This RDF schema vocabulary (TBox) is documented and available in the VoIDext Vocabulary Specification Draft. VoIDext is also accesible via the SPARQL endpoint here.
PURL VoIDext RDF schema vocabulary:
The Supplementary_Material_VoIDext.pdf file describes in more details the development of VoIDext based on SAMOD: an agile methodology for the development of ontologies methodology.
The assertion box (ABox1) used to build the VoIDext is available in ABox_examplar_data. Both "ABox_doc_examples.ttl" and "ABox_application.ttl" files were considered during the VoIDext development. "ABox_application.ttl" file contains metadata for describing the virtual link sets in the Bioquery project (see bioquery github repository). These files include all virtual link sets among MusicBraiz, DBpedia, DrugBank, LINDAS e-government platform, EBI RDF platform and so on considered during the VoIDext development.
The assertion box (ABox) according to VoIDext for a SIB Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics application is available in ABox_examplar_data.
The Beta-version of the application "BioQuery" with query templates based on the federated SPARQL queries in the Queries folder is available at . These SPARQL federated queries were defined according to the virtual link set metadata in ABox_application.ttl file.
The formal set of queries to answer the informal competency questions during the development of VoIDext is available in SQ_set_of_queries.
These queries can be executed on the SPARQL endpoint here where Bio-query-related virtual link sets are in the named graph "" along with VoIDext and other virtual link sets (based on non-life-sciences link sets) are part of the named graph "".
Exception: "SQ_5.txt" that should be executed at . "SQ_5.txt" is actually a federated query to test a mapping function that solves heterogeneities at the ABox level.
The queries_supplementary_examples.txt file describes additional queries written during the development of the virtual link sets in "ABox_doc_examples.ttl" and complementary information about some link sets performance.
Mendes de Farias T., Stockinger K., Dessimoz C. (2019) VoIDext: Vocabulary and Patterns for Enhancing Interoperable Datasets with Virtual Links. In: Panetto H., Debruyne C., Hepp M., Lewis D., Ardagna C., Meersman R. (eds) On the Move to Meaningful Internet Systems: OTM 2019 Conferences. OTM 2019. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 11877. Springer, Cham
The voidext_with_import.ttl file is the VoIDext RDF Turtle serialisation including imported ontologies.