A literate elisp document that generates all the poet themes: after a
couple of attempts at writing elegant elisp I realized some literate
code would be so much better for this.
(defun generate-numbered-faces (prefix start end callback)
(lambda (it)
`(,(make-symbol (concat prefix (number-to-string it)))
,@(if (functionp callback) (funcall callback it) callback)))
(number-sequence start end)))
(defun header-height (index)
(concat "*"
(number-to-string (max 1.23
(+ .8 (/ (- 8 index) 10.0)))))))
;; Basics
:family variable-pitch-family
:height *1.23)
:background @bg
:foreground @fg)
:foreground @emph
:slant italic)
:background @hlt
:overline nil)
:background @bg-hlt)
:background @bg)
:inherit default
:foreground @button)
:foreground @glyph)
:underline (:color @link-underline :style line)
:foreground @link)
:inherit link
:foreground @link
:underline (:color @vlink-underline :style line))
:background @cursor)
:background @paren-match-fg
:foreground @paren-match-bg)
:foreground @search-fg
:background @search-bg)
:background @search-fail-bg)
:inherit isearch)
:inherit default
:foreground @tooltip-fg
:background @tooltip-bg)
:foreground @shadow)
:background @secondary-bg)
:background @trailing-bg)
:foreground @lazy-hlt-fg
:background @lazy-hlt-bg)
:inherit region)
:background @sep
:foreground @sep)
:background @sep
:foreground @sep)
;; Evil
:foreground @evil-rep-fg
:background @evil-rep-bg
:underline nil)
;; Minibuffer
:inherit fixed-pitch
:weight bold
:foreground @meta)
;; Mode Line
:inherit fixed-pitch
:foreground @mode-line-fg
:background @bg
:overline @sep
:box (:line-width 3 :color @bg))
:overline nil
:background @header-line-bg
:box (:line-width 3 :color @header-line-bg)
:underline @sep
:inherit mode-line)
:weight bold)
:weight bold)
:background @mode-line-hlt)
:inherit mode-line
:background @bg
:foreground @mode-line-inactive
:box (:color @bg :line-width 3))
;; Syntax
:foreground @error
:inherit fixed-pitch)
:foreground @muted
:inherit fixed-pitch)
:foreground @builtin
:inherit fixed-pitch)
:inherit fixed-pitch
:foreground @string)
:inherit fixed-pitch
:foreground @function-name)
:inherit fixed-pitch
:foreground @keyword)
:inherit fixed-pitch
:inherit font-lock-comment-face)
:inherit fixed-pitch
:foreground @constant)
:inherit fixed-pitch
:inherit font-lock-string-face)
:inherit fixed-pitch
:inherit font-lock-builtin-face)
:inherit fixed-pitch
:inherit bold)
:inherit fixed-pitch
:inherit bold)
:foreground @type
:inherit fixed-pitch)
:inherit fixed-pitch
:foreground @variable)
:inherit error)
;; Org
,@(generate-numbered-faces "org-level-" 1 8
(lambda (index)
`(:inherit default
:foreground @header
:height ,(header-height index))))
:inherit fixed-pitch
:foreground @org-meta)
:inherit fixed-pitch
:foreground @org-document-info)
:inherit default
:foreground @org-document-info)
(org-verbatim ; inline code
:inherit fixed-pitch)
:inherit fixed-pitch)
:inherit fixed-pitch
:background @org-table)
:inherit org-table
:height *1)
:inherit default
:foreground @org-quote-fg
:background @org-quote-bg)
:inherit default
:foreground @org-quote-fg
:background @org-quote-bg)
:inherit fixed-pitch
:foreground @bg)
:inherit org-hide)
:inherit fixed-pitch
:foreground @org-date
:underline nil)
:inherit default
:foreground @org-title
:height *1.8
:underline (:color @org-title-underline))
:inherit fixed-pitch
:weight bold
:foreground @org-checkbox)
:inherit fixed-pitch
:foreground @org-done)
:inherit fixed-pitch
:foreground @org-todo)
:inherit fixed-pitch
:height *1
