R/qtl2 package using feather to store genotype probabilities
R/qtl2feather is a new package that uses feather to store a genotype probabilitis in a feather database for rapid access. It is fully integrated with R/qtl2 (aka qtl2). See that package for the bigger story of the qtl2 suite of routines.
This package, while new, is deprecated. Please instead use R/qtl2fst, which relies on the fst package.
R/qtl2 is early in development and so is not yet available on CRAN.
You can install R/qtl2 from GitHub.
You first need to install the feather package and the dplyr
install.packages(c("feather", "dplyr", "fst"))
Once you have installed these, install qtl2feather as
To install vignettes:
install_github("byandell/qtl2feather", build_vignettes = TRUE)