Run composer test
from the project directory to start the default test suite.
Logs created during test runs can be found in vendor/orchestra/testbench-core/laravel/storage/logs/
If you want your own local configuration for phpunit,
copy the file phpunit.xml.dist
to phpunit.xml
and modify the latter to your needs.
This project can be checked against configured coding standards using composer phpcs
from the project directory.
Automatic attempt to fix some reported coding standard violations can be run with
from the project directory.
composer update --prefer-lowest
can be used before running tests for testing backwards compatibility.composer show -D -o
can be used to check how far behind latest version the currently installed dependencies are.composer update
will install the latest versions of dependencies.
Travis CI is set up to run tests on multiple versions of PHP and Laravel whenever a git push or a PR is made.
Running composer clearCompiledViews
will delete the contents of
and this is automatically triggered when composer updates dependencies.
Assets are built using standalone Laravel Mix.
Install dependencies using npm install
and then npm run dev
or npm run watch
will build assets
into the /dist
Before git push
of built assets, do npm run production
to generate minified assets.
If you're editing and building assets within a repo in the vendor folder of a real Laravel app, running this command will publish the updated styles:
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Bjuppa\LaravelBlog\BlogServiceProvider" --tag="blog-styling" --force
And this command will generate some test entries in the database that can be useful for styling:
php artisan db:seed --class="Bjuppa\LaravelBlog\Database\Seeds\StylingTestEntriesSeeder"
Releases are handled through the GitHub releases interface.