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Overhaul of CalculateContamination's model for determining hom alt sites
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davidbenjamin committed Nov 14, 2018
1 parent 626c887 commit ce6b147
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@@ -1,33 +1,22 @@

import htsjdk.samtools.util.OverlapDetector;
import org.apache.commons.lang.mutable.MutableDouble;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.Range;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.Pair;
import org.apache.commons.math3.distribution.BinomialDistribution;
import org.apache.commons.math3.stat.descriptive.moment.Mean;
import org.apache.commons.math3.stat.descriptive.rank.Median;
import org.apache.commons.math3.util.FastMath;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger;
import org.broadinstitute.barclay.argparser.Argument;
import org.broadinstitute.barclay.argparser.CommandLineProgramProperties;
import org.broadinstitute.hellbender.cmdline.CommandLineProgram;
import org.broadinstitute.hellbender.cmdline.StandardArgumentDefinitions;
import picard.cmdline.programgroups.DiagnosticsAndQCProgramGroup;
import org.broadinstitute.hellbender.utils.MathUtils;
import org.broadinstitute.hellbender.utils.OptimizationUtils;
import org.broadinstitute.hellbender.utils.SimpleInterval;
import picard.cmdline.programgroups.DiagnosticsAndQCProgramGroup;

import java.util.*;
import java.util.function.BiFunction;
import java.util.function.Function;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;

* <p>
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public class CalculateContamination extends CommandLineProgram {

private static final Logger logger = LogManager.getLogger(CalculateContamination.class);

private static final int MAX_CHANGEPOINTS_PER_CHROMOSOME = 10;
private static final int MIN_SITES_PER_SEGMENT = 5;

// our analysis only cares about hom alt and het sites, so we throw away hom refs with a very conservative heuristic
private static final double ALT_FRACTION_OF_DEFINITE_HOM_REF = 0.05;

private static final double STRICT_LOH_MAF_THRESHOLD = 0.4;

private static final double INITIAL_CONTAMINATION_GUESS = 0.05;
private static final int MAX_ITERATIONS = 10;
private static final double CONTAMINATION_CONVERGENCE_THRESHOLD = 0.001;

private static final Range<Double> ALT_FRACTIONS_FOR_SEGMENTATION = Range.between(0.1, 0.9);

private static final double KERNEL_SEGMENTER_LINEAR_COST = 1.0;
private static final double KERNEL_SEGMENTER_LOG_LINEAR_COST = 1.0;
private static final int KERNEL_SEGMENTER_DIMENSION = 100;
private static final int POINTS_PER_SEGMENTATION_WINDOW = 50;
public static final Logger logger = LogManager.getLogger(CalculateContamination.class);

private static final int MIN_COVERAGE = 10;
private static final double DEFAULT_LOW_COVERAGE_RATIO_THRESHOLD = 1.0/2;
private static final double DEFAULT_HIGH_COVERAGE_RATIO_THRESHOLD = 3.0;
public static final int DESIRED_MINIMUM_HOM_ALT_COUNT = 50;
public static final double MINOR_ALLELE_FRACTION_STEP_SIZE = 0.05;

@Argument(fullName = StandardArgumentDefinitions.INPUT_LONG_NAME,
shortName = StandardArgumentDefinitions.INPUT_SHORT_NAME,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -143,193 +111,31 @@ public class CalculateContamination extends CommandLineProgram {
doc="The maximum coverage relative to the mean.", optional = true)
private final double highCoverageRatioThreshold = DEFAULT_HIGH_COVERAGE_RATIO_THRESHOLD;

private static final double SEGMENTATION_KERNEL_VARIANCE = 0.025;

private static final BiFunction<PileupSummary, PileupSummary, Double> SEGMENTATION_KERNEL = (ps1, ps2) -> {
final double maf1 = FastMath.min(ps1.getAltFraction(), 1 - ps1.getAltFraction());
final double maf2 = FastMath.min(ps2.getAltFraction(), 1 - ps2.getAltFraction());
return FastMath.exp(-MathUtils.square(maf1 - maf2)/(2 * SEGMENTATION_KERNEL_VARIANCE));

public Object doWork() {
final List<PileupSummary> sites = filterSites(PileupSummary.readFromFile(inputPileupSummariesTable));
final List<PileupSummary> sites = filterSitesByCoverage(PileupSummary.readFromFile(inputPileupSummariesTable));

