As of 31/8/2020 The master branch serves as stripped down multi-tennant application with the following features:
- Multi-tennant application whereas tenants are separated by an accounts table.
- Account specific information should be created under the accounts/ controller and views
- Accounts can invite users to be part of their accounts
- Users can belong to many different accounts
- Stripe subscriptions integration. Scoped to accounts, with an account owner as the main contact.
Additional branches are created with additional functionality and/or design. And are likely ahead of the master branch.
IMPORTANT In order to get stripe working correctly:
- Open up a stripe account, and issue development API keys
- run the following command:
EDITOR="code --wait" bin/rails credentials:edit --environment=development
Place the keys in the appropriate location
# You can place a signing_secret here for stripe webhooks, but I leave this blank. Instead I issue a signing_secret and run it in my localhost on start. See step 4 below with the command to issue the key, and step 5 below to run it on boot
- Make sure you rake db:seeds as well, as the Stripe Plans we are using - in development - are there. For production we will put in the correct plans.
- In terminal, generate a signin_secret by using the following command:
stripe listen --forward-to
Note: we are using the localhost location at because we are running a multi-tennant application. We need to allow for or in this case in order for this multi-tenant application to work correctly.
- In terminal, to get the local server working, use the following command:
STRIPE_SIGNING_SECRET=your_secret_from_part_3_here foreman start
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