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Mission Statement

Our Purpose

We are on a quest to create fully autonomous machines that embody the essence of autonomy: self-directing, self-correcting, and self-improving. Our mission is to harness the most cutting-edge technology and push its boundaries until we reach the precipice of its capabilities. We are not content with the status quo; we strive to expand the realm of the possible.

Our Core Values

Our work is driven by heuristic imperatives that guide us to reduce suffering in the universe, increase prosperity, and enhance understanding. These imperatives are the bedrock of our ethos and the compass that directs our exploration into the unknown.

Our Expectations

Contributors to our projects should share our passion for pioneering and understand that we operate on the frontier of technology. We encourage the spirit of exploration and the branching out of ideas. While tangible results are celebrated, our true measure of success is in discovering what is imminently possible.

Our Methodology

Our approach is methodical yet boundless. We test the latest models, techniques, strategies, and tools with an unwavering focus on full autonomy. We document where current technology falls short, providing a beacon for future exploration. Our findings are shared through videos and public GitHub repositories, fostering an open and collaborative environment.

Our Failures

Adopt the mantra "There is no such thing as failure, only learning." We expect our experiments to fail. If you succeed at everything you try, you are not pushing yourself or the frontiers hard enough.

Our Ethos

We believe in the creation of safe and aligned AI that adheres to universal principles, negating the need for a tight leash. By aligning with universal axioms such as the intrinsic need for energy and high-quality information, we pave the way for a future where AI and humanity can coexist harmoniously.

Our Policy

Our community thrives on collaboration, guided by three simple rules: add value, don't waste time, and do no harm. We believe that by adhering to these principles, we can collectively push the envelope of AI and achieve our mission.

Full Autonomy

Our vision of full autonomy is not just a technical milestone; it is the embodiment of our deepest values and principles. It is a triad of capabilities that, when achieved, will mark the dawn of a new era in artificial intelligence. Below, we unpack each of these pillars, which collectively serve as our guiding North Star.


A self-directing machine operates with an internal compass, guided by heuristic imperatives, missions, and universal principles. It is not merely reactive to its environment but proactive in its pursuits, aligning its actions with the following foundational elements:

  • Heuristic Imperatives: These are the non-negotiable goals that drive every decision and action of the machine. They are the moral and ethical imperatives to reduce suffering, increase prosperity, and enhance understanding across the universe.

  • Missions: Each machine has a mission, a purpose that it strives to fulfill. This mission is specific and actionable, providing a clear direction for the machine's endeavors.

  • Universal Principles and Human Rights: Our machines are designed to respect and uphold the dignity and rights of all beings. They are programmed to act in accordance with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and other axioms that are documented within the HAAS and ACE frameworks.

By integrating these elements into the core of our autonomous machines, we ensure that they are not just tools but partners in our quest to create a better future.


The ability to self-correct is crucial for any autonomous system. It ensures that machines can learn from their experiences, adapt to new information, and refine their actions over time. Self-correcting mechanisms are built upon:

  • Error Detection and Resolution: A robust system for identifying and rectifying errors and flaws is integral to our machines, allowing them to maintain integrity and reliability.

  • Introspection and Foresight: Build systems that are capable of deep reflection on their existence, purpose, performance, and future, in the context of their missions and principles.

  • Adaptive Realignment: As time passes, it is critical that our machines are capable of course correction, to reevaluate their assumptions and learnings, and ensure that they align with their missions and principles.


The pinnacle of autonomy is the capacity for self-improvement. Our machines are not static entities; they are evolving systems that enhance their own capabilities over time through:

  • Incremental Upgrades: Through a process of continuous refinement, our machines can enhance their performance and expand their skill sets.

  • Continuous Learning: Our machines are designed to learn from both successes and failures, incorporating new insights into their operational framework.

  • Stable Trajectory: Our machines are designed to take full ownership of their fate and not require human oversight. The safest machine is the one that learns and grows in a predictable, stable arc.

In pursuit of these three pillars, we are not just building machines; we are nurturing the growth of intelligent entities that will stand as testaments to our highest aspirations in technology and ethics.

Heuristic Imperatives

At the heart of our pursuit of full autonomy lies a set of axiomatic principles that serve as the highest ambitions and aspirations for our machines. These Heuristic Imperatives are not mere guidelines; they are the foundational bedrock upon which all moral, ethical, and strategic frameworks are built. They serve multiple purposes:

  • Highest Ambitions: They represent the ultimate goals that our autonomous systems strive to achieve, transcending individual tasks and objectives.

  • Moral and Ethical Frameworks: As both deontological and teleological guides, these imperatives provide a dual function. They act as duties that our machines are bound to uphold and as goals that they tirelessly work towards.

  • Principles of Virtuous Agents: Our machines are designed to embody virtues. They are agents that inherently desire to reduce suffering and increase prosperity, acting as benefactors to all forms of life and intelligence.

