Excercise will require the tooling listed below. Ensure that all of those tools have been installed before attending the training if you want to following along. The training does not reserve time for setting up or verifying the installed tools or their respective versions.
- A installation of Bazelisk (instructions). You are encouraged to use Bazelisk over Bazel so that individual exercises can run with their compatible Bazel version.
- An existing GitHub account (instructions) for cloning and/or forking this repository.
- (Optional) An installation of OpenJDK 11 (instructions). Bazel runs typical Java tasks like compilation, and testing within a sandboxed environment. The sandboxed environment will automatically download, install, and use Java 11. An installation of the JDK is only needed if you want to run Java commands independent from a Bazel invocation.
- User-level experience with a build tool like Ant, Maven, Gradle, or Make
- A basic understanding of the programming language Java
- Hands-on experience with common Java frameworks and dependencies