Develop an abstraction for storing and manipulating class diagrams. A class
diagram consists of class boxes (class ClassBox
), roles (class Role
), and association lines (class AssociationLine
). A class
box has a name and a set of roles. Each role has a name and a multiplicity
and is associated with an association line. A multiplicity is an object of
the type Multiplicity
defined as follows:
public enum Multiplicity {
Each role whose association line has not been deleted belongs to exactly one class box. No two roles of a class box may have the same name. An association line connects a start role to an end role.
Allow the client to create a class box with a given name and no roles, and to create an association with a given start class box, start role name, start role multiplicity, end class box, end role name, and end role multiplicity. Furthermore, provide methods getName
and getRoles
in class ClassBox
, the latter of which returns a java.util.Map<String, Role>
object mapping role names to roles, methods getClassBox
(which returns null
if the role's associated association line has been deleted), getName
, getMultiplicity
, and getAssociationLine
in class Role
, and methods getStartRole
, getEndRole
, isDeleted
, and delete
in class AssociationLine
. The latter deletes the association line's roles from its class boxes.
For simplicity, you may treat an attempt to create an association line that connects two roles of the same class box as illegal. That is, you may treat the case where an association's start role and its end role belong to the same class box as illegal.
See here some example class diagrams:
The first class diagram consists of two class boxes, named Student and Team. Class box Student has a single role named team with multiplicity ZERO_TO_ONE
; class box Team has a single role named member with multiplicity ZERO_TO_MANY
. (Notice that graphically, the roles of a class box are shown on the opposite side of the corresponding association lines. Also, the roles of a class box are the roles played by the opposite class boxes, not the roles played by the class box itself.) A single association line connects these two roles. (Which role is the association line's start role and which is its end role is not visible. It would be potentially visible if we included the navigability (unidirectional or bidirectional) of association lines, but we do not.)
The second class diagram consists of three class boxes, named DeparturePortal, Wormhole, and ArrivalPortal. Class box DeparturePortal has a single role named wormhole with multiplicity ZERO_TO_MANY
; class box Wormhole has a role named departurePortal with multiplicity ONE
and a role named arrivalPortal with multiplicity ONE
; class box ArrivalPortal has a single role named wormhole with multiplicity ZERO_TO_MANY
. The class diagram has two association lines: one connects role wormhole of class box DeparturePortal and role departurePortal of class box Wormhole; the other one connects role wormhole of class box ArrivalPortal and role arrivalPortal of class box Wormhole.
The third class diagram consists of two class boxes, named Airport and Flight. Class box Airport has a role named outgoingFlight with multiplicity ZERO_TO_MANY
and a role named incomingFlight with multiplicity ZERO_TO_MANY
; class box Flight has a role named departureAirport with multiplicity ONE
and a role named arrivalAirport with multiplicity ONE
. The class diagram has two association lines: one connects role outgoingFlight of class box Airport and role departureAirport of class box Flight; the other one connects role incomingFlight of class box Airport and role arrivalAirport of class box Flight.
Ensure your abstraction is properly encapsulated (which implies, among other things, that it does not expose representation objects and that it protects the consistency of the bidirectional associations). Provide full public and internal formal documentation. (You need not provide any informal documentation.) Deal with illegal cases of creating an object defensively, and other illegal cases contractually.
Provide a test suite that tests each statement of your abstraction, except for statements that are executed only in illegal cases.
Define a class hierarchy for representing immutable maps. Conceptually, a map is
a set of key-value pairs (also known as entries).
Specifically, a map (class Map
) is either an empty map (class EmptyMap
) or a nonempty map (class NonemptyMap
). A nonempty map has a key and a value (both arbitrary objects (not null
)) and a tail, which is again a Map
instance. The set of key-value pairs of a nonempty map M with key K, value V, and tail T is S ∪ {(K, V)} where S is the set of key-value pairs of T (unless S contains a key-value pair (K, V'), in which case the set of key-value pairs of M is S \ {(K, V')} ∪ {(K, V)}).
Allow the client to obtain an EmptyMap
instance using EmptyMap.of
, to obtain a NonemptyMap
instance given a key, a value, and a tail using NonemptyMap.of
, and to retrieve a NonemptyMap
instance's key, value, and tail using methods getKey
, getValue
, and getTail
For example, NonemptyMap.of("one", 1, NonemptyMap.of("two", 2, EmptyMap.of()))
shall return a Map
object that represents the set of key-value pairs {("one", 1), ("two", 2)}.
Also allow the client to retrieve the value for a given key key
in a Map
object map
by calling map.get(key)
. This method should return null
if the given key does not appear in the map. You cannot use typecasts for implementing this functionality.
Also ensure that two Map
objects are considered equal by JUnit and by the Java Collections Framework if and only if they are either both empty maps, or both nonempty maps with equal key, value, and tail. (That is, the order of the entries matters.)
For extra points, allow the client to iterate over the keys of a Map
object. Specifically, your Map
class shall implement interface java.lang.Iterable
For extra points, apply generics so that Map<K, V>
is the type of maps with
keys of type K
and values of type V
For extra points, allow the client to iterate internally over the values of a map m
by calling m.forEachValue(consumer)
. Ensure this method has a maximally flexible type.
For extra points, use streams to implement a method getLongKeyLengths
that map.getLongKeyLengths()
returns a Set<Integer>
containing the lengths
of the keys of map
(when converted to a string) whose length (when converted
to a string) is greater than the length of the corresponding value (when
converted to a string). (You can turn any java.lang.Iterable
object i
a stream using, false)
You need not provide any documentation for this class hierarchy. Also, you need not write defensive checks.
Provide a test suite that tests each statement of your Map
class hierarchy.
Develop your class diagrams abstraction in package retake2021.classdiagrams
, your test suite for this abstraction in package retake2021.classdiagrams.tests
, your maps class hierarchy in package retake2021.maps
, and your test suite for this class hierarchy in package retake2021.maps.tests
. Submit a .zip
file containing the contents of your src/retake2021
To obtain a passing grade (≥ 10/20) for your submission, it must essentially comply with all of the above requirements except for the ones marked as "For extra points"; your documentation must show that you have a basic understanding of all essential aspects of the course's documentation approach, including documenting the invariants expressing the consistency of the bidirectional associations; the automatic check must report no compilation errors when compiling with FSC4J; and both your own test suite and the staff test suite must pass without errors when executed with FSC4J. (The staff test suite does not test the requirements marked "For extra points".)
The additional points are awarded based on the degree to which your code and your documentation is fully complete and fully correct and implements the requirements marked "For extra points". One point is awarded for correctly applying nested abstractions.
Students of course H02C5A need not implement the requirements marked "For extra points" to obtain a full score.