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S3 to Redshift Microservice

This folder contains scripts and configuration files (within the config.d folder) that enable the the S3-to-Redshift microservice implemented on the GDX-Analytics platform.

The S3 to Redshift microservice is invoked through pipenv and requires a json configuration file passed as the second command line argument to run. File processing is sequenced in the order of the last modified date of the files found for processing in S3.

"Empty files" will be treated as bad files and processing will stop if script encounters one. We define empty files as any file where the:

  • File is zero byte size.
  • File has no data in it, no rows, no headers but not zero byte in size.
  • File has header row but no data rows.

The configuration file format is described in more detail below.

s3_to_redshift usage:

pipenv run python config.d/configfile.json

The Asset Data to Redshift microservice is invoked through pipenv and requires a json configuration file passed as the second command line argument to run. The configuration file format is described in more detail below. The approach to loading data from s3 to redshift is the same as in s3_to_redshift, but the access log files require additional processing. If truncate is set to false, the script will run multiple files at a time. Empty files are treated as bad by default and processing will stop if script hits any empty file.

asset_data_to_redshift usage:

pipenv run python config.d/configfile.json

The Build Derived Gov Assets microservice is run on the table generated by and requires a json configuration file passed as a second command line argument to run. It generates a derived table through the ddl/build_derived_assets.sql file after performing the required processing. This script is to be run after has successfully ran. If and converge in the future then this script will run after a successful completion of that script.

build_derived_gov_assets usage:

python config.d/configfile.json


This script reads an input csv file one at a time from a list of one or more files. The data contained in the input file is read into memory as a Pandas dataframe which is manipulated according to options set in the config file. The final dataframe is written out to S3 as <bucket_name>/batch/<path-to-file>/<object_summary.key>.csv, where:

  • the bucket is specified from the configuration file,
  • the path to file matches the path to the input file (conventionally, we use /client/service_name/<object_summary.key>.csv), and
  • the object summary key can be thought of as the filename (S3 stores data as objects, not files).

Next, a Redshift transaction attempts to COPY that file into Redshift as a single COMMIT event (this is done in order to fail gracefully with rollback if the transaction cannot be completed successfully).

Finally, if the transaction failed then the input is copied from <bucket_name>/client/<path-to-file>/<object_summary.key>.csv to the "bad" folder at <bucket_name>/processed/bad/<path-to-file>/<object_summary.key>.csv. Otherwise the successful transaction will result in the input file being copied to the "good" folder: <bucket_name>/processed/good/<path-to-file>/<object_summary.key>.csv.

Log files are appended at the debug level into file called s3_to_redshift.log under a logs/ folder which much be created manually. Info level logs are output to stdout. In the log file, events are logged with the format showing the log level, the function name, the timestamp with milliseconds, and the message: INFO:__main__:2010-10-10 10:00:00,000:<log message here>.


Environment Variables

The S3 to Redshift microservice requires the following environment variables be set to run correctly.

  • pgpass: the database password for the microservice user;
  • AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID: the AWS access key for the account authorized to perform COPY commands from S3 to Redshift; and,
  • AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY: the AWS secret access key for the account authorized to perform COPY commands from S3 to Redshift.

Configuration File

The JSON configuration is required as a second argument when running the script. It follows this structure:

