Public repo for GS grenade helper, including files that are streamed live
"name": ["T Roof", "Scaffolding Box"], // array of from and to, alternatively a single string
"description": "Jump on the left box for a good one-way", //optionally, a description can be given
"weapon": "weapon_smokegrenade", // weapon console name
"position": [691.63653564453, -1130.1051025391, -127.96875], // origin
"position_visibility": [-44, 0, 0], // offset to origin for world vischeck, defaults to [0, 0, 0]
"viewangles": [-1.8710323572159, -136.26739501953], // pitch, yaw
"duck": true, // true = have to be fully ducked, defaults to false
"tickrate": 128, // number: all tickrates supported, array: the only tickrates supported
"approach_accurate": true, // full speed movement during approach, auto-checked by default
"grenade": {
"strength": 0.5, // required m_flThrowStrength to autothrow, 1=left, 0.5 = right+left, 0 = right
"fov": 0.3, // have to be in this fov to autothrow
"jump": true, // jumpthrow at the end of running
"run": 12, // run duration in seconds/64
"run_yaw": 0, // offset to viewangles for move yaw
"run_speed": true, // hold IN_SPEED (shift) during pre-throw run, defaults to false
"recovery_yaw": 90, // yaw for movement after throw, only rage aimbot mode. Defaults to run_yaw-180
"delay": 5 // delay before throwing, useful for getting the max height in a jumpthrow. Defaults to 0
"destroy": { // a breakable world object has to be destroyed before autothrowing / playback
"start": [392.701141, -1442.725342, 1936.63842], // trace_line starts from here
"end": [232.03129134004, -1425.9891813532, 1899.5775623479], // trace_line ends here
"text": "Break the left window" // text to add if trace_line hit something
"target": [-19.584310531616, -1810.5485839844, -110.97956085205] // grenade / shot will land here
movement recordings are saved like this:
"name": ["T Roof", "Scaffolding Box"], // array of from and to, alternatively a single string
"weapon": "weapon_molotov", // weapon console name
"position": [691.63653564453, -1130.1051025391, -127.96875], // origin
"position_visibility": [-44, 0, 0], // offset to origin for world vischeck, defaults to [0, 0, 0]
"viewangles": [-1.8710323572159, -136.26739501953], // pitch, yaw
"tickrate": [64, 128], // number: all tickrates supported, array: the only tickrates supported
"destroy": { // a breakable world object has to be destroyed before autothrowing / playback
"start": [392.701141, -1442.725342, 1936.63842], // trace_line starts from here
"end": [232.03129134004, -1425.9891813532, 1899.5775623479], // trace_line ends here
"text": "Break the left window" // text to add if trace_line hit something
"movement": {
"frames": [
// each frame is encoded as an array.
0.1826, // pitch delta, defaults to 0
0.3512, // yaw delta, defaults to 0
"WAd" // buttons pressed / released this frame, uppercase = pressed, lowercase = released
450, // forwardmove, defaults to whatever the buttons would result in
-450, // sidemove, defaults to whatever the buttons would result in
// members can be left out from back to front if they are set to their default values
// if multiple frames would be empty (nothing changed from previous frame), they can be
// replaced by the number of frames that were left out
// the last frame should release all movement keys
"target": [-19.584310531616, -1810.5485839844, -110.97956085205] // you end up here
"name": "",
"description": "Legit grenades from", // description, will be shown in menu
"update_timestamp": 1596507260, // update timestamp, will be shown in menu
// optional, will overwrite the locally stored url and cause that url to be re-requested
// use this if you wanna change the URL without breaking everyone's configs
"url": "",
"locations": {
"de_mirage": [
// array of locations
alternatively, there is a version of this where locations are fetched per-map to reduce bandwidth usage
"name": "",
"description": "Legit grenades from", // description, will be shown in menu
"update_timestamp": 1596507260, // update timestamp, will be shown in menu
// url where to get the map data from, %map% will be replaced with the map name
// a map will always be fetched when loading. Content-Type is ignored but status has to be 200 OK
"url_format": "",
"locations": {
"de_dust2old": "de_dust2" // this allows you to re-map mapnames