diff --git a/doc_build/BUILD b/doc_build/BUILD
index c146b333..b47c1798 100644
--- a/doc_build/BUILD
+++ b/doc_build/BUILD
@@ -30,8 +30,8 @@ ORDER = [
("pkg_deb", "//pkg/private/deb:deb.bzl"),
("pkg_deb_impl", "//pkg/private/deb:deb.bzl"),
("pkg_rpm", "//pkg:rpm_pfg.bzl"),
- ("pkg_tar", "//pkg:pkg.bzl"),
- ("pkg_tar_impl", "//pkg:pkg.bzl"),
+ ("pkg_tar", "//pkg/private/tar:tar.bzl"),
+ ("pkg_tar_impl", "//pkg/private/tar:tar.bzl"),
("pkg_zip", "//pkg/private/zip:zip.bzl"),
("pkg_zip_impl", "//pkg/private/zip:zip.bzl"),
("mappings", None),
@@ -94,7 +94,6 @@ bzl_library(
- "//pkg:pkg.bzl",
@@ -102,6 +101,7 @@ bzl_library(
+ "//pkg/private/tar:tar.bzl",
diff --git a/docs/latest.md b/docs/latest.md
index 9ce99168..1e14c846 100755
--- a/docs/latest.md
+++ b/docs/latest.md
@@ -266,7 +266,7 @@ Creates an RPM format package via `pkg_filegroup` and friends.
-Rules for manipulation of various packaging.
+Rules for making .tar files.
@@ -289,7 +289,7 @@ Creates a .tar file. See pkg_tar_impl.
-Rules for manipulation of various packaging.
+Rules for making .tar files.
diff --git a/pkg/pkg.bzl b/pkg/pkg.bzl
index 426fdd13..1f4ba206 100644
--- a/pkg/pkg.bzl
+++ b/pkg/pkg.bzl
@@ -13,335 +13,10 @@
# limitations under the License.
"""Rules for manipulation of various packaging."""
-load(":path.bzl", "compute_data_path", "dest_path")
- ":providers.bzl",
- "PackageArtifactInfo",
- "PackageFilegroupInfo",
- "PackageFilesInfo",
- "PackageVariablesInfo",
- "//pkg/private:pkg_files.bzl",
- "add_directory",
- "add_empty_file",
- "add_label_list",
- "add_single_file",
- "add_symlink",
- "add_tree_artifact",
- "process_src",
- "write_manifest",
-load("//pkg/private:util.bzl", "setup_output_files", "substitute_package_variables")
load("//pkg/private/deb:deb.bzl", _pkg_deb = "pkg_deb")
+load("//pkg/private/tar:tar.bzl", _pkg_tar = "pkg_tar")
load("//pkg/private/zip:zip.bzl", _pkg_zip = "pkg_zip")
pkg_deb = _pkg_deb
+pkg_tar = _pkg_tar
pkg_zip = _pkg_zip
-# TODO(aiuto): Figure out how to get this from the python toolchain.
-# See check for lzma in archive.py for a hint at a method.
-# Filetype to restrict inputs
-tar_filetype = (
- [".tar", ".tar.gz", ".tgz", ".tar.bz2", "tar.xz"] if HAS_XZ_SUPPORT else [".tar", ".tar.gz", ".tgz", ".tar.bz2"]
- ["", "gz", "bz2", "xz"] if HAS_XZ_SUPPORT else ["", "gz", "bz2"]
-deb_filetype = [".deb", ".udeb"]
-_stamp_condition = str(Label("//pkg/private:private_stamp_detect"))
-def _remap(remap_paths, path):
- """If path starts with a key in remap_paths, rewrite it."""
- for prefix, replacement in remap_paths.items():
- if path.startswith(prefix):
- return replacement + path[len(prefix):]
- return path
-def _quote(filename, protect = "="):
- """Quote the filename, by escaping = by \\= and \\ by \\\\"""
- return filename.replace("\\", "\\\\").replace(protect, "\\" + protect)
-def _pkg_tar_impl(ctx):
- """Implementation of the pkg_tar rule."""
