In Xcode:
- Product > Scheme > Edit Scheme > Run > Arguments > Environment Variables
- Add TUNNEL_HOST (e.g., and TUNNEL_PORT (e.g., 80)
// AppDelegate.m
// Added by Brandon: If port and host are provided in Schemes > Environment Variables, use those.
// This helps us develop on-device on restricted networks with tools like ngrok.
NSDictionary *environment = [[NSProcessInfo processInfo] environment]; // Get Environment Variables from Schemes
if (environment[@"TUNNEL_PORT"] && environment[@"TUNNEL_HOST"]) {
NSString *port = environment[@"TUNNEL_PORT"];
NSString *host = environment[@"TUNNEL_HOST"];
NSString *URLString = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"http://%@:%@/index.ios.bundle?platform=ios&dev=true", host, port];
jsCodeLocation = [RCTConvert NSURL:URLString];
} else {
// Original Code from React
jsCodeLocation = [[RCTBundleURLProvider sharedSettings] jsBundleURLForBundleRoot:@"index.ios" fallbackResource:nil];
// RCTWebSocketExecutor.m
NSDictionary *environment = [[NSProcessInfo processInfo] environment];
NSString *port = environment[@"TUNNEL_PORT"] ?: [[_bridge bundleURL] port] ?: @"8081";
NSString *host = environment[@"TUNNEL_HOST"] ?: [[_bridge bundleURL] host] ?: @"localhost";
NSString *URLString = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"http://%@:%@/debugger-proxy?role=client", host, port];
_url = [RCTConvert NSURL:URLString];
In Info.plist
, add the ngrok key as shown below: