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First Steps in Modular Programming (Part I)


In the previous lecture, we used the JLearner tool to make acquaintance with the Java programming language. We used variables, arrays, and class objects to store and process data. From this perspective, Java is not much different from Python. The main difference is that Java is statically typed, which means that we need to specify the type of each local variable, method parameter, method result, array element, and class field in our program. The types we have seen are int, the type of integers, int[], the type of arrays of integers, int[][], the type of arrays of arrays of integers, and the various class types corresponding to the classes we declared, such as Node and List.

In this lecture, we will move on to modular programming. In modular programming, we split our program into modules, with the goal of being able to build, understand, verify, and evolve each module separately and in parallel with the other modules of the program. To achieve this, it is necessary that we clearly specify the API between a module and its clients (the modules that use the module).

To illustrate this, let's write a program that stores and manipulates intervals of integers. An interval is defined by a lower bound and an upper bound, so we declare a class Interval, with fields lowerBound and upperBound:

class Interval {
    int lowerBound;
    int upperBound;

Here is a program that manipulates an interval:

Interval interval = new Interval();
interval.lowerBound = 3;
interval.upperBound = 7;

int width = interval.upperBound - interval.lowerBound;
assert width == 4;

The assert statement checks if a given expression evaluates to true. If not, it reports an error.

We can run this program directly in JLearner, but since JLearner does not support Java's modularity features, at this point, we will switch to a more complex but more powerful tool: the Eclipse IDE (Integrated Development Environment).

Installing Eclipse and FSC4J

We recommend that you use the Eclipse Installer to install the latest Eclipse IDE for Java Developers; it will also install a matching Java Development Kit (JDK) if one is not yet present on your system.

Once you have installed Eclipse, we recommend that you install the Formal Specifications Checker for Java (FSC4J), that we are developing. It is a modified version of the Java Development Tools component of Eclipse that gives you feedback about the formal documentation you write. To install it, just follow the instructions on the FSC4J website.

Building and running our first program in Eclipse

Once Eclipse is installed, start it by double-clicking the Eclipse program. First, if you see the Welcome to the Eclipse IDE for Java Developers screen, uncheck the Always show Welcome at start up box in the bottom right corner of the screen, and then click the Workbench button in the top right corner of the screen.

In Eclipse, to create a program you must first create a project. To do so, in the File menu, choose New -> Java Project. Enter interval as the project name and click Finish. In the Create dialog box, choose Don't Create. The project will now appear in your Package Explorer view. If you do not see the Package Explorer view, in the Window menu, choose Show View -> Package Explorer.

In the Package Explorer, if the node for project interval is collapsed, expand it by clicking the node. You will see that the project has an src folder. This is where you will store all of the program's source code files. (In Java, names of source code files end with .java.) Any .java file outside the src folder will be ignored by Eclipse.

In Java, each class must be in its own file. Let's create a source code file for the Interval class. Right-click the interval project's src node in the Project Explorer and choose New -> Class. In the New Java Class dialog box, enter Interval as the class name and choose Finish. You will see that a new node corresponding to a new source file appears in the Project Explorer, and an editor appears for editing the new source files. Notice that the source file node is below a new node interval. This node represents the package interval. Indeed, Eclipse by default adds new classes in a project xyz to a package named xyz. In Java, packages serve to group classes. We will learn more about packages later.

The initial contents of the source file are as follows:

package interval;

public class Interval {


For now, replace the given class declaration by the one shown above:

package interval;

class Interval {
    int lowerBound;
    int upperBound;

We now want to write the code that uses the Interval class. In JLearner, statements and expressions can be written directly in the respective boxes. In real Java, however, all statements and expressions must be inside methods, and all methods must be inside classes. Therefore, we will create a class to hold our program. In the Package Explorer, right-click on the interval package and choose New -> JUnit Test Case. A JUnit test case is a class intended to just contain some code that we want to run. Enter IntervalTest as the name for the test case, and choose Finish. If Eclipse asks whether to add JUnit to the build path, choose OK.

The initial contents of source file IntervalTest are as follows:

package interval;

import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.*;

import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;

class IntervalTest {

	void test() {
		fail("Not yet implemented");


We can write our code inside the test method. Replace the existing code by the code we wrote above:

package interval;

import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.*;

import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;

class IntervalTest {

	void test() {
		Interval interval = new Interval();
		interval.lowerBound = 3;
		interval.upperBound = 7;

		int width = interval.upperBound - interval.lowerBound;
		assert width == 4;


We are now ready to run our code. Right-click on the node in the Package Explorer, and choose Run As -> JUnit Test. The JUnit view should appear and show a green bar, indicating that our program was executed successfully, without detecting any errors.

