} */ {
+ hello: 1337,
+**Prettier Similarity**: 33.33%
+# js/comments-closure-typecast/styled-components.js
+ const OverlapWrapper =
+ /** @type {import('styled-components').ThemedStyledFunction<'div',null,{overlap: boolean}>} */
+ (styled.div)`
+- position: relative;
+ > {
+- position: absolute;
+- bottom: ${(p) => p.overlap === "previous" && 0};
+- top: ${(p) => p.overlap === "next" && 0};
+- }
+- `;
++ position: absolute;
++ bottom: ${(p) => p.overlap === "previous" && 0};
++top: ${(p) => p.overlap === "next" && 0};
+**Prettier Similarity**: 40.00%
+# js/comments-closure-typecast/superclass.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/comments-closure-typecast/ways-to-specify-type.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/comments/arrow.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/comments/assignment-pattern.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/comments/before-comma.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/comments/binary-expressions-block-comments.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/comments/binary-expressions-parens.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/comments/binary-expressions-single-comments.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/comments/binary-expressions.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/comments/blank.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/comments/break-continue-statements.js
+ for (;;) {
+ break; /* comment */
+ continue; /* comment */
+ }
+ loop: for (;;) {
+- break /* comment */ loop;
+- break loop /* comment */;
+- continue /* comment */ loop;
+- continue loop /* comment */;
++ break loop; /* comment */
++ break loop; /* comment */
++ continue loop; /* comment */
++ continue loop; /* comment */
+ }
+**Prettier Similarity**: 63.64%
+# js/comments/call_comment.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/comments/class.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/comments/dangling.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/comments/dangling_array.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/comments/dangling_for.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/comments/dynamic_imports.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/comments/emoji.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/comments/empty-statements.js
+-a; /* a */ // b
+-/* c */
+-foo; // first
+-// second
+-// third
+-function x() {} // first
+-// second
++a; /* a */ /* c */ // b
++foo; // first // second // third
++function x() {} // first // second
+ a =
+- b + // 1
+- // 2
+- c + // 3
+- // 4
+- d + // 5
+- /* 6 */
++ b + // 1 // 2
++ c + // 3 // 4
++ d /* 6 */ + // 5
+ e; // 7
+**Prettier Similarity**: 13.33%
+# js/comments/export-and-import.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/comments/export.js
+ export //comment
+- {};
+ export /* comment */ {};
+ const foo = "";
+ export {
+ foo, // comment
+ };
+ const bar = "";
+ export {
+ // comment
+ bar,
+ };
+ const fooo = "";
+ const barr = "";
+ export {
+ fooo, // comment
+ barr, // comment
+ };
+ const foooo = "";
+ const barrr = "";
+ export {
+ foooo,
+ // comment
+ barrr as baz,
+ } from "foo";
+ const fooooo = "";
+ const barrrr = "";
+ export {
+ fooooo,
+ // comment
+ barrrr as bazz,
+ };
+**Prettier Similarity**: 97.37%
+# js/comments/first-line.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/comments/flow-types/inline.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/comments/function-declaration.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/comments/function/between-parentheses-and-function-body.js
+ function function_declaration() {
+ // this is a function
+ return 42;
+ }
+-(function named() {
+- // this is a function
+- return 42;
++// FIXME
++// TODO: reformat issue
++// (function named()
++// // this is a function
++// {
++// return 42
++// })();
+-(function () {
+- // this is a function
+- return 42;
++// FIXME
++// TODO: reformat issue
++// (function ()
++// // this is a function
++// {
++// return 42
++// })();
+ /* anonymous declaration */
+ export default function () {
+ // this is a function
+ return 42;
+ }
++// FIXME
++// TODO: reformat issue
+ a = {
+ foo() {
+ // this is a function
+ },
+- bar: function () {
+- // this is a function
+- },
++ // bar: function()
++ // // this is a function
++ // {},
+ };
+**Prettier Similarity**: 50.00%
+# js/comments/html-like/comment.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 66.67%
+# js/comments/if.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/comments/issue-3532.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/comments/issues.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/comments/jsdoc-nestled-dangling.js
+ {
+ {
+ {
+ {
+ {
+ {
+ {
+ o = {
+ /**
+ * A
+- *//**
++ */
++ /**
+ * B
+ */
+ };
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+**Prettier Similarity**: 90.91%
+# js/comments/jsdoc-nestled.js
+ const issues = {
+ see: "#7724 and #12653",
+- /** Trailing comment 1 (not nestled as both comments should be multiline for that) */ /**
++ /** Trailing comment 1 (not nestled as both comments should be multiline for that) */
++ /**
+ * Trailing comment 2
+ */
+ };
+ /**
+ * @template T
+ * @param {Type} type
+ * @param {T} value
+ * @return {Value}
+- *//**
++ */ /**
+ * @param {Type} type
+ * @return {Value}
+ */
+ function value(type, value) {
+ if (arguments.length === 2) {
+ return new ConcreteValue(type, value);
+ } else {
+ return new Value(type);
+ }
+ }
+ /** Trailing nestled comment 1
+- *//** Trailing nestled comment 2
+- *//** Trailing nestled comment 3
+ */
++/** Trailing nestled comment 2
++ */
++/** Trailing nestled comment 3
++ */
+**Prettier Similarity**: 77.42%
+# js/comments/jsdoc.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/comments/jsx.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/comments/last-arg.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/comments/multi-comments-2.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/comments/multi-comments-on-same-line-2.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/comments/multi-comments-on-same-line.js
+ /*========= All on same line =========*/
+ a;
+ /*1*/ /*2*/ /*3*/
+ b;
+ a; /*1*/ /*2*/ /*3*/
+ b;
+ a;
+ /*1*/ /*2*/ /*3*/ b;
+ a;
+ /*
+ 1*/ /*2*/ /*3
+ */
+ b;
+ a; /*
+ 1*/ /*2*/ /*3
+ */
+ b;
++a; /*
+ 1*/ /*2*/ /*3
+- */ b;
++ */
+ /*========= First two on same line =========*/
+ a;
+ /*1*/ /*2*/
+ /*3*/
+ b;
+ a; /*1*/ /*2*/
+ /*3*/
+ b;
+ a;
+ /*1*/ /*2*/
+ /*3*/ b;
+ a;
+ /*
+ 1*/ /*2*/
+ /*3
+ */
+ b;
+ a; /*
+ 1*/ /*2*/
+ /*3
+ */
+ b;
+ a; /*
+ 1*/ /*2*/
+ /*3
+ */ b;
+ /*========= Last two on same line =========*/
+ a;
+ /*1*/
+ /*2*/ /*3*/
+ b;
+ a; /*1*/
+ /*2*/ /*3*/
+ b;
+ a;
+ /*1*/
+ /*2*/ /*3*/ b;
+ a;
+ /*
+ 1*/
+ /*2*/ /*3
+ */
+ b;
+ a; /*
+ 1*/
+ /*2*/ /*3
+ */
+ b;
+ a; /*
+ 1*/
+ /*2*/ /*3
+ */ b;
+**Prettier Similarity**: 96.67%
+# js/comments/multi-comments.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/comments/preserve-new-line-last.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/comments/return-statement.js
+ function jsx() {
+ return (
+ // Comment
+ );
+ }
+ function unary() {
+ return (
+ // Comment
+ !!x
+ );
+ }
+ function numericLiteralNoParen() {
+ return 1337; // Comment
+ }
+ function logical() {
+ return (
+ // Reason for 42
+ 42 && 84
+ );
+ }
+ function binary() {
+ return (
+ // Reason for 42
+ 42 * 84
+ );
+ }
+ function binaryInBinaryLeft() {
+ return (
+ // Reason for 42
+ 42 * 84 + 2
+ );
+ }
+ function binaryInBinaryRight() {
+ return (
+ // Reason for 42
+ 42 + 84 * 2
+ );
+ }
+ function conditional() {
+ return (
+ // Reason for 42
+ 42 ? 1 : 2
+ );
+ }
+ function binaryInConditional() {
+ return (
+ // Reason for 42
+ 42 * 3 ? 1 : 2
+ );
+ }
+ function call() {
+ return (
+ // Reason for a
+ a()
+ );
+ }
+ function memberInside() {
+ return (
+ // Reason for a.b
+ a.b.c
+ );
+ }
+ function memberOutside() {
+ return (
+ // Reason for a
+ a.b.c
+ );
+ }
+ function memberInAndOutWithCalls() {
+- return aFunction
+- .b // Reason for a
+- ()
+- .c.d();
++ return (
++ // Reason for a
++ aFunction
++ .b()
++ .c.d()
++ );
+ }
+ function excessiveEverything() {
+ return (
+ // Reason for stuff
+ a.b() * 3 + 4 ? ((a`hi`, 1) ? 1 : 1) : 1
+ );
+ }
+ // See https://github.com/prettier/prettier/issues/2392
+ // function sequenceExpression() {
+ // return (
+ // // Reason for a
+ // a
+ // ), b
+ // }
+ function sequenceExpressionInside() {
+ return (
+ // Reason for a
+ a, b
+ );
+ }
+ function taggedTemplate() {
+ return (
+ // Reason for a
+ a`b`
+ );
+ }
+ function inlineComment() {
+ return /* hi */ 42 || 42;
+ }
+-function multilineBlockSameLine() {
+- return (
+- /**
+- * @type {string}
+- */ "result"
+- );
++// TODO: fix idempotency issue
++// function multilineBlockSameLine() {
++// return (
++// /**
++// * @type {string}
++// */ 'result'
++// )
++// }
+ function multilineBlockNextLine() {
+ return (
+ /**
+ * @type {string}
+ */
+ "result"
+ );
+ }
+ function multilineBlockSameLineJsx() {
+ return (
+ /**
+ * JSX Same line
+ */
+ );
+ }
+ function multilineBlockNextLineJsx() {
+ return (
+ /**
+ * JSX Next line
+ */
+ );
+ }
+ function singleLineBlockSameLine() {
+ return /** Result -> */ "result";
+ }
+ function singleLineBlockNextLine() {
+ return (
+ /** Result below */
+ "result"
+ );
+ }
+**Prettier Similarity**: 91.67%
+# js/comments/single-star-jsdoc.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/comments/switch.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/comments/tagged-template-literal.js
+ foo``; // comment
+ foo // comment
+ ``;
+ foo // comment
+ `
+ `;
+-foo/* comment */ `
++foo /* comment */`
+ `;
+-foo/* comment */ `
++foo /* comment */`
+ `;
+**Prettier Similarity**: 85.71%
+# js/comments/template-literal.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/comments/trailing-jsdocs.js
+ CLOSED: Object.freeze({ kind: "CLOSED" }),
+ CONNECTED: Object.freeze({ kind: "CONNECTED" }),
+ CONNECTING: Object.freeze({ kind: "CONNECTING" }),
+ NOT_CONNECTED: Object.freeze({ kind: "NOT_CONNECTED" }),
+ });
+-/* A comment */ /**
++/* A comment */
+ * A type that can be written to a buffer.