- # Files needed by rule implementation at runtime
- files = []
- outputs, output_file, output_name = setup_output_files(ctx)
- # Compute the relative path
- data_path = compute_data_path(ctx, ctx.attr.strip_prefix)
- data_path_without_prefix = compute_data_path(ctx, ".")
- # Find a list of path remappings to apply.
- remap_paths = ctx.attr.remap_paths
- # Start building the arguments.
- args = ctx.actions.args()
- args.add("--root_directory", ctx.attr.package_base)
- args.add("--output", output_file.path)
- args.add("--mode", ctx.attr.mode)
- args.add("--owner", ctx.attr.owner)
- args.add("--owner_name", ctx.attr.ownername)
- # Package dir can be specified by a file or inlined.
- if ctx.attr.package_dir_file:
- if ctx.attr.package_dir:
- fail("Both package_dir and package_dir_file attributes were specified")
- args.add("--directory", "@" + ctx.file.package_dir_file.path)
- files.append(ctx.file.package_dir_file)
- else:
- package_dir_expanded = substitute_package_variables(ctx, ctx.attr.package_dir)
- args.add("--directory", package_dir_expanded or "/")
- if ctx.executable.compressor:
- args.add("--compressor", "%s %s" % (ctx.executable.compressor.path, ctx.attr.compressor_args))
- else:
- extension = ctx.attr.extension
- if extension and extension != "tar":
- compression = None
- dot_pos = ctx.attr.extension.rfind(".")
- if dot_pos >= 0:
- compression = ctx.attr.extension[dot_pos + 1:]
- else:
- compression = ctx.attr.extension
- if compression == "tgz":
- compression = "gz"
- if compression:
- args.add("--compression", compression)
- else:
- fail("Unsupported compression: '%s'" % compression)
- if ctx.attr.mtime != _DEFAULT_MTIME:
- if ctx.attr.portable_mtime:
- fail("You may not set both mtime and portable_mtime")
- args.add("--mtime", "%d" % ctx.attr.mtime)
- if ctx.attr.portable_mtime:
- args.add("--mtime", "portable")
- # Now we begin processing the files.
- file_deps = [] # inputs we depend on
- content_map = {} # content handled in the manifest
- # Start with all the pkg_* inputs
- for src in ctx.attr.srcs:
- # Gather the files for every srcs entry here, even if it is not from
- # a pkg_* rule.
- if DefaultInfo in src:
- file_deps.append(src[DefaultInfo].files)
- if not process_src(
- content_map,
- src,
- src.label,
- default_mode = None,
- default_user = None,
- default_group = None,
- ):
- src_files = src[DefaultInfo].files.to_list()
- if ctx.attr.include_runfiles:
- runfiles = src[DefaultInfo].default_runfiles
- if runfiles:
- file_deps.append(runfiles.files)
- src_files.extend(runfiles.files.to_list())
- # Add in the files of srcs which are not pkg_* types
- for f in src_files:
- d_path = dest_path(f, data_path, data_path_without_prefix)
- if f.is_directory:
- # Tree artifacts need a name, but the name is never really
- # the important part. The likely behavior people want is
- # just the content, so we strip the directory name.
- dest = "/".join(d_path.split("/")[0:-1])
- add_tree_artifact(content_map, dest, f, src.label)
- else:
- # Note: This extra remap is the bottleneck preventing this
- # large block from being a utility method as shown below.
- # Should we disallow mixing pkg_files in srcs with remap?
- # I am fine with that if it makes the code more readable.
- dest = _remap(remap_paths, d_path)
- add_single_file(content_map, dest, f, src.label)
- # TODO(aiuto): I want the code to look like this, but we don't have lambdas.
- # transform_path = lambda f: _remap(
- # remap_paths, dest_path(f, data_path, data_path_without_prefix))
- # add_label_list(ctx, content_map, file_deps, ctx.attr.srcs, transform_path)
- # The files attribute is a map of labels to destinations. We can add them
- # directly to the content map.
