Download ConnectIQ SDK and add bin directory to your PATH. For that you can put the following to your .bashrc or the like:
CONNECT_IQ_BASE="<installation-dir>" CONNECT_IQ=`cat "$CONNECT_IQ_BASE/current-sdk.cfg"` PATH="$PATH:$CONNECT_IQ/bin"
For example, on MacOS yo say:
CONNECT_IQ_BASE="$HOME/Library/Application Support/Garmin/ConnectIQ/"
Make sure you have xmlstarlet installed.
Generate a private developer key (4096 RSA), for example here and put it to
. Or runopenssl genrsa -out $HOME/StudioProjects/developer_key
You can also put the file somewhere else and point DEVELOPER_KEY to the location.
Start the Android virtual device on AndroidStudio and run AAPS in simulator or connect your phone via AndroidStudio debugging. In AAPS -> Config Builder enable "Garmin". If you're using the simulator, also enable "Random BG" as BG source.
(if you have multiple devices, e.g. simulator and phone, you need to specify to which you want to connect. Runadb devices
to get the device id and then./adb-forward -s <deviceid>
) -
make GlucoseWatchFace/run
To run on a different device, set the device environment variable:
export device=fenix6
or dodevice=fenix6 make GlucoseWatchFace/run
If you don't get values, make sure Settings -> Use device HTTPS requirements is off. Then execute Simulation -> Background Events -> Temporal Event. You can always force the app the retrieve new values with this command.
- Run
make test
to run unit tests.
To test on your device, you need to build the .prg file. For example to build the watch face for fenix6:
device=fenix6 make bin-fenix6/GlucoseWatchFace.prg
Then copy the file to the Garmin/GARMIN/APPS directory on the device. To access the file system on watches, you probably need to install the Android File Transfer tool. Also create an empty file Garmin/GARMIN/APPS/logs/GlucoseWatchFace.log to get log output.