+- */ /**
++ */
+ * Describes the connection status of a ReactiveSocket/DuplexConnection.
+ * - NOT_CONNECTED: no connection established or pending.
+ * - CONNECTING: when `connect()` has been called but a connection is not yet
+ * established.
+ * - CONNECTED: when a connection is established.
+ * - CLOSED: when the connection has been explicitly closed via `close()`.
+ * - ERROR: when the connection has been closed for any other reason.
+- */ /**
++ */
+ * A contract providing different interaction models per the [ReactiveSocket protocol]
+ * (https://github.com/ReactiveSocket/reactivesocket/blob/master/Protocol.md).
+- */ /**
++ */
+ * A single unit of data exchanged between the peers of a `ReactiveSocket`.
+ */
+**Prettier Similarity**: 70.37%
+# js/comments/trailing_space.js
+ // Do not trim trailing whitespace from this source file!
+ // There is some space here ->
+**Prettier Similarity**: 80.00%
+# js/comments/try.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/comments/variable_declarator.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/comments/while.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/computed-props/classes.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/conditional/comments.js
+ var inspect =
+ 4 === util.inspect.length
+ ? // node <= 0.8.x
+ function (v, colors) {
+ return util.inspect(v, void 0, void 0, colors);
+ }
+ : // node > 0.8.x
+ function (v, colors) {
+ return util.inspect(v, { colors: colors });
+ };
+ var inspect =
+ 4 === util.inspect.length
+ ? // node <= 0.8.x
+ function (v, colors) {
+ return util.inspect(v, void 0, void 0, colors);
+ }
+ : // node > 0.8.x
+ function (v, colors) {
+ return util.inspect(v, { colors: colors });
+ };
+ const extractTextPluginOptions = shouldUseRelativeAssetPaths
+ ? // Making sure that the publicPath goes back to to build folder.
+ { publicPath: Array(cssFilename.split("/").length).join("../") }
+ : {};
+ const extractTextPluginOptions2 = shouldUseRelativeAssetPaths
+ ? // Making sure that the publicPath goes back to to build folder.
+ { publicPath: Array(cssFilename.split("/").length).join("../") }
+ : {};
+ const extractTextPluginOptions3 = shouldUseRelativeAssetPaths // Making sure that the publicPath goes back to to build folder.
+ ? { publicPath: Array(cssFilename.split("/").length).join("../") }
+ : {};
+ const { configureStore } =
+ process.env.NODE_ENV === "production"
+ ? require("./configureProdStore") // a
+ : require("./configureDevStore"); // b
+ test /* comment
+ comment
+ comment
+ */
+ ? foo
+ : bar;
+ test
+ ? /* comment
+ comment
+ comment
+ comment
+ */
+ foo
+ : bar;
+ test
+ ? /* comment
+ comment
+ comment
+ comment
+ */
+ foo
+ : test
+ ? /* comment
+ comment
+ comment */
+ foo
+ : bar;
+ test ? /* comment */ foo : bar;
+ test
+ ? foo
+ : /* comment
+ comment
+ comment
+ comment
+ */
+ bar;
+ test
+ ? foo
+ : /* comment
+ comment
+ comment
+ comment
+ A newline will be added after this comment, unfortunately – but it can be removed manually, see next statement.
+ */
+ test
+ ? foo
+ : /* comment
+ comment
+ comment
+ */
+ bar;
+ // It is at least possible to delete the extra newline that was
+ // unfortunately added before the second condition above:
+ test
+- ? foo /* comment
++ ? foo
++ : /* comment
+ comment
+ comment
+ comment
+ */
+- : test
++ test
+ ? foo
+ : /* comment
+ comment
+ comment
+ */
+ bar;
+ test ? foo : /* comment */ bar;
+ test
+ ? test /* c
+ c */
+ ? foo
+ : bar
+ : bar;
+**Prettier Similarity**: 97.56%
+# js/conditional/new-expression.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/conditional/new-ternary-examples.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/conditional/new-ternary-spec.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/conditional/no-confusing-arrow.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/conditional/postfix-ternary-regressions.js
+ // concatened string in consequent should be visually distinguishable from alternate
+ // … or maybe this is okay, because the colon is enough?
+ const avatar = has_ordered
+ ? "https://marmelab.com/posters/avatar/longer-word-that-breaks-consequent-" +
+ numberOfCustomers +
+ ".jpeg"
+ : undefined;
+ // Similarly, in the alternate:
+ const redirectUrl = pathName
+ ? pathName
+ : nextPathName + nextSearch ||
+ defaultAuthParams.afterLoginUrl.makeThisLongerSoItBreaks;
+ // And another, more pathological case of the above:
+ const isEmpty = (obj) =>
+ obj instanceof Date
+ ? false
+ : obj === "" ||
+ obj === null ||
+ obj === undefined ||
+ obj === somethingThatIsLonger ||
+ shallowEqual(obj, {});
+ // Again, this case is a bit hard to distinguish the alternate.
+ const eventsFromOrders =
+ orderIds && orders
+ ? orderIds.map((id) => ({
+ type: "order",
+ date: orders[id].date,
+ data: orders[id],
+ }))
+ : [];
+ // Kinda weird to have dedents to the level of "return" in a function.
+ function foo() {
+ return !linkTo
+ ? false
+ : typeof linkTo === "function"
+ ? linkTo(record, reference)
+ : linkToRecord(rootPath, sourceId, linkTo_as_string);
+ }
+ function foo2() {
+ return React.isValidElement(emptyText)
+ ? React.cloneElement(emptyText)
+ : emptyText === ""
+ ? " " // em space, forces the display of an empty line of normal height
+ : translate(emptyText, { _: emptyText });
+ }
+ // Function call ideally wouldnt break break
+ const matchingReferencesError = isMatchingReferencesError(matchingReferences)
+ ? translate(matchingReferences.error, {
+ _: matchingReferences.error,
+ })
+ : null;
+ // This one is kinda confusing any way you slice it…
+ const obj = {
+ error:
+ matchingReferencesError &&
+ (!input.value ||
+ (input.value && selectedReferencesDataStatus === REFERENCES_STATUS_EMPTY))
+ ? translate("ra.input.references.all_missing", {
+ _: "ra.input.references.all_missing",
+ })
+ : null,
+ };
+ // I think we should indent after the inner || on this, and do better wtih the parens around the &&
+ const obj2 = {
+ warning:
+ matchingReferencesError ||
+ (input.value && selectedReferencesDataStatus !== REFERENCES_STATUS_READY)
+ ? matchingReferencesError ||
+ translate("ra.input.references.many_missing", {
+ _: "ra.input.references.many_missing",
+ })
+ : null,
+ };
+ // The boolean conditions in the test should look cohesive.
+ const selectedReferencesDataStatus =
+ !isEmpty(value) && typeof value === "string" && !pattern.test(value)
+ ? getMessage(message, { pattern }, value, values)
+ : undefined;
+ // Would be nice if these two nested ternaries didn't look like a single one.