To see what happens if an error is detected, change width == 4 to width == 5 and run the program again. A shortcut for running the same program again is to simply click the green Play button in the Eclipse toolbar. Notice that you now get a red bar in the JUnit view. The Failure Trace part of the JUnit view tells you what went wrong. In this case an AssertionError occurred at, meaning line 16 of file Double-click this message in the Failure Trace to highlight this line in the editor. If we change width == 5 back to width == 4 and run the program again, we again get a green bar.

The problem

We have now written a program consisting of two source files: and However, our program is not modular: we cannot change the structure of class Interval without breaking the IntervalTest program. For example, suppose we decide that it is better to store intervals by storing their lower bound and their width, rather than their lower bound and their upper bound. Update file as follows:

package interval;

class Interval {
	int lowerBound;
	int width;

Even though, conceptually, the class stores the same information as before, just in a different form, we have now broken our client code (i.e. the code that uses our class). Indeed, Eclipse now shows a red wavy line below the references to field upperBound in; these references are now broken since this field no longer exists. These red wavy lines are known as compilation errors. They are errors that the programming environment detects even before we run the program. Errors detected only while running a program are called run-time errors. We here see a major advantage of statically typed programming languages: many errors can be detected even before we run the program.

Encapsulating the fields of class Interval

This experiment shows that we should never access the fields of another class directly. Instead, we should access the information we need from an object through methods. This is known as encapsulation. Let's update our program in IntervalTest to use methods to access the properties of Interval objects. First, define methods for inspecting and updating the properties of an interval:

package interval;

import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.*;

import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;

class IntervalTest {

	int getLowerBound(Interval interval) {
		return interval.lowerBound;
	int getUpperBound(Interval interval) {
		return interval.lowerBound + interval.width;
	int getWidth(Interval interval) {
		return interval.width;
	void setLowerBound(Interval interval, int value) {
		interval.lowerBound = value;
	void setUpperBound(Interval interval, int value) {
		interval.width = value - interval.lowerBound;
	void setWidth(Interval interval, int value) {
		interval.width = value;

	void test() {
		Interval interval = new Interval();
		interval.lowerBound = 3;
		interval.upperBound = 7;

		int width = interval.upperBound - interval.lowerBound;
		assert width == 4;


Then, in the program, use these methods (known as getters and setters) instead of accessing the fields of the Interval object directly:

package interval;

import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.*;

import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;

class IntervalTest {

	int getLowerBound(Interval interval) {
		return interval.lowerBound;
	int getUpperBound(Interval interval) {
		return interval.lowerBound + interval.width;
	int getWidth(Interval interval) {
		return interval.width;
	void setLowerBound(Interval interval, int value) {
		interval.lowerBound = value;
	void setUpperBound(Interval interval, int value) {
		interval.width = value - interval.lowerBound;
	void setWidth(Interval interval, int value) {
		interval.width = value;

	void test() {
		Interval interval = new Interval();
		setLowerBound(interval, 3);
		setUpperBound(interval, 7);

		int width = getWidth(interval);
		assert width == 4;


Notice that Eclipse does not show any compilation errors anymore. Furthermore, if we run the program, we get a green bar. More importantly, though, if we now decide to change the structure of class Interval again, we only need to update the relevant getters and setters, and we do not need to touch our client program in method test at all. Indeed, replace field int width by field int upperBound in Eclipse will show compilation errors in the places where field width is referenced in file, but notice that these references are all inside the getters and setters. Updating those eliminates the errors:

package interval;

import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.*;

import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;

class IntervalTest {
	int getLowerBound(Interval interval) {
		return interval.lowerBound;
	int getUpperBound(Interval interval) {
		return interval.upperBound;
	int getWidth(Interval interval) {
		return interval.upperBound - interval.lowerBound;
	void setLowerBound(Interval interval, int value) {
		interval.lowerBound = value;
	void setUpperBound(Interval interval, int value) {
		interval.upperBound = value;
	void setWidth(Interval interval, int value) {
		interval.upperBound = interval.lowerBound + value;

	void test() {
		Interval interval = new Interval();
		setLowerBound(interval, 3);
		setUpperBound(interval, 7);

		int width = getWidth(interval);
		assert width == 4;


Moving the methods inside class Interval

We now have two modules: one module consists of file plus the getters and setters in file, and the other module consists of method test in file We can change the way we store the interval properties in the first module without breaking the second module. However, it would of course be much better if each module is in its own file. For this reason, Java allows us to define the methods that belong together with a given class inside the class itself. To move a method into a class, however, we need to prefix it with the keyword static:

package interval;

class Interval {
	int lowerBound;
	int upperBound;

	static int getLowerBound(Interval interval) {
		return interval.lowerBound;
	static int getUpperBound(Interval interval) {
		return interval.upperBound;
	static int getWidth(Interval interval) {
		return interval.upperBound - interval.lowerBound;
	static void setLowerBound(Interval interval, int value) {
		interval.lowerBound = value;
	static void setUpperBound(Interval interval, int value) {
		interval.upperBound = value;
	static void setWidth(Interval interval, int value) {
		interval.upperBound = interval.lowerBound + value;


(You will understand later why we did not need to write the static keyword when we defined the getters and setters in class IntervalTest originally.)

