- Start Date: 2020-10-10
- Svelte Issue:
Improving the reactivity system, an evolution not a revolution:
- Improve predictability
- Improve stability
Svelte reactivity system is invisible, even considered "magic", when it doesn't work as expected, it's very hard to debug.
In the current implementation, reactive statements are not always run or are not run with the latest values, this depends on the ordering inside the generated code REPL:
let amount = 2;
let price = 1.99;
let total = 0;
// $: formattedTotal doesn't work when placed above $: calculate
$: formattedTotal = total.toFixed(2);
$: calculate(amount);
function calculate(n) {
total = price * n;
console.log("calculated " + total);
{price} x <input type="number" bind:value="{amount}" /> = {formattedTotal}
While trying fix this single issue, i've noticed other areas that could be improved and created this RFC to collect thoughts and bounce ideas.
A reactive statement must run (at least once) when one or more of its dependencies change (even when the change happens during another reactive statements).
Notify users when the svelte runtime detects that it's unable to process the change.
With the current implementation a single exception inside a reactive statement crashes all svelte components on the page.
Prevent infinite reactivity loops.
This chapter is split into three parts:
- Terminology explaining the terms
- Current design and its drawbacks and some suggestions
- Proposal for an improved Responding phase.
Reactive property: Anything that will trigger the reactivity system. ($store
, state = ...
, $: ...
User: A developer which uses the svelte framework
Userland: Code written by users
Phase: A step in the reactivity system
(Dirty) flag: A boolean-like indicator that an property was changed
(Dirty) mask: A selection of dirty flags
- Init: Component is just created
and needs to evaluate all reactive statements. - Idle: Waiting for a change in a reactive property
- Scheduled: A reactive property changed, waiting for synchronous userland code to complete before applying all changes.
- Responding: Running reactive statements based on the reactive properties that changed.
- BeforeUpdate: Code that should run before the (DOM) updates.
- Update: The components uPdate function is run
which applies the DOM updates based on the reactive properties that changed. - AfterUpdate: Code that should run after the (DOM) updates.
- Destroyed: Component has been destroyed any change to a responsive property is ignored.
$$.update(): the generated function of a component that runs reactive statements, NOT in the Update phase, but in the Responding phase.
$$invalidate: function that is injected into the compiled code which checks if a reactive property has changed.
I've gathered these conclusions based on reading the code and performing tests, please correct me where I reached a wrong conclusion or left out vital information.
Init -> BeforeUpdate -> Update -> AfterUpdate
AfterUpdate -> Idle
AfterUpdate -> Scheduled
Idle -> Scheduled -> Responding -> BeforeUpdate -> Update -> AfterUpdate -> Idle
Idle -> Destroyed
Scheduled -> Destroyed
In the current design the phases and their transitions are not explicit:
Init is determined by a ready
boolean, which becomes true after running all reactive statements.
Scheduled is determined by a dirty_components array.
During Responding and beforeUpdate the $$.dirty
is positive: $$.dirty[0] !== -1
Before the Update phase the mask is reset to [-1]
Destroyed is when $$.fragment === null
The all reactive statements $: ...
are run once, [-1]
matches everything.
If a statement triggers a change in a variable of a statement that already ran, this change is ignored.
Init ends before the first beforeUpdate
so in this case a beforeUpdate can also reschedule if it changes a reactive property, this is not the case subsequent beforeUpdate
calls. REPL
When $$invalidate()
is called the reactive property is marked as dirty and the component is added to the dirty_components array, and if this is the first component the scheduler schedules a flush to apply all changes for all dirty components.
If the scheduler is already running is determined by a update_scheduled
boolean, that's why when an exception occurs the scheduler stops and this boolean is never changed back.
The scheduler waits until the event/subscription handlers are finished (and calls to $$invalidate()
mark reactive properties as dirty)
The generated $$.update()
is called and statements are executed based on the dirty flags.
Calls to $$invalidate()
will mark additional properties as dirty, skip the schedule step and skip the adding to dirty_components. The compiler creates a smart ordering of the statements so that when an $$invalidate()
is called the handlers of that property are below it.
(But the ordering isn't perfect in all cases, creating subtle bugs)
After the $$.update()
ran it continues with the next phase (beforeUpdate)
After the $$.update()
is called all the beforeUpdate hooks are called (update refers to updating the dom)
When a $$invalidate
is called during beforeUpdate, this will update the mask and skip scheduling.
After the hooks ran the dirty mask is reset (after making a local copy)
Changes made in a beforeUpdate are rendered, but ignored by reactive statements.
I haven't used beforeUpdate a lot, an improvement would be to leave the dirty flags created by beforeUpdate, this would allow the next Responding phase to react to the changes. (but they are still ignored in the mean time or when the component is destroyed next)
is called with the local copy of the mask.
When a $$invalidate
is called during p()
the mask is updated, and the component is added to the dirty queue.
Mutating variables directly in the template { count++ }
doesn't result in a call to $$invalidate
(compiler only generates them in the <script>
It does cause problems though, out of sync and allows for an infinite loop
I haven't encountered these bugs (or at least didn't consider them to be the fault of svelte)
There are even valid use-cases for triggering $$invalidate
. Updating state based on new DOM for example.
Compiler might suggest not to use assignments outside script tags (unless inside an event handler), but there might be valid use-cases, like destructuring?.
