For use this configuration files you need Vim and/or Tmux installed on your terminal, and you will need create/update these files:
- .vimrc (
yourterminal@console: vim ~/.vimrc
)- Plugins
- preservim/nerdtree
- airblade/vim-gitgutter
- Valloric/YouCompleteMe
- wakatime/vim-wakatime
- Plugins
- .tmux.conf (
yourterminal@console: vim ~/.tmux.conf
)- First steps
- Adjust the keys combo to yourself. Like the keys for open new windows. ex: 'ctrl-q' + '-' | '\ '
- Memorize keys for: how to move the coursor over windows and how to resize window panes
- First steps
Also, you will need some packages installed on Vim or Terminal:
- Vundle :
- Powerline :
Other essentials:
- Oh My Zsh : (See first if Zsh makes sense to you, over your Bash already configured)
NOTE: In this file is missing some packages installations and other bash things, but you will figure out how to resolve the errors and warnings asking your friend Google 🔎
You should link your
to see the same terminal styling in tmux. Add 'source ~/.bashrc
' to.bash_profile
Tmux 2.8.x to 2.9.x migration from this issue
# file: ~/.tmux.conf
# version: 2.8.x -> 2.9.x
# note: change '*-<style_type> <value>' to '*-style <style_type>=<value>'
# or in some cases where '*-attr <attribute_val>' change to '*-style <attribute_val>'
# styles:
# message-command-style style
# message-style style
# mode-style style
# pane-active-border-style style
# pane-border-style style
# status-left-style style
# status-right-style style
# status-style style
# window-active-style style
# window-status-activity-style style
# window-status-bell-style style
# window-status-current-style style
# window-status-last-style style
# window-status-style style
# window-style style