diff --git a/src/main/java/net/starlark/java/eval/Eval.java b/src/main/java/net/starlark/java/eval/Eval.java
index 5cfa7ed4033ca7..fd8a9a8c0e1cb3 100644
--- a/src/main/java/net/starlark/java/eval/Eval.java
+++ b/src/main/java/net/starlark/java/eval/Eval.java
@@ -175,13 +175,32 @@ private static void execDef(StarlarkThread.Frame fr, DefStatement node)
defaults = EMPTY;
+ // Capture the cells of the function's
+ // free variables from the lexical environment.
+ Object[] freevars = new Object[rfn.getFreeVars().size()];
+ int i = 0;
+ for (Resolver.Binding bind : rfn.getFreeVars()) {
+ // Unlike expr(Identifier), we want the cell itself, not its content.
+ switch (bind.getScope()) {
+ case FREE:
+ freevars[i++] = fn(fr).getFreeVar(bind.getIndex());
+ break;
+ case CELL:
+ freevars[i++] = fr.locals[bind.getIndex()];
+ break;
+ default:
+ throw new IllegalStateException("unexpected: " + bind);
+ }
+ }
// Nested functions use the same globalIndex as their enclosing function,
// since both were compiled from the same Program.
StarlarkFunction fn = fn(fr);
- new StarlarkFunction(rfn, Tuple.wrap(defaults), fn.getModule(), fn.globalIndex));
+ new StarlarkFunction(
+ rfn, fn.getModule(), fn.globalIndex, Tuple.wrap(defaults), Tuple.wrap(freevars)));
private static TokenKind execIf(StarlarkThread.Frame fr, IfStatement node)
@@ -231,8 +250,8 @@ private static void execLoad(StarlarkThread.Frame fr, LoadStatement node) throws
// loads bind file-locally. Either way, the resolver should designate
// the proper scope of binding.getLocalName() and this should become
// simply assign(binding.getLocalName(), value).
- // Currently, we update the module but not module.exportedGlobals;
- // changing it to fr.locals.put breaks a test. TODO(adonovan): find out why.
+ // Currently, we update the module but not module.exportedGlobals.
+ // Change it to a local binding now that closures are supported.
fn(fr).setGlobal(binding.getLocalName().getBinding().getIndex(), value);
@@ -328,6 +347,9 @@ private static void assignIdentifier(StarlarkThread.Frame fr, Identifier id, Obj
case LOCAL:
fr.locals[bind.getIndex()] = value;
+ case CELL:
+ ((StarlarkFunction.Cell) fr.locals[bind.getIndex()]).x = value;
+ break;
case GLOBAL:
// Updates a module binding and sets its 'exported' flag.
// (Only load bindings are not exported.
@@ -637,6 +659,12 @@ private static Object evalIdentifier(StarlarkThread.Frame fr, Identifier id)
case LOCAL:
result = fr.locals[bind.getIndex()];
+ case CELL:
+ result = ((StarlarkFunction.Cell) fr.locals[bind.getIndex()]).x;
+ break;
+ case FREE:
+ result = fn(fr).getFreeVar(bind.getIndex()).x;
+ break;
case GLOBAL:
result = fn(fr).getGlobal(bind.getIndex());
diff --git a/src/main/java/net/starlark/java/eval/Starlark.java b/src/main/java/net/starlark/java/eval/Starlark.java
index 027f9c6d9f3cc1..e4e69081b91d89 100644
--- a/src/main/java/net/starlark/java/eval/Starlark.java
+++ b/src/main/java/net/starlark/java/eval/Starlark.java
@@ -868,8 +868,6 @@ public static Object execFile(
public static Object execFileProgram(Program prog, Module module, StarlarkThread thread)
throws EvalException, InterruptedException {
- Tuple defaultValues = Tuple.empty();
Resolver.Function rfn = prog.getResolvedFunction();
// A given Module may be passed to execFileProgram multiple times in sequence,
@@ -884,7 +882,13 @@ public static Object execFileProgram(Program prog, Module module, StarlarkThread
// two array lookups.
