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Fast solution to "The One Billion Row Challenge" implemented in Rust

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Fast 1BRC


This is my solution to The One Billion Row Challenge which consists of processing a file with one billion rows. Each row consists of a weather station name and a temperature reading. The goal is to compute the minimum, mean, and maximum temperatures for each weather station and output the results in an alphabetically ordered format.


Platform User Time System Time CPU Usage Total Time
MacBook PRO, M1 Pro 2021, 32 GB RAM 0.07s 3.49s 308% 1.155s
MacBook PRO, M1 Pro 2020, 16 GB RAM 0.04s 3.20s 39% 8.187s



Getting Started

1. Generate the Dataset

To create the required dataset for the challenge, execute the following command:

cargo run --release --package generate-dataset 1000000000
  • Description: Compiles and runs the generate-dataset package in release mode, generating a measurements.txt file containing 1,000,000,000 temperature records.
  • Output Format:
    St. John's;15.2
    ... etc. ...

2. Run the Processor

After generating the dataset, build and execute the temperature processor using the following command:

cargo build --release && time target/release/fast_1brc

Technical Implementation

1. Chunk-Based File Reading

  • Chunk Size: The input file measurements.txt is partitioned into 16 MB chunks (CHUNK_SIZE = 16 * 1024 * 1024).
  • Chunk Overlap: To handle lines that span across chunks, each chunk includes an overlap of 64 bytes (CHUNK_OVERLAP = 64).
  • File Access: Utilizes FileExt::read_at for concurrent, thread-safe reads of specific file segments, enabling parallel processing without seeking conflicts.

2. Parallel Processing with Crossbeam

  • Thread Management: Employs the crossbeam crate to create scoped threads, dynamically matching the number of available CPU cores (num_cpus::get()).
  • Work Distribution: An AtomicU64 (offset) manages the distribution of file read offsets, ensuring each thread processes a unique file segment without overlap, except for the intentional CHUNK_OVERLAP.

3. SIMD Optimization for Newline Detection

  • SIMD Utilization: Implements Rust's SIMD capabilities via the std::simd module to accelerate the detection of newline characters (\n).

  • Functionality: The find_next_newline_simd function processes the buffer in 64-byte SIMD vectors, performing parallel comparisons to locate newline characters efficiently. If no newline is found within the SIMD-processed block, it falls back to scalar byte-by-byte scanning for the remaining data.

    fn find_next_newline_simd(buffer: &[u8]) -> Option<usize> {
        let mut index = 0;
        let simd_size = 64;
        while index + simd_size <= buffer.len() {
            let bytes = Simd::<u8, 64>::from_slice(&buffer[index..index + simd_size]);
            let mask = bytes.simd_eq(Simd::splat(b'\n'));
            let bits = mask.to_bitmask();
            if bits != 0 {
                let pos = bits.trailing_zeros() as usize;
                return Some(index + pos);
            index += simd_size;
        for i in index..buffer.len() {
            if buffer[i] == b'\n' {
                return Some(i);

4. Parsing and Aggregation

  • Temperature Parsing: Utilizes the fast_float crate to convert temperature byte slices to f64 values rapidly through the parse_temp function.

    fn parse_temp(bytes: &[u8]) -> Option<f64> {
  • Chunk Processing: The process_chunk function iterates through each line within a chunk, parsing the station name and temperature, and aggregates the data using a local FxHashMap.

    fn process_chunk<'a>(chunk: &'a [u8]) -> fxhash::FxHashMap<&'a [u8], Records> {
        let mut map: fxhash::FxHashMap<&'a [u8], Records> = fxhash::FxHashMap::default();
        let mut start = 0;
        let len = chunk.len();
        while start < len {
            let end = match find_next_newline_simd(&chunk[start..]) {
                Some(pos) => start + pos,
                None => len,
            let line = &chunk[start..end];
            if let Some(pos) = memchr::memchr(b';', line) {
                let station = &line[..pos];
                let temp_bytes = &line[pos + 1..];
                if let Some(temp) = parse_temp(temp_bytes) {
                        .and_modify(|e| e.update(temp))
                        .or_insert_with(|| Records::new(temp));
            start = end + 1;

5. Concurrent Data Aggregation

  • Global Aggregation Map: An Arc<Mutex<HashMap<String, Records, FxBuildHasher>>> serves as the thread-safe global hash map for aggregating results from all threads.

    let global_map = Arc::new(Mutex::new(HashMap::with_hasher(FxBuildHasher::default())));
  • Merging Local Maps: Each thread maintains a local FxHashMap during chunk processing. After processing, the local map is merged into the global map within a mutex-protected block to ensure thread safety.

    let mut global_map = global_map.lock().unwrap();
    for (station_bytes, records) in local_map {
        let station = String::from_utf8_lossy(station_bytes).to_string();
            .and_modify(|e: &mut Records| e.merge(&records))

6. Memory Allocation with Jemalloc

  • Allocator Configuration: Integrates tikv_jemallocator as the global memory allocator to optimize allocation patterns, particularly beneficial for the high-throughput, multi-threaded nature of the application.

    #[cfg(not(target_env = "msvc"))]
    use tikv_jemallocator::Jemalloc;
    #[cfg(not(target_env = "msvc"))]
    static GLOBAL: Jemalloc = Jemalloc;

7. Processing Workflow

  1. File Initialization: Opens measurements.txt and retrieves its size to determine the total number of chunks.
  2. Thread Spawning: Creates threads equal to the number of CPU cores available.
  3. Chunk Reading: Each thread reads assigned chunks with overlap handling to ensure complete line reads.
  4. Line Parsing: Utilizes SIMD-optimized newline detection to identify and parse each line within the chunk.
  5. Data Aggregation: Updates local FxHashMap instances with temperature statistics for each station.
  6. Global Aggregation: Merges local maps into the global hash map under mutex protection.
  7. Result Compilation: After all chunks are processed, the program sorts station names alphabetically and outputs the aggregated statistics.


Fast solution to "The One Billion Row Challenge" implemented in Rust





