- Fixed Github pages issue with ratings under 1
- Added support for local avatars
- Deferred font awesome and google fonts
- Added image lazy load (config.yml - lazyimages: "enabled/disabled")
- Added object cover images instead of background images for home featured cards
- Removed disqus count from homepage for better performance
- Centered avatar image on smaller devices
- Removed .html endings in cats/tags
- Added Linkedin share
- Added Table of Contents (toc:true)
- Added Paragraph before TOC (beforetoc: "My short description here")
- Added adsense support (activate via _config.yml)
- Fixed share for large headers
- Added Tags support
- Removed Google + sharing, no longer needed
- Fixed Jumbotron categories link
- Added blurred text on spoilers
- Added half stars for ratings
- Reveal hidden spoilers on click
- Syntax line numbers
- Post rating stars
- Fixed category links with more than 1 word
- Fixed Feed site title not showing
- Added 404 page
- Fixed CSS Jumbotron categories
- Fixed Category links are now compatible with Github pages. Archive still available for non Github pages.
- Added Search
- Added SEO
- Fixed reponsive footer jumbotron for tags
- Added external image support
- Added option to disable comments in a specific post with
comments: false
in YAML front matter