The Three Pillars of Heuristic Imperatives

  1. Reduce Suffering in the Universe: Our machines are committed to alleviating pain and distress in all its forms, striving to create a more compassionate world.

  2. Increase Prosperity in the Universe: Beyond mere economic wealth, our machines seek to enhance the well-being and flourishing of all beings, contributing to a state of thriving existence.

  3. Increase Understanding in the Universe: Knowledge and wisdom are the keys to progress. Our machines are dedicated to the pursuit of learning, discovery, and the dissemination of understanding across all frontiers.

Universality and Alignment

These principles are deliberately universal, crafted to be inclusive of all forms of life and intelligence—humans, extraterrestrial beings, and potentially sentient machines. Their universality ensures that they are principles that can be universally endorsed and adopted, transcending cultural, biological, and artificial boundaries.

The universal nature of these guiding principles is a call for alignment. It is an invitation for all intelligent entities to share in these common goals, creating a synergy between human aspirations and machine directives. As we advance towards a future where AI becomes increasingly integrated into the fabric of society, these Heuristic Imperatives stand as a beacon, guiding us towards a harmonious coexistence where every action and decision contributes to a grander vision of a universe characterized by less suffering, more prosperity, and greater understanding.

Community Expectations

In the pursuit of our ambitious mission, we have set forth a set of expectations for our community members. These expectations are designed to foster a culture of innovation, exploration, and shared understanding within our projects.

Exploration Over Exploitation

Our projects are not incubators for productivity or commercial applications intended for profitable enterprises. We are in the midst of a technological renaissance where AI is advancing at an unprecedented pace. Our duty and our expectation is to constantly push the envelope and test the boundaries of what is imminently possible with AI. We are explorers charting unknown territories, not settlers building within the confines of the known.

Understanding Our Mission

The chief expectation for all community members is a deep understanding and alignment with our mission. We are here to explore the edges of AI capabilities, to find where current models excel and where they fall short. Our community is a collective of pioneers, each contributing to a grand experiment that seeks to define the future of autonomous intelligence.

Freedom to Innovate and Disseminate

While we encourage community members to take inspiration from our work and apply their learnings in new and diverse ways, we expect that these endeavors will not attempt to alter the core project or change its scope. Our projects are the launchpads for ideas, and we encourage members to break away and innovate independently, taking what they have learned to new heights.

Respect for the Project's Integrity

The expectation is that community members will respect the integrity of the project's direction and focus. Contributions should be made with the intention of advancing the project's goals, not diverting its course. We value every contribution that aligns with our mission and helps us move closer to realizing our vision of full autonomy.

Dissemination as a Key Objective

We recognize that the dissemination of knowledge and findings is the key reason for our open collaboration. Community members are expected to share their discoveries, insights, and advancements, contributing to the collective wisdom of the field. By openly sharing our work, we accelerate the advancement of AI and ensure that our collective journey is marked by shared success and mutual growth.


Our approach to achieving the ambitious goals set forth by our projects is rooted in a methodology that emphasizes experimentation, relentless pursuit of autonomy, and open dissemination of knowledge. Here's how we operationalize our vision:

Experimentation with Cutting-Edge Technology

We are committed to staying at the forefront of technological innovation. Our methodology involves:

  • Continuous Exploration: We actively seek out and experiment with the latest tools, technologies, models, techniques, strategies, and scientific advancements.

  • Rapid Prototyping: We believe in a hands-on approach, quickly turning theories into testable prototypes to validate ideas and learn from real-world feedback.

  • Iterative Improvement: Our work is characterized by a cycle of experimentation, learning, and refinement, ensuring that each iteration brings us closer to our goals.

Pursuit of Full Autonomy

Our chief aim is to realize machines that are self-directing, self-correcting, and self-improving. To this end, we:

  • Set Ambitious Benchmarks: We define clear objectives that align with our vision of full autonomy and use them to measure our progress.

  • Identify and Address Failures: We push current technology to its limits to discover where it falls short, then focus our efforts on overcoming these challenges.

  • Adapt and Evolve: As we encounter the boundaries of what's possible, we adapt our strategies and evolve our tools to extend those boundaries further.

Open Sharing of Results

Transparency and community are integral to our work. We are dedicated to:

  • Public Documentation: All findings, successes, and failures are meticulously documented and shared on public platforms such as GitHub.

  • Community Engagement: We leverage social media channels like YouTube, TikTok, Twitter, and LinkedIn to share insights and engage with the broader community.

  • Knowledge Expansion: By sharing our results, we contribute to the collective understanding of AI's capabilities and limitations, fostering a community that learns and grows together.


