diff --git a/toolbox/gui/view_leadfields.m b/toolbox/gui/view_leadfields.m
index 07aaea2ad..6849d45d1 100644
--- a/toolbox/gui/view_leadfields.m
+++ b/toolbox/gui/view_leadfields.m
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
% =============================================================================@
% Authors: John Mosher, Takfarinas Medani, Francois Tadel, 2020
+% Juan Garcia-Prieto : add logarithmic scale for LF vectors
%% ===== PARSE INPUTS =====
if ischar(HeadmodelFiles)
@@ -149,12 +149,17 @@
%% ===== DISPLAY LEADFIELD =====
% Current sensor
+useLogScale = false;
+useLogScaleLegendMsg = 'Off';
iChannel = 1;
+% initial value for the quiver display
+quiverSize = 1;
+quiverWidth = 1;
+thresholdAmplitude = 1; % ratio of the amplitude
+thresholdBalance = 0; % orientation of the threshold "<" or " >"
%% =================================================================================
% === INTERNAL CALLBACKS ==========================================================
% =================================================================================
@@ -163,34 +168,90 @@
function KeyPress_Callback(hFig, keyEvent)
switch (keyEvent.Key)
% === LEFT, RIGHT, PAGEUP, PAGEDOWN : Processed by TimeWindow ===
- case {'leftarrow', 'space', 'uparrow'}
- iChannel = iChannel - 1;
- case 'pagedown'
- iChannel = iChannel - 10;
- case {'rightarrow', 'downarrow'}
- iChannel = iChannel + 1;
- case 'pageup'
- iChannel = iChannel + 10;
+ case {'leftarrow',}
+ if ismember('shift', keyEvent.Modifier)
+ quiverSize = quiverSize /1.2;
+ elseif ismember('control', keyEvent.Modifier)
+ quiverWidth = quiverWidth /1.2;
+ elseif ismember('alt', keyEvent.Modifier)
+ thresholdAmplitude = thresholdAmplitude - 0.01;
+ else
+ iChannel = iChannel - 1;
+ end
+ case {'rightarrow'}
+ if ismember('shift', keyEvent.Modifier)
+ quiverSize = quiverSize * 1.2;
+ elseif ismember('control', keyEvent.Modifier)
+ quiverWidth = quiverWidth * 1.2;
+ elseif ismember('alt', keyEvent.Modifier)
+ thresholdAmplitude = thresholdAmplitude + 0.01;
+ else
+ iChannel = iChannel + 1;
+ end
+ case 'uparrow'
+ if ismember('shift', keyEvent.Modifier)
+ quiverSize = quiverSize * 1.2;
+ elseif ismember('control', keyEvent.Modifier)
+ quiverWidth = quiverWidth * 1.2;
+ elseif ismember('alt', keyEvent.Modifier)
+ thresholdAmplitude = thresholdAmplitude + 0.01;
+ else
+ if ~isempty(iRef)
+ iRef = iRef + 1;
+ end
+ end
+ case 'downarrow'
+ if ismember('shift', keyEvent.Modifier)
+ quiverSize = quiverSize / 1.2;
+ elseif ismember('control', keyEvent.Modifier)
+ quiverWidth = quiverWidth / 1.2;
+ elseif ismember('alt', keyEvent.Modifier)
+ thresholdAmplitude = thresholdAmplitude - 0.01;
+ else
+ if ~isempty(iRef)
+ iRef = iRef - 1;
+ end
+ end
case 'r' %% not for MEG
+ case 't' %% not for MEG
+ SelectTarget();
case 's'
if ~isempty(findobj(hFig, 'Tag', 'SetVertices'))
delete(findobj(hFig, 'Tag', 'SetVertices'))
- hold on;
plot3(HeadmodelMat{1}.GridLoc(:,1), HeadmodelMat{1}.GridLoc(:,2), HeadmodelMat{1}.GridLoc(:,3), 'r.', ...
'Parent', hAxes, ...