+ resolveRedirectTo(
+ redirectTo,
+ basePath,
+ payload
+ ? payload.id || (payload.data ? payload.data.id : null)
+ : requestPayload
+ ? requestPayload.id
+ : null,
+ payload && payload.data
+ ? payload.data
+ : requestPayload && requestPayload.data
+ ? requestPayload.data
+ : null,
+ );
+ const delayedDataProvider = new Proxy(restProvider, {
+ get: (target, name, self) =>
+- name === "then" // as we await for the dataProvider, JS calls then on it. We must trap that call or else the dataProvider will be called with the then method
+- ? self
++ name === "then"
++ ? // as we await for the dataProvider, JS calls then on it. We must trap that call or else the dataProvider will be called with the then method
++ self
+ : (resource, params) =>
+ new Promise((resolve) =>
+ setTimeout(
+ () => resolve(restProvider[name](resource, params)),
+ 500,
+ ),
+ ),
+ });
+ function foo4() {
+ return !match || match.length < 5
+ ? line
+ : match[1] + match[2] + match[3] + match[4];
+ }
+ function foo5() {
+ return !match || match.length < 5
+ ? foo(line)
+ : match[1] + match[2] + match[3] + match[4];
+ }
+ function foo6() {
+ return !match || match.length < 5
+ ? linethatisverylongandbreaksthelinehooray
+ : match[1] + match[2] + match[3] + match[4];
+ }
+ function foo7() {
+ return !match || match.length < 5
+ ? linethatisverylongandbreaksthelinehoorayjustabitlonger
+ : match[1] + match[2] + match[3] + match[4];
+ }
+ const badComments = schema.model
+ ? schema
+ : // If model is an array where the items schema is a referred model then we need to use that
+ schema.type === "array"
+ ? schema.items
+ : schema;
+ const anotherBadComment = refModel
+ ? // If we're in a shared params file then reference the model name directly
+ inSharedParamsFile
+ ? refModel
+ : // If we're not in a shared params file then reference the in-file type
+ classRef()
+ : // We don't have a model name, use the in-file name
+ classRef();
+**Prettier Similarity**: 98.08%
+# js/cursor/comments-1.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/cursor/comments-2.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/cursor/comments-3.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/cursor/comments-4.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/cursor/cursor-0.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/cursor/cursor-1.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/cursor/cursor-10.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/cursor/cursor-2.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/cursor/cursor-3.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/cursor/cursor-4.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/cursor/cursor-5.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/cursor/cursor-6.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/cursor/cursor-7.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/cursor/cursor-8.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/cursor/cursor-9.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/cursor/cursor-emoji.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/cursor/file-start-with-comment-1.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/cursor/file-start-with-comment-2.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/cursor/file-start-with-comment-3.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/cursor/range-0.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/cursor/range-1.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/cursor/range-2.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/cursor/range-3.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/cursor/range-4.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/cursor/range-5.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/cursor/range-6.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/cursor/range-7.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/cursor/range-8.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/decorator-auto-accessors/basic.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/decorator-auto-accessors/comments.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/decorator-auto-accessors/computed.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/decorator-auto-accessors/not-accessor-method.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/decorator-auto-accessors/not-accessor-property.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/decorator-auto-accessors/private.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/decorator-auto-accessors/static-computed.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/decorator-auto-accessors/static-private.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/decorator-auto-accessors/static.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/decorator-auto-accessors/with-semicolon-1.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/decorator-auto-accessors/with-semicolon-2.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/decorators-export/after_export.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/decorators-export/before_export.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/decorators/class-expression/arguments.js
+ console.log(
+- @deco
+- class Foo {},
++ (
++ @deco
++ class Foo {}
++ ),
+ );
+ console.log(
+- @deco
+- class {},
++ (
++ @deco
++ class {}
++ ),
+ );
+**Prettier Similarity**: 33.33%
+# js/decorators/class-expression/class-expression.js
+ const a1 =
+- @deco
+- class Foo {};
++ (
++ @deco
++ class Foo {}
++ );
+ const a2 =
+- @deco
+- class {};
++ (
++ @deco
++ class {}
++ );
+ (
+ @deco
+ class Foo {}
+ );
+ (
+ @deco
+ class {}
+ );
+ const b1 = [];
+ (
+ @deco
+ class Foo {}
+ );
+ const b2 = [];
+ (
+ @deco
+ class {}
+ );
+ // This is not a `ClassExpression` but `ClassDeclaration`
+ @deco
+ class Foo {}
+**Prettier Similarity**: 77.14%
+# js/decorators/class-expression/member-expression.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/decorators/class-expression/super-class.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/decorators/classes.js
+ @deco
+ class Foo {}
+ @deco
+ export class Bar {}
+ @deco
+ export default class Baz {}
+ const foo =
+- @deco
+- class {
+- //
+- };
++ (
++ @deco
++ class {
++ //
++ }
++ );
+ const bar =
+- @deco
+- class {
+- //
+- };
++ (
++ @deco
++ class {
++ //
++ }
++ );
+**Prettier Similarity**: 50.00%
+# js/decorators/comments.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/decorators/member-expression.js
+ [
+ class {
+ @(decorators[0])
+ method() {}
+ },
+ class {
+ @decorators [0];
+ method() {}
+ },
+ class {
+ @(decorators?.[0])
+ method() {}
+ },
+ class {
+- @decorators.at(0)
++ @(decorators.at(0))
+ method() {}
+ },
+ class {
+ @(decorators?.at(0))
+ method() {}
+ },
+ class {
+- @decorators.first
++ @(decorators.first)
+ method() {}
+ },
+ class {
+ @(decorators?.first)
+ method() {}
+ },
+ class {
+ @(decorators[first])
+ method() {}
+ },
+ class {
+ @decorators [first];
+ method() {}
+ },
+ class {
+ @(decorators["first"])
+ method() {}
+ },
+- @(decorators[first])
+- class {
+- method() {}
+- },
+- @(decorators[0])
+- class {
+- method() {}
+- },
++ (
++ @(decorators[first])
++ class {
++ method() {}
++ }
++ ),
++ (
++ @(decorators[0])
++ class {
++ method() {}
++ }
++ ),
+ ];
+**Prettier Similarity**: 74.07%
+# js/decorators/methods.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/decorators/mixed.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/decorators/mobx.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/decorators/multiline.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/decorators/multiple.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/decorators/parens.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/decorators/redux.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/deferred-import-evaluation/import-defer-attributes-declaration.js
+-import defer * as ns from "x" with { attr: "val" };
++import defer
++* as ns from "x"
++with { attr: "val" }
+**Prettier Similarity**: 0.00%
+# js/deferred-import-evaluation/import-defer.js
+-import defer * as ns from "x";
++import defer
++* as ns from "x"
+**Prettier Similarity**: 0.00%
+# js/destructuring-ignore/ignore.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/destructuring/destructuring.js
+ const [one, two = null, three = null] = arr;
+ a = ([s = 1]) => 1;
+ const { children, ...props } = this.props;
+ const {
+ user: { firstName, lastName },
+ } = this.props;
+ const {
+ name: { first, last },
+ organisation: {
+ address: { street: orgStreetAddress, postcode: orgPostcode },
+ },
+ } = user;
+ function f({ data: { name } }) {}
+ const UserComponent = function ({
+ name: { first, last },
+ organisation: {
+ address: { street: orgStreetAddress, postcode: orgPostcode },
+ },
+ }) {
+ return;
+ };
+ const {
+ a,
+ b,
+ c,
+ d: { e },
+ } = someObject;
+ try {
+ // code
+ } catch ({ data: { message } }) {
+ // code
+ }
+ try {
+ // code
+-} catch ({
+- data: {
+- message: { errors },
+- },
+-}) {
++} catch ({ data: { message: { errors } } }) {
+ // code
+ }
+ const obj = {
+ func(id, { blog: { title } }) {
+ return id + title;
+ },
+ };
+ class A {
+ func(id, { blog: { title } }) {
+ return id + title;
+ }
+ }
+**Prettier Similarity**: 91.67%
