentAttributes{},
- Elements: []types.DocElement{
- &types.Paragraph{
- Lines: []*types.InlineContent{
- &types.InlineContent{
- Elements: []types.InlineElement{
- &types.QuotedText{
- Kind: types.Italic,
- Elements: []types.InlineElement{
- &types.StringElement{Content: "some "},
- &types.QuotedText{
- Kind: types.Bold,
- Elements: []types.InlineElement{
- &types.StringElement{Content: "bold"},
- },
- },
- &types.StringElement{Content: " content"},
- },
+ It("invalid italic text within bold text", func() {
+ actualContent := "some *bold and _italic content _ together*."
+ expectedResult := &types.Paragraph{
+ Lines: []*types.InlineContent{
+ &types.InlineContent{
+ Elements: []types.InlineElement{
+ &types.StringElement{Content: "some "},
+ &types.QuotedText{
+ Kind: types.Bold,
+ Elements: []types.InlineElement{
+ &types.StringElement{Content: "bold and _italic content _ together"},
+ &types.StringElement{Content: "."},
- },
- }
- verify(GinkgoT(), expectedDocument, actualContent)
- })
+ }
+ verify(GinkgoT(), expectedResult, actualContent, parser.Entrypoint("Paragraph"))
+ })
- It("monospace text within bold text within italic quote", func() {
- actualContent := "*some _italic and `monospaced content`_*"
- expectedDocument := &types.Document{
- Attributes: &types.DocumentAttributes{},
- Elements: []types.DocElement{
- &types.Paragraph{
- Lines: []*types.InlineContent{
- &types.InlineContent{
- Elements: []types.InlineElement{
- &types.QuotedText{
- Kind: types.Bold,
- Elements: []types.InlineElement{
- &types.StringElement{Content: "some "},
- &types.QuotedText{
- Kind: types.Italic,
- Elements: []types.InlineElement{
- &types.StringElement{Content: "italic and "},
- &types.QuotedText{
- Kind: types.Monospace,
- Elements: []types.InlineElement{
- &types.StringElement{Content: "monospaced content"},
- },
- },
- },
- },
- },
+ It("italic text within invalid bold text", func() {
+ actualContent := "some *bold and _italic content_ together *."
+ expectedResult := &types.Paragraph{
+ Lines: []*types.InlineContent{
+ &types.InlineContent{
+ Elements: []types.InlineElement{
+ &types.StringElement{Content: "some *bold and "},
+ &types.QuotedText{
+ Kind: types.Italic,
+ Elements: []types.InlineElement{
+ &types.StringElement{Content: "italic content"},
+ &types.StringElement{Content: " together *."},
- },
- }
- verify(GinkgoT(), expectedDocument, actualContent)
- })
+ }
+ verify(GinkgoT(), expectedResult, actualContent, parser.Entrypoint("Paragraph"))
+ })
- It("italic text within italic text", func() {
- actualContent := "_some _very italic_ content_"
- expectedDocument := &types.Document{
- Attributes: &types.DocumentAttributes{},
- Elements: []types.DocElement{
- &types.Paragraph{
- Lines: []*types.InlineContent{
- &types.InlineContent{
- Elements: []types.InlineElement{
- &types.QuotedText{
- Kind: types.Italic,
- Elements: []types.InlineElement{
- &types.StringElement{Content: "some "},
- &types.QuotedText{
- Kind: types.Italic,
- Elements: []types.InlineElement{
- &types.StringElement{Content: "very italic"},
- },
+ It("inline italic text within bold text", func() {
+ actualContent := "some *bold and _italic content_ together*."