'Tag', 'SetVertices');
case 'e'
- hold on;
- % Plot sensors
- if ~isempty(findobj(hAxes, 'Tag', 'allChannel'))
- delete(findobj(hAxes, 'Tag', 'allChannel'))
+ if ~ismember('shift', keyEvent.Modifier)
+ % Plot sensors
+ if ~isempty(findobj(hAxes, 'Tag', 'allChannel'))
+ delete(findobj(hAxes, 'Tag', 'allChannel'))
+ else
+ if length(Channels) > 10
+ hSensors = figure_3d('PlotSensorsNet', hAxes, markersLocs, 0, 0);
+ set(hSensors, 'LineWidth', 1, 'MarkerSize', 5,'Tag','allChannel');
+ end
+ end
- if length(Channels) > 10
- hSensors = figure_3d('PlotSensorsNet', hAxes, markersLocs, 0, 0);
- set(hSensors, 'LineWidth', 1, 'MarkerSize', 5,'Tag','allChannel');
+ % Plot sensors name
+ if ~isempty(findobj(hAxes, 'Tag', 'allChannelName'))
+ delete(findobj(hAxes, 'Tag', 'allChannelName'))
+ else
+ if length(Channels) > 10
+ %hSensors = figure_3d('PlotSensorsNet', hAxes, markersLocs, 0, 0);
+ %set(hSensors,'Tag','allChannelName');
+ channelAllName = cell(length(Channels),1);
+ for iChan = 1 : length(Channels)
+ channelAllName{iChan} = Channels(iChan).Name;
+ end
+ text(markersLocs(:,1), markersLocs(:,2), markersLocs(:,3),channelAllName,...
+ 'color','y',...
+ 'Parent', hAxes, ...
+ 'Tag', 'allChannelName');
+ end
case 'm'
@@ -201,18 +262,54 @@ function KeyPress_Callback(hFig, keyEvent)
if ~isempty(findobj(hAxes, 'Tag', 'allChannel'))
delete(findobj(hAxes, 'Tag', 'allChannel'))
+ case 'l'
+ if ismember('shift', keyEvent.Modifier)
+ useLogScale = ~useLogScale;
+ if (useLogScale)
+ useLogScaleLegendMsg = 'On';
+ else
+ useLogScaleLegendMsg = 'Off';
+ end
+ end
+ case 'return'
+ if ismember('shift', keyEvent.Modifier)
+ useLogScale = ~useLogScale;
+ if (useLogScale)
+ useLogScaleLegendMsg = 'On';
+ else
+ useLogScaleLegendMsg = 'Off';
+ end
+ elseif ismember('alt', keyEvent.Modifier)
+ thresholdBalance = ~thresholdBalance;
+ else
+ return;
+ end
case 'h'
java_dialog('msgbox', ['
' ...
- 'Left arrow | Previous channel |
' ....
- 'Right arrow | Next channel |
- 'Page up | Previous 10th channel |
- 'Page down | Next 10th channel |
+ 'Left arrow | Previous target channel (red color) |
' ....