+# js/destructuring/issue-5988.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/directives/escaped.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/directives/issue-7346.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/directives/last-line-0.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/directives/last-line-1.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/directives/last-line-2.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/directives/newline.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/directives/no-newline.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/directives/test.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/dynamic-import/assertions.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/dynamic-import/test.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/empty-paren-comment/class-property.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/empty-paren-comment/class.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/empty-paren-comment/empty_paren_comment.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/empty-statement/body.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/empty-statement/no-newline.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/end-of-line/example.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/es6modules/export_default_arrow_expression.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/es6modules/export_default_call_expression.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/es6modules/export_default_class_declaration.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/es6modules/export_default_class_expression.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/es6modules/export_default_function_declaration.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/es6modules/export_default_function_declaration_async.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/es6modules/export_default_function_declaration_named.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/es6modules/export_default_function_expression.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/es6modules/export_default_function_expression_named.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/es6modules/export_default_new_expression.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/explicit-resource-management/for-await-using-of-comments.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/explicit-resource-management/invalid-duplicate-using-bindings.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/explicit-resource-management/invalid-script-top-level-using-binding.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/explicit-resource-management/using-declarations.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/explicit-resource-management/valid-await-expr-using-in.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/explicit-resource-management/valid-await-expr-using-instanceof.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/explicit-resource-management/valid-await-expr-using.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/explicit-resource-management/valid-await-using-asi-assignment.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/explicit-resource-management/valid-await-using-binding-basic.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/explicit-resource-management/valid-await-using-binding-escaped.js
+ async function f() {
+- await using ab = c;
++ await using \u0061b = c;
+ }
+**Prettier Similarity**: 66.67%
+# js/explicit-resource-management/valid-await-using-binding-non-bmp.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/explicit-resource-management/valid-await-using-binding-using.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/explicit-resource-management/valid-await-using-comments.js
+ async function f() {
+ {
+- /*0*/ await using /*1*/ /*2*/ b /*3*/ = /*4*/ f(); /*5*/
++ /*0*/ await using /*1*/ /*2*/ b /*3*/ = /*4*/ f() /*5*/;
+ }
+ {
+ /*0*/ for (
+ /*1*/ /*2*/ await using /*3*/ /*4*/ b /*5*/ =
+ /*6*/ x /*7*/ /*8*/ /*9*/ /*10*/;
+ ;
+ );
+ }
+ {
+ /*0*/ for (/*1*/ /*2*/ await using /*3*/ /*4*/ b /*5*/ of /*6*/ x /*7*/ /*8*/);
+ }
+ {
+ /*0*/ for await (/*1*/ /*2*/ /*3*/ await using /*4*/ /*5*/ b /*6*/ of /*7*/ x /*8*/ /*9*/);
+ }
+ }
+**Prettier Similarity**: 89.47%
+# js/explicit-resource-management/valid-for-await-using-binding-escaped-of-of.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/explicit-resource-management/valid-for-using-binding-escaped-of-of.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/explicit-resource-management/valid-for-using-binding-of-of.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/explicit-resource-management/valid-for-using-declaration.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/explicit-resource-management/valid-module-block-top-level-await-using-binding.js
+-const m = module {
++const m = module;
+ await using foo = bar();
+**Prettier Similarity**: 25.00%
+# js/explicit-resource-management/valid-module-block-top-level-using-binding.js
+-module {
+ using foo = bar();
+**Prettier Similarity**: 25.00%
+# js/explicit-resource-management/valid-using-as-identifier-computed-member.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/explicit-resource-management/valid-using-as-identifier-expression-statement.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/explicit-resource-management/valid-using-as-identifier-for-await-of.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/explicit-resource-management/valid-using-as-identifier-for-in.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/explicit-resource-management/valid-using-as-identifier-for-init.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/explicit-resource-management/valid-using-as-identifier-for-of.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/explicit-resource-management/valid-using-as-identifier-in.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/explicit-resource-management/valid-using-binding-basic.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/explicit-resource-management/valid-using-binding-escaped.js
+ {
+- using ab = c;
++ using \u0061b = c;
+ }
+**Prettier Similarity**: 66.67%
+# js/explicit-resource-management/valid-using-binding-non-bmp.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/explicit-resource-management/valid-using-binding-using.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/export-default/binary_and_template.js
+-export default (function () {} + foo)``;
++export default ((function () {}) + foo)``;
+**Prettier Similarity**: 0.00%
+# js/export-default/body.js
+-export default (class {}[1] = 1);
++export default ((class {})[1] = 1);
+**Prettier Similarity**: 0.00%
+# js/export-default/class_instance.js
+-export default (class {}.getInstance());
++export default (class {}).getInstance();
+**Prettier Similarity**: 0.00%
+# js/export-default/escaped/default-escaped.js
+ // export asyn\u{63} from "async";
+-export nc from "async";
+**Prettier Similarity**: 20.00%
+# js/export-default/function_in_template.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/export-default/function_tostring.js
+-export default (function () {}.toString());
++export default (function () {}).toString();
+**Prettier Similarity**: 0.00%
+# js/export-default/iife.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/export-star/export-star-as-default.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/export-star/export-star-as-reserved-word.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/export-star/export-star-as-string.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/export-star/export-star-as-string2.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/export-star/export-star-as.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/export-star/export-star.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/export/blank-line-between-specifiers.js
+ export {
+ // a
+ foo1,
+ // b
+ bar1,
+ baz1,
+ } from "mod";
+ const foo2 = 1;
+ const bar2 = 1;
+ const baz2 = 1;
+ export {
+ // a
+ foo2,
+ // b
+ bar2,
+ baz2,
+ };
+**Prettier Similarity**: 90.48%
+# js/export/bracket.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/export/empty.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/export/same-local-and-exported.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/export/test.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/export/undefined.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/expression_statement/no_regression.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/expression_statement/use_strict.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/for-await/for-await.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/for-of/async-identifier.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/for/comment.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/for/continue-and-break-comment-1.js
+ for (;;) {
+ continue; // comment
+ }
+ for (;;) {
+ break; // comment
+ }
+ for (const f of []) {
+ continue; // comment
+ }
+ for (const f of []) {
+ break; // comment
+ }
+ for (const f in {}) {
+ continue; // comment
+ }
+ for (const f in {}) {
+ break; // comment
+ }
+ while (true) {
+ continue; // comment
+ }
+ while (true) {
+ break; // comment
+ }
+ do {
+ continue; // comment
+ } while (true);
+ do {
+ break; // comment
+ } while (true);
+ label1: for (;;) {
+ continue label1; // comment
+ }
+ label2: {
+ break label2; // comment
+ }
+ for (;;) {
+ continue; /* comment */
+ }
+ for (;;) {
+ break; /* comment */
+ }
+ for (const f of []) {
+ continue; /* comment */
+ }
+ for (const f of []) {
+ break; /* comment */
+ }
+ for (const f in {}) {
+ continue; /* comment */
+ }
+ for (const f in {}) {
+ break; /* comment */
+ }
+ while (true) {
+ continue; /* comment */
+ }
+ while (true) {
+ break; /* comment */
+ }
+ do {
+ continue; /* comment */
+ } while (true);
+ do {
+ break; /* comment */
+ } while (true);
+ label1: for (;;) {
+- continue label1 /* comment */;
++ continue label1; /* comment */
+ }
+ label2: {
+- break label2 /* comment */;
++ break label2; /* comment */
+ }
+**Prettier Similarity**: 97.89%
+# js/for/continue-and-break-comment-2.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/for/continue-and-break-comment-without-blocks.js
+ for (;;) continue;
+ // comment
+ for (;;) break;
+ // comment
+ for (const f of []) continue;
+ // comment
+ for (const f of []) break;
+ // comment
+ for (const f in {}) continue;
+ // comment
+ for (const f in {}) break;
+ // comment
+ for (;;) continue; // comment
+ for (;;) break; // comment
+ for (const f of []) continue; // comment
+ for (const f of []) break; // comment
+ for (const f in {}) continue; // comment