Furthermore, in file, we now need to tell Java that it needs to look inside class Interval to find the getters and setters. We do so by putting the class name and a dot in front of the method name:

package interval;

import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.*;

import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;

class IntervalTest {
	void test() {
		Interval interval = new Interval();
		Interval.setLowerBound(interval, 3);
		Interval.setUpperBound(interval, 7);

		int width = Interval.getWidth(interval);
		assert width == 4;


Enforcing encapsulation: accessibility modifiers

We have now cleanly separated our interval module and our client module into separate files and separate classes. If we want to change the way we store the interval properties again, we only need to update the Interval class; this is thanks to the fact that the IntervalTest class accesses the interval properties only via the getters and setters, not by directly accessing the fields of class Interval.

However, there is currently nothing that prevents the authors of IntervalTest from (perhaps accidentally) changing the program to access the fields of Interval directly, thus breaking modularity. Fortunately, Java offers a way to make this impossible: it allows us to indicate that certain elements defined inside a given class (called members of the class) are only for use by other members of the same class, by using the private keyword:

package interval;

class Interval {
	private int lowerBound;
	private int upperBound;

	static int getLowerBound(Interval interval) {
		return interval.lowerBound;
	static int getUpperBound(Interval interval) {
		return interval.upperBound;
	static int getWidth(Interval interval) {
		return interval.upperBound - interval.lowerBound;
	static void setLowerBound(Interval interval, int value) {
		interval.lowerBound = value;
	static void setUpperBound(Interval interval, int value) {
		interval.upperBound = value;
	static void setWidth(Interval interval, int value) {
		interval.upperBound = interval.lowerBound + value;


Now, if we replace Interval.setUpperBound(interval, 7) by interval.upperBound = 7 in class IntervalTest, we immediately get a compilation error: The field Interval.upperBound is not visible. Fix the error by restoring the setter call.

By making the fields of class Interval private, we now get the guarantee that any client code of class Interval that has no compilation errors will not break if we change the way we store the interval properties. If our module is used by many clients around the world, this is an extremely valuable guarantee.

Instance methods

Notice that all of the methods of class Interval take a reference to an Interval object as their first argument. This is of course a very common phenomenon. For that reason, Java supports a more concise notation for this case, known as instance methods. An instance method is a method declared without the static keyword. (A method that does have the static keyword is known as a static method.) An instance method declared in a class C has an implicit parameter of type C, called the receiver. To refer to the receiver in the body of an instance method, use the keyword this. When calling an instance method, the receiver object is written before the method name, with a dot in between the two:

package interval;

class Interval {
	private int lowerBound;
	private int upperBound;

	int getLowerBound() {
		return this.lowerBound;
	int getUpperBound() {
		return this.upperBound;
	int getWidth() {
		return this.upperBound - this.lowerBound;
	void setLowerBound(int value) {
		this.lowerBound = value;
	void setUpperBound(int value) {
		this.upperBound = value;
	void setWidth(int value) {
		this.upperBound = this.lowerBound + value;

package interval;

import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.*;

import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;

class IntervalTest {
	void test() {
		Interval interval = new Interval();

		int width = interval.getWidth();
		assert width == 4;


So, Interval.setLowerBound(interval, 3) becomes interval.setLowerBound(3). Here, interval is the receiver for the call of method setLowerBound. Since interval is of type Interval, Java will look in class Interval to find method setLowerBound.

Notice that both the method declarations and the method calls become much more concise this way. But remember that the meaning is exactly the same as before; it's just a shorter way to write the same program.

In fact, we can use an additional Java shorthand to write class Interval even more concisely: instead of writing this.lowerBound, we can just write lowerBound. When Java encounters the name lowerBound, used as an expression in an instance method, and the method declares no parameter or local variable named lowerBound, then it will look for a field called lowerBound in the receiver object. This means we can write class Interval as follows:

package interval;

class Interval {
	private int lowerBound;
	private int upperBound;

	int getLowerBound() {
		return lowerBound;
	int getUpperBound() {
		return upperBound;
	int getWidth() {
		return upperBound - lowerBound;
	void setLowerBound(int value) {
		lowerBound = value;
	void setUpperBound(int value) {
		upperBound = value;
	void setWidth(int value) {
		upperBound = lowerBound + value;


So, again, this program has exactly the same meaning as the previous ones, and will behave in exactly the same way; it's just shorter. Notice that Eclipse tells you whether it interprets a name as a reference to a local variable or a reference to a field: references to fields are shown in blue, references to local variables in black.