// used the matched normal to genotype (i.e. find hom alt sites) if available
final List<PileupSummary> genotypingSites = matchedPileupSummariesTable == null ? sites :

// we partition the genome into contiguous allelic copy-number segments in order to infer the local minor
// allele fraction at each site. This is important because a minor allele fraction close to 1/2 (neutral)
// allows hets and hom alts to be distinguished easily, while a low minor allele fraction makes it harder
// to discriminate. It is crucial to know which site are true hom alts and which sites are hets with
// loss of heterozygosity. We do this for the genotyping sample because that is the sample from which
// the hom alts are deduced.
final List<List<PileupSummary>> genotypingSegments = findSegments(genotypingSites);


List<PileupSummary> homAltGenotypingSites = new ArrayList<>();
final MutableDouble genotypingContamination = new MutableDouble(INITIAL_CONTAMINATION_GUESS);

for (int iteration = 0; iteration < MAX_ITERATIONS; iteration++) {
List<List<PileupSummary>> homAltSitesBySegment = Arrays.asList(new ArrayList<>());
final MutableDouble minorAlleleFractionThreshold = new MutableDouble(STRICT_LOH_MAF_THRESHOLD);
while ( < DESIRED_MINIMUM_HOM_ALT_COUNT && minorAlleleFractionThreshold.doubleValue() > 0) {
homAltSitesBySegment =
.map(segment -> segmentHomAlts(segment, genotypingContamination.doubleValue(), minorAlleleFractionThreshold.doubleValue()))
homAltGenotypingSites =;
final double newGenotypingContamination = calculateContamination(homAltGenotypingSites, errorRate(genotypingSites)).getLeft();
if (Math.abs(newGenotypingContamination - genotypingContamination.doubleValue()) < CONTAMINATION_CONVERGENCE_THRESHOLD) {
final ContaminationModel genotypingModel = new ContaminationModel(genotypingSites);

if (outputTumorSegmentation != null) {
final List<List<PileupSummary>> tumorSegments = matchedPileupSummariesTable == null ?
genotypingSegments : findSegments(sites);
List<MinorAlleleFractionRecord> tumorMinorAlleleFractions =
MinorAlleleFractionRecord.writeToFile(tumorMinorAlleleFractions, outputTumorSegmentation);

final ContaminationModel tumorModel = matchedPileupSummariesTable == null ? genotypingModel : new ContaminationModel(sites);
MinorAlleleFractionRecord.writeToFile(tumorModel.segmentationRecords(), outputTumorSegmentation);

final List<PileupSummary> homAltSites = subsetSites(sites, homAltGenotypingSites);
final Pair<Double, Double> contaminationAndError = calculateContamination(homAltSites, errorRate(sites));
final double contamination = contaminationAndError.getLeft();
final double error = contaminationAndError.getRight();
ContaminationRecord.writeToFile(Arrays.asList(new ContaminationRecord(ContaminationRecord.Level.WHOLE_BAM.toString(), contamination, error)), outputTable);
final Pair<Double, Double> contaminationAndError = genotypingModel.calculateContaminationFromHoms(sites);
new ContaminationRecord(contaminationAndError.getLeft(), contaminationAndError.getRight())), outputTable);

return "SUCCESS";

private List<List<PileupSummary>> findSegments(final List<PileupSummary> sites) {
final Map<String, List<PileupSummary>> sitesByContig =;

return sitesByContig.values().stream()
.flatMap(contig -> findContigSegments(contig).stream())
.filter(segment -> segment.size() >= MIN_SITES_PER_SEGMENT)