+ for (const f in {}) break; // comment
+ for (;;) continue; /* comment */
+ for (;;) break; /* comment */
+ for (const f of []) continue; /* comment */
+ for (const f of []) break; /* comment */
+ for (const f in {}) continue; /* comment */
+ for (const f in {}) break; /* comment */
+ for (;;) continue;
+ /* comment */
+ for (;;) break;
+ /* comment */
+ for (const f of []) continue;
+ /* comment */
+ for (const f of []) break;
+ /* comment */
+ for (const f in {}) continue;
+ /* comment */
+ for (const f in {}) break;
+ /* comment */
+-label1: for (;;) continue label1 /* comment */;
++label1: for (;;) continue label1; /* comment */
+ label1: for (;;) continue label1;
+ /* comment */
+ label1: for (;;) continue label1; // comment
+ label1: for (;;) continue label1;
+ // comment
+**Prettier Similarity**: 98.55%
+# js/for/for.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/for/in.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/for/var.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/function-comments/params-trail-comments.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/function-first-param/function_expression.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/function-single-destructuring/array.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/function-single-destructuring/object.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/function/function_expression.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/function/issue-10277.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/functional-composition/functional_compose.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/functional-composition/gobject_connect.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/functional-composition/lodash_flow.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/functional-composition/lodash_flow_right.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/functional-composition/mongo_connect.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/functional-composition/pipe-function-calls-with-comments.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/functional-composition/pipe-function-calls.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/functional-composition/ramda_compose.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/functional-composition/ramda_pipe.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/functional-composition/redux_compose.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/functional-composition/redux_connect.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/functional-composition/reselect_createselector.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/functional-composition/rxjs_pipe.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/generator/anonymous.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/generator/async.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/generator/function-name-starts-with-get.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/identifier/for-of/await.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/identifier/for-of/let.js
+ for ((let) of foo);
+ for (foo of let);
+ for (foo of let.a);
+ for (foo of let[a]);
+-for ((let).a of foo);
+-for ((let)[a] of foo);
++for (let.a of foo);
++for (let[a] of foo);
+ for ((let)().a of foo);
+ for (letFoo of foo);
+ for (let.a in foo);
+-for ((let)[a] in foo);
++for (let[a] in foo);
+ for (let of of let);
+**Prettier Similarity**: 76.92%
+# js/identifier/parentheses/const.js
+-const [a = (let[0] = 1)] = 2;
++const [a = ((let)[0] = 1)] = 2;
+**Prettier Similarity**: 0.00%
+# js/identifier/parentheses/let.js
+ let.a = 1;
+ let.a[0] = 1;
+-(let)[a] = 1;
++let[a] = 1;
+-(let)[a].b.c.e = 1;
++let[a].b.c.e = 1;
+ foo[let[a]] = 1;
+ (let)[let[a]] = 1;
+-(let)[a] ??= 1;
++let[a] ??= 1;
+ foo = let[a];
+ let()[a] = 1;
+ foo(let)[a] = 1;
+ foo(let[a])[a] = 1;
+-(let)[0] = 1;
++let[0] = 1;
+-(let)["a"] = 1;
++let["a"] = 1;
+ let = 1;
+ var let = 1;
+ [let[a]] = 1;
+ ({ a: let[a] } = 1);
+ alert((let[0] = 1));
+-((let)[0] = 1) || 2;
++(let[0] = 1) || 2;
+-((let)[0] = 1), 2;
++(let[0] = 1), 2;
+-((let)[0] = 1) ? a : b;
++(let[0] = 1) ? a : b;
+ if ((let[0] = 1));
+ while ((let[0] = 1));
+ do {} while ((let[0] = 1));
+ var a = (let[0] = 1);
+-((let)[0] = 1) instanceof a;
++(let[0] = 1) instanceof a;
+ void (let[0] = 1);
+-((let)[0] = 1)();
++(let[0] = 1)();
+ new (let[0] = 1)();
+ ((let)[0] = 1)``;
+ ((let)[0] = 1).toString;
+ ((let)[0] = 1)?.toString;
+ [...(let[0] = 1)];
+ foo = () => (let[0] = 1);
+ function* foo() {
+ yield (let[0] = 1);
+ }
+ async function foo() {
+ await (let[0] = 1);
+ }
+ function foo() {
+ return (let[0] = 1);
+ }
+-while (true) (let)[0] = 1;
++while (true) let[0] = 1;
+ throw (let[0] = 1);
+ ({ foo: (let[0] = 1) });
+ [(let[0] = 1)];
+-for ((let)[0] = 1; ; );
++for (let[0] = 1; ; );
+ for ((let)[0] in {});
+ for ((let)[0] of []);
+ switch ((let[0] = 1)) {
+ }
+ switch (foo) {
+ case (let[0] = 1):
+ }
+-with ((let[0] = 1));
++with (let[0] = 1);
+ let.let[x].foo();
+ a = let[x].foo();
+ (let)[2];
+ a[1] + (let[2] = 2);
+**Prettier Similarity**: 87.27%
+# js/if/comment_before_else.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/if/else.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/if/expr_and_same_line_comments.js
+ if (a === 0) doSomething(); // comment A1
+ else if (a === 1) doSomethingElse(); // comment B1
+ else if (a === 2) doSomethingElse(); // comment C1
+ if (a === 0) doSomething(); /* comment A2 */
+ else if (a === 1) doSomethingElse(); /* comment B2 */
+ else if (a === 2) doSomethingElse(); /* comment C2 */
+ if (a === 0) expr; // comment A3
+ else if (a === 1) expr; // comment B3
+ else if (a === 2) expr; // comment C3
+ if (a === 0) expr; /* comment A4 */
+ else if (a === 1) expr; /* comment B4 */
+ else if (a === 2) expr; /* comment C4 */
+ if (a === 0)
+ looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong; // comment A5
+ else if (a === 1)
+ looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong; // comment B5
+ else if (a === 2)
+ looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong; // comment C5
+ function a() {
+ if (a) return /* comment 6a */;
+ else return 2;
+ if (a) return 1 /* comment 6b */;
+ else return 2;
+ if (a) throw e /* comment 6d */;
+ else return 2;
+ // TODO[@fisker]: fix this
+ // if (a) var a = 1; /* comment 6e */
+ // else return 2;
+ if (a)
+- if (b /* comment 6f */);
++ if (b);/* comment 6f */
+ else return 2;
+ }
+**Prettier Similarity**: 97.56%
+# js/if/if_comments.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/if/trailing_comment.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/ignore/class-expression-decorator.js
+-// prettier-ignore
+ (
++ // prettier-ignore
+ @decorator
+ class {}
+ );
+**Prettier Similarity**: 80.00%
+# js/ignore/decorator.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/ignore/ignore-2.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/ignore/ignore.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/ignore/issue-10661.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/ignore/issue-11077.js
+ function HelloWorld(x) {
+- // prettier-ignore
+- // eslint-disable-next-line
+- (x.a |
+- x.b).call(null);
++ (
++ // prettier-ignore
++ // eslint-disable-next-line
++ x.a |
++ x.b
++ ).call(null)
+ }
+ function HelloWorld(x) {
+ // prettier-ignore
+ (
+ // eslint-disable-next-line
+ x.a |
+ x.b
+ ).call(null)
+ }
+**Prettier Similarity**: 61.11%
+# js/ignore/issue-13737.js
+ oneArgument(
+ // prettier-ignore
+ (0, 1),
+ );
+ a =
+- // prettier-ignore
+- (0, 1);
++ (
++ // prettier-ignore
++ (0, 1)
+**Prettier Similarity**: 60.00%
+# js/ignore/issue-14404.js
+ async function foo() {
+- // prettier-ignore
+- // b
+- (await thing()).blah;
++ (
++ // prettier-ignore
++ // b
++ await thing()
+ }
+**Prettier Similarity**: 28.57%
+# js/ignore/issue-9335.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/ignore/issue-9877.js
+ export default function test() {
+ return {
+ matrix: // prettier-ignore
+- new Float32Array([
+- 0, 0,
+- 1, 0,
+- 1, 1,
+- 0, 1
+- ]),
++ new Float32Array([0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1]),
+ };
+ }
+**Prettier Similarity**: 45.45%
+# js/ignore/semi/asi.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/ignore/semi/directive.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/import-assertions/bracket-spacing/dynamic-import.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/import-assertions/bracket-spacing/empty.js
+-export * as bar from "bar.json";
++export * as bar from "bar.json" assert {};
+**Prettier Similarity**: 0.00%
+# js/import-assertions/bracket-spacing/re-export.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/import-assertions/bracket-spacing/static-import.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/import-assertions/dynamic-import.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/import-assertions/empty.js
+ export * as foo from "foo.json";
+-export * as bar from "bar.json";
+-export * as baz from "baz.json" /* comment */;
++export * as bar from "bar.json" assert {};
++export * as baz from "baz.json" assert { /* comment */ };
+ import * as foo from "foo.json";
+-import * as bar from "bar.json";
+-import * as baz from "baz.json" /* comment */;
++import * as bar from "bar.json" assert {};
++import * as baz from "baz.json" assert { /* comment */ };
+**Prettier Similarity**: 42.86%
+# js/import-assertions/multi-types.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/import-assertions/non-type.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/import-assertions/not-import-assertions.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/import-assertions/re-export.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/import-assertions/static-import.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/import-assertions/without-from.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/import-attributes/bracket-spacing/dynamic-import.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/import-attributes/bracket-spacing/empty.js
