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bharendt edited this page Dec 4, 2015 · 1 revision

Faster builds

edeliver cleans all downloaded and generated files from the previous build before the next build is started by using git clean -fdx in the build directory on the build host. This includes all dependencies, all compiled files and all generated and copied release files.

This is recommended and done to ensure building a clean release that works as expected and to produce a release, which is exactly the same for every build.

But to build a release faster, you can use the --skip-git-clean command line option to skip this step completely.

When the option --skip-mix-clean is used in addition, the build process will be fully incremental. This also skips the step to clean the compiled files, e.g. in _build.

You can also adjust the GIT_CLEAN_PATHS env in your .deliver/config file to clean only selected files before each build. This value is set to . by default which means, that all files are cleaned, but you can set it e.g. to GIT_CLEAN_PATHS="build rel priv/static/generated" to clean all files but don't download and compile dependencies for each build.

To make --skip-git-clean the default, you can set SKIP_GIT_CLEAN="true" in the config, same with SKIP_MIX_CLEAN="true"


Depending on the build tools your are using there might be deleted or renamed modules or files from previous builds included into the new release. This might produce runtime errors or unexpected behaviour during runtime or deployment of your releases, not during the build process.