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A Community project for developers, entreprenuers, hustlers.


Create a profiles.clj file in the root folder of the project with the following settings

{:dev  {:env {
			;;twitter settings
			:app-consumer-key ""
			:app-consumer-secret ""
			:user-access-token ""
			:user-access-token-secret ""
			;;github settings
			:client-id ""
			:client-secret ""

Start a REPL (in a terminal: lein repl, or from Emacs: open a clj/cljs file in the project, then do M-x cider-jack-in. Make sure CIDER is up to date).

In the REPL do

(def sys (startup {:conf ""}))

Which will return the system map. It's based on Stuart Sierra's amazing Component lib.

In order to access db session component do a

(:connection (:db sys))

The call to (startup {}) does two things, it starts the webserver at port 10554, . Give them some time to start.



Copyright © 2017 Bahadir Cambel

Distributed under the MIT License.