+ 'Right arrow | Next target channel (red color) |
+ 'Up arrow | Previous ref channel (green color) |
+ 'Down arrow | Next ref channel (green color) |
+ 'Shift + uparrow | Increase the vector length |
+ 'Shift + downarrow | Decrease the vector length |
+ 'Shift + L | Toggle on/off logarithmic scale |
+ 'Control + uparrow | Increase the vector width |
+ 'Control + downarrow | Decrease the vector width |
+ 'Alt + Enter | Toggle to superior/inferior for LF threshold |
+ 'Alt + uparrow | Increase Amplitude threshold |
+ 'Alt + downarrow | Decrease Amplitude threshold |
'M | Change the Modality (MEG, EEG, SEEG, ECOG) |
- 'R | Change the Reference electrode |
+ 'R | Select the Reference channel |
+ 'T | Select the Target channel |
'S | Show/hide the source grid |
- 'E | Show/hide the sensors |
'], 'Keyboard shortcuts');
+ 'E | Show/hide the sensors |
+ 'Shift + E | Show/hide the sensors labels |
+ '0 to 9 | Change view |
+ ''], 'Keyboard shortcuts');
- KeyPressFcn_bak(hQuiver, keyEvent);
+ KeyPressFcn_bak(hFig, keyEvent);
% Redraw arrows
@@ -222,10 +319,24 @@ function KeyPress_Callback(hFig, keyEvent)
if (iChannel > length(Channels))
iChannel = 1;
+ % Redraw arrows
+ if (iRef <= 0)
+ iRef = length(Channels);
+ end
+ if (iRef > length(Channels))
+ iRef = 1;
+ end
+ if thresholdAmplitude <= 0
+ thresholdAmplitude = 0;
+ end
+ if thresholdAmplitude >= 1
+ thresholdAmplitude = 1;
+ end
function DrawArrows()
% Delete previous Channels and sensors
@@ -255,17 +366,39 @@ function DrawArrows()
% Display arrows
LeadField = reshape(LeadField,3,[])'; % each column is a vector
+ if(useLogScale)
+ LeadField = LogScaleLeadfield(LeadField);
+ end
+ % thresholding
+ normLF = sqrt((LeadField(:,1) ).^2 +(LeadField(:,2) ).^2 + (LeadField(:,3)).^2);
+ [col1, ind] = sort(normLF, 'ascend');
+ LeadFieldReordered = LeadField(ind,:);
+ cdf = cumsum(col1); % Compute cdf
+ cdf = cdf/cdf(end); % Normalize
+ % Find index bellow or above the thresholding
+ if thresholdBalance == 0 % 0 ==> inferior and 1 is superior
+ index = find(cdf <= thresholdAmplitude);
+ iSymbole = '<=';
+ else
+ index = find(cdf > thresholdAmplitude);
+ iSymbole = '>';
+ end
+ dataValue = zeros(size(LeadFieldReordered));
+ dataValue(index,:) = LeadFieldReordered(index,:);
hQuiver(iLF) = quiver3(...
- HeadmodelMat{iLF}.GridLoc(:,1), HeadmodelMat{iLF}.GridLoc(:,2), HeadmodelMat{iLF}.GridLoc(:,3), ...
- LeadField(:,1), LeadField(:,2), LeadField(:,3), ...
- 5, ...
+ ...HeadmodelMat{iLF}.GridLoc(:,1), HeadmodelMat{iLF}.GridLoc(:,2), HeadmodelMat{iLF}.GridLoc(:,3), ... % These two line are remaining in order to check if the thresholding display is correct
+ ...LeadField(:,1), LeadField(:,2), LeadField(:,3), ...
+ HeadmodelMat{iLF}.GridLoc(ind,1), HeadmodelMat{iLF}.GridLoc(ind,2), HeadmodelMat{iLF}.GridLoc(ind,3), ...
+ dataValue(:,1), dataValue(:,2), dataValue(:,3), ...
+ quiverSize, ...
'Parent', hAxes, ...
- 'LineWidth', 1, ...
+ 'LineWidth', quiverWidth, ...
'Color', ColorOrder(mod(iLF-1, length(ColorOrder)) + 1, :), ...