int[] globalIndex = module.getIndicesOfGlobals(rfn.getGlobals());
- StarlarkFunction toplevel = new StarlarkFunction(rfn, defaultValues, module, globalIndex);
+ StarlarkFunction toplevel =
+ new StarlarkFunction(
+ rfn,
+ module,
+ globalIndex,
+ /*defaultValues=*/ Tuple.empty(),
+ /*freevars=*/ Tuple.empty());
return Starlark.fastcall(thread, toplevel, EMPTY, EMPTY);
@@ -928,10 +932,10 @@ public static StarlarkFunction newExprFunction(
ParserInput input, FileOptions options, Module module) throws SyntaxError.Exception {
Expression expr = Expression.parse(input, options);
Program prog = Program.compileExpr(expr, module, options);
- Tuple defaultValues = Tuple.empty();
Resolver.Function rfn = prog.getResolvedFunction();
int[] globalIndex = module.getIndicesOfGlobals(rfn.getGlobals()); // see execFileProgram
- return new StarlarkFunction(rfn, defaultValues, module, globalIndex);
+ return new StarlarkFunction(
+ rfn, module, globalIndex, /*defaultValues=*/ Tuple.empty(), /*freevars=*/ Tuple.empty());
diff --git a/src/main/java/net/starlark/java/eval/StarlarkFunction.java b/src/main/java/net/starlark/java/eval/StarlarkFunction.java
index 0889d8c261abe6..4277829efe9f3b 100644
--- a/src/main/java/net/starlark/java/eval/StarlarkFunction.java
+++ b/src/main/java/net/starlark/java/eval/StarlarkFunction.java
@@ -36,15 +36,33 @@
public final class StarlarkFunction implements StarlarkCallable {
final Resolver.Function rfn;
- final int[] globalIndex; // index in Module.globals of ith Program global (binding index)
private final Module module; // a function closes over its defining module
+ // Index in Module.globals of ith Program global (Resolver.Binding(GLOBAL).index).
+ // See explanation at Starlark.execFileProgram.
+ final int[] globalIndex;
+ // Default values of optional parameters.
+ // Indices correspond to the subsequence of parameters after the initial
+ // required parameters and before *args/**kwargs.
+ // Contain MANDATORY for the required keyword-only parameters.
private final Tuple defaultValues;
- StarlarkFunction(Resolver.Function rfn, Tuple defaultValues, Module module, int[] globalIndex) {
+ // Cells (shared locals) of enclosing functions.
+ // Indexed by Resolver.Binding(FREE).index values.
+ private final Tuple freevars;
+ StarlarkFunction(
+ Resolver.Function rfn,
+ Module module,
+ int[] globalIndex,
+ Tuple defaultValues,
+ Tuple freevars) {
this.rfn = rfn;
- this.globalIndex = globalIndex;
this.module = module;
+ this.globalIndex = globalIndex;
this.defaultValues = defaultValues;
+ this.freevars = freevars;
// Sets a global variable, given its index in this function's compiled Program.
@@ -153,9 +171,6 @@ public Module getModule() {
public Object fastcall(StarlarkThread thread, Object[] positional, Object[] named)
throws EvalException, InterruptedException {
- if (thread.mutability().isFrozen()) {
- throw Starlark.errorf("Trying to call in frozen environment");
- }
if (!thread.isRecursionAllowed() && thread.isRecursiveCall(this)) {
throw Starlark.errorf("function '%s' called recursively", getName());
@@ -167,9 +182,19 @@ public Object fastcall(StarlarkThread thread, Object[] positional, Object[] name
StarlarkThread.Frame fr = thread.frame(0);
fr.locals = new Object[rfn.getLocals().size()];
System.arraycopy(arguments, 0, fr.locals, 0, rfn.getParameterNames().size());
+ // Spill indicated locals to cells.
+ for (int index : rfn.getCellIndices()) {
+ fr.locals[index] = new Cell(fr.locals[index]);
+ }
return Eval.execFunctionBody(fr, rfn.getBody());
+ Cell getFreeVar(int index) {
+ return (Cell) freevars.get(index);
+ }
public void repr(Printer printer) {
// TODO(adonovan): use the file name instead. But that's a breaking Bazel change.
@@ -376,9 +401,20 @@ public boolean isImmutable() {
// The MANDATORY sentinel indicates a slot in the defaultValues
- // tuple corresponding to a required parameter. It is not visible
- // to Java or Starlark code.
+ // tuple corresponding to a required parameter.
+ // It is not visible to Java or Starlark code.
static final Object MANDATORY = new Mandatory();
private static class Mandatory implements StarlarkValue {}
+ // A Cell is a local variable shared between an inner and an outer function.
+ // It is a StarlarkValue because it is a stack operand and a Tuple element,
+ // but it is not visible to Java or Starlark code.
