- Thumbnail:
- Song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uoL_qEDUYr4
- Author: ozetta
- Categories: Web, ★★★★★
- Points: 500
- Solves: 2/234 (Secondary: 0/103, Tertiary: 0/65, Open: 0/60, Invited: 2/6)
This time got a real destiny board.
XSS Bot: http://xssbot-cxild5.hkcert21.pwnable.hk
(Remark: XSS Bot time out in 30 seconds. )
Hint (posted in 13 November 6:02 pm):
The author's solution uses CS+[=]
and the length of the payload is 216, which could be correctly executed in 30 seconds 50% of the time.