'Tag', 'lfArrows');
% Arrow legends
strLegend{iLF} = [SubjectName{iLF} ' : ' selectedModality ' ' HeadmodelMat{iLF}.Comment];
- hold on
% Remove previous selected sensor
@@ -299,18 +432,18 @@ function DrawArrows()
% Title bar (channel name)
if isAvgRef
- strTitle = sprintf('Channel #%d/%d (%s) | %s ref Channel = AvgRef', iChannel, length(Channels), Channels(iChannel).Name,selectedModality);
+ strTitle = sprintf('Target channel(red) #%d/%d (%s) | %s Ref Channel(green) = AvgRef | Amp threshold %s %s %%| Log. scale %s', iChannel, length(Channels), Channels(iChannel).Name,selectedModality, iSymbole, num2str(thresholdAmplitude*100),useLogScaleLegendMsg);
- strTitle = sprintf('Channel #%d/%d (%s) | %s ref Channel = %s', iChannel, length(Channels), Channels(iChannel).Name,selectedModality,Channels(iRef).Name);
+ strTitle = sprintf('Target channel(red) #%d/%d (%s) | %s Ref Channel(green) = %s| Amp threshold %s %s %%| Log. scale %s', iChannel, length(Channels), Channels(iChannel).Name,selectedModality,Channels(iRef).Name, iSymbole, num2str(thresholdAmplitude*100),useLogScaleLegendMsg);
- strTitle = sprintf('Channel #%d/%d (%s)', iChannel, length(Channels), Channels(iChannel).Name);
+ strTitle = sprintf('Target channel (red) #%d/%d (%s) | Amp threshold %s %s %%|Log. scale %s', iChannel, length(Channels), Channels(iChannel).Name, iSymbole,num2str(thresholdAmplitude*100),useLogScaleLegendMsg);
if (iChannel == 1) && (length(Channels) > 1)
strTitle = [strTitle, ' [Press arrows for next/previous channel (or H for help)]'];
- set(hLabel, 'String', strTitle, 'Position', [10 1 1200 35]);
+ set(hLabel, 'String', strTitle, 'Position', [10 1 1600 35],'ForegroundColor', [1 1 1]);
% Arrows legend
legend(hQuiver, strLegend, ...
'TextColor', 'w', ...
@@ -351,26 +484,32 @@ function DrawArrows()
function isOk = SelectReference()
isOk = 1;
if ~strcmp(selectedModality,'MEG')
- [isAvgRef, isCancel] = java_dialog('confirm', ...
- ['Do you want to use the average refence for the ' selectedModality ' ?
- 'Otherwise you will choose one reference electrode.'], [selectedModality ' average reference'], [], ...
- {'Yes, use average reference'}, 1);
- if isCancel
+ % Ask for the reference electrode
+ refChan = java_dialog('combo', 'Select the reference channel (green color):
', [selectedModality ' reference'], [], {'Average Ref', Channels.Name});
+ if isempty(refChan)
isOk = 0;
- if ~isAvgRef
- % Ask for the reference electrode
- refChan = java_dialog('combo', 'Select the reference channel:
', [selectedModality ' reference'], [], {Channels.Name});
- if isempty(refChan)
- isOk = 0;
- return;
- end
- iRef = find(strcmpi({Channels.Name}, refChan));
+ iRef = find(strcmpi({Channels.Name}, refChan));
+ if isempty(iRef)
+ isAvgRef = 1;
+ else
+ isAvgRef = 0;
+%% ===== SET TARGET =====
+ function isOk = SelectTarget()
+ isOk = 1;
+ % Ask for the target electrode
+ trgChan = java_dialog('combo', 'Select the target channel (red color):
', [selectedModality ' Target'], [], {Channels.Name});
+ if isempty(trgChan)
+ isOk = 0;
+ return;
+ end
+ iChannel = find(strcmpi({Channels.Name}, trgChan));
+ end
%% ===== GET LEADFIELD =====
function GetLeadField
@@ -379,4 +518,16 @@ function DrawArrows()
LF_finale{iLF} = HeadmodelMat{iLF}.Gain(iChannels,:);
+%% ===== LEADFIELD TO LOG SPACE =====
+ function lf_log = LogScaleLeadfield(lf)
+ lf_2 = lf.^2;
+ r = sqrt(sum(lf_2,2));
+ rho = sqrt(lf_2(:,1) + lf_2(:,2));
+ t = atan2(rho,lf(:,3));
+ f = atan2(lf(:,2),lf(:,1));
+ lf_log = [ log10(r) .* sin(t) .* cos(f) ...
+ log10(r) .* sin(t) .* sin(f) ...
+ log10(r) .* cos(t)];
+ end