Service for validating argon2 hashes generated while mining arionum coins.
ArgonValidationService --port <port> --intensity <intensity> --verbose
--help: show this help text
--verbose: print more informative text during run
--port <port>: port on which to listen for clients, defaults to 2000
--intensity: percentage of available CPU cores to use
value from 0 (disabled) to 100 (full load)
this is optional, defaults to 100
Call with argon (share from miner) and base (calculated password based on current block) parameters using GET:
Response: plain text VALID or INVALID.
Please be sure the requests is correct (meaning you use /validate, use proper params names and send properly formatted argon2 hashes for validation), otherwise it will reset connection. This is by design to avoid as much as possible an external attack.