+ expectedResult := &types.Paragraph{
+ Lines: []*types.InlineContent{
+ &types.InlineContent{
+ Elements: []types.InlineElement{
+ &types.StringElement{Content: "some "},
+ &types.QuotedText{
+ Kind: types.Bold,
+ Elements: []types.InlineElement{
+ &types.StringElement{Content: "bold and "},
+ &types.QuotedText{
+ Kind: types.Italic,
+ Elements: []types.InlineElement{
+ &types.StringElement{Content: "italic content"},
- &types.StringElement{Content: " content"},
+ &types.StringElement{Content: " together"},
+ &types.StringElement{Content: "."},
- },
- }
- verify(GinkgoT(), expectedDocument, actualContent)
- })
+ }
+ verify(GinkgoT(), expectedResult, actualContent, parser.Entrypoint("Paragraph"))
+ })
+ })
diff --git a/parser/section_test.go b/parser/section_test.go
index 351619c7..a5d9fdbc 100644
--- a/parser/section_test.go
+++ b/parser/section_test.go
@@ -9,46 +9,55 @@ var _ = Describe("Sections", func() {
Context("Valid document", func() {
- It("section with heading only", func() {
- actualContent := "= a heading"
+ It("header only", func() {
+ actualContent := "= a header"
expectedDocument := &types.Document{
- Attributes: &types.DocumentAttributes{
- "title": "a heading",
+ Attributes: map[string]interface{}{
+ "doctitle": "a header",
+ },
+ Elements: []types.DocElement{},
+ }
+ verify(GinkgoT(), expectedDocument, actualContent)
+ })
+ It("header and paragraph", func() {
+ actualContent := `= a header
+and a paragraph`
+ expectedDocument := &types.Document{
+ Attributes: map[string]interface{}{
+ "doctitle": "a header",
Elements: []types.DocElement{
- &types.Section{
- Heading: types.Heading{
- Level: 1,
- Content: &types.InlineContent{
+ &types.Paragraph{
+ Lines: []*types.InlineContent{
+ &types.InlineContent{
Elements: []types.InlineElement{
- &types.StringElement{Content: "a heading"},
+ &types.StringElement{Content: "and a paragraph"},
- ID: &types.ElementID{
- Value: "_a_heading",
- },
- Elements: []types.DocElement{},
- }}
+ },
+ }
verify(GinkgoT(), expectedDocument, actualContent)
- It("section level 2", func() {
- actualContent := `== section 2`
+ It("section level 1 alone", func() {
+ actualContent := `== section 1`
expectedDocument := &types.Document{
- Attributes: &types.DocumentAttributes{},
+ Attributes: map[string]interface{}{},
Elements: []types.DocElement{
- Heading: types.Heading{
- Level: 2,
+ Level: 1,
+ SectionTitle: types.SectionTitle{
Content: &types.InlineContent{
Elements: []types.InlineElement{
- &types.StringElement{Content: "section 2"},
+ &types.StringElement{Content: "section 1"},
ID: &types.ElementID{
- Value: "_section_2",
+ Value: "_section_1",
Elements: []types.DocElement{},
@@ -58,14 +67,14 @@ var _ = Describe("Sections", func() {
verify(GinkgoT(), expectedDocument, actualContent)
- It("section level 2 with quoted text", func() {
+ It("section level 1 with quoted text", func() {
actualContent := `== *2 spaces and bold content*`
expectedDocument := &types.Document{
- Attributes: &types.DocumentAttributes{},
+ Attributes: map[string]interface{}{},
Elements: []types.DocElement{
- Heading: types.Heading{
- Level: 2,
+ Level: 1,
+ SectionTitle: types.SectionTitle{
Content: &types.InlineContent{
Elements: []types.InlineElement{
@@ -86,100 +95,112 @@ var _ = Describe("Sections", func() {
verify(GinkgoT(), expectedDocument, actualContent)
- It("section level 1 with nested section level 2", func() {
- actualContent := "= a heading\n" +
- "\n" +
- "== section 2"
+ It("section level 0 with nested section level 1", func() {
+ actualContent := `= a header
+== section 1`
expectedDocument := &types.Document{
- Attributes: &types.DocumentAttributes{
- "title": "a heading",
+ Attributes: map[string]interface{}{
+ "doctitle": "a header",
}, Elements: []types.DocElement{
