Releases of cortex-jsonnet
are versioned to match the compatible version of Cortex. The release of cortex-jsonnet
tagged 1.6.0
should match compatible with the release of Cortex tagged 1.6.0
A release of cortex-jsonnet
should follow shortly after a release of Cortex.
Create a branch for the new release.
Update the
.- Add a new section for the new release so that "## master / unreleased" is blank and at the top.
- The new release section should say "## x.y.0 / YYYY-MM-DD".
- Ensure changelog entries for the new release are in this order:
to the released Cortex version. -
Open a Pull Request for the your branch.
Once your Pull Request has been merged, checkout the merge commit and tag a release. Refer to How to tag a release.
Build the
for the release.$ make build-mixin
Add the
and release change log to the GitHub release.- Edit the release in GitHub by going to
Note: Unlike Cortex, release tags are not prefixed with a
You can do the tagging on the commandline:
$ tag="x.y.z"
$ git tag -s "${tag}" -m "${tag}"
$ git push origin "${tag}"