- URL https://pictshare.net/api/upload.php
- Method: POST file
- Post var name: file
- Answer type: JSON
If the upload was successful answer will look like this
If there is an error the server will answer with status:err and a reason
"reason":"Unsupported filetype"
- Uploading a file called test.jpg via curl
curl -F "[email protected]" https://pictshare.net/api/upload.php
Answer from the server:
- Uploading from the commandline using alias, requires
package for json response decoding
Put this in your .bashrc
or .zshrc
pict () {
curl -s -F "file=@${1:--}" https://pictshare.net/api/upload.php | jq -r '.url';
$ cat path/to/image.jpg | pict
- URL https://pictshare.net/api/geturl.php
- Method: GET
- Var name: url
- Answer type: JSON
Upload content by providing a link to the content. If the link points to a website, the HTML of the page is uploaded as a text bin.
"delete_code": "aqxqlv3kqokxd15xpkqp8zjljpqerveu",
"delete_url": "https://pictshare.net/delete_aqxqlv3kqokxd15xpkqp8zjljpqerveu/2mr2va.txt"
If there is an error the server will answer with status:err and a reason
"reason":"Unsupported filetype"
- Uploading the HTML of xkcd.com
curl -s https://pictshare.net/api/geturl.php?url=https://xkcd.com
Answer from the server:
"status": "ok",
"hash": "2mr2va.txt",
"url": "https://pictshare.net/2mr2va.txt",
"filetype": "text",
"delete_code": "aqxqlv3kqokxd15xpkqp8zjljpqerveu",
"delete_url": "https://pictshare.net/delete_aqxqlv3kqokxd15xpkqp8zjljpqerveu/2mr2va.txt"
- Uploading a Video from Imgur
curl https://pictshare.net/api/geturl.php?url=https://i.imgur.com/qQstLQt.mp4
Answer from the server:
"status": "ok",
"hash": "u0ni1m.mp4",
"url": "https://pictshare.net/u0ni1m.mp4",
"filetype": "mp4",
"delete_code": "aqxqlv3kqokxd15xpkqp8zjljpqerveu",
"delete_url": "https://pictshare.net/delete_aqxqlv3kqokxd15xpkqp8zjljpqerveu/u0ni1m.mp4"
- Uploading from the commandline using alias, requires
package for json response decoding
Put this in your .bashrc
or .zshrc
pictget () {
curl -s "hhttps://pictshare.net/api/geturl.php?url=$1" | jq -r '.url';
$ pictget https://i.imgur.com/qQstLQt.mp4
- URL https://pictshare.net/api/pastebin.php
- Method: POST/GET text
- Post var name: api_paste_code
- Answer: Plaintext URL to pasted bin
This API can be used to directly post text. Server responds with the URL to the bin or with an error message
Creating a new text bin that ready "Hello World"
curl -F "api_paste_code=Hello World" https://pictshare.net/api/pastebin.php
Answer from the server:
- URL https://pictshare.net/api/info.php
- Method: POST/GET text
- Query var name: hash
- Answer: JSON
This API will get information about any given hash.
curl https://pictshare.net/api/info.php?hash=9k3rbw.mp4
Answer from the server:
"status": "ok",
"hash": "9k3rbw.mp4",
"size_bytes": 2513225,
"size_interpreted": "2.4 MB",
"type": "video/mp4",
"type_interpreted": "mp4"
- URL https://pictshare.net/api/base64.php
- Method: POST/GET
- Query var name: base64
- Answer: JSON
Upload local image "test.jpg" to pictshare
(echo -n "base64="; echo -n "data:image/jpeg;base64,$(base64 -w 0 test.jpg)") | curl --data @- https://pictshare.net/api/base64.php
"status": "ok",
"hash": "lpl119.jpg",
"url": "https://dev.pictshare.net/lpl119.jpg",
"filetype": "jpeg",
"delete_code": "z0e1mdo8szxnauspxp2f080e4wd4ycf2",
"delete_url": "https://dev.pictshare.net/delete_z0e1mdo8szxnauspxp2f080e4wd4ycf2/lpl119.jpg"