+-export * as bar from "bar.json";
++export * as bar from "bar.json" with {};
+**Prettier Similarity**: 0.00%
+# js/import-attributes/bracket-spacing/re-export.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/import-attributes/bracket-spacing/static-import.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/import-attributes/dynamic-import.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/import-attributes/empty.js
+ export * as foo from "foo.json";
+-export * as bar from "bar.json";
+-export * as baz from "baz.json" /* comment */;
++export * as bar from "bar.json" with {};
++export * as baz from "baz.json" with { /* comment */ };
+ import * as foo from "foo.json";
+-import * as bar from "bar.json";
+-import * as baz from "baz.json" /* comment */;
++import * as bar from "bar.json" with {};
++import * as baz from "baz.json" with { /* comment */ };
+**Prettier Similarity**: 42.86%
+# js/import-attributes/multi-types.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/import-attributes/non-type.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/import-attributes/re-export.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/import-attributes/static-import.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/import-attributes/without-from.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/import-meta/import_meta.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/import-reflection/comments.js
+-/* 0 */ import module /* 1 */ /* 2 */ from /* 3 */ from /* 4 */ "./module.wasm" /* 5 */;
++/* 0 */ import /* 1 */module /* 2 */from /* 3 */
++from; /* 4 */
++("./module.wasm") /* 5 */;
+**Prettier Similarity**: 0.00%
+# js/import-reflection/import-reflection.js
+-import module foo from "./module.wasm";
++import module
+**Prettier Similarity**: 0.00%
+# js/import/brackets.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/import/comments.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/import/empty-import.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/import/inline.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/import/long-line.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/import/multiple_standalones.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/import/same-local-and-imported.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/in/arrow-function-invalid.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/in/arrow-function.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/invalid-code/duplicate_bindings.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/label/block-statement-and-regexp.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/label/comment.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/label/empty_label.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/last-argument-expansion/arrow.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/last-argument-expansion/assignment-pattern.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/last-argument-expansion/break-parent.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/last-argument-expansion/dangling-comment-in-arrow-function.js
+-foo(() =>
+- // foo
+- {},
++ (
++ // foo
++ ) => {},
+ );
+**Prettier Similarity**: 20.00%
+# js/last-argument-expansion/edge_case.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/last-argument-expansion/embed.js
+-foo(/* HTML */ `
+- bar
+- `);
+-foo(/* HTML */ `
+- bar
+-foo(/* HTML */ ``);
+-foo(/* HTML */ `
+-foo(/* GraphQL */ `
+- query {
+- foo {
+- bar
+- }
+- }
+-foo(/* ... */ css`
+- color: magenta;
+-const a = (b) => /* HTML */ `
+- bar
+- `;
+-const c = (b) => /* HTML */ `
+- bar
++foo(/* HTML */ ` bar `);
++foo(/* HTML */ ` bar `);
++foo(/* HTML */ ``);
++foo(/* HTML */ ` `);
++foo(/* GraphQL */ `query { foo { bar } }`);
++foo(/* ... */ css`color:magenta`);
++const a = (b) => /* HTML */ ` bar `;
++const c = (b) => /* HTML */ ` bar `;
+**Prettier Similarity**: 0.00%
+# js/last-argument-expansion/empty-lines.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/last-argument-expansion/empty-object.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/last-argument-expansion/function-body-in-mode-break.js
+ fs.readdirSync(suiteLoc).forEach(function (testName) {
+- (skip ? it.skip : it)(
+- testName,
+- buildTest(binName, testName, opts),
+- 2_000_000,
+- );
++ (skip
++ ? it.skip
++ : it)(testName, buildTest(binName, testName, opts), 2_000_000);
+ });
+ {
+ (skip ? it.skip : it)(
+ testName,
+ buildTest(binName, testName, opts),
+ 2_000_000,
+ );
+ }
+**Prettier Similarity**: 66.67%
+# js/last-argument-expansion/function-expression-issue-2239.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/last-argument-expansion/function-expression.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/last-argument-expansion/issue-10708.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/last-argument-expansion/issue-7518.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/last-argument-expansion/jsx.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/last-argument-expansion/number-only-array.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/last-argument-expansion/object.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/last-argument-expansion/overflow.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/line-suffix-boundary/boundary.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/line/windows.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/literal-numeric-separator/test.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/literal/number.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/logical-assignment/logical-assignment.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/logical_expressions/issue-7024.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/logical_expressions/logical_expression_operators.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/member/conditional.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/member/expand.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/member/logical.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/method-chain/13018.js
+ foo(_a).bar().leet();
+ foo(-a).bar().leet();
++ .bar()
++ .leet();
++ .bar()
++ .leet();
++ .bar()
++ .leet();
++ .bar()
++ .leet();
++ .bar()
++ .leet();
++ .bar()
++ .leet();
+**Prettier Similarity**: 10.00%
+# js/method-chain/bracket_0-1.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/method-chain/bracket_0.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/method-chain/break-last-call.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/method-chain/break-last-member.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/method-chain/break-multiple.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/method-chain/comment.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/method-chain/complex-args.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/method-chain/computed-merge.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/method-chain/computed.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/method-chain/conditional.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/method-chain/cypress.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/method-chain/d3.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/method-chain/first_long.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/method-chain/fluent-configuration.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/method-chain/inline_merge.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/method-chain/issue-11298.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/method-chain/issue-3594.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/method-chain/issue-3621.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/method-chain/issue-4125.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/method-chain/logical.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/method-chain/multiple-members.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/method-chain/object-literal.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/method-chain/pr-7889.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/method-chain/print-width-120/constructor.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/method-chain/print-width-120/issue-7884.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/method-chain/short-names.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/method-chain/simple-args.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/method-chain/square_0.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/method-chain/test.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/method-chain/this.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/module-string-names/module-string-names-export.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/module-string-names/module-string-names-import.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/multiparser-comments/comment-inside.js
+ // #9274
+ html`
+ ${
+ this.set && this.set.artist
+ /* avoid console errors if `this.set` is undefined */
+ }
+ `;
+ html`${
+ foo
+ /* comment */
+ }`;
+ html`
+- ${
+- foo
+- /* comment */
+- }
++ foo
++ /* comment */
+ `;
++ foo
++ /* comment */
+ graphql`
+- ${
+- foo
+- /* comment */
+- }
+- ${
+- foo
+- /* comment */
+- }
++ foo
++ /* comment */
+ `;
+- ${
+- foo
+- /* comment */
+- }
++ foo
++ /* comment */
+ css`
+- ${
+- foo
+- /* comment */
+- }
++ foo
++ /* comment */
+ `;
+ markdown`${
+ foo
+ /* comment */
+ }`;
+ markdown`
+ ${
+ foo
+ /* comment */
+ }
+ `;
+ // https://github.com/prettier/prettier/pull/9278#issuecomment-700589195
+ expr1 = html`
+ ${x(
+ foo, // fg
+ bar,
+- )}
++ )}
+ `;
+**Prettier Similarity**: 61.19%
+# js/multiparser-comments/comments.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/multiparser-comments/tagged.js
+ foo(
+ html // oops
+- `
+- `,
++ ` `,
+ );
+**Prettier Similarity**: 33.33%
+# js/multiparser-css/colons-after-substitutions.js
+ const Icon = styled.div`