// in a biallelic site, essentially every non-ref, non-primary alt base is an error, since there are 2 such possible
// errors out of 3 total, we multiply by 3/2 to get the total base error rate
private double errorRate(List<PileupSummary> sites) {
final long totalBases =;
final long otherAltBases =;
return 1.5 * ((double) otherAltBases / totalBases);

// subset sites in the contaminated sample to hom alt site found in the genotyping sample
private static List<PileupSummary> subsetSites(final List<PileupSummary> sites, final List<PileupSummary> subsetLoci) {
final OverlapDetector<PileupSummary> homAltsInMatchedNormalOverlapDetector = OverlapDetector.create(subsetLoci);

private List<PileupSummary> segmentHomAlts(final List<PileupSummary> segment, final double contamination, double minimiumMinorAlleleFraction) {
final double minorAlleleFraction = calculateMinorAlleleFraction(segment);
return minorAlleleFraction < minimiumMinorAlleleFraction ? Collections.emptyList() : -> homAltProbability(site, minorAlleleFraction, contamination) > 0.5).collect(Collectors.toList());

private double calculateMinorAlleleFraction(final List<PileupSummary> segment) {
final List<PileupSummary> hets = getLikelyHetsBasedOnAlleleFraction(segment);
final Function<Double, Double> objective = maf -> logLikelihoodOfHetsInSegment(hets, maf);
return OptimizationUtils.argmax(objective, ALT_FRACTIONS_FOR_SEGMENTATION.getMinimum(), 0.5, 0.4, 0.01, 0.01, 20);

private MinorAlleleFractionRecord makeMinorAlleleFractionRecord(final List<PileupSummary> segment) {
final String contig = segment.get(0).getContig();
final int start = segment.get(0).getStart();
final int end = segment.get(segment.size() - 1).getEnd();
final double minorAlleleFraction = calculateMinorAlleleFraction(segment);
return new MinorAlleleFractionRecord(new SimpleInterval(contig, start, end), minorAlleleFraction);

// we want log(1/2 (likelihood of alt minor + likelihood of alt major))
// = logSumLog(log likelihood of alt minor, log likelihood of alt major) - log(2)
private final double logLikelihoodOfHetsInSegment(final List<PileupSummary> hets, final double minorAlleleFraction) {
return -> {
final int n = het.getTotalCount();
final int a = het.getAltCount();
final double altMinorLogLikelihood = new BinomialDistribution(null, n, minorAlleleFraction).logProbability(a);
final double altMajorLogLikelihood = new BinomialDistribution(null, n, 1 - minorAlleleFraction).logProbability(a);

return MathUtils.logSumLog(altMinorLogLikelihood, altMajorLogLikelihood) + MathUtils.LOG_ONE_HALF;

private List<List<PileupSummary>> findContigSegments(List<PileupSummary> sites) {
// segment based on obvious hets
final List<PileupSummary> hetSites = getLikelyHetsBasedOnAlleleFraction(sites);

if (hetSites.isEmpty()) {
return Collections.emptyList();

final List<Integer> changepoints = new ArrayList<>();
// when the kernel segmenter finds a changepoint at index n, that means index n belongs to the left segment, which goes
// against the usual end-exclusive intervals of IndexRange etc. This explains adding in the first changepoint of -1
// instead of 0 and all the "changepoint + 1" constructions below
final KernelSegmenter<PileupSummary> segmenter = new KernelSegmenter<>(hetSites);

final List<SimpleInterval> segments = IntStream.range(0, changepoints.size() - 1)
.mapToObj(n -> {
final PileupSummary firstSiteInSegment = hetSites.get(changepoints.get(n) + 1);
final PileupSummary lastSiteInSegment = hetSites.get(changepoints.get(n+1));
return new SimpleInterval(firstSiteInSegment.getContig(), firstSiteInSegment.getStart(), lastSiteInSegment.getEnd());

final OverlapDetector<PileupSummary> od = OverlapDetector.create(sites);

