The new CodeIgniter Coding Standard is officially published! This switch uses PHP CS Fixer instead of Code Sniffer and applies a lot of changes (most notably, PSR-12 compliance). Visit the repo for more information. This library will remain in place but may not be maintained and is no longer considered compliant with official CodeIgniter 4 framework styles.
CodeIgniter 4 coding standard for use with PHP_CodeSniffer 3.
Version 1
Master | Develop |
This is currently a work in progress.
Requested at: codeigniter4/CodeIgniter4#182
PHP_CodeSniffer 3. (3.1.1 or greater).
PHP (7.1 or greater) with mbstring extension.
cd /Path/To/MyProject
composer require codeigniter4/codeigniter4-standard --dev
Set the phpcs standard path
and phpcbf standard path
in your editor/plugin config to:
Download CodeIgniter4-Standard.
Set standard
paths to your local filesystem:
Globally install PHP_CodeSniffer with one of the various methods.
Once complete you should be able to execute phpcs -i
on the command line.
You should see something like:-
The installed coding standards are MySource, PEAR, PSR1, PSR2, Squiz and Zend.
Either clone this repository...
git clone -b master --depth 1
or use composer...
composer global require codeigniter4/codeigniter4-standard
or download.
Take note of the paths where they were installed.
Create a symbolic link to the CodeIgniter4-Standard/CodeIgniter4
directory in php_codesniffer/src/Standards/
ln -s ~/Documents/Projects/CodeIgniter4-Standard/CodeIgniter4 ~/.composer/vendor/squizlabs/php_codesniffer/src/Standards/CodeIgniter4
or copy the CodeIgniter4-Standard/CodeIgniter4
directory to php_codesniffer/src/Standards/
Executing phpcs -i
should now show CodeIgniter4 installed eg.
The installed coding standards are CodeIgniter4, MySource, PEAR, PSR1, PSR2, Squiz and Zend.
You should now be able to set 'CodeIgniter4' as the phpcs standard in the plugin/editor/IDE of your choice.
Single file...
phpcs /Path/To/MyFile.php --standard='/Path/To/CodeIgniter4-Standard/CodeIgniter4/ruleset.xml'
or if globally installed.
phpcs /Path/To/MyFile.php --standard=CodeIgniter4
Directory (recursive).
phpcs /Path/To/MyProject --standard='/Path/To/CodeIgniter4-Standard/CodeIgniter4/ruleset.xml'
or if globally installed.
phpcs /Path/To/MyProject --standard=CodeIgniter4
Single file.
phpcbf /Path/To/MyFile.php --standard='/Path/To/CodeIgniter4-Standard/CodeIgniter4/ruleset.xml'
or if globally installed.
phpcbf /Path/To/MyFile.php --standard=CodeIgniter4
Directory (recursive).
phpcbf /Path/To/MyProject --standard='/Path/To/CodeIgniter4-Standard/CodeIgniter4/ruleset.xml'
or if globally installed.
phpcbf /Path/To/MyProject --standard=CodeIgniter4
Thanks to Greg Sherwood, Marc McIntyre, Andy Grunwald, Thomas Ernest and Erik Torsner, for providing open source code which helped me build this standard and a big thanks to Squiz Labs for creating PHP_CodeSniffer.
Thanks to EllisLab for originally creating CodeIgniter and the British Columbia Institute of Technology for continuing the project. Thanks to all the developers and contibutors working on CodeIgniter 4.