diff --git a/_posts/2020-01-16-cycle-8-results.md b/_posts/2020-01-16-cycle-8-results.md
index 9524b14f..26569b02 100644
--- a/_posts/2020-01-16-cycle-8-results.md
+++ b/_posts/2020-01-16-cycle-8-results.md
@@ -23,8 +23,10 @@ These changes will be discussed more thoroughly in a call next week, as well as
   * 1 parameter change and 1 bonded role
   * 35 compensation requests
 * 445 votes cast
-* 124 083 BSQ issued for compensation (151 293 BSQ was issued in total, of which 27 210 was for reimbursing the refund agent)
-* 13 449 BSQ burned
+* 125 083 BSQ issued for compensation (151 293 BSQ was issued in total, of which 26 210 was for reimbursing the refund agent)
+* 53 239 BSQ burned from trading fees (79 449 BSQ burned in total, of which 26 210 was disputed BTC funds)
+More details on BSQ burned: the 53 239 BSQ burned from trading fees is the sum of BSQ burned directly for fees (13 449) and BTC fees collected by _burningman2_ to buy and burn BSQ (39 790 = 66 000 BSQ total burned<sup>1</sup> - 26 210 BSQ of disputed BTC funds). Since this was the first cycle in which BTC fees were used to buy and burn BSQ, the BTC fee total is abnormally high: it includes BTC fees that were collected before the cycle started, and should be relatively lower going forward.
 High BSQ issuance in the face of anemic trading volume resulted in a relatively big increase in BSQ supply during the cycle, a problem that aggravated the BSQ market. 
@@ -50,4 +52,8 @@ _Generic proposal and parameter change ([link](https://github.com/bisq-network/p
-Key stakeholders approved a proposal to change the owner of the Bisq donation address. A corresponding parameter change proposal was made to change the bitcoin address in the DAO, and the new owner's 50 000 BSQ bond was locked upon the close of Cycle 8.
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+Key stakeholders approved a proposal to change the owner of the Bisq donation address. A corresponding parameter change proposal was made to change the bitcoin address in the DAO, and the new owner's 50 000 BSQ bond was locked upon the close of Cycle 8.
+ <sup>1</sup> see proof-of-burn transactions adding up to 66 000 BSQ burned: [proof 1](https://bsq.ninja/tx.html?tx=caf7410187735ac013a3fec0ae6566ee1c9dd2dcf974f0d92d75bb9d22feba6c), [proof 2](https://bsq.ninja/tx.html?tx=2452902d1299f36394ad3011a9b8a51e888d594ed3095bc55577091d1ca45ec8)
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