+ static final class Cell implements StarlarkValue {
+ Object x;
+ Cell(Object x) {
+ this.x = x;
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/src/main/java/net/starlark/java/eval/StarlarkThread.java b/src/main/java/net/starlark/java/eval/StarlarkThread.java
index 5019d003a8c7bc..635dc5c1505653 100644
--- a/src/main/java/net/starlark/java/eval/StarlarkThread.java
+++ b/src/main/java/net/starlark/java/eval/StarlarkThread.java
@@ -32,15 +32,17 @@
* per-thread application state (see {@link #setThreadLocal}) that passes through Starlark functions
* but does not directly affect them, such as information about the BUILD file being loaded.
- *
Every {@code StarlarkThread} has a {@link Mutability} field, and must be used within a
- * function that creates and closes this {@link Mutability} with the try-with-resource pattern. This
- * {@link Mutability} is also used when initializing mutable objects within that {@code
- * StarlarkThread}. When the {@code Mutability} is closed at the end of the computation, it freezes
- * the {@code StarlarkThread} along with all of those objects. This pattern enforces the discipline
- * that there should be no dangling mutable {@code StarlarkThread}, or concurrency between
- * interacting {@code StarlarkThread}s. It is a Starlark-level error to attempt to mutate a frozen
- * {@code StarlarkThread} or its objects, but it is a Java-level error to attempt to mutate an
- * unfrozen {@code StarlarkThread} or its objects from within a different {@code StarlarkThread}.
+ *
StarlarkThreads are not thread-safe: they should be confined to a single Java thread.
+ *
+ *
Every StarlarkThread has an associated {@link Mutability}, which should be created for that
+ * thread, and closed once the thread's work is done. (A try-with-resources statement is handy for
+ * this purpose.) Starlark values created by the thread are associated with the thread's Mutability,
+ * so that when the Mutability is closed at the end of the computation, all the values created by
+ * the thread become frozen. This pattern ensures that all Starlark values are frozen before they
+ * are published to another thread, and thus that concurrently executing Starlark threads are free
+ * from data races. Once a thread's mutability is frozen, the thread is unlikely to be useful for
+ * further computation because it can no longer create mutable values. (This is occasionally
+ * valuable in tests.)
public final class StarlarkThread {
@@ -136,7 +138,8 @@ static final class Frame implements Debug.Frame {
private boolean errorLocationSet;
// The locals of this frame, if fn is a StarlarkFunction, otherwise null.
- // Set by StarlarkFunction.fastcall.
+ // Set by StarlarkFunction.fastcall. Elements may be regular Starlark
+ // values, or wrapped in StarlarkFunction.Cells if shared with a nested function.
@Nullable Object[] locals;
@Nullable private Object profileSpan; // current span of walltime call profiler
@@ -181,8 +184,12 @@ public ImmutableMap getLocals() {
ImmutableMap.Builder env = ImmutableMap.builder();
if (fn instanceof StarlarkFunction) {
for (int i = 0; i < locals.length; i++) {
- if (locals[i] != null) {
- env.put(((StarlarkFunction) fn).rfn.getLocals().get(i).getName(), locals[i]);
+ Object local = locals[i];
+ if (local != null) {
+ if (local instanceof StarlarkFunction.Cell) {
+ local = ((StarlarkFunction.Cell) local).x;
+ }
+ env.put(((StarlarkFunction) fn).rfn.getLocals().get(i).getName(), local);
@@ -332,9 +339,9 @@ boolean isRecursiveCall(StarlarkFunction fn) {
// Find fn buried within stack. (The top of the stack is assumed to be fn.)
for (int i = callstack.size() - 2; i >= 0; --i) {
Frame fr = callstack.get(i);
- // TODO(adonovan): compare code, not closure values, otherwise
- // one can defeat this check by writing the Y combinator.
- if (fr.fn.equals(fn)) {
+ // We compare code, not closure values, otherwise one can defeat the
+ // check by writing the Y combinator.
+ if (fr.fn instanceof StarlarkFunction && ((StarlarkFunction) fr.fn).rfn.equals(fn.rfn)) {
return true;
diff --git a/src/main/java/net/starlark/java/syntax/Resolver.java b/src/main/java/net/starlark/java/syntax/Resolver.java
index e3b0a62aa8608b..9369db664a0128 100644
--- a/src/main/java/net/starlark/java/syntax/Resolver.java
+++ b/src/main/java/net/starlark/java/syntax/Resolver.java
@@ -50,21 +50,18 @@ public final class Resolver extends NodeVisitor {
// including the spec.
// - move the "no if statements at top level" check to bazel's check{Build,*}Syntax
// (that's a spec change), or put it behind a FileOptions flag (no spec change).