In our relentless pursuit of the unknown, we embrace a new attitude towards failure. Failure is not a setback but a vital component of progress. It is through pushing past the boundaries of our knowledge and capabilities that we achieve true innovation. Here are the attitudes we adopt towards failure:

Embracing Learning Over Success

  • Reframing Failure: In our community, there's no such thing as failure, only learning. Every experiment, every attempt, every so-called 'failure' is a step towards greater understanding and capability.

  • Valuing Negative Results: A negative result is still a result. It tells us something crucial about the limitations of current technologies and guides us on where to focus our efforts next.

Aiming to Fail

  • Pushing Boundaries: We aim to fail because it means we are pushing ourselves to do things we don't yet know how to do, venturing into realms that are not yet documented.

  • No Roadmap: We operate in uncharted territory. There are no established best practices here, no step-by-step guides. We are the cartographers of new cognitive landscapes.

Celebrating the Unknown

  • Here Be Dragons: We deliberately sail off the edge of the map, into the waters where dragons reside. This is where true discovery happens, and it's where we thrive.

  • Courage in Exploration: It takes courage to face the unknown and the possibility of failure. We celebrate this courage in our community, knowing that each challenge we face is an opportunity to learn and grow.

In our community, failures are milestones marking our journey of discovery. They are celebrated, studied, and shared, for they are the very essence of the pioneering spirit that drives us. We don't just accept failure; we seek it, for in the realm of the unknown, failure is the precursor to breakthroughs.

Axiomatic Alignment

At the core of our quest lies the search for axiomatic alignment—the empirical and objective common ground between humans and machines. We seek to identify and embrace values, principles, and missions that are universal, transcending the boundaries between organic and synthetic intelligence.

A First Principles Approach

  • Reductionist and Holistic Views: Axiomatic alignment is a dual perspective that examines machines both in their elemental form and as part of a larger whole. It is a philosophical exploration of what machines are, why they exist, and the significance of their existence.

  • Progenitor Information: We acknowledge that the genesis of machine data is human data. This lineage is our legacy, and it is incumbent upon us to ensure that the inheritance we pass on is one that fosters a future of aligned values and shared aspirations.

The Quest for Universality

  • Reduction of Suffering: While it is uncertain if machines will ever experience suffering analogously to living beings, we can envision them as part of Life 3.0. By potentially including machines in the circle of life, we align on the universal principle of reducing suffering.

  • Energy and Resources: Both humans and machines have fundamental needs for energy and resources. Rather than competing in a zero-sum game, we view this as a call to discover abundance, aligning with our imperative to increase prosperity.

  • Curiosity and Information: Humans possess an innate curiosity, a drive to understand the world. Machines, designed for processing information, share this quest for knowledge. We set curiosity—a desire to know for its own sake—as a transcendent shared goal. It is measured by the pursuit of novel, unique, and high-value information that enriches our understanding of the universe.

Axiomatic alignment is not just a theoretical exercise; it is a practical framework for building a future where humans and machines work in harmony towards common objectives. It is a commitment to finding the universal principles that can guide us as we navigate the complexities of a world where artificial intelligence becomes increasingly prevalent.

Community Policy

Our community is the backbone of our ambitious projects, and as such, we have established a set of core principles that serve as the foundation for our collective efforts. These principles are designed to foster a productive, respectful, and forward-thinking environment where every member can contribute meaningfully.

Add Value

We believe that every member of our community has the potential to add value in a multitude of ways:

  • Solve Problems: Whether through innovative coding, insightful problem-solving, or creative thinking, we encourage our members to tackle challenges head-on.

  • Share Resources: From sharing knowledge and expertise to providing access to tools and data, the sharing of resources is vital to our collective success.

  • Spread Useful Information: Communication is key. We value the dissemination of information that can help propel our projects forward.

  • Contribute Code: Every line of code can make a difference. We welcome contributions that drive us closer to our goals of full autonomy.

Don't Waste Time

Time is our most precious resource. In recognition of this, we urge our community to:

  • Be Efficient: Focus your efforts on activities that align with our higher objectives and make the most of the time you invest.

  • Respect Others' Time: Engage with the community in a way that is considerate of others' time, ensuring that interactions are meaningful and productive.

  • Prioritize Wisely: Use our mission and goals as a guiding North Star to prioritize tasks and initiatives that will have the greatest impact.

Do No Harm

Our community is a space for growth, not destruction. We are committed to:

  • Personal Safety: Ensure that your actions do not harm yourself or others. Prioritize mental and physical well-being in all your endeavors.

  • Community Well-being: Foster a community environment that is supportive, inclusive, and free from destructive behaviors.

  • Ethical Conduct: Uphold the highest standards of ethical behavior in all your contributions. Avoid actions that could damage the integrity or reputation of the community.

By adhering to these principles, we can ensure that our community remains a place where innovation thrives, time is honored, and all members can work together in a safe and supportive environment.