This product contains code for automating TileMill rendering and export. It requires that you have TileMill installed on your computer.
The Python wrapper currently supports rendering a project with render()
, updating an MBTile file's metadata with modify_metadata()
and uploading an MBTile file to MapBox if you have an account with upload()
Example of rendering a project to PNG file.
from TileMill import *
tilemill_dir = r'C:\Program Files (x86)\TileMill-v0.10.1\tilemill'
tm = TileMill(tilemill_dir)
tilemill_project_name = 'SLO'
You can review the code in iFactorSandbox\python\SLOmap\
for an example of rendering to MBTile format and then uploading to a MapBox account.