- // - remove restriction on nested def:
- // 1. use FREE for scope of references to outer LOCALs, which become CELLs.
- // 2. implement closures in eval/.
- // - make loads bind locals by default.
+ // - make loads bind locals by default (depends on closures).
/** Scope discriminates the scope of a binding: global, local, etc. */
public enum Scope {
/** Binding is local to a function, comprehension, or file (e.g. load). */
- /** Binding occurs outside any function or comprehension. */
+ /** Binding is non-local and occurs outside any function or comprehension. */
/** Binding is local to a function, comprehension, or file, but shared with nested functions. */
- CELL, // TODO(adonovan): implement nested def
/** Binding is an implicit parameter whose value is the CELL of some enclosing function. */
- FREE, // TODO(adonovan): implement nested def
/** Binding is predeclared by the application (e.g. glob in Bazel). */
/** Binding is predeclared by the core (e.g. None). */
@@ -81,8 +78,8 @@ public String toString() {
* Binding.
public static final class Binding {
- private final Scope scope;
- private final int index; // index within function (LOCAL) or module (GLOBAL)
+ private Scope scope;
+ private final int index; // index within frame (LOCAL/CELL), freevars (FREE), or module (GLOBAL)
@Nullable private final Identifier first; // first binding use, if syntactic
private Binding(Scope scope, int index, @Nullable Identifier first) {
@@ -102,7 +99,10 @@ public Scope getScope() {
return scope;
- /** Returns the index of a binding within its function (LOCAL) or module (GLOBAL). */
+ /**
+ * Returns the index of a binding within its function's frame (LOCAL/CELL), freevars (FREE), or
+ * module (GLOBAL).
+ */
public int getIndex() {
return index;
@@ -129,10 +129,9 @@ public static final class Function {
private final ImmutableList parameterNames;
private final boolean isToplevel;
private final ImmutableList locals;
- // TODO(adonovan): move this to Program, but that requires communication
- // between resolveFile and compileFile, which depends on use doing the TODO
- // described at Program.compileResolvedFile and eliminating that function.
- private final ImmutableList globals;
+ private final int[] cellIndices;
+ private final ImmutableList freevars;
+ private final ImmutableList globals; // TODO(adonovan): move to Program.
private Function(
String name,
@@ -143,6 +142,7 @@ private Function(
boolean hasKwargs,
int numKeywordOnlyParams,
List locals,
+ List freevars,
List globals) {
this.name = name;
this.location = loc;
@@ -160,7 +160,23 @@ private Function(
this.isToplevel = name.equals("");
this.locals = ImmutableList.copyOf(locals);
+ this.freevars = ImmutableList.copyOf(freevars);
this.globals = ImmutableList.copyOf(globals);
+ // Create an index of the locals that are cells.
+ int ncells = 0;
+ int nlocals = locals.size();
+ for (int i = 0; i < nlocals; i++) {
+ if (locals.get(i).scope == Scope.CELL) {
+ ncells++;
+ }
+ }
+ this.cellIndices = new int[ncells];
+ for (int i = 0, j = 0; i < nlocals; i++) {
+ if (locals.get(i).scope == Scope.CELL) {
+ cellIndices[j++] = i;
+ }
+ }
@@ -177,6 +193,14 @@ public ImmutableList getLocals() {
return locals;
+ /**
+ * Returns the indices within {@code getLocals()} of the "cells", that is, local variables of
+ * thus function that are shared with nested functions. The caller must not modify the result.
+ */
+ public int[] getCellIndices() {
+ return cellIndices;
+ }
* Returns the list of names of globals referenced by this function. The order matches the
* indices used in compiled code.
@@ -185,6 +209,17 @@ public ImmutableList getGlobals() {
return globals;
+ /**
+ * Returns the list of enclosing CELL or FREE bindings referenced by this function. At run time,
+ * these values, all of which are cells containing variables local to some enclosing function,
+ * will be stored in the closure. (CELL bindings in this list are local to the immediately
+ * enclosing function, while FREE bindings pass through one or more intermediate enclosing
+ * functions.)
+ */
+ public ImmutableList getFreeVars() {
+ return freevars;
+ }
/** Returns the location of the function's identifier. */
public Location getLocation() {
return location;
@@ -293,15 +328,24 @@ private static class Block {
@Nullable private final Block parent; // enclosing block, or null for tail of list
@Nullable Node syntax; // Comprehension, DefStatement, StarlarkFile, or null
private final ArrayList frame; // accumulated locals of enclosing function
+ // Accumulated CELL/FREE bindings of the enclosing function that will provide
+ // the values for the free variables of this function; see Function.getFreeVars.
