This repository contains my JavaScript learning journey following the comprehensive tutorials from Chai aur Code YouTube channel. It covers everything from basic JavaScript fundamentals to advanced concepts and modern features.
- Variables & Data Types
- let, const, var
- Primitive & Reference Types
- Type Coercion
- Operators & Control Flow
- Arithmetic & Logical Operators
- if-else, switch statements
- Loops (for, while, do-while)
- Functions
- Function Declaration
- Function Expression
- Arrow Functions
- Parameters & Arguments
- Objects & Arrays
- Object Methods
- Array Operations
- Destructuring
- DOM Manipulation
- Selectors
- Event Handling
- DOM Traversal
- Asynchronous JavaScript
- Callbacks
- Promises
- Async/Await
- Event Loop
- ES6+ Features
- Template Literals
- Spread/Rest Operators
- Default Parameters
- Modules
- Import/Export
- Module Patterns
- Classes & OOP
- Constructor Functions
- Prototypes
- Inheritance
- Clone the repository:
git clone
- Navigate to project directory:
cd javascript
- Open files in your preferred code editor
Each topic is organized in separate files/folders. To learn a specific concept:
- Navigate to the relevant folder
- Read the commented code explanations
- Try running the examples
- Experiment with the code
- Start with fundamentals in the basics folder
- Progress to advanced concepts
- Explore modern JavaScript features
- Practice with exercises and projects
- Well-commented code examples
- Practical demonstrations
- Progressive learning structure
- Real-world applications
- Chai aur Code
- Hitesh Choudhary for the excellent tutorials
- JavaScript community for resources and support
- Code examples are tested with Node.js
- Regular updates as learning progresses
- Feel free to contribute or suggest improvements
Happy Coding! 💻