- for target, f_dest_path in ctx.attr.files.items():
- target_files = target.files.to_list()
- if len(target_files) != 1:
- fail("Each input must describe exactly one file.", attr = "files")
- file_deps.append(depset([target_files[0]]))
- add_single_file(
- content_map,
- f_dest_path,
- target_files[0],
- target.label,
- )
- if ctx.attr.modes:
- for key in ctx.attr.modes:
- args.add("--modes", "%s=%s" % (_quote(key), ctx.attr.modes[key]))
- if ctx.attr.owners:
- for key in ctx.attr.owners:
- args.add("--owners", "%s=%s" % (_quote(key), ctx.attr.owners[key]))
- if ctx.attr.ownernames:
- for key in ctx.attr.ownernames:
- args.add(
- "--owner_names",
- "%s=%s" % (_quote(key), ctx.attr.ownernames[key]),
- )
- for empty_file in ctx.attr.empty_files:
- add_empty_file(content_map, empty_file, ctx.label)
- for empty_dir in ctx.attr.empty_dirs or []:
- add_directory(content_map, empty_dir, ctx.label)
- for f in ctx.files.deps:
- args.add("--tar", f.path)
- for link in ctx.attr.symlinks:
- add_symlink(
- content_map,
- link,
- ctx.attr.symlinks[link],
- ctx.label,
- )
- if ctx.attr.stamp == 1 or (ctx.attr.stamp == -1 and
- ctx.attr.private_stamp_detect):
- args.add("--stamp_from", ctx.version_file.path)
- files.append(ctx.version_file)
- file_inputs = depset(transitive = file_deps)
- manifest_file = ctx.actions.declare_file(ctx.label.name + ".manifest")
- files.append(manifest_file)
- write_manifest(ctx, manifest_file, content_map)
- args.add("--manifest", manifest_file.path)
- args.set_param_file_format("flag_per_line")
- args.use_param_file("@%s", use_always = False)
- ctx.actions.run(
- mnemonic = "PackageTar",
- progress_message = "Writing: %s" % output_file.path,
- inputs = file_inputs.to_list() + ctx.files.deps + files,
- tools = [ctx.executable.compressor] if ctx.executable.compressor else [],
- executable = ctx.executable.build_tar,
- arguments = [args],
- outputs = [output_file],
- env = {
- "LANG": "en_US.UTF-8",
- "LC_CTYPE": "UTF-8",
- "PYTHONUTF8": "1",
- },
- use_default_shell_env = True,
- )
- return [
- DefaultInfo(
- files = depset([output_file]),
- runfiles = ctx.runfiles(files = outputs),
- ),
- PackageArtifactInfo(
- label = ctx.label.name,
- file = output_file,
- file_name = output_name,
- ),
- ]
-# A rule for creating a tar file, see README.md
-pkg_tar_impl = rule(
- implementation = _pkg_tar_impl,
- attrs = {
- "strip_prefix": attr.string(),
- "package_base": attr.string(default = "./"),
- "package_dir": attr.string(),
- "package_dir_file": attr.label(allow_single_file = True),
- "deps": attr.label_list(allow_files = tar_filetype),
- "srcs": attr.label_list(allow_files = True),
- "files": attr.label_keyed_string_dict(allow_files = True),
- "mode": attr.string(default = "0555"),
- "modes": attr.string_dict(),
- "mtime": attr.int(default = _DEFAULT_MTIME),
- "portable_mtime": attr.bool(default = True),
- "owner": attr.string(default = "0.0"),
- "ownername": attr.string(default = "."),
- "owners": attr.string_dict(),
- "ownernames": attr.string_dict(),
- "extension": attr.string(default = "tar"),
- "symlinks": attr.string_dict(),
- "empty_files": attr.string_list(),
- "include_runfiles": attr.bool(),
- "empty_dirs": attr.string_list(),
- "remap_paths": attr.string_dict(),
- "compressor": attr.label(executable = True, cfg = "exec"),
- "compressor_args": attr.string(),
- # Common attributes
- "out": attr.output(mandatory = True),
- "package_file_name": attr.string(doc = "See Common Attributes"),
- "package_variables": attr.label(
- doc = "See Common Attributes",
- providers = [PackageVariablesInfo],
- ),
- "stamp": attr.int(
- doc = """Enable file time stamping. Possible values:
stamp = 1: Use the time of the build as the modification time of each file in the archive.