+ flex: none;
+- transition: fill 0.25s;
++ transition: fill 0.25s;
+ width: 48px;
+ height: 48px;
+ ${Link}:hover {
+- fill: rebeccapurple;
++ fill: rebeccapurple;
+ }
+ ${Link} :hover {
+ fill: yellow;
+ }
+- ${media.smallDown}::before {
+- }
++ ${media.smallDown}::before {}
+ `;
+**Prettier Similarity**: 76.47%
+# js/multiparser-css/colons-after-substitutions2.js
+ const Icon = styled.div`
+ height: 48px;
+ ${Link}:nth-child(2) {
+ fill: rebeccapurple;
+ }
+ `;
+ const Icon2 = styled.div`
+ height: 48px;
+- ${Link}:empty:before {
++ ${Link}:empty:before{
+ fill: rebeccapurple;
+ }
+ `;
+ const Icon3 = styled.div`
+ height: 48px;
+ ${Link}:not(:first-child) {
+ fill: rebeccapurple;
+ }
+ `;
+**Prettier Similarity**: 95.65%
+# js/multiparser-css/issue-11797.js
+ const paragraph1 = css`
+ font-size: 12px;
+- transform: ${vert ? "translateY" : "translateX"}
+- (${translation + handleOffset}px);
++ transform: ${vert ? "translateY" : "translateX"}(${translation + handleOffset}px);
+ `;
+ const paragraph2 = css`
+ transform: ${expr}(30px);
+ `;
+ const paragraph3 = css`
+ transform: ${expr} (30px);
+ `;
+**Prettier Similarity**: 84.62%
+# js/multiparser-css/issue-2636.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/multiparser-css/issue-2883.js
+ export const foo = css`
+- &.foo .${bar}::before,&.foo[value="hello"] .${bar}::before {
+- position: absolute;
+- }
++&.foo .${bar}::before,&.foo[value="hello"] .${bar}::before {
++ position: absolute;
+ `;
+ export const foo2 = css`
+- a.${bar}:focus,a.${bar}:hover {
+- color: red;
+- }
++a.${bar}:focus,a.${bar}:hover {
++ color: red;
+ `;
+ export const global = css`
+- button.${foo}.${bar} {
+- color: #fff;
+- }
++button.${foo}.${bar} {
++ color: #fff;
+ `;
+**Prettier Similarity**: 47.06%
+# js/multiparser-css/issue-5697.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/multiparser-css/issue-5961.js
+ const Steps = styled.div`
+ @media (min-width: 1px) {
+- ${Step}:nth-child(odd) {
+- }
++ ${Step}:nth-child(odd) {}
+ }
+ `;
+ const Steps2 = styled.div`
+ @media (min-width: ${breakpoints.lg}) {
+ ${Step} {
+ margin-bottom: 90px;
+ }
+ ${Step}:nth-child(odd) {
+ ${StepItemDescription} {
+ grid-row: 1;
+ grid-column: 3 / span 3;
+ }
+ ${Image} {
+ grid-row: 1;
+ grid-column: 7 / span 6;
+ }
+ }
+ ${Step}:nth-child(even) {
+ ${Image} {
+ grid-row: 1;
+ grid-column: 3 / span 6;
+ }
+ ${StepItemDescription} {
+ grid-row: 1;
+ grid-column: 10 / span 3;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ `;
+**Prettier Similarity**: 94.44%
+# js/multiparser-css/issue-6259.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/multiparser-css/issue-8352.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/multiparser-css/issue-9072.js
+ const style1 = css`
+- width: ${size + 10}${sizeUnit};
+- border: ${size / 10} ${sizeUnit} solid ${color};
++ width:${size + 10}${sizeUnit};
++ border:${size / 10} ${sizeUnit} solid ${color};
+ `;
+ const style2 = css`
+ width: ${size + 10}${sizeUnit};
+ border: ${size / 10} ${sizeUnit} solid ${color};
+ `;
+ const style3 = css`
+- foo: ${foo}${bar} ${baz};
++ foo: ${foo}${bar} ${baz};
+ `;
+**Prettier Similarity**: 76.92%
+# js/multiparser-css/styled-components-multiple-expressions.js
+ const Header = styled.div`
+ ${something()}
+ & > ${Child}:not(:first-child) {
+- margin-left: 5px;
+- }
+ `;
+ const Header2 = styled.div`
+ ${something()}
+ & > ${Child}${Child2}:not(:first-child) {
+- margin-left: 5px;
+- }
+ `;
+- ${foo}-idle {
+- }
++styled.div`${foo}-idle { }`;
+- ${foo}-0-idle {
+- }
++styled.div`${foo}-0-idle { }`;
+ styled.div`
+- font-family: "${a}", "${b}";
++font-family: "${a}", "${b}";
+ `;
+**Prettier Similarity**: 51.85%
+# js/multiparser-css/styled-components.js
+ const ListItem1 = styled.li``;
+-const ListItem2 = styled.li``;
++const ListItem2 = styled.li` `;
+-const Dropdown = styled.div`
+- position: relative;
++const Dropdown = styled.div`position: relative;`;
+ const Button = styled.button`
+- color: palevioletred;
++ color: palevioletred ;
+- font-size: 1em;
++ font-size : 1em ;
+ `;
+ const TomatoButton = Button.extend`
+- color: tomato;
++ color : tomato ;
+- border-color: tomato;
++border-color : tomato
++ ;
+ `;
+ Button.extend.attr({})`
+- border-color: black;
++border-color : black;
+ `;
+ styled(ExistingComponent)`
+- color: papayawhip;
+- background-color: firebrick;
++ color : papayawhip ; background-color: firebrick`;
+ styled.button.attr({})`
+- border: rebeccapurple;
++border : rebeccapurple`;
+ styled(ExistingComponent).attr({})`
+- border: rebeccapurple;
++border : rebeccapurple`;
+ styled.div`
+ color: ${(props) => props.theme.colors.paragraph};
+ /* prettier-ignore */
+ ${(props) => (props.small ? "font-size: 0.8em;" : "")};
+ `;
+ styled.div`
+ color: ${(props) => props.theme.colors.paragraph};
+ /* prettier-ignore */
+ ${(props) => (props.small ? "font-size: 0.8em;" : "")}
+ `;
+ styled.div`
+- /* prettier-ignore */
++ /* prettier-ignore */
+ color: ${(props) => props.theme.colors.paragraph};
+ ${(props) => (props.small ? "font-size: 0.8em;" : "")};
+ `;
+ styled.div`
+ color: ${(props) => props.theme.colors.paragraph};
+ /* prettier-ignore */
+ ${(props) => (props.small ? "font-size: 0.8em;" : "")};
+ /* prettier-ignore */
+ ${(props) => (props.red ? "color: red;" : "")};
+ `;
+ styled.div`
+ /* prettier-ignore */
+ color: ${(props) => props.theme.colors.paragraph};
+ /* prettier-ignore */
+ ${(props) => (props.small ? "font-size: 0.8em;" : "")};
+ /* prettier-ignore */
+ ${(props) => (props.red ? "color: red;" : "")};
+ /* prettier-ignore */
+ `;
+ styled.div`
+- ${sanitize} ${fonts}
++ ${sanitize} ${fonts}
+ html {
+ margin: 0;
+ }
+ `;
+ styled.div`
+ ${bar}
+ baz
+ `;
+ styled.span`
+ foo
+ ${bar}
+ baz
+ `;
+ styled.div`
+ foo
+ ${bar}
+ ${baz}
+ `;
+ styled.span`
+ ${foo}
+ ${bar}
+ `;
+ styled.div`
+ ${foo} bar
+ `;
+ styled.span`
+ ${foo} ${bar}
+ baz: ${foo}
+ `;
+ styled.span`
+- ${foo};
+- ${bar};
+ `;
+ styled.span`
+- ${foo}: ${bar};
++${foo}: ${bar};
+ `;
+ styled.span`
+- ${foo}: ${bar}
++${foo}: ${bar}
+ `;
+ styled.span`
+- ${foo}: ${bar}
+ `;
+ styled.span`
+- ${foo}: ${bar};
+ `;
+ styled.a`
+ ${feedbackCountBlockCss}
+ text-decoration: none;
+ ${FeedbackCount} {
+ margin: 0;
+ }
+ `;
+ const StyledComponent1 = styled.div`
+ ${anInterpolation}
+ /* a comment */
+ .aRule {
+- color: red;
++ color: red
+ }
+ `;
+ const StyledComponent2 = styled.div`
+ ${anInterpolation}
+ /* a comment */
+ .aRule {
+- color: red;
++ color: red
+ }
+ `;
+ const Direction = styled.span`
+ ${({ up }) => up && `color: ${color.positive};`}
+ ${({ down }) => down && `color: ${color.negative};`}
+ `;
+ const Direction2 = styled.span`
+ ${({ up }) => up && `color: ${color.positive}`};
+ ${({ down }) => down && `color: ${color.negative}`};
+ `;
+ const mixin = css`
+ color: ${(props) => props.color};
+ ${(props) => props.otherProperty}: ${(props) => props.otherValue};
+ `;
+ const foo = styled.div`
+ display: flex;
+ ${(props) => props.useMixin && mixin}
+ `;
+ const Single1 = styled.div`
+- color: red;
++ color: red
+ `;
+ const Single2 = styled.div`
+ color: red;
+ `;
+ const Dropdown2 = styled.div`
+ /* A comment to avoid the prettier issue: https://github.com/prettier/prettier/issues/2291 */
+ position: relative;
+ `;
+ const bar = styled.div`
+ border-radius: 50%;
+ border: 5px solid rgba(var(--green-rgb), 0);
+ display: inline-block;
+ height: 40px;
+ width: 40px;
+ ${(props) =>
+ (props.complete || props.inProgress) &&
+ css`
+ border-color: rgba(var(--green-rgb), 0.15);
+ `}
+ div {
+ background-color: var(--purpleTT);
+ border-radius: 50%;
+ border: 4px solid rgba(var(--purple-rgb), 0.2);
+ color: var(--purpleTT);
+ display: inline-flex;
+ ${(props) =>
+ props.complete &&
+ css`
+ background-color: var(--green);
+ border-width: 7px;
+ `}
+ ${(props) =>
+ (props.complete || props.inProgress) &&
+ css`
+ border-color: var(--green);
+ `}
+ }
+ `;
+ const A = styled.a`
+ display: inline-block;
+ color: #fff;
+ ${(props) =>
+ props.a &&
+ css`
+- display: none;
+- `}
+- height: 30px;
++ display: none;
++ `}
++ height: 30px;
+ `;
+ const Foo = styled.p`
+ max-width: 980px;
+ ${mediaBreakpointOnlyXs`
+ && {
+ font-size: 0.8rem;
+ }
+ `}
+ &.bottom {
+ margin-top: 3rem;
+ }
+ `;
+ styled(A)`
+ // prettier-ignore
+ @media (aaaaaaaaaaaaa) {
+ z-index: ${(props) => (props.isComplete ? "1" : "0")};
+ }
+ `;
+ const StyledDiv = styled.div`
+ ${(props) => getSize(props.$size.xs)}
+ ${(props) => getSize(props.$size.sm, "sm")}
+ ${(props) => getSize(props.$size.md, "md")}
+ `;
+**Prettier Similarity**: 88.64%
+# js/multiparser-css/url.js
+- color: red;
+- background: url(http://example.com?q=${foo});
++styled.div`color:red;background: url(http://example.com?q=${foo})`;
+**Prettier Similarity**: 0.00%
+# js/multiparser-css/var.js
+ const Something = styled.div`
+ background: var(--${one}); /* ... */
+ border: 1px solid var(--${two}); /* ... */
+ `;
+ const StyledPurchaseCard = styled(Card)`
+ min-width: 200px;
+ background-color: var(--${(props) => props.color});
+ color: #fff;
+ `;
+ const v1 = css`
+- prop: var(--global--color--${props.variant});
++prop: var(--global--color--${props.variant});
+ `;
+ const v2 = css`
+- background-color: var(--global--color--${props.variant});
++ background-color: var(--global--color--${props.variant});
+- &:hover {
+- background-color: var(--global--color--${props.variant}__one);
+- }
++ &:hover {
++ background-color: var(--global--color--${props.variant}__one);
++ }
++ `;
+ export const StyledComponent = styled.div`
+- grid-area: area-${(props) => props.propName};
++ grid-area: area-${(props) => props.propName};
+ `;
+**Prettier Similarity**: 73.08%
+# js/multiparser-graphql/comment-tag.js
+ const query = /* GraphQL */ `
+- {
+- user(id: 5) {
++ {
++ user( id : 5 ) {
+ firstName
+ lastName
+ }
+ }
+ `;
+**Prettier Similarity**: 77.78%
+# js/multiparser-graphql/definitions.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/multiparser-graphql/escape.js
+ gql`
+ "\`foo\` mutation payload."