:foreground @org-tag)
:inherit fixed-pitch
:background @org-block-line)
:inherit fixed-pitch
:background @org-block-line)
:background @org-block-bg
:inherit fixed-pitch)
:inherit fixed-pitch
:weight normal)
:foreground @org-agenda-structure-fg
:background @bg
:box (:line-width 3 :color @bg)
:underline @org-agenda-structure-bg)
:foreground @org-scheduled)
:foreground @org-scheduled-today)
:inherit org-agenda-structure)
:box (:line-width 3 :color @org-agenda-today-bg)
:foreground @org-agenda-today-fg
:background @org-agenda-today-bg)
:inherit fixed-pitch
:foreground @org-special-keyword)
:foreground @org-sched-prev)
:foreground @org-agenda-done)
:foreground @link)
;; hl-line
:background @hl-line)
;; linum / line numbers
:inherit fixed-pitch
:foreground @linum-hlt)
:inherit fixed-pitch
:foreground @linum)
:inherit fixed-pitch
:foreground @linum)
:inherit fixed-pitch
:foreground @linum-hlt)
;; Markdown
,@(generate-numbered-faces "markdown-header-face-" 1 8
(lambda (index)
`(:foreground @header
:inherit default
:height ,(header-height index))))
:inherit fixed-pitch
:foreground @markdown-markup)
:inherit fixed-pitch)
:inherit fixed-pitch
:height *1
:foreground @markdown-metadata)
:inherit fixed-pitch
:height *1
:foreground @fg)
:foreground @markdown-language)
:inherit fixed-pitch
:foreground @markdown-list)
:inherit fixed-pitch
:foreground @fg
:background @markdown-code-bg)
:inherit fixed-pitch
:color @fg
:background @markdown-pre-bg)
:inherit fixed-pitch
:foreground @markdown-header-delimiter)
:inherit fixed-pitch
:foreground @markdown-header-delimiter)
:inherit fixed-pitch
:foreground @link)
;; imenu
"imenu-list-entry-face-" 0 5
'(:foreground @imenu))
;; helm
:height *1))
;; Copyright 2018-now Kunal Bhalla
;; Author: Kunal Bhalla <[email protected]>
;; URL: https://github.com/kunalb/poet/
;; Version: 2.0
;;; Commentary:
;; Emacs has very good support for multiple fonts in a single
;; file. Poet uses this support to make it much more convenient to
;; write prose within Emacs, with particular attention paid to
;; org-mode and markdown-mode. Code blocks, tables, etc are
;; formatted in monospace text with the appropriate backgrounds.
;; Recommended customizations for using this theme
;; - Set up the base fonts you'd like to use in Emacs before loading Poet
;; (set-face-attribute 'default nil :family "Iosevka" :height 130)
;; (set-face-attribute 'fixed-pitch nil :family "Iosevka")
;; (set-face-attribute 'variable-pitch nil :family "Baskerville")
;; On loading this theme captures the default and treats that for fixed-pitch
;; rendering.
;; - Enable variable pitch mode for editing text
;; (add-hook 'text-mode-hook
;; (lambda ()
;; (variable-pitch-mode 1))
;; - Some other modes I like to enable/disable
;; (olivetti-mode 1) ;; Centers text in the buffer
;; (flyspell-mode 1) ;; Catch Spelling mistakes
;; (typo-mode 1) ;; Good for symbols like em-dash
;; (blink-cursor-mode 0) ;; Reduce visual noise
;; (linum-mode 0) ;; No line numbers for prose
;; - And prettier org mode bullets:
;; (setq org-bullets-bullet-list
;; '("◉" "○"))
;; (org-bullets 1)
;;; Code:
(defvar poet--monospace-height
(face-attribute 'fixed-pitch :height nil 'default)
"The original height stored as a defvar to stay constant across reloads.")
(defun poet--height (multiplier)
"Scale up the height according to the MULTIPLIER."
(truncate (* poet--monospace-height multiplier)))
(defun process (x)
"Process the face list to replace color names with symbols,
and heights with function values."
