+ db_file.rewind()?;
+ let mut magic_buf = vec![0_u8; magic.len()];
+ db_file.read_exact(magic_buf.as_mut())?;
+ if magic_buf != magic {
+ return Err(FileError::InvalidMagicBytes {
+ got: magic_buf,
+ expected: magic,
+ });
+ }
+ Ok(Self {
+ magic,
+ db_file,
+ marker: Default::default(),
+ })
+ }
+ /// Creates or loads a store from `db_path`.
+ ///
+ /// If no file exists there, it will be created.
+ ///
+ /// Refer to [`new`] for documentation on the `magic` input.
+ ///
+ /// [`new`]: Self::new
+ pub fn new_from_path(magic: &'a [u8], db_path: P) -> Result
+ where
+ P: AsRef,
+ {
+ let already_exists = db_path.as_ref().exists();
+ let mut db_file = OpenOptions::new()
+ .read(true)
+ .write(true)
+ .create(true)
+ .open(db_path)?;
+ if !already_exists {
+ db_file.write_all(magic)?;
+ }
+ Self::new(magic, db_file)
+ }
+ /// Iterates over the stored changeset from first to last, changing the seek position at each
+ /// iteration.
+ ///
+ /// The iterator may fail to read an entry and therefore return an error. However, the first time
+ /// it returns an error will be the last. After doing so, the iterator will always yield `None`.
+ ///
+ /// **WARNING**: This method changes the write position in the underlying file. You should
+ /// always iterate over all entries until `None` is returned if you want your next write to go
+ /// at the end; otherwise, you will write over existing entries.
+ pub fn iter_changesets(&mut self) -> EntryIter {
+ EntryIter::new(self.magic.len() as u64, &mut self.db_file)
+ }
+ /// Loads all the changesets that have been stored as one giant changeset.
+ ///
+ /// This function returns a tuple of the aggregate changeset and a result that indicates
+ /// whether an error occurred while reading or deserializing one of the entries. If so the
+ /// changeset will consist of all of those it was able to read.
+ ///
+ /// You should usually check the error. In many applications, it may make sense to do a full
+ /// wallet scan with a stop-gap after getting an error, since it is likely that one of the
+ /// changesets it was unable to read changed the derivation indices of the tracker.
+ ///
+ /// **WARNING**: This method changes the write position of the underlying file. The next
+ /// changeset will be written over the erroring entry (or the end of the file if none existed).
+ pub fn aggregate_changesets(&mut self) -> (C, Result<(), IterError>) {
+ let mut changeset = C::default();
+ let result = (|| {
+ for next_changeset in self.iter_changesets() {
+ changeset.append(next_changeset?);
+ }
+ Ok(())
+ })();
+ (changeset, result)
+ }
+ /// Append a new changeset to the file and truncate the file to the end of the appended
+ /// changeset.
+ ///
+ /// The truncation is to avoid the possibility of having a valid but inconsistent changeset
+ /// directly after the appended changeset.
+ pub fn append_changeset(&mut self, changeset: &C) -> Result<(), io::Error> {
+ // no need to write anything if changeset is empty
+ if changeset.is_empty() {
+ return Ok(());
+ }
+ bincode_options()
+ .serialize_into(&mut self.db_file, changeset)
+ .map_err(|e| match *e {
+ bincode::ErrorKind::Io(inner) => inner,
+ unexpected_err => panic!("unexpected bincode error: {}", unexpected_err),
+ })?;
+ // truncate file after this changeset addition
+ // if this is not done, data after this changeset may represent valid changesets, however
+ // applying those changesets on top of this one may result in an inconsistent state
+ let pos = self.db_file.stream_position()?;
+ self.db_file.set_len(pos)?;
+ Ok(())
+ }
+mod test {
+ use super::*;
+ use bincode::DefaultOptions;
+ use std::{
+ io::{Read, Write},
+ vec::Vec,
+ };
+ use tempfile::NamedTempFile;
+ const TEST_MAGIC_BYTES_LEN: usize = 12;
+ [98, 100, 107, 102, 115, 49, 49, 49, 49, 49, 49, 49];
+ type TestChangeSet = Vec;
+ #[derive(Debug)]
+ struct TestTracker;
+ #[test]
+ fn new_fails_if_file_is_too_short() {
+ let mut file = NamedTempFile::new().unwrap();
+ file.write_all(&TEST_MAGIC_BYTES[..TEST_MAGIC_BYTES_LEN - 1])
+ .expect("should write");
+ match Store::::new(&TEST_MAGIC_BYTES, file.reopen().unwrap()) {
+ Err(FileError::Io(e)) => assert_eq!(e.kind(), std::io::ErrorKind::UnexpectedEof),
+ unexpected => panic!("unexpected result: {:?}", unexpected),
+ };
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn new_fails_if_magic_bytes_are_invalid() {
+ let invalid_magic_bytes = "ldkfs0000000";
+ let mut file = NamedTempFile::new().unwrap();
+ file.write_all(invalid_magic_bytes.as_bytes())
+ .expect("should write");
+ match Store::::new(&TEST_MAGIC_BYTES, file.reopen().unwrap()) {
+ Err(FileError::InvalidMagicBytes { got, .. }) => {
+ assert_eq!(got, invalid_magic_bytes.as_bytes())
+ }
+ unexpected => panic!("unexpected result: {:?}", unexpected),
+ };
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn append_changeset_truncates_invalid_bytes() {
+ // initial data to write to file (magic bytes + invalid data)
+ let mut data = [255_u8; 2000];
+ data[..TEST_MAGIC_BYTES_LEN].copy_from_slice(&TEST_MAGIC_BYTES);
+ let changeset = vec!["one".into(), "two".into(), "three!".into()];
+ let mut file = NamedTempFile::new().unwrap();
+ file.write_all(&data).expect("should write");
+ let mut store = Store::::new(&TEST_MAGIC_BYTES, file.reopen().unwrap())
+ .expect("should open");
+ match store.iter_changesets().next() {
+ Some(Err(IterError::Bincode(_))) => {}
+ unexpected_res => panic!("unexpected result: {:?}", unexpected_res),
+ }
+ store.append_changeset(&changeset).expect("should append");
+ drop(store);
+ let got_bytes = {
+ let mut buf = Vec::new();
+ file.reopen()
+ .unwrap()
+ .read_to_end(&mut buf)
+ .expect("should read");
+ buf
+ };
+ let expected_bytes = {
+ let mut buf = TEST_MAGIC_BYTES.to_vec();
+ DefaultOptions::new()
+ .with_varint_encoding()
+ .serialize_into(&mut buf, &changeset)
+ .expect("should encode");
+ buf
+ };
+ assert_eq!(got_bytes, expected_bytes);
+ }