-stamp = 0: Use an "epoch" time for the modification time of each file. This gives good build result caching.
-stamp = -1: Control the chosen modification time using the --[no]stamp flag.
- default = 0,
- ),
- # Is --stamp set on the command line?
- # TODO(https://github.com/bazelbuild/rules_pkg/issues/340): Remove this.
- "private_stamp_detect": attr.bool(default = False),
- # Implicit dependencies.
- "build_tar": attr.label(
- default = Label("//pkg/private/tar:build_tar"),
- cfg = "exec",
- executable = True,
- allow_files = True,
- ),
- },
- provides = [PackageArtifactInfo],
-def pkg_tar(name, **kwargs):
- """Creates a .tar file. See pkg_tar_impl."""
- # Compatibility with older versions of pkg_tar that define files as
- # a flat list of labels.
- if "srcs" not in kwargs:
- if "files" in kwargs:
- if not hasattr(kwargs["files"], "items"):
- label = "%s//%s:%s" % (native.repository_name(), native.package_name(), name)
- # buildifier: disable=print
- print("%s: you provided a non dictionary to the pkg_tar `files` attribute. " % (label,) +
- "This attribute was renamed to `srcs`. " +
- "Consider renaming it in your BUILD file.")
- kwargs["srcs"] = kwargs.pop("files")
- archive_name = kwargs.pop("archive_name", None)
- extension = kwargs.get("extension") or "tar"
- if extension[0] == ".":
- extension = extension[1:]
- if archive_name:
- if kwargs.get("package_file_name"):
- fail("You may not set both 'archive_name' and 'package_file_name'.")
- # buildifier: disable=print
- print("archive_name is deprecated. Use package_file_name instead.")
- kwargs["package_file_name"] = archive_name + "." + extension
- pkg_tar_impl(
- name = name,
- out = kwargs.pop("out", None) or (name + "." + extension),
- private_stamp_detect = select({
- _stamp_condition: True,
- "//conditions:default": False,
- }),
- **kwargs
- )
diff --git a/pkg/private/tar/tar.bzl b/pkg/private/tar/tar.bzl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8a360a0e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkg/private/tar/tar.bzl
@@ -0,0 +1,335 @@
+# Copyright 2015 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+"""Rules for making .tar files."""
+load("//pkg:path.bzl", "compute_data_path", "dest_path")
+load("//pkg:providers.bzl", "PackageArtifactInfo", "PackageVariablesInfo")
+ "//pkg/private:pkg_files.bzl",
+ "add_directory",
+ "add_empty_file",
+ "add_label_list",
+ "add_single_file",
+ "add_symlink",
+ "add_tree_artifact",
+ "process_src",
+ "write_manifest",
+load("//pkg/private:util.bzl", "setup_output_files", "substitute_package_variables")
+# TODO(aiuto): Figure out how to get this from the python toolchain.
+# See check for lzma in archive.py for a hint at a method.
+# Filetype to restrict inputs
+tar_filetype = (
+ [".tar", ".tar.gz", ".tgz", ".tar.bz2", "tar.xz"] if HAS_XZ_SUPPORT else [".tar", ".tar.gz", ".tgz", ".tar.bz2"]
+ ["", "gz", "bz2", "xz"] if HAS_XZ_SUPPORT else ["", "gz", "bz2"]
+_stamp_condition = str(Label("//pkg/private:private_stamp_detect"))
+def _remap(remap_paths, path):
+ """If path starts with a key in remap_paths, rewrite it."""
+ for prefix, replacement in remap_paths.items():
+ if path.startswith(prefix):
+ return replacement + path[len(prefix):]
+ return path
+def _quote(filename, protect = "="):
+ """Quote the filename, by escaping = by \\= and \\ by \\\\"""
+ return filename.replace("\\", "\\\\").replace(protect, "\\" + protect)
+def _pkg_tar_impl(ctx):
+ """Implementation of the pkg_tar rule."""
+ # Files needed by rule implementation at runtime
+ files = []
+ outputs, output_file, output_name = setup_output_files(ctx)
+ # Compute the relative path
+ data_path = compute_data_path(ctx, ctx.attr.strip_prefix)
+ data_path_without_prefix = compute_data_path(ctx, ".")
+ # Find a list of path remappings to apply.
+ remap_paths = ctx.attr.remap_paths
+ # Start building the arguments.
+ args = ctx.actions.args()
+ args.add("--root_directory", ctx.attr.package_base)
+ args.add("--output", output_file.path)
+ args.add("--mode", ctx.attr.mode)
+ args.add("--owner", ctx.attr.owner)
+ args.add("--owner_name", ctx.attr.ownername)
+ # Package dir can be specified by a file or inlined.
+ if ctx.attr.package_dir_file:
+ if ctx.attr.package_dir:
+ fail("Both package_dir and package_dir_file attributes were specified")
+ args.add("--directory", "@" + ctx.file.package_dir_file.path)
+ files.append(ctx.file.package_dir_file)
+ else:
+ package_dir_expanded = substitute_package_variables(ctx, ctx.attr.package_dir)
+ args.add("--directory", package_dir_expanded or "/")
+ if ctx.executable.compressor:
+ args.add("--compressor", "%s %s" % (ctx.executable.compressor.path, ctx.attr.compressor_args))
+ else:
+ extension = ctx.attr.extension
+ if extension and extension != "tar":
+ compression = None
+ dot_pos = ctx.attr.extension.rfind(".")
+ if dot_pos >= 0:
+ compression = ctx.attr.extension[dot_pos + 1:]
+ else:
+ compression = ctx.attr.extension
+ if compression == "tgz":
+ compression = "gz"
+ if compression:
+ args.add("--compression", compression)
+ else:
+ fail("Unsupported compression: '%s'" % compression)
+ if ctx.attr.mtime != _DEFAULT_MTIME:
+ if ctx.attr.portable_mtime:
+ fail("You may not set both mtime and portable_mtime")
+ args.add("--mtime", "%d" % ctx.attr.mtime)
+ if ctx.attr.portable_mtime:
+ args.add("--mtime", "portable")
+ # Now we begin processing the files.
+ file_deps = [] # inputs we depend on
+ content_map = {} # content handled in the manifest
+ # Start with all the pkg_* inputs
+ for src in ctx.attr.srcs:
+ # Gather the files for every srcs entry here, even if it is not from
+ # a pkg_* rule.
+ if DefaultInfo in src:
+ file_deps.append(src[DefaultInfo].files)
+ if not process_src(
+ content_map,
+ src,
+ src.label,
+ default_mode = None,
+ default_user = None,
+ default_group = None,
+ ):
+ src_files = src[DefaultInfo].files.to_list()
+ if ctx.attr.include_runfiles:
+ runfiles = src[DefaultInfo].default_runfiles
+ if runfiles:
+ file_deps.append(runfiles.files)
+ src_files.extend(runfiles.files.to_list())
+ # Add in the files of srcs which are not pkg_* types
+ for f in src_files:
+ d_path = dest_path(f, data_path, data_path_without_prefix)
+ if f.is_directory:
+ # Tree artifacts need a name, but the name is never really
+ # the important part. The likely behavior people want is
+ # just the content, so we strip the directory name.
+ dest = "/".join(d_path.split("/")[0:-1])
+ add_tree_artifact(content_map, dest, f, src.label)
+ else:
+ # Note: This extra remap is the bottleneck preventing this
+ # large block from being a utility method as shown below.
+ # Should we disallow mixing pkg_files in srcs with remap?
+ # I am fine with that if it makes the code more readable.
+ dest = _remap(remap_paths, d_path)
+ add_single_file(content_map, dest, f, src.label)
+ # TODO(aiuto): I want the code to look like this, but we don't have lambdas.