All the afterUpdate hooks are called, when a $$invalidate
is called during beforeUpdate, this will update the mask and skip scheduling.
When a $$invalidate
is called during p()
the mask is updated, and the component is added to the dirty queue.
Explicit phases, with a $$.phase
const PHASE_INIT = 0;
// ...
if ($$.phase === PHASE_IDLE) {
This change would makes the code easier to reason about, and allows the scheduler to:
- Detect which component was throwing the Error, allowing it to recover and mark the component into an error state.
- Allow the scheduler to detect if the component is rescheduled n times in the same loop
- Allow svelte to warn users a change was triggered in a phase it shouldn't
We can't statically analyse everything, so the solution of running the reactive statements with the latest values is running $$.update()
multiple times, but we have to be smart about how and how many times.
During $$.update()
calls to $$invalidate()
should remove the dirty flag from the mask the $$.update()
is operating on and mark the property as dirty on a separate dirty mask.
We now repeat the $$.update()
with the new mask until no new $$invalidate()
calls are made.
Then combine all dirty masks for the next phases.
- If a handler of the flag already ran it had the previous value.
- If a handler was about to run and we didn't remove the flag, the handler would run twice with the same value.
This could be further optimized by adding checkpoints into the compiled $$.update
that way the $$invalide
knows if a flag was not yet processed (which is common due to the smart ordering).
In most cases this will work, however if a change to A triggers a change in B and that triggers change in A, the loop will never end.
To combat this there are several solutions. Detecting a loop is hard, take the A - B - A for example, it's impossible to predict if the new value of A would also trigger a change in B.
If the combined mask changed, keep running the $$.update
function. when the combined mask is the same as before, run the update one last time. If that last update still makes calls to $$invalidate
remember those flags and set those the dirty when the update completed and warn the user: "postponed change detection for x".
- Doesn't rely on counters with magic numbers
- Quicky stops executing on possible loops
- The reactive statement will run eventually (when another change is detected and scheduled)
- Not too complicated to implement
- Changes of not working correctly much lower than the current implementation
- The compiler knows which a flags are used in the Responding and which are used in the Update phases That information can be used to avoid unnecessary calls to update() or p() (Do we want to call beforeUpdate and afterUpdate if p() isn't going to do anything?)
- Compiler knows the names corresponding with the flags, exposing those names on the component in dev mode would allow better error messages. "
was changed too many times"
The improvements don't require changes of existing svelte code, the reactivity remains invisible, and for new users comes with less caveats.
If code depends on reactivity not working, that code will need to be updated.
Some improvements like error recovery will need to be added to the docs.
The current implementation will be faster but I favor correctness over speed.
(reactive statements are run 0 or 1x per $$.update()
The proposed system is still not 100% correct.
Detecting a looping patterns pattern in the masks:
update 1: changed A & B
update 2: changed C & A
update 3: changed D
update 4: changed A & B
update 5: changed C & A
update 6: changed D
update 1 to 3 is the same as 4 - 6, this is probably a loop.
Pro: Leads Cons: Slower, more memory usage, difficult to implement, still not 100% correct
In the reactive phase: A call to $$invalidate()
should add a diry flag to a separate dirty mask but don't update the mask the $$.update()
is working on. After the update ran, compare the dirty mask to the mask the $$.update()
started with and call $$.update()
again with only the flags that were missing before. This solves the bug of not running a handler at all based on ordering, but doesn't solve correctness, if a handler is called with the latest or an outdated value still depends on the ordering.
Pro's: No looping issues, no duplicate calls to handlers
Cons: Not predictable
Run the $$.update()
until no $$invalidate
is called or a limit of say 100 is reached.
If the limit is reached either show a warning in the console and continue or silently start the next phase.
Pro: Easy to implement
Cons: How many should n be? creating a computed property based on another computed property is allowed, but now suddenly has a limit.
Creates slow downs when a component creates a loop.
Just keep rerunning $$.update()
move the responsibility to svelte users.
Cons: This effectively crashes the browser tab, making it hard to debug.
When an $$invalidate
is called during an $$.update()
warning in the console and let the user change his code.
This wont work, take this example:
$: message = isFirstTime ? `Hi ${fullname}` : `Welcome back ${firstname}`;
$: fullname = `${firstname} ${lastname}`;
When firstname or lastname changed, an update is run and fullname is constructed during that $$.update()
call which triggers an $$invalidate
for fullname.
This is valid svelte code and should be allowed.
- Reliable / Predictable
- Reactive statements always work, independent of their ordering in the source.
- Should be able to reason about without looking at the compiled output.
- Informative
- When a user creates an infinite loop, report how.
- Don't overly guide the users, (an each without key is ok)
- Invisible
- No $scope.$apply()
- Fast / Small
- No infinite loops
- Low memory usage
- Full error detection with details in dev mode, stripped out in production bundle
- Binary Compatible if reasonable
- Compatible with components compiled with an older svelte compiler, unless there are significant benefits
How to warn users about reactivity bugs?
Not in 100% of the cases it's a bug, so an opt-in to these warnings is prefered (but don't call it strict mode)
it's name should indicate that it's ok to leave it off and only toggle it on when debugging strange behavior.
When should triggering reactive statements/assignments be allowed?
Allowed is maybe the wrong word, the variable is already changed, it just that svelte doesn't react to it.