ACMG Supplementary Findings
@@ -219,7 +245,157 @@ const panelAppConditions = computed
(() => {
+ Associated Diseases
+ ({{ conditions.diseaseAssociations?.length }} of
+ {{ conditions.diseaseAssociations?.length }})
+ ({{ diseasesToShow.length }} of {{ conditions.diseaseAssociations?.length }})
+ ({{ conditions.diseaseAssociations?.length }})
+ •
+ {{ showAllDiseases ? ' show fewer' : ' show all' }}
+ {{ assoc.diseaseName }}
+ Description: {{ assoc.diseaseDefinition ?? 'N/A' }}
+ Confidence:
+ mdi-star
+ mdi-star
+ mdi-star
+ mdi-star
+ mdi-star
+ mdi-star-outline
+ mdi-star
+ mdi-star-outline
+ mdi-star-outline
+ • Sources:
+ {{ assoc.sources.map((s) => GDA_LABELS[s]).join(', ') }}
+ - [{{ disorder.termId }}] {{ disorder.title }}
+ No diseases associated with gene.
+ PanelApp Panels
+ ({{ conditions.panelappAssociations?.length }} of
+ {{ conditions.panelappAssociations?.length }})
+ ({{ panelsToShow.length }} of {{ conditions.panelappAssociations?.length }})
+ ({{ conditions.panelappAssociations?.length }})
+ •
+ {{ showAllPanels ? ' show fewer' : ' show all' }}
+ {{ assoc.panel.name }}
+ (v{{ assoc.panel.version }})
+ Confidence:
+ mdi-star
+ mdi-star
+ mdi-star
+ mdi-star
+ mdi-star
+ mdi-star-outline
+ mdi-star
+ mdi-star-outline
+ mdi-star-outline
+ • Mode of Inheritance:
+ {{ assoc.modeOfInheritance }}
+ No PanelApp panels associated with gene.
HPO Terms
@@ -262,60 +438,6 @@ const panelAppConditions = computed(() => {
No HPO terms associated with gene.
- OMIM Diseases
- ({{ geneInfo?.dbnsfp?.mimDisease?.length ?? 0 }})
- No OMIM diseases annotated in dbNSFP.
- PanelApp Conditions
- ({{ panelAppConditions.length }})
- No PanelApp conditions found.