- ❌ pole plot
- ❌ scipy
- ❌ submit feedback depending on chrome and firefox
- ❌ "Flutter position stack widget in center" scroll bar in bright theme
- ❌ remove innerHTML assignment
- ❌ make it so that the panel you get when continue chatting and back to search is also the same
- ✅ link underline n'importe ou
- ✅ goes with dark reader
- ✅ checkbox uniques
- ✅ presse papier
- ✅ bang opti
- ✅ option afficher un nombre max de panneaux possibles
- ✅ activer / desactiver options pour chaque outils
- ✅ agrandir panel for ecosia
- ✅ remove doublons panels
- ✅ le panel passe au dessus des recherches associes dans google
- ✅ "https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Le_Jeu_de_la_dame" wikipedia image
- ✅ calculatrice
- ✅ wikipedia sigle
- ✅ add privacy page
- ✅ "python plot stack"
- ✅ bug "plot python", copy paste
- ✅ other plot more pretty
- ✅ superuser.com
- ✅ fix bang
- ✅ genius.com
- ✅ problem back arrow privacy policy
- ✅ problem p = .16; q = 1 - p ; b = 1.96sqrt(pq/100); [p-b, p+b], overflow
- ✅ bug w3schools "sql online"
- ✅ "express static ts file" no answer, propose to write an answer in optibox
- ✅ add contact page → submit feedback
- ✅ "substring python" (stackoverflow.com/q/)
- ✅ copy button not positioned well firefox
- ✅ link in popup clean
- ✅ donate button
- ✅ bug genius
- ✅ brave search engine
- ✅ manage snippet stackoverflow (e.g. "clock js")
- ✅ change scroll bar apparence when dark
- ✅ background color brave && duckduckgo
- ✅ size code brave
- ✅ knowing which engine directly in Engines not in panel.js
- ✅ genius only songs
- ✅ serverfault.com, all stack exchange sites
- ✅ answers.unity.com
- ✅ run_at document_end
- ✅ increase width of right column
- ✅ injecter les feuilles de style manuellement pr que le dark mode soit auto
- ✅ move to dir "site" -> "sites"
- ✅ copy no endline at the end
- ✅ bug liste des chansons michael jackson
- ✅ icon for stackoverflow when no response is wrong
- ✅ manifest 3.0
- ✅ bug click sur les sites dans le popup
- ✅ bug popup wait too long -> icones
- ✅ size box bug with google
- ✅ no image wikipedia/stackoverflow,... on firefox with duckduckgo/ecosia...
- ✅ bug genius
- ✅ reverif all sites
- ✅ mathworks.com : https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/answers/217867-how-can-i-calculate-mse-and-psnr-of-rgb-color-image
- ✅ bug style dark ecosia
- ✅ ecosia optiserachbox, sometimes disapearing
- ✅ duckduckgo not displaying panel from site
- ✅ bug panel linux
- ✅ "puppeteer extension disabled", "debug log php" and "write file php" and many other bad formating
- ✅ don't work with bing when not connected because of redirection link (with firefox)
- ✅ Baidu search
- ✅ better alignment with the existing panels of google
- ✅ fast copy paste source code to bingchat extension
- ✅ Make Baidu working with results
- ✅ Baidu sometimes disappearing
- ✅ sometimes test is not in paragraph and thus have a bad line-height
- ✅ hides some sources when too many
- ✅ sometimes stops without chat, should handle this case (not resolved even if we only accepts the chats messages) -> just show the results
- ✅ languages (english, spanish, french, german, chinese, russian, arabic)
- ✅ button to expand and force right column directly on the panel
- ✅ continue chat with bing
- ✅ allow chrome user to use bing chat
- ✅ div not the same margin in bing
- ✅ panel shifted regarding the other panel (unless the panel is a movie in Google)
- ✅ the message is duplicated when continue chat if this is a question and the real bing chat ask it too
- ✅ column going to the bottom if created by me in google
- ✅ add copy button in bingchat
- ✅ allow firefox user to use bing chat
- ✅ put bingchat in this repo and make build scripts
- ✅ fetch bingchat config from gist
- ✅ remove bingchat in optisearch
- ✅ ad for optisearch in bing chat extension and vice-versa
- ✅ title of sites in popup do not correspond
- 3 modes of bingchat
- improve perf by asking bingchat before loading the page
- bing chat languages
- fix baidu
- links bing chat with hover title, icon
- option put on top of the panel that are already there
- option remove panel already here
- fold recherche associes duckduckgo
- option put at the place of the result
- plot in dark mode
- send feedback when no right pannel detected
- remove duckduckgo bang and make separate extension
- bug Excel Color Scales in w3scools
- make responsive column instead of checkbox max width
- go opensource
- make the addition on a site standard and enable anyone to create one for the site he needs
- close window when refreh after connecting to bing or chatgpt
- add reddit
- forum odoo
- cppreference
- man page
- loading box
- compart.com or other sites to copy utf-8 symbols
- wikipedia list with headlines (for sigle) (ex. "crows foot")
- https://stackoverflow.com/questions/44782476/split-a-numpy-array-both-horizontally-and-vertically#44782633 comment python not good
- vote button stack overflow
- switch answer stack overflow
- fold the panel