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198 lines (115 loc) · 3.58 KB

File metadata and controls

198 lines (115 loc) · 3.58 KB

Lec 9

setting up babel locally.

bable plugins/ presets

env preset

yarn global add [email protected] --didn't work-- causes problems ("alias unavailable with yarn g install);

yarn init

install babel & env(preset)

yarn add [email protected] [email protected]


babel src/app.js --out-file=public/scripts/app.js --presets=env,react --watch


./node_modules/.bin/babel src/app.js --out-file=public/scripts/app.js --presets=env,react --watch

lec 10: exploring JSX

lec 11: jsx expressions -changing data

lec 12: condit rendering

lec 13: es6 (let/const)

lec 18: basic forms & inputs-- "e.preventDefault()" / pushing input to array in an object

    const optionEntry =; // inside formSubmit

        <form onSubmit={onFormSubmit}>
                <input type="text" name="choiceInput"/>
                <button>Add Option</button>

        // If you have content flashing or a refresh, make sure to make the method accept the evt param and then

lec 19: arrays

adding options into html from form

lec 20: pick option/ randomness

disabled state of button

lec 21: build-it visibility toggle

lec 22: es6 classes

lec 26: basic static components

lect 28: passing props

lect 29: class method & form inputs

lect 28: method binding

solve error: "Cannot read property props of null" (or "...undefined") hint: lost binding :)

lec 32: binding methods in Counter

lec 33: adding state to counter

lec 34: setState syntax

lec 35: vis toggle state

lec 36: adding state to counter

lec 37: state in indecision

lec 40: state in indecision

lec 41: default props

lec 42: dev tools

lec 43: removing items from the DOM ( an array)

lec 44: lifcycle methods try{} catch {} for "bad data" & zeroing out input field

lec 45: local storage

if (!error) { = '';

lec 46: local storage for count.js

lec 47, 48 what is webpack?

lec 49 globals/local variables

lec 50 webpack install and scripts commands

lec 51-53 exports/imports

lec 53 react hello world (react as dependency);

lec 54 webpack - babel (loaders);

yarn add [email protected] [email protected]

lec 55 split up the components

lec 56 source-map-cheap (?) --testing wins "devtool"


lec 57 webpack devserver

lec 58 class properties syntax (es7);

lec 59 installing react-modal

lec 60 passing built-in children

lec 61 settin up react-modal

lec 62 styling react

lec 64 css scss loaders style-loader/css-loader

module: {
    rules: [
        loader: 'babel-loader',
        test: /\.js$/,
        exclude: /node_modules/
        test: /\.scss$/,
        use: ['style-loader','css-loader', 'sass-loader']

lec 65 rems, BEM, sass

by default 1rem = 16px;

html { font-size: 62.5%; This changes the rem to a base-10 system (because 16 * .625 = 10)

    So... 2.2rem = 22px, etc etc.


lec 66 css reset NORMALIZE

yarn add normalize.css

lec 67 theming with sass variables

lec 68 sass function "darken()"...BEM... sass folder structure, btn:disabled...

lec 69 -70 styling components

lec 71 styling the modal (3rd party); transition, word-break.

lec 72 media queries!