+ // Null for toplevel functions and expressions, which have no free variables.
+ @Nullable private final ArrayList freevars;
// Bindings for names defined in this block.
// Also, as an optimization, memoized lookups of enclosing bindings.
private final Map bindings = new HashMap<>();
- Block(@Nullable Block parent, @Nullable Node syntax, ArrayList frame) {
+ Block(
+ @Nullable Block parent,
+ @Nullable Node syntax,
+ ArrayList frame,
+ @Nullable ArrayList freevars) {
this.parent = parent;
this.syntax = syntax;
this.frame = frame;
+ this.freevars = freevars;
@@ -309,7 +353,7 @@ private static class Block {
private final FileOptions options;
private final Module module;
// List whose order defines the numbering of global variables in this program.
- private final ArrayList globals = new ArrayList<>();
+ private final List globals = new ArrayList<>();
// A cache of PREDECLARED, UNIVERSAL, and GLOBAL bindings queried from the module.
private final Map toplevel = new HashMap<>();
// Linked list of blocks, innermost first, for functions and comprehensions and (finally) file.
@@ -339,7 +383,6 @@ private void errorf(Location loc, String format, Object... args) {
* are sometimes used before their definition point (e.g. functions are not necessarily declared
* in order).
- // TODO(adonovan): eliminate this first pass by using go.starlark.net one-pass approach.
private void createBindingsForBlock(Iterable stmts) {
for (Statement stmt : stmts) {
@@ -440,21 +483,15 @@ public void visit(Identifier id) {
private Binding use(Identifier id) {
String name = id.getName();
- // local (to function, comprehension, or file)?
- for (Block b = locals; b != null; b = b.parent) {
- Binding bind = b.bindings.get(name);
- if (bind != null) {
- // Optimization: memoize lookup of an outer local
- // in an inner block, to avoid repeated walks.
- if (b != locals) {
- locals.bindings.put(name, bind);
- }
- return bind;
- }
+ // Locally defined in this function, comprehension,
+ // or file block, or an enclosing one?
+ Binding bind = lookupLexical(name, locals);
+ if (bind != null) {
+ return bind;
- // toplevel (global, predeclared, universal)?
- Binding bind = toplevel.get(name);
+ // Defined at toplevel (global, predeclared, universal)?
+ bind = toplevel.get(name);
if (bind != null) {
return bind;
@@ -493,6 +530,49 @@ private Binding use(Identifier id) {
return bind;
+ // lookupLexical finds a lexically enclosing local binding of the name,
+ // plumbing it through enclosing functions as needed.
+ private static Binding lookupLexical(String name, Block b) {
+ Binding bind = b.bindings.get(name);
+ if (bind != null) {
+ return bind;
+ }
+ if (b.parent != null) {
+ bind = lookupLexical(name, b.parent);
+ // If a local binding was found in a parent block,
+ // and this block is a function, then it is a free variable
+ // of this function and must be plumbed through.
+ // Add an implicit FREE binding (a hidden parameter) to this function,
+ // and record the outer binding that will supply its value when
+ // we construct the closure.
+ // Also, mark the outer LOCAL as a CELL: a shared, indirect local.
+ // (For a comprehension block there's nothing to do,
+ // because it's part of the same frame as the enclosing block.)
+ //
+ // This step may occur many times if the lookupLexical
+ // recursion returns through many functions.
+ // TODO(adonovan): make this 'DEF or LAMBDA' when we have lambda.
+ if (bind != null && b.syntax instanceof DefStatement) {
+ Scope scope = bind.getScope();
+ if (scope == Scope.LOCAL || scope == Scope.FREE || scope == Scope.CELL) {
+ if (scope == Scope.LOCAL) {
+ bind.scope = Scope.CELL;
+ }
+ int index = b.freevars.size();
+ b.freevars.add(bind);
+ bind = new Binding(Scope.FREE, index, bind.first);
+ }
+ }
+ // Memoize, to avoid duplicate free vars and repeated walks.
+ b.bindings.put(name, bind);
+ }
+ return bind;
+ }
public void visit(ReturnStatement node) {
if (locals.syntax instanceof StarlarkFile) {
@@ -601,7 +681,7 @@ public void visit(Comprehension node) {
// A comprehension defines a distinct lexical block
// in the same function's frame.
- pushLocalBlock(node, this.locals.frame);
+ pushLocalBlock(node, this.locals.frame, this.locals.freevