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A simple Result type in Java for functional exception handling. Inspired by Haskell's Either, antitypical/Result in Swift, and cyclops' Try.

Why should I use it?

TL;DR; Result allows you to call methods that throw checked exceptions in lambas without messy workarounds like nested try/catch or runtime exceptions.

With the advent of functional APIs in Java such as Optional and Stream, it's not uncommon to call methods which can throw a checked (or unchecked) exception in your lambdas. For instance, when parsing a URL from the app's environment:

Optional<URI> apiBaseURL = Optional.ofNullable(System.getenv("apiBaseURL")).map(baseUrlString -> {
  // Compiler error, unhandled URISyntaxException
  return new URI(baseUrlString);

In order to handle that URISyntaxException and unpack the optional, you might wind up with code looking like this:

URI apiBaseURL;
try {
  apiBaseURL = Optional
      .map(baseUrlString -> {
        try {
          return new URI(baseUrlString);
        } catch (URISyntaxException e) {
          // wrap as unchecked exception, catch outside of lambda
          throw new RuntimeException("uri parsing error", e);
} catch (NoSuchElementException e) {
  throw new IllegalStateException("Missing apiBaseURL env var");
} catch (RuntimeException e) {
  // catch and re-throw the wrapped URISyntaxException
  if (e.getCause() instanceof URISyntaxException) {
    throw (URISyntaxException)e.getCause();
  } else {
    // something else weird happened, rethrow
    throw e;

Variable reassignment, nested try/catch blocks, and runtime exceptions—oh my! Let's clean this up using Result:

URI apiBaseURI = Result
  .<String, Exception>attempt(Optional.ofNullable(System.getenv("apiBaseURL")::get) // 1
  .flatMap(Result.from(URI::new)) // 2
  .orElseThrow(); // 3

Here's the play by play:

  1. attempt to get the optional value of System.getenv(...), this yields a Result<String, Exception> which either contains a String or an exception (in this case, a NoSuchElementException)
  2. flatMap the initial Result by trying to construct a URI, which returns a Result<URI, Exception>, containing either a URI or an exception
  3. Unpack the final Result, which will either throw one of the captured exceptions or return the transformed value

Other great use cases for Result include:

  • Rethrowing exceptions as an assertion: Result.attempt(...).orElseAssert() (similar to try! in Swift)
  • Returning an empty optional on error: Result<T, E>.attempt(...).getValue() // Optional<T> (similar to try? in Swift)

How do I use it?

Result isn't published in any repositories, so Jitpack is probably your best bet:

repositories {
    maven { url '' }

dependencies {
    compile 'com.github.bgerstle:result-java:master-SNAPSHOT'

You can substitute a tag or commit with master-SNAPSHOT if you don't to be on master.

How do I build it?

With Java 11 or above installed, from the command line:

./gradlew assemble

How do I test it?

With Java 11 or above installed, from the command line:

./gradlew check -i

Or, run all the tests in IntelliJ using a JUnit Run Configuration.