- Heading: types.Heading{
- Level: 1,
+ Level: 1,
+ SectionTitle: types.SectionTitle{
Content: &types.InlineContent{
Elements: []types.InlineElement{
- &types.StringElement{Content: "a heading"},
+ &types.StringElement{Content: "section 1"},
ID: &types.ElementID{
- Value: "_a_heading",
+ Value: "_section_1",
+ Elements: []types.DocElement{},
+ },
+ },
+ }
+ verify(GinkgoT(), expectedDocument, actualContent)
+ })
+ It("section level 0 with preamble and section level 1", func() {
+ actualContent := `= a header
+a short preamble
+== section 1`
+ expectedDocument := &types.Document{
+ Attributes: map[string]interface{}{
+ "doctitle": "a header",
+ }, Elements: []types.DocElement{
+ &types.Preamble{
Elements: []types.DocElement{
- &types.Section{
- Heading: types.Heading{
- Level: 2,
- Content: &types.InlineContent{
+ &types.Paragraph{
+ Lines: []*types.InlineContent{
+ &types.InlineContent{
Elements: []types.InlineElement{
- &types.StringElement{Content: "section 2"},
+ &types.StringElement{Content: "a short preamble"},
- ID: &types.ElementID{
- Value: "_section_2",
- },
- Elements: []types.DocElement{},
+ &types.Section{
+ Level: 1,
+ SectionTitle: types.SectionTitle{
+ Content: &types.InlineContent{
+ Elements: []types.InlineElement{
+ &types.StringElement{Content: "section 1"},
+ },
+ },
+ ID: &types.ElementID{
+ Value: "_section_1",
+ },
+ },
+ Elements: []types.DocElement{},
+ },
verify(GinkgoT(), expectedDocument, actualContent)
- It("section level 1 with nested section level 3", func() {
- actualContent := "= a heading\n" +
+ It("section level 0 with nested section level 2", func() {
+ actualContent := "= a header\n" +
"\n" +
- "=== section 3"
+ "=== section 2"
expectedDocument := &types.Document{
- Attributes: &types.DocumentAttributes{
- "title": "a heading",
+ Attributes: map[string]interface{}{
+ "doctitle": "a header",
Elements: []types.DocElement{
- Heading: types.Heading{
- Level: 1,
+ Level: 2,
+ SectionTitle: types.SectionTitle{
Content: &types.InlineContent{
Elements: []types.InlineElement{
- &types.StringElement{Content: "a heading"},
+ &types.StringElement{Content: "section 2"},
ID: &types.ElementID{
- Value: "_a_heading",
- },
- },
- Elements: []types.DocElement{
- &types.Section{
- Heading: types.Heading{
- Level: 3,
- Content: &types.InlineContent{
- Elements: []types.InlineElement{
- &types.StringElement{Content: "section 3"},
- },
- },
- ID: &types.ElementID{
- Value: "_section_3",
- },
- },
- Elements: []types.DocElement{},
+ Value: "_section_2",
+ Elements: []types.DocElement{},
verify(GinkgoT(), expectedDocument, actualContent)
- It("section level 2 with immediate paragraph", func() {
+ It("section level 1 with immediate paragraph", func() {
actualContent := `== a title
and a paragraph`
expectedDocument := &types.Document{
- Attributes: &types.DocumentAttributes{},
+ Attributes: map[string]interface{}{},
Elements: []types.DocElement{
- Heading: types.Heading{
- Level: 2,
+ Level: 1,
+ SectionTitle: types.SectionTitle{
Content: &types.InlineContent{
Elements: []types.InlineElement{
&types.StringElement{Content: "a title"},
@@ -205,14 +226,14 @@ and a paragraph`
verify(GinkgoT(), expectedDocument, actualContent)
- It("section level 2 with a paragraph separated by empty line", func() {
+ It("section level 1 with a paragraph separated by empty line", func() {
actualContent := "== a title\n\nand a paragraph"
expectedDocument := &types.Document{
- Attributes: &types.DocumentAttributes{},
+ Attributes: map[string]interface{}{},
Elements: []types.DocElement{
- Heading: types.Heading{
- Level: 2,
+ Level: 1,
+ SectionTitle: types.SectionTitle{
Content: &types.InlineContent{
Elements: []types.InlineElement{
&types.StringElement{Content: "a title"},
@@ -239,14 +260,14 @@ and a paragraph`
