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Releases: bjorn2404/jQuery-Store-Locator-Plugin


01 Dec 03:10
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  • Added preventative styling to avoid table conflicts with directions panel.
  • Fixed clearMarkers issue with inline directions enabled.


27 Nov 22:22
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Updated preventative styling to be more specific to the map container and added max-height img rule.


22 Nov 05:27
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  • Added check for Google Maps API.
  • Added Grunt Handlebars task for compiling Handlebars templates from src directory - will add more compatibility in future release.
  • Added preventative styling to avoid conflicts with CSS frameworks and resets.
  • Default design refresh.
  • Fixed bug with inline directions panel that occurred after multiple address submissions.
  • Removed sensor parameter from Google Maps API URL as it's no longer needed.
  • Switched the default plugin styling from LESS to SASS.
  • Updated included Handlebars to v4.0.5.


20 Sep 06:45
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  • Added ability to pass in array object as dataRaw.
  • Added writeDebug console.log helper function for debugging.
  • Added sessionStorage option to store user's location when autoGeocode in enabled to prevent multiple lookups per session.
  • Fixed bug with inline directions panel that occurred after multiple address submissions.
  • Updated processForm method form field variables with empty string fallback values.


14 Aug 00:55
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  • Fixed issue when using catMarkers setting and not setting a location's category resulted in an error.


20 Jul 02:15
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  • Changed infowindow and location list templates so that the comma is added if the city is available.
  • Fixed issue with inline directions where "null" was prepended to the destination address.
  • Fixed close directions bug where close icon couldn't be clicked more than two times.
  • Fixed bug where form wasn't overriding query string parameters.
  • Updated processForm method to accept max distance query string parameter.
  • Updated processForm method to use existing origin data if it's present and matches to avoid unnecessary geocode
  • Updated max distance check to less than or equal to the selected distance vs. just less than.
  • Updated regionID description in for clarity.
  • Updated formEventHandler method to prevent form submission on keydown instead of keyup.
  • Updated mapSettings description in to highlight that zoom can be set to 0 for automatic centering and zooming.


02 Apr 21:38
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  • Fixed bug where reverse geocoding wasn't passing the origin to the templates (autogeocode and default location),
    causing incorrect direction links.
  • Updated location list directions link to use https.


29 Mar 16:41
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  • Added the option to filter data exclusively rather than inclusively with the exclusiveFiltering setting.
  • Added callbackFilters that fires when a filter is changed and returns the filter values if needed.
  • Added dataRaw option to use raw KML, XML or JSON data instead of the AJAX call.
  • Added basic raw data example rawdata-example.php file.
  • Added visibleMarkersList option that updates the location list to only display data from the markers that are curently
    displayed on the map.
  • Changed the distance error functionality so that the map centers and zooms automatically and all locations are
    displayed on the map.
  • Fixed issue with fullMapStart and inlineDirections setting combination.
  • Fixed issue with global olat and olng variables not being set with autoGeocode setting enabled.
  • Fixed issue with maxDistance and autoGeocode setting combination.


05 Jan 04:55
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  • Fixed typo with originMarker setup.
  • Made the originMarkerDim setting optional when setting a custom origin marker image - defaults to 32px by 32px.
  • Removed geocodeErrorAlert language option and switched error alerts to custom exceptions so users aren't shown
    multiple alerts.
  • Fixed bug with inline directions where close icon wasn't being removed on page reload.
  • Added callbackListClick that fires when a list element is clicked.
  • Added callbackMarkerClick that fires when a map marker is clicked.


16 Dec 04:34
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  • Fixed bug with maxDistance and pagination setting combination. The last page of of the pagination results was set to
    use the locationsPerPage setting instead of the remaining number, which could have resulted in the plugin trying to
    load undefined locations.
  • Fixed bugs with googleGeocode and reverseGoogleGeocode methods in which references to "this" were undefined.