Create a directory 09-extism-js-plug-in
with two files: index.js
and index.d.ts
mkdir 09-extism-js-plug-in
cd 09-extism-js-plug-in
touch index.js
touch index.d.ts
The program exports a hello function which will take a data
as a string and return a result
function hello() {
let data = Host.inputString()
let text = "💛 Hello " + data
let result = {
message: text,
from: "Extism"
module.exports = { hello }
Describe the Wasm interface for the plug-in in a typescript module DTS file:
declare module 'main' {
export function hello(): I32;
extism-js index.js -i index.d.ts -o hello-js.wasm
extism call hello-js.wasm \
hello \
--input "👩 Jane Doe" \
--log-level "info" \