verify(GinkgoT(), expectedDocument, actualContent)
- It("section level 2 with a paragraph separated by non-empty line", func() {
+ It("section level 1 with a paragraph separated by non-empty line", func() {
actualContent := "== a title\n \nand a paragraph"
expectedDocument := &types.Document{
- Attributes: &types.DocumentAttributes{},
+ Attributes: map[string]interface{}{},
Elements: []types.DocElement{
- Heading: types.Heading{
- Level: 2,
+ Level: 1,
+ SectionTitle: types.SectionTitle{
Content: &types.InlineContent{
Elements: []types.InlineElement{
&types.StringElement{Content: "a title"},
@@ -285,33 +306,43 @@ a paragraph
== Section B
a paragraph`
expectedDocument := &types.Document{
- Attributes: &types.DocumentAttributes{
- "title": "a title",
+ Attributes: map[string]interface{}{
+ "doctitle": "a title",
Elements: []types.DocElement{
- Heading: types.Heading{
- Level: 1,
+ Level: 1,
+ SectionTitle: types.SectionTitle{
Content: &types.InlineContent{
Elements: []types.InlineElement{
- &types.StringElement{Content: "a title"},
+ &types.StringElement{Content: "Section A"},
ID: &types.ElementID{
- Value: "_a_title",
+ Value: "_section_a",
Elements: []types.DocElement{
+ &types.Paragraph{
+ Lines: []*types.InlineContent{
+ &types.InlineContent{
+ Elements: []types.InlineElement{
+ &types.StringElement{Content: "a paragraph"},
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ // &types.BlankLine{},
- Heading: types.Heading{
- Level: 2,
+ Level: 2,
+ SectionTitle: types.SectionTitle{
Content: &types.InlineContent{
Elements: []types.InlineElement{
- &types.StringElement{Content: "Section A"},
+ &types.StringElement{Content: "Section A.a"},
ID: &types.ElementID{
- Value: "_section_a",
+ Value: "_section_a_a",
Elements: []types.DocElement{
@@ -325,53 +356,28 @@ a paragraph`
// &types.BlankLine{},
- &types.Section{
- Heading: types.Heading{
- Level: 3,
- Content: &types.InlineContent{
- Elements: []types.InlineElement{
- &types.StringElement{Content: "Section A.a"},
- },
- },
- ID: &types.ElementID{
- Value: "_section_a_a",
- },
- },
- Elements: []types.DocElement{
- &types.Paragraph{
- Lines: []*types.InlineContent{
- &types.InlineContent{
- Elements: []types.InlineElement{
- &types.StringElement{Content: "a paragraph"},
- },
- },
- },
- },
- // &types.BlankLine{},
- },
- },
- &types.Section{
- Heading: types.Heading{
- Level: 2,
- Content: &types.InlineContent{
- Elements: []types.InlineElement{
- &types.StringElement{Content: "Section B"},
- },
- },
- ID: &types.ElementID{
- Value: "_section_b",
- },
+ },
+ },
+ &types.Section{
+ Level: 1,
+ SectionTitle: types.SectionTitle{
+ Content: &types.InlineContent{
+ Elements: []types.InlineElement{
+ &types.StringElement{Content: "Section B"},
- Elements: []types.DocElement{
- &types.Paragraph{
- Lines: []*types.InlineContent{
- &types.InlineContent{
- Elements: []types.InlineElement{
- &types.StringElement{Content: "a paragraph"},
- },
- },
+ },
+ ID: &types.ElementID{
+ Value: "_section_b",
+ },
+ },
+ Elements: []types.DocElement{
+ &types.Paragraph{
+ Lines: []*types.InlineContent{
+ &types.InlineContent{
+ Elements: []types.InlineElement{
+ &types.StringElement{Content: "a paragraph"},
@@ -385,16 +391,16 @@ a paragraph`
Context("Invalid document", func() {
- It("heading invalid - missing space", func() {
- actualContent := "=a heading"
+ It("header invalid - missing space", func() {
+ actualContent := "=a header"
expectedDocument := &types.Document{
- Attributes: &types.DocumentAttributes{},
+ Attributes: map[string]interface{}{},
Elements: []types.DocElement{
Lines: []*types.InlineContent{
Elements: []types.InlineElement{
- &types.StringElement{Content: "=a heading"},
+ &types.StringElement{Content: "=a header"},
@@ -403,44 +409,30 @@ a paragraph`