// for each segment, find overlapping sites and sort by coordinate
.map(segment -> od.getOverlaps(segment).stream().sorted(Comparator.comparingInt(PileupSummary::getStart)).collect(Collectors.toList()))

private List<PileupSummary> getLikelyHetsBasedOnAlleleFraction(List<PileupSummary> sites) {
.filter(ps -> ALT_FRACTIONS_FOR_SEGMENTATION.contains(ps.getAltFraction()))

private static Pair<Double, Double> calculateContamination(List<PileupSummary> homAltSites, final double errorRate) {
if (homAltSites.isEmpty()) {
logger.warn("No hom alt sites found! Perhaps GetPileupSummaries was run on too small of an interval, or perhaps the sample was extremely inbred or haploid.");
return Pair.of(0.0, 1.0);

final long totalReadCount =;
final long totalRefCount =;

// if eg ref is A, alt is C, then # of ref reads due to error is roughly (# of G read + # of T reads)/2
final long errorRefCount = Math.round(totalReadCount * errorRate / 3);
final long contaminationRefCount = Math.max(totalRefCount - errorRefCount, 0);
final double totalDepthWeightedByRefFrequency =
.mapToDouble(ps -> ps.getTotalCount() * (1 - ps.getAlleleFrequency()))
final double contamination = contaminationRefCount / totalDepthWeightedByRefFrequency;
final double standardError = Math.sqrt(contamination / totalDepthWeightedByRefFrequency);"In %d homozygous variant sites we find %d reference reads due to contamination and %d" +
" due to to sequencing error out of a total %d reads.", homAltSites.size(), contaminationRefCount, errorRefCount, totalReadCount));"Based on population data, we would expect %d reference reads in a contaminant with equal depths at these sites.", (long) totalDepthWeightedByRefFrequency));"Therefore, we estimate a contamination of %.3f.", contamination));"The error bars on this estimate are %.5f.", standardError));

return Pair.of(Math.min(contamination, 1.0), standardError);

private List<PileupSummary> filterSites(final List<PileupSummary> allSites) {
private List<PileupSummary> filterSitesByCoverage(final List<PileupSummary> allSites) {
// Just in case the intervals given to GetPileupSummaries contained un-covered sites, we remove them
// so that a bunch of zeroes don't throw off the median coverage
final List<PileupSummary> coveredSites = -> s.getTotalCount() > MIN_COVERAGE).collect(Collectors.toList());
Expand All @@ -340,31 +146,7 @@ private List<PileupSummary> filterSites(final List<PileupSummary> allSites) {
final double highCoverageThreshold = meanCoverage * highCoverageRatioThreshold;
.filter(ps -> ps.getTotalCount() > lowCoverageThreshold && ps.getTotalCount() < highCoverageThreshold)
.filter(ps -> ps.getAltFraction() > ALT_FRACTION_OF_DEFINITE_HOM_REF)

private double homAltProbability(final PileupSummary site, final double minorAlleleFraction, final double contamination) {
final double alleleFrequency = site.getAlleleFrequency();
final double homAltPrior = MathUtils.square(alleleFrequency);
final double hetPrior = 2 * alleleFrequency * (1 - alleleFrequency);

final int altCount = site.getAltCount();
final int totalCount = altCount + site.getRefCount();

if (altCount < totalCount / 2) {
return 0;

final double homAltLikelihood = new BinomialDistribution(null, totalCount, 1 - contamination).probability(altCount);
final double hetLikelihood = new BinomialDistribution(null, totalCount, 1 - minorAlleleFraction).probability(altCount);

final double unnormalizedHomAltProbability = homAltPrior * homAltLikelihood;
final double unnormalizedHetProbability = hetPrior * hetLikelihood;

final double result = unnormalizedHomAltProbability / (unnormalizedHetProbability + unnormalizedHomAltProbability);

return result;


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