AngularJS directive implementing intl-tel-input ( jQuery plugin.
Install via Bower:
bower install international-phone-number --save
Add module dependcy to application:
intl-tel-input is installed as a dependency. Make sure intTelInput.js
is loaded first and add flags.png
and intlTelInput.css
to your project.
You can optionally include bower_components/intl-tel-input/lib/libphonenumber/build/utils.js
Available from souce project at
Same as in source project (
Sneak preview:
options =
autoFormat: true
autoHideDialCode: true
defaultCountry: ''
nationalMode: false
numberType: ''
onlyCountries: undefined
preferredCountries: ['us', 'gb']
responsiveDropdown: false
utilsScript: ""
Works for text
and tel
input types.
NgModel is required
<input type="text" international-phone-number ng-model="phone">
with preferred countries:
<input type="text" international-phone-number preferred-countries="pl, de" ng-model="phone">
with default country:
<input type="text" international-phone-number default-country="pl" ng-model="phone">
with only countries:
<input type="text" international-phone-number only-countries ng-model="phone">
Feel free to mix options together:
<input type="text" international-phone-number only-countries="pl, de, en, es" default-country="pl" preferred-countries="pl, de" ng-model="phone">
By default the directive lazy loads utils.js. If you want to load this yourself, use the skip-util-script-download