verify(GinkgoT(), expectedDocument, actualContent)
- It("heading invalid - heading space", func() {
- actualContent := " = a heading"
+ It("header invalid - header space", func() {
+ actualContent := " = a header"
expectedDocument := &types.Document{
- Attributes: &types.DocumentAttributes{},
+ Attributes: map[string]interface{}{},
Elements: []types.DocElement{
- Content: " = a heading",
+ Content: " = a header",
verify(GinkgoT(), expectedDocument, actualContent)
- It("heading with invalid section2", func() {
- actualContent := "= a heading\n" +
+ It("header with invalid section1", func() {
+ actualContent := "= a header\n" +
"\n" +
- " == section 2"
+ " == section 1"
expectedDocument := &types.Document{
- Attributes: &types.DocumentAttributes{
- "title": "a heading",
+ Attributes: map[string]interface{}{
+ "doctitle": "a header",
Elements: []types.DocElement{
- &types.Section{
- Heading: types.Heading{
- Level: 1, Content: &types.InlineContent{
- Elements: []types.InlineElement{
- &types.StringElement{Content: "a heading"},
- },
- },
- ID: &types.ElementID{
- Value: "_a_heading",
- },
- },
- Elements: []types.DocElement{
- &types.LiteralBlock{
- Content: " == section 2",
- },
- },
+ &types.LiteralBlock{
+ Content: " == section 1",
diff --git a/context/context.go b/renderer/context.go
similarity index 78%
rename from context/context.go
rename to renderer/context.go
index 0fd637cd..d0c513c6 100644
--- a/context/context.go
+++ b/renderer/context.go
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-package context
+package renderer
import (
@@ -12,14 +12,20 @@ import (
type Context struct {
context context.Context
Document types.Document
+ options map[string]interface{}
// Wrap wraps the given `ctx` context into a new context which will contain the given `document` document.
-func Wrap(ctx context.Context, document types.Document) Context {
- return Context{
+func Wrap(ctx context.Context, document types.Document, options ...Option) *Context {
+ result := &Context{
context: ctx,
Document: document,
+ options: make(map[string]interface{}),
+ for _, option := range options {
+ option(result)
+ }
+ return result
// Deadline wrapper implementation of context.Context.Deadline()
diff --git a/renderer/html5/delimited_block.go b/renderer/html5/delimited_block.go
index e74a5bb1..23f5d418 100644
--- a/renderer/html5/delimited_block.go
+++ b/renderer/html5/delimited_block.go
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ import (
- asciidoc "github.com/bytesparadise/libasciidoc/context"
+ "github.com/bytesparadise/libasciidoc/renderer"
log "github.com/sirupsen/logrus"
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ func init() {
-func renderDelimitedBlock(ctx asciidoc.Context, block types.DelimitedBlock) ([]byte, error) {
+func renderDelimitedBlock(ctx *renderer.Context, block types.DelimitedBlock) ([]byte, error) {
log.Debugf("rendering delimited block with content: %s", block.Content)
result := bytes.NewBuffer(nil)
tmpl, err := selectDelimitedBlockTemplate(block)
diff --git a/renderer/html5/document_attribute.go b/renderer/html5/document_attribute.go
index 5f9e2ada..d0b90892 100644
--- a/renderer/html5/document_attribute.go
+++ b/renderer/html5/document_attribute.go
@@ -4,32 +4,26 @@ import (
- asciidoc "github.com/bytesparadise/libasciidoc/context"
+ "github.com/bytesparadise/libasciidoc/renderer"
-func processAttributeDeclaration(ctx asciidoc.Context, attribute types.DocumentAttributeDeclaration) error {
- ctx.Document.Attributes.Add(attribute)
+func processAttributeDeclaration(ctx *renderer.Context, attribute *types.DocumentAttributeDeclaration) error {
+ ctx.Document.Attributes.AddAttribute(attribute)
return nil
-func processAttributeReset(ctx asciidoc.Context, attribute types.DocumentAttributeReset) error {
