This repository is part of the final project for University of Plymouth's PRCO304 module.
Start by reading doc/final/build/Ben_Lancaster_10424877.pdf
mkdir build && cd build
cmake ..
cmake --build .
or to run all tests (recommended):
cd prco_compiler/test
To compile to machine code:
cli -i tests/binary_ops_1.prco -d -D0xFF -O1
To emulate machine code:
emu -D0xFF
Example programs can be found in prco_compiler/test/tests/*.prco
Instantiate the Verilog
processor core using the following snippet (fill in your wires):
// Instantiate a processor core
prco_core inst_core (
// Operating mode (HIGH=single-step)
// Single-step pulse
// UART comms
// Debug outputs
Made publically available on: 21/05/2018