  • "bucket": the label defining the S3 bucket that the microservice will reference.
  • "source": the top level S3 prefix for source objects after the bucket label, as in: <bucket>/<source>/<client>/<doc>.
  • "destination": the top level S3 prefix for processed objects to be stored, as in: <bucket>/<destination>/<client>/<doc>.
  • "directory": the S3 prefix to follow source or destination and before the <doc> objects.
  • "doc": a regex pattern representing the final object after all directory prefixes, as in: <bucket>/<source>/<client>/<doc>.
  • "dbschema": An optional String defaulting to 'microservice' (currently unused by
  • "dbtable": The table to COPY the processed data into with the schema, as in: <schema>.<table>.
  • "column_count": The number of columns the processed dataframe should contain.
  • "columns": A list containing the column names of the input file.
  • "column_string_limit": A dictionary where keys are names of string type column to truncate, and values are integers indicating the length to truncate to.
  • "no_header": A boolean set to true if the input CSV file contains no header row. This is set to avoid pandas from inferring the first row as a header in case the header row is not part of the input file. Default is false.
  • "dtype_dic_strings": A list where keys are the names of columns in the input data whose data will be formatted as strings.
  • "dtype_dic_bools": A list where keys are the names of columns in the input data whose data will be formatted as boolean
  • "dtype_dic_ints": A list where keys are the names of columns in the input data whose data will be formatted as nullable integer values.
  • "dtype_dic_floats": A list where keys are the names of columns in the input data whose data will be formatted as float values.
  • "delim": specify the character that deliminates data in the input csv.
  • "file_limit": an optional positive integer to limit the number of files which will be processed. A value for file_limit is ignored if "truncate": true.
  • "truncate": boolean (true or false) that determines if the Redshift table will be truncated before inserting data, or instead if the table will be extended with the inserted data. When true only the most recently modified file in S3 will be processed.
  • "dateformat" a list of dictionaries containing keys: field and format
    • "field": a column name containing datetime format data.
    • "format": strftime to parse time. See strftime documentation for more information on choices.
  • "add_columns": an optional list containing the names and values for any additional column that is not present in the csv file provided. You will first have to create those additional columns in the table using DDL statements. It is currently being used for LDB(liquor Distribution Branch) client in with config.d/ldb_sku.json where additional columns are added to dataframe using pandas. This feature can also be use for updating table data without truncating it:
    • Create a column using SQL statement called "data_status" with value "old" in the table you want to update.
    • Use add_column feature to add "data_status" with value "new" to the json file of the client.
    • Create an UPDATE logic statement which use this additional column "data_status" to differentiate between old data and new data. The logic will specific to the client but will look similar to this "ddl/lbd_sku_query.sql" file.
  • "sql_query": an optional argumemnt to provide the location of sql queries if need to be used in the python scipt.
  • "ldb_sku": a boolean used in ldb_sku.json to later use in the when processing files for LDB(liquor Distribution Branch) client

Asset downloads config files require an additional four fields:

  • "schema_name": specify the target table schema,
  • "asset_host": the host domain for the assets,
  • "asset_source": the group/project name,
  • "asset_scheme_and_authority": the protocol scheme and the asset host
  • "empty_files_ok": Default is false but can be set to true for cases where empty files are determined ok to process. This is helpful to process multiple files at a time without stopping the script due to empty files being hit.

The structure of the config file should resemble the following:

  "bucket": String,
  "source": String,
  "destination": String,
  "directory": String,
  "doc": String,
  "dbschema": String,
  "dbtable": String,
  "columns": [String],
  "column_count": Integer,
  "columns_metadata": [String],
  "columns_lookup": [String],
  "dbtables_dictionaries": [String],
  "dbtables_metadata": [String],
  "replace": [
      "field": String,
      "old": String,
      "new": String
    "<column_name_1>": Integer
  "dateformat": [
      "field": String,
      "format": String
  "header": Boolean,
  "dtype_dic_strings": [String],
  "dtype_dic_bools": [String],
  "dtype_dic_ints": [String],
  "delim": String,
  "file_limit": Integer,
  "nested_delim": String,
  "truncate": Boolean

Project Status

As new data sources become available, new configuration files will be prepared to support the consumption of those data sources. This project is ongoing.

Getting Help

Please Contact the GDX Service desk for any analytics service help. For inquiries about Google Search API integration or for inquiries about starting a new analytics account for Government, please contact The GDX Analytics team.


The GDX analytics team will be the main contributors to this project currently and will maintain the code.


Copyright 2015 Province of British Columbia

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.