Example bodge-ui-window
application that shows how to quickly setup UI. bodge-ui-window
an integration of several technologies to quickly setup GUI for your application: bodge-host
for handling OS resources, bodge-ui
for handling UI and bodge-canvas
for drawing.
Lets load all required systems for our example to work.
;; if you want to use OpenGL 2 renderer uncomment next line
;; (cl:pushnew :bodge-gl2 cl:*features*)
(ql:quickload :bodge-ui-window)
Also lets define a package we will evaluate our code blocks in.
(cl:defpackage :bodge-ui-window.example.basic
(:use :cl :bodge-ui :bodge-host)
(:export #:run))
Here we define a panel with child elements.
(cl:in-package :bodge-ui-window.example.basic)
(defpanel (main-panel
(:title "Hello Bodge UI")
(:origin 200 50)
(:width 400) (:height 400)
(:options :movable :resizable
:minimizable :scrollable
(label :text "Nested:")
(radio :label "Option 1")
(radio :label "Option 2" :activated t))
(check-box :label "Check 1" :width 100)
(check-box :label "Check 2"))
(label :text "Awesomely" :align :left)
(label :text "Stacked" :align :centered)
(label :text "Labels" :align :right)))
(label :text "Expand by width:")
(button :label "Dynamic")
(button :label "Min-Width" :width 80)
(button :label "Fixed-Width" :expandable nil :width 100))
(label :text "Expand by ratio:")
(button :label "1.0" :expand-ratio 1.0)
(button :label "0.75" :expand-ratio 0.75)
(button :label "0.5" :expand-ratio 0.5))
(label :text "Rest:")
(button :label "Top-Level Button"))
Feel free to change the layout or panel options and reevaluate the form. Your changes will be immediately applied while your application is running.
Lets define a window we are going to display our UI in.
(cl:in-package :bodge-ui-window.example.basic)
(defparameter *window-width* 800)
(defparameter *window-height* 600)
;; Define main window
(defclass main-window (bodge-ui-window:ui-window) ()
:title "Bodge UI Window Example"
:width *window-width*
:height *window-height*
:panels '(main-panel)
:floating t
:opengl-version #+bodge-gl2 '(2 1)
#-bodge-gl2 '(3 3)))
Crucial information here is that main-window
inherits from ui-window
class, which setups all
low-level machinery for our GUI to work. We tell our window to display a panel we defined earlier
by passing panel class in a list into :panels
Next we define and export a function to run our example.
(cl:in-package :bodge-ui-window.example.basic)
(export 'run)
(defun run ()
(bodge-host:open-window (make-instance 'main-window)))
And run it!