+func processAttributeReset(ctx *renderer.Context, attribute types.DocumentAttributeReset) error {
return nil
-func renderAttributeSubstitution(ctx asciidoc.Context, attribute types.DocumentAttributeSubstitution) ([]byte, error) {
+func renderAttributeSubstitution(ctx *renderer.Context, attribute types.DocumentAttributeSubstitution) ([]byte, error) {
result := bytes.NewBuffer(nil)
- value := ctx.Document.Attributes.Get(attribute)
- if value == nil {
- result.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("{%s}", attribute.Name))
+ if value, found := ctx.Document.Attributes[attribute.Name]; found {
+ result.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("%v", value))
} else {
- switch value := value.(type) {
- case *interface{}:
- result.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("%v", *value))
- default:
- return nil, fmt.Errorf("unsupported type of attribute to substitute: %T", value)
- }
+ result.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("{%s}", attribute.Name))
return result.Bytes(), nil
diff --git a/renderer/html5/document_header.go b/renderer/html5/document_header.go
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c50edcd3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/renderer/html5/document_header.go
@@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
+package html5
+import (
+ "bytes"
+ "fmt"
+ htmltemplate "html/template"
+ "io"
+ "strconv"
+ texttemplate "text/template"
+ "github.com/bytesparadise/libasciidoc/renderer"
+ "github.com/pkg/errors"
+ log "github.com/sirupsen/logrus"
+var documentTmpl *texttemplate.Template
+var documentDetailsTmpl *htmltemplate.Template
+var documentAuthorDetailsTmpl *htmltemplate.Template
+func init() {
+ documentTmpl = newTextTemplate("root document",
+ `
+{{ if .Generator }}
+{{ end }}
{{ if .Details }} +{{ .Details }}{{ end }} +
+ documentDetailsTmpl = newHTMLTemplate("document details", `{{ if .RevNumber }}
+Version {{.RevNumber}}
{{ end }} +Last updated {{.LastUpdated}} +
+{{ end }} +Last updated {{.LastUpdated}} +
{{ if .Authors }}
+{{.Authors}}{{ end }}{{ if .RevNumber }}
+version {{.RevNumber}},{{ end }}{{ if .RevDate }}
+{{.RevDate}}{{ end }}{{ if .RevRemark }}
{{.RevRemark}}{{ end }} +
+ documentAuthorDetailsTmpl = newHTMLTemplate("author details", `{{ if .Name }}{{.Name}}{{.RevRemark}}{{ end }} +
{{ end }}{{ if .Email }} +{{.Email}}
{{ end }}`) +} + +func renderFullDocument(ctx *renderer.Context, output io.Writer) error { + log.Debugf("Rendering full document...") + // use a temporary writer for the document's content + renderedElementsBuff := bytes.NewBuffer(nil) + renderElements(ctx, renderedElementsBuff) + renderedHTMLElements := htmltemplate.HTML(renderedElementsBuff.String()) + title := "undefined" + if ctx.Document.Attributes.GetTitle() != nil { + title = *ctx.Document.Attributes.GetTitle() + } + documentDetails, err := renderDocumentDetails(ctx) + if err != nil { + return errors.Wrap(err, "error while rendering the HTML document") + } + err = documentTmpl.Execute(output, struct { + Generator string + Title string + Content htmltemplate.HTML + RevNumber *string + LastUpdated string + Details *htmltemplate.HTML + }{ + Generator: "libasciidoc", // TODO: externalize this value and include the lib version ? + Title: title, + Content: renderedHTMLElements, + RevNumber: ctx.Document.Attributes.GetAsString("revnumber"), + LastUpdated: ctx.LastUpdated(), + Details: documentDetails, + }) + if err != nil { + return errors.Wrap(err, "error while rendering the HTML document") + } + return nil +} + +func renderDocumentDetails(ctx *renderer.Context) (*htmltemplate.HTML, error) { + if ctx.Document.Attributes.HasAuthors() { + authors, err := renderDocumentAuthorsDetails(ctx) + if