((not x) '())
((listp x) (cons (process (car x)) (process (cdr x))))
((eq 'fixed-pitch-height x) "(lambda (base) base)")
((eq 'variable-pitch-family x) ",(face-attribute 'variable-pitch :family)") ; hack hack hack
((and (symbolp x) (string-prefix-p "@" (symbol-name x)))
(concat "," (substring (symbol-name x) 1)))
((and (symbolp x) (string-prefix-p "*" (symbol-name x)))
(concat "(lambda (base) (truncate (* (face-attribute 'fixed-pitch :height nil 'default) " (substring (symbol-name x) 1) ")))"))
((stringp x) (concat "\"" x "\""))
(t x)))
"(let ("
(lambda (x)
(concat "(" (car x) " \"" (cadr x) "\")"))
(cdr palette)
"\n ")
" (custom-theme-set-faces '" theme-name "\n"
(lambda (x)
(format " `(%s ((t %s)))"
(car x)
(cdr x)))
(process structure)
" (custom-theme-set-variables '" theme-name "\n"
" '(line-spacing .2)\n"
" `(fci-rule-color ,fci)))")
(when (and (boundp 'custom-theme-load-path)
(add-to-list 'custom-theme-load-path
(file-name-directory load-file-name))))
Label | Color |
fg | #444444 |
bg | #e1d9c2 |
emph | #222222 |
sep | #eeeeee |
hlt | #efefef |
bg-hlt | #fff8e1 |
muted | #795548 |
meta | #4e342e |
link | #303f9f |
link-underline | #304ffe |
vlink-underline | #1a237e |
header | #770b0b |
button | #616161 |
glyph | #673AB7 |
cursor | #333333 |
paren-match-bg | #ff1744 |
paren-match-fg | #ffffff |
search-fg | #c2185b |
search-bg | #ffffff |
search-fail-bg | #f8bbd0 |
tooltip-fg | #111111 |
tooltip-bg | #fff176 |
shadow | #999999 |
secondary-bg | #fff59d |
trailing-bg | #ff8a65 |
fci | #dedede |
lazy-hlt-fg | #000000 |
lazy-hlt-bg | #ffffff |
evil-rep-fg | #ffffff |
evil-rep-bg | #4e342e |
mode-line-fg | #111111 |
header-line-bg | #e0e0e0 |
mode-line-hlt | #ffffff |
mode-line-inactive | #888888 |
error | #df5286 |
builtin | #795548 |
string | #6C3082 |
function-name | #388E3C |
keyword | #bf360c |
constant | #0288D1 |
type | #3f51b5 |
variable | #455A64 |
org-meta | #8D6E63 |
org-document-info | #795548 |
org-table | #e0e0e0 |
org-quote-fg | #4A148C |
org-quote-bg | #e0e0e0 |
org-date | #444444 |
org-title | #B71C1C |
org-title-underline | #aaaaaa |
org-checkbox | #aaaaaa |
org-scheduled | #333333 |
org-scheduled-today | #111111 |
org-done | #388E3C |
org-todo | #BF360C |
org-tag | #777777 |
org-block-line | #c7c7c7 |
org-block-bg | #e0e0e0 |
org-agenda-structure-fg | #555555 |
org-agenda-structure-bg | #e0e0e0 |
org-agenda-today-fg | #000000 |
org-agenda-today-bg | #eeeeee |
org-special-keyword | #777777 |
org-sched-prev | #3f0000 |
org-agenda-done | #777777 |
hl-line | #efefef |
linum-hlt | #555555 |
linum | #aaaaaa |
markdown-markup | #8D6E63 |
markdown-metadata | #777777 |
markdown-language | #7b1fa2 |
markdown-list | #000000 |
markdown-code-bg | #e0e0e0 |
markdown-pre-bg | #e0e0e0 |
markdown-header-delimiter | #8D6E63 |
imenu | #4e342e |
;;; poet-theme.el --- A theme for prose.
(deftheme poet
"A prose friendly theme.")