+ # transform_path = lambda f: _remap(
+ # remap_paths, dest_path(f, data_path, data_path_without_prefix))
+ # add_label_list(ctx, content_map, file_deps, ctx.attr.srcs, transform_path)
+ # The files attribute is a map of labels to destinations. We can add them
+ # directly to the content map.
+ for target, f_dest_path in ctx.attr.files.items():
+ target_files = target.files.to_list()
+ if len(target_files) != 1:
+ fail("Each input must describe exactly one file.", attr = "files")
+ file_deps.append(depset([target_files[0]]))
+ add_single_file(
+ content_map,
+ f_dest_path,
+ target_files[0],
+ target.label,
+ )
+ if ctx.attr.modes:
+ for key in ctx.attr.modes:
+ args.add("--modes", "%s=%s" % (_quote(key), ctx.attr.modes[key]))
+ if ctx.attr.owners:
+ for key in ctx.attr.owners:
+ args.add("--owners", "%s=%s" % (_quote(key), ctx.attr.owners[key]))
+ if ctx.attr.ownernames:
+ for key in ctx.attr.ownernames:
+ args.add(
+ "--owner_names",
+ "%s=%s" % (_quote(key), ctx.attr.ownernames[key]),
+ )
+ for empty_file in ctx.attr.empty_files:
+ add_empty_file(content_map, empty_file, ctx.label)
+ for empty_dir in ctx.attr.empty_dirs or []:
+ add_directory(content_map, empty_dir, ctx.label)
+ for f in ctx.files.deps:
+ args.add("--tar", f.path)
+ for link in ctx.attr.symlinks:
+ add_symlink(
+ content_map,
+ link,
+ ctx.attr.symlinks[link],
+ ctx.label,
+ )
+ if ctx.attr.stamp == 1 or (ctx.attr.stamp == -1 and
+ ctx.attr.private_stamp_detect):
+ args.add("--stamp_from", ctx.version_file.path)
+ files.append(ctx.version_file)
+ file_inputs = depset(transitive = file_deps)
+ manifest_file = ctx.actions.declare_file(ctx.label.name + ".manifest")
+ files.append(manifest_file)
+ write_manifest(ctx, manifest_file, content_map)
+ args.add("--manifest", manifest_file.path)
+ args.set_param_file_format("flag_per_line")
+ args.use_param_file("@%s", use_always = False)
+ ctx.actions.run(
+ mnemonic = "PackageTar",
+ progress_message = "Writing: %s" % output_file.path,
+ inputs = file_inputs.to_list() + ctx.files.deps + files,
+ tools = [ctx.executable.compressor] if ctx.executable.compressor else [],
+ executable = ctx.executable.build_tar,
+ arguments = [args],
+ outputs = [output_file],
+ env = {
+ "LANG": "en_US.UTF-8",
+ "LC_CTYPE": "UTF-8",
+ "PYTHONUTF8": "1",
+ },
+ use_default_shell_env = True,
+ )
+ return [
+ DefaultInfo(
+ files = depset([output_file]),
+ runfiles = ctx.runfiles(files = outputs),
+ ),
+ PackageArtifactInfo(
+ label = ctx.label.name,
+ file = output_file,
+ file_name = output_name,
+ ),
+ ]
+# A rule for creating a tar file, see README.md
+pkg_tar_impl = rule(
+ implementation = _pkg_tar_impl,
+ attrs = {
+ "strip_prefix": attr.string(),
+ "package_base": attr.string(default = "./"),
+ "package_dir": attr.string(),
+ "package_dir_file": attr.label(allow_single_file = True),
+ "deps": attr.label_list(allow_files = tar_filetype),
+ "srcs": attr.label_list(allow_files = True),
+ "files": attr.label_keyed_string_dict(allow_files = True),
+ "mode": attr.string(default = "0555"),
+ "modes": attr.string_dict(),
+ "mtime": attr.int(default = _DEFAULT_MTIME),
+ "portable_mtime": attr.bool(default = True),
+ "owner": attr.string(default = "0.0"),
+ "ownername": attr.string(default = "."),
+ "owners": attr.string_dict(),
+ "ownernames": attr.string_dict(),
+ "extension": attr.string(default = "tar"),
+ "symlinks": attr.string_dict(),
+ "empty_files": attr.string_list(),
+ "include_runfiles": attr.bool(),
+ "empty_dirs": attr.string_list(),
+ "remap_paths": attr.string_dict(),
+ "compressor": attr.label(executable = True, cfg = "exec"),
+ "compressor_args": attr.string(),
+ # Common attributes
+ "out": attr.output(mandatory = True),
+ "package_file_name": attr.string(doc = "See Common Attributes"),
+ "package_variables": attr.label(
+ doc = "See Common Attributes",
+ providers = [PackageVariablesInfo],
+ ),
+ "stamp": attr.int(
+ doc = """Enable file time stamping. Possible values:
+stamp = 1: Use the time of the build as the modification time of each file in the archive.
