REINFORCE is an on-policy Monte Carlo variant of a policy gradient algorithm. The agent uses its current policy to collect samples over an episode and then consumes the entire trajectory to update its parameters using the policy gradient theorem.
Reinforce is cogment-verse
minimal implementation of REINFORCE written using tensorflow. It is mainly designed as a entry point for people discovering the cogment-verse
framework, as such, it is lacking a lot of bells and whistles: e.g. it only supports a simple multilayer perceptron architecture (MLP) making it only suited for low dimensionality environments.
The full implementation can be found in tf_agents/cogment_verse_tf_agents/reinforce/
Experiment ran on 2021-11-22 on the current HEAD
version of the code
The run params were the following:
implementation: "reinforce_training"
class_name: data_pb2.RunConfig
player_count: 1
epsilon_min: 0.1
epsilon_steps: 100000
target_net_update_schedule: 1000
lr_warmup_steps: 10000
demonstration_count: 0
total_trial_count: 10000
model_publication_interval: 1000
model_archive_interval: 4000 # Archive every 4000 training steps
render_width: 256
batch_size: 256
flatten: True
aggregate_by_actor: True
framestack: 1
observation_dtype: float32
action_dtype: int8
num_input: 4
num_action: 2
model_kwargs: {}
environment_type: gym
environment_name: CartPole-v0
learning_rate: 3.0e-4
discount_factor: 0.99
min_replay_buffer_size: 10000
max_replay_buffer_size: 100000
max_parallel_trials: 1
agent_implementation: reinforce
This is a plot of the total trial reward against the number of trials with an exponential moving average over 50 trials.