err != nil { + return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "error while rendering the document details") + } + documentDetailsBuff := bytes.NewBuffer(nil) + err = documentDetailsTmpl.Execute(documentDetailsBuff, struct { + Authors htmltemplate.HTML + RevNumber *string + RevDate *string + RevRemark *string + }{ + Authors: *authors, + RevNumber: ctx.Document.Attributes.GetAsString("revnumber"), + RevDate: ctx.Document.Attributes.GetAsString("revdate"), + RevRemark: ctx.Document.Attributes.GetAsString("revremark"), + }) + if err != nil { + return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "error while rendering the document details") + } + documentDetails := htmltemplate.HTML(documentDetailsBuff.String()) + return &documentDetails, nil + } + return nil, nil +} + +func renderDocumentAuthorsDetails(ctx *renderer.Context) (*htmltemplate.HTML, error) { + authorsDetailsBuff := bytes.NewBuffer(nil) + i := 1 + for { + var authorKey string + var emailKey string + var index string + if i == 1 { + authorKey = "author" + emailKey = "email" + index = "" + } else { + authorKey = fmt.Sprintf("author_%d", i) + emailKey = fmt.Sprintf("email_%d", i) + index = strconv.Itoa(i) + } + // having at least one author is the minimal requirement for document details + if author := ctx.Document.Attributes.GetAsString(authorKey); author != nil { + authorDetailsBuff := bytes.NewBuffer(nil) + err := documentAuthorDetailsTmpl.Execute(authorDetailsBuff, struct { + Index string + Name *string + Email *string + }{ + Index: index, + Name: author, + Email: ctx.Document.Attributes.GetAsString(emailKey), + }) + if err != nil { + return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "error while rendering the document author") + } + // if there were authors before, need to insert a `\n` + if i > 1 { + authorsDetailsBuff.WriteString("\n") + } + authorsDetailsBuff.Write(authorDetailsBuff.Bytes()) + i++ + } else { + log.Debugf("No match found for '%s'", authorKey) + break + } + } + result := htmltemplate.HTML(authorsDetailsBuff.String()) + return &result, nil +} diff --git a/renderer/html5/document_header_test.go b/renderer/html5/document_header_test.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..09ea2945 --- /dev/null +++ b/renderer/html5/document_header_test.go @@ -0,0 +1,87 @@ +package html5_test + +import . "github.com/onsi/ginkgo" +import "github.com/bytesparadise/libasciidoc/renderer" +import "time" + +var _ = Describe("Rendering sections", func() { + Context("Header with attributes", func() { + + It("header with author and revision", func() { + content := `= The Dangerous and Thrilling Documentation Chronicles +Kismet Rainbow Chameleon
+The Dangerous and Thrilling Documentation Chronicles
+ +
+ verify(GinkgoT(), expected, content, renderer.IncludeHeaderFooter(true))
+ })
+ It("header with 2 authors and no revision", func() {
+ content := `= The Dangerous and Thrilling Documentation Chronicles
+Kismet Rainbow Chameleon
+Version 1.0
+Last updated {{.LastUpdated}} +
++Last updated {{.LastUpdated}} +
+The Dangerous and Thrilling Documentation Chronicles
+ +
+ verify(GinkgoT(), expected, content, renderer.IncludeHeaderFooter(true), renderer.LastUpdated(time.Now()))
+ })
+ })
diff --git a/renderer/html5/image.go b/renderer/html5/image.go
index 35756413..802e9806 100644
--- a/renderer/html5/image.go
+++ b/renderer/html5/image.go
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ import (
- asciidoc "github.com/bytesparadise/libasciidoc/context"
+ "github.com/bytesparadise/libasciidoc/renderer"
log "github.com/sirupsen/logrus"
@@ -19,13 +19,13 @@ func init() {
+Last updated {{.LastUpdated}}
{{if .Link}}{{end}}{{if .Link}}{{end}}
{{if .Title}}
{{end}}A title to foobar
+ A title to foobar