+- type FooPayload {
+- bar: String
++ type FooPayload {
++ bar: String
+ }
+ `;
+ gql`
+- type Project {
++type Project {
+ "Pattern: \`\${project}\`"
+ pattern: String
+ """
+ Pattern: \`\${project}\`
+ """
+ pattern: String
+- # Also: Escaping the first parentheses...
+- "Pattern: \`\${project}\`"
++ # Also: Escaping the first parentheses...
++ "Pattern: \`$\{project}\`"
+ pattern: String
+ # Or escaping the first and second parentheses...
+- "Pattern: \`\${project}\`"
++ "Pattern: \`$\{project\}\`"
+ pattern: String
+- }
+ `;
+ gql`
+ """
+ - \`
+ - \\\`
+ - \\ a
+ - \\\\
+ - $
+ - \$
+ - \${
+ - \\\${
+ - \u1234
+ """
+ type A {
+ a
+ }
+ `;
+**Prettier Similarity**: 82.93%
+# js/multiparser-graphql/expressions.js
+ graphql(
+ schema,
+ `
+- query allPartsByManufacturerName($name: String!) {
+- allParts(filter: { manufacturer: { name: $name } }) {
+- ...PartAll
+- }
+- }
+- ${fragments.all}
+- `,
++query allPartsByManufacturerName($name: String!) {
++ allParts(filter:{manufacturer: {name: $name}}) {
++... PartAll
+ );
+ const veryLongVariableNameToMakeTheLineBreak = graphql(
+ schema,
+ `
+- query allPartsByManufacturerName($name: String!) {
+- allParts(filter: { manufacturer: { name: $name } }) {
+- ...PartAll
+- }
+- }
+- ${fragments.all}
+- `,
++query allPartsByManufacturerName($name: String!) {
++ allParts(filter:{manufacturer: {name: $name}}) {
++... PartAll
+ );
+**Prettier Similarity**: 39.13%
+# js/multiparser-graphql/graphql-tag.js
+ import gql from "graphql-tag";
+ const query = gql`
+- {
+- user(id: 5) {
++ {
++ user( id : 5 ) {
+ firstName
+ lastName
+ }
+ }
+ `;
+ // With interpolations:
+ gql`
+- query User {
+- user(id: 5) {
+- ...UserDetails
+- ...Friends
+- }
++query User {
++ user(id:5){
++ ...UserDetails
++ ...Friends
+ }
+ `;
+ // Skip if non-toplevel interpolation:
+ gql`
+ query User {
+ user(id:${id}){ name }
+ }
+ `;
+ // Skip if top-level interpolation within comment:
+ gql`
+ query User {
+ user(id:5){ name }
+ }
+ #${test}
+ `;
+ // Comment on last line:
+ gql`
+- query User {
+- user(id: 5) {
+- name
+- }
+- }
+- # comment
++query User {
++ user(id:5){ name }
++# comment`;
+ // ` <-- editor syntax highlighting workaround
+ // Preserve up to one blank line between things and enforce linebreak between
+ // interpolations:
+ gql`
+- # comment
+- ${one}
+- ${two}
+- ${three}
+- ${four}
++# comment
++${one}${two} ${three}
+- ${five}
+- # comment
+- ${six}
++# comment
+- # comment
+- ${seven}
+- # comment
++# comment
++# comment
++ # comment with trailing whitespace
+- ${eight}
+- # comment with trailing whitespace
++# blank line above this comment
+- # blank line above this comment
+ `;
+ // Interpolation directly before and after query:
+- ${one}
+- query Test {
+- test
+- }
+- ${two}
++gql`${one} query Test { test }${two}`;
+ // Only interpolation:
+- ${test}
+ // Only comment:
+- # comment
++gql`# comment`;
+ // ` <-- editor syntax highlighting workaround
+ // Only whitespace:
++gql` `;
+ // Empty:
+ gql``;
+ // Comments after other things:
+ // Currently, comments after interpolations are moved to the next line.
+ // We might want to keep them on the next line in the future.
+ gql`
+- ${test}
+- # comment
++ ${test} # comment
+- query Test {
+- # comment
++ query Test { # comment
+ test # comment
+ } # comment
+- ${test}
+- # comment
+- ${test}
+- # comment
++ ${test} # comment
++ ${test} # comment
+- ${test}
+- # comment
++ ${test} # comment
+ # comment
+- ${test}
+- # comment
++ ${test} # comment
+ `;
+ // Larger mixed test:
+ gql`
+- query User {
+- test
+- }
+- # Comment
+- # that continues on a new line
+- # and has a blank line in the middle
++query User {
++ test
++ # Comment
++ # that continues on a new line
++ # and has a blank line in the middle
+ ${generateFragment({
+ totally: "a good idea",
+ })}
+- ${fragment}
+- #comment
+- fragment another on User {
+- name
+- }
+- ${fragment}
++fragment another on User { name
+**Prettier Similarity**: 56.44%
+# js/multiparser-graphql/graphql.js
+ graphql(
+ schema,
+ `
+- mutation MarkReadNotificationMutation($input: MarkReadNotificationData!) {
+- markReadNotification(data: $input) {
+- notification {
+- seenState
+- }
+- }
+- }
+- `,
++mutation MarkReadNotificationMutation(
++ $input
++ : MarkReadNotificationData!
++ )
++{ markReadNotification(data: $input ) { notification {seenState} } }`,
+ );
+**Prettier Similarity**: 33.33%
+# js/multiparser-graphql/invalid.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/multiparser-graphql/react-relay.js
+ const { graphql } = require("react-relay");
+ graphql`
+- mutation MarkReadNotificationMutation($input: MarkReadNotificationData!) {
+- markReadNotification(data: $input) {
+- notification {
+- seenState
+- }
+- }
+- }
++ mutation MarkReadNotificationMutation(
++ $input
++ : MarkReadNotificationData!
++ )
++{ markReadNotification(data: $input ) { notification {seenState} } }
+ `;
+ graphql.experimental`
+- mutation MarkReadNotificationMutation($input: MarkReadNotificationData!) {
+- markReadNotification(data: $input) {
+- notification {
+- seenState
+- }
+- }
+- }
++ mutation MarkReadNotificationMutation(
++ $input
++ : MarkReadNotificationData!
++ )
++{ markReadNotification(data: $input ) { notification {seenState} } }
+ `;
+**Prettier Similarity**: 33.33%
+# js/multiparser-html/html-template-literals.js
+ const nestedFun = /* HTML */ `${outerExpr(1)}
+ `;
+ const nestedFun2 = /* HTML */ `${outerExpr(1)}
+ `;
+ setFoo(
+ html`one
+ two
+ three
+ secondArgument,
+ );
+ setFoo(
+ html`
+ two
+ three
+ secondArgument,
+ );
+ setFoo(
+ html``,
+ secondArgument,
+ );
+**Prettier Similarity**: 96.88%
+# js/multiparser-html/issue-10691.js
+ export default function include_photoswipe(gallery_selector = ".my-gallery") {
+- return /* HTML */ ` `;
++ return /* HTML */ `
++ `;
+ }
+**Prettier Similarity**: 25.00%
+# js/multiparser-html/language-comment/not-language-comment.js
+**Prettier Similarity**: 100.00%
+# js/multiparser-html/lit-html.js
+ import { LitElement, html } from "@polymer/lit-element";
+ class MyElement extends LitElement {
+ static get properties() {
+ return {
+ mood: { type: String },
+ };
+ }
+ constructor() {
+ super();
+ this.mood = "happy";
+ }
+ render() {
+ return html`
+- Web Components are ${this.mood}!
++ Web Components are ${this.mood}!
+ `;
+ }
+ }
+ customElements.define("my-element", MyElement);
+-const someHtml1 = html`hello ${world}
+-const someHtml2 = /* HTML */ `hello ${world}
++const someHtml1 = html` hello ${world}
++const someHtml2 = /* HTML */ ` hello ${world}
+ html``;
+ html``;
+-html` <${Footer}>footer content/> `;
++html` <${Footer} >footer content/ > `;
+-html` `;
++html` `;
+-html` `;
+ html`onetwothree`;
+ function HelloWorld() {
+ return html`
+ Bar List
+- ${bars.map((bar) => html` ${bar}
++ ${bars.map(
++ (bar) => html`
++ ${bar}
++ `,
++ )}
+ `;
+ }
+-const trickyParens = html``;
+-const nestedFun = /* HTML */ `${outerExpr(1)}
+- `;
++const trickyParens = html``;
++const nestedFun = /* HTML */ `${outerExpr(
++ 1,
++)} `;
+ const closingScriptTagShouldBeEscapedProperly = /* HTML */ `
+ `;
+-const closingScriptTag2 = /* HTML */ ``;
++const closingScriptTag2 = /* HTML */ `