To develop the Service locally, start the Docker stack:
cd backend && docker-compose up -d
And start backend
(mvn clean install && cd corona-server && mvn spring-boot:run)
To run local with prod config, e.g. for testing API AUTH:
( mvn clean install && cd corona-server && \
DB_SERVER=localhost \
DB_NAME=corona DB_USER=corona \
DB_PASSWORD=password \
spring_profiles_active=prod \
mvn spring-boot:run)
When seeing this in the console:
d.g.w.config.SecurityConfig : Not configured API AUTH!!
Run the following SQL:
INSERT into app_config values ('ct.apikey','api_user');
INSERT into app_config values ('ct.apiSecret','password');
If spring-boot
doesn't work (No plugin found for prefix 'spring-boot'
), try the following in backend
mvn clean install
java -jar .//corona-server/target/wvsvcoronatracker-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT-server.jar
To connect to prod db use:
cd corona-server && \ \
DB_NAME=postgres \
DB_USER=... \
spring_profiles_active=prod mvn spring-boot:run