<<theme-definition(palette=poet-palette, theme-name="poet")>>
(provide-theme 'poet)
;;; poet-theme.el ends here
Label | Color |
fg | #EDE7dd |
bg | #181008 |
emph | #eeeeee |
sep | #444444 |
hlt | #000000 |
bg-hlt | #012c32 |
muted | #aaaaaa |
meta | #ede7dd |
link | #ffdba5 |
link-underline | #ffdba5 |
vlink-underline | #ffffff |
header | #ceb39e |
button | #aaaaaa |
glyph | #f7ffd1 |
cursor | #FFD5BE |
paren-match-bg | #ff1744 |
paren-match-fg | #ffffff |
search-fg | #ffffff |
search-bg | #fb6542 |
search-fail-bg | #f8bbd0 |
tooltip-fg | #111111 |
tooltip-bg | #fff176 |
shadow | #999999 |
secondary-bg | #000000 |
trailing-bg | #ff8a65 |
fci | #dedede |
lazy-hlt-fg | #000000 |
lazy-hlt-bg | #ffffff |
evil-rep-fg | #ffffff |
evil-rep-bg | #4e342e |
mode-line-fg | #edd3c4 |
header-line-bg | #111111 |
mode-line-hlt | #000000 |
mode-line-inactive | #888888 |
error | #df5286 |
builtin | #b85750 |
string | #dddddd |
function-name | #80bd9e |
keyword | #c1caa1 |
constant | #90afc5 |
type | #cfa6a8 |
variable | #ffa575 |
org-meta | #c6b6ad |
org-document-info | #c6b6ad |
org-table | #171716 |
org-quote-fg | #e6e6fa |
org-quote-bg | #171716 |
org-date | #c6b6ad |
org-title | #ee7e38 |
org-title-underline | #ee7e38 |
org-checkbox | #999999 |
org-scheduled | #dddddd |
org-scheduled-today | #ffffff |
org-done | #5EE300 |
org-todo | #FF3D00 |
org-tag | #aaaaaa |
org-block-line | #070706 |
org-block-bg | #171716 |
org-agenda-structure-fg | #aaaaaa |
org-agenda-structure-bg | #111111 |
org-agenda-today-fg | #dddddd |
org-agenda-today-bg | #000000 |
org-special-keyword | #777777 |
org-sched-prev | #ffb6c1 |
org-agenda-done | #b9ccb2 |
hl-line | #3d0000 |
linum-hlt | #bbbbbb |
linum | #555555 |
markdown-markup | #8D6E63 |
markdown-metadata | #777777 |
markdown-language | #BE8CD4 |
markdown-list | #ffffff |
markdown-code-bg | #171716 |
markdown-pre-bg | #171716 |
markdown-header-delimiter | #8D6E63 |
imenu | #ceb39e |
;;; poet-dark-theme.el --- A dark theme for prose.
(deftheme poet-dark
"A prose friendly dark theme.")
<<theme-definition(palette=poet-dark-palette, theme-name="poet-dark")>>
(provide-theme 'poet-dark)
;;; poet-dark-theme.el ends here
(defun desaturate-color (color-hex)
"Converts a color string to its desaturated equivalent hex string"
(require 'color)
(append (apply
`(,@(apply 'color-rgb-to-hsl (color-name-to-rgb color-hex)) 100)))
(car base-palette)
(lambda (x)
`(,(car x) ,(desaturate-color (cadr x))))
(cdr base-palette)))
;;; poet-monochrome-theme.el --- A monochrome theme for prose.
(deftheme poet-monochrome
"A monochrome prose friendly theme.")
<<theme-definition(palette=poet-monochrome-palette, theme-name="poet-monochrome")>>
(provide-theme 'poet-monochrome)
;;; poet-monochrome-theme.el ends here
(car base-palette)
(lambda (x)
`(,(car x) ,(desaturate-color (cadr x))))
(cdr base-palette)))
;;; poet-dark-monochrome-theme.el --- A dark monochrome theme for prose.
(deftheme poet-dark-monochrome
"A dark monochrome prose friendly theme.")
<<theme-definition(palette=poet-dark-monochrome-palette, theme-name="poet-dark-monochrome")>>
(provide-theme 'poet-dark-monochrome)
;;; poet-dark-monochrome-theme ends here
(defun poet-refresh-theme ()
(car custom-enabled-themes)