CyberTweets is part of a bigger project that focuses to identify and discover real time cyber threats in computing system using machine learning approaches applied on the datasets gathered from different open source online network such as online social networks, security blogs, technical forums etc. and sources.
CyberTweets repository contains the dataset of already annotated tweets as well as the web application used to annotate the tweets. The web application is a flask application. The dataset is a dump of a MongoDB collection.
The repository consists of two directories: threat/
and webapp/
. threat/
contains a copy of our dataset of already annotated tweets in MongoDB dump files, and webapp/
is the web annotator application used to annotate the dataset.
Make sure you have the latest version of MongoDB installed on your computer. For more information for MongoDB installation there are some tutorials available here:
Once you have installed MongoDB correctly and you have an instance of mongo server running on the default port 27017
, restore the database by running the following commands:
cd threat/
mongorestore -d threat threat
Now you should have a database called threat
that contains a collection called tweets
The web application for annotations is in the webapp/
directory. Python 3 is needed for running the application. To install libraries and dependencies simply run from the project home:
cd webapp/
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Mongo tweet collection scheme
_id : ObjectId(), # MongoDB autogenerated id
date: ISODate(), # Date tweet was retrieved
id: int, # Tweet id given by twitter
relevant: Boolean, # preannotation done automatically from ibm watson topic modeling: true if classification is relevant
text: string, # tweet text
tweet: {}, # Original tweet object crawled from twitter
type: [string], # List of types of vulnerabilities that this tweet represents (so far there is only one vulnerability type per tweet annotated by user
watson: {}, # Watson object that is the result from running topic modeling on IBM Watson
annotation: string # "relevant", "irrelevant" or "business" depending on the annotation by user
To run the web application, simply run:
cd webapp/
This will run the web application on port 5000 and be accessible as localhost:5000
Simply select the threat type, relevance and annotation values of the tweets desired and then click on submit.
Here is an example of a tweet component
Select a threat type from the drop-down menu inside a tweet component. The web application will annotate and update the MongoDB after selecting a type
Select a relevance level by pressing a button: threat
, business
, irrelevant
or don't know
- Behzadan, V., Aguirre, C., Bose, A., & Hsu, W. (2018). Corpus and Deep Learning Classifier for Collection of Cyber Threat Indicators in Twitter Stream. Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Big Data 2018 (IEEE BigData 2018) Workshop on Big Data Analytics for Cyber Threat Hunting (CyberHunt 2018), Seattle, WA, USA, December 10-13, 2018.