+stamp = 0: Use an "epoch" time for the modification time of each file. This gives good build result caching.
+stamp = -1: Control the chosen modification time using the --[no]stamp flag.
+ default = 0,
+ ),
+ # Is --stamp set on the command line?
+ # TODO(https://github.com/bazelbuild/rules_pkg/issues/340): Remove this.
+ "private_stamp_detect": attr.bool(default = False),
+ # Implicit dependencies.
+ "build_tar": attr.label(
+ default = Label("//pkg/private/tar:build_tar"),
+ cfg = "exec",
+ executable = True,
+ allow_files = True,
+ ),
+ },
+ provides = [PackageArtifactInfo],
+def pkg_tar(name, **kwargs):
+ """Creates a .tar file. See pkg_tar_impl."""
+ # Compatibility with older versions of pkg_tar that define files as
+ # a flat list of labels.
+ if "srcs" not in kwargs:
+ if "files" in kwargs:
+ if not hasattr(kwargs["files"], "items"):
+ label = "%s//%s:%s" % (native.repository_name(), native.package_name(), name)
+ # buildifier: disable=print
+ print("%s: you provided a non dictionary to the pkg_tar `files` attribute. " % (label,) +
+ "This attribute was renamed to `srcs`. " +
+ "Consider renaming it in your BUILD file.")
+ kwargs["srcs"] = kwargs.pop("files")
+ archive_name = kwargs.pop("archive_name", None)
+ extension = kwargs.get("extension") or "tar"
+ if extension[0] == ".":
+ extension = extension[1:]
+ if archive_name:
+ if kwargs.get("package_file_name"):
+ fail("You may not set both 'archive_name' and 'package_file_name'.")
+ # buildifier: disable=print
+ print("archive_name is deprecated. Use package_file_name instead.")
+ kwargs["package_file_name"] = archive_name + "." + extension
+ pkg_tar_impl(
+ name = name,
+ out = kwargs.pop("out", None) or (name + "." + extension),
+ private_stamp_detect = select({
+ _stamp_condition: True,
+ "//conditions:default": False,
+ }),
+ **kwargs
+ )
diff --git a/pkg/tar.bzl b/pkg/tar.bzl
index 111b89f3..697f95a7 100644
--- a/pkg/tar.bzl
+++ b/pkg/tar.bzl
@@ -13,6 +13,6 @@
# limitations under the License.
"""Forwarder for pkg_tar."""
-load("//pkg:pkg.bzl", _pkg_tar = "pkg_tar")
+load("//pkg/private/tar:tar.bzl", _pkg_tar = "pkg_tar")
pkg_tar = _pkg_tar
diff --git a/tests/tar/BUILD b/tests/tar/BUILD
index d3a3fa2d..e22dcaac 100644
--- a/tests/tar/BUILD
+++ b/tests/tar/BUILD
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
# limitations under the License.
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-load("//pkg:pkg.bzl", "SUPPORTED_TAR_COMPRESSIONS", "pkg_tar")
+load("//pkg/private/tar:tar.bzl", "SUPPORTED_TAR_COMPRESSIONS", "pkg_tar")
load("//tests:my_package_name.bzl", "my_package_naming")
load("//tests/util:defs.bzl", "directory", "fake_artifact")
load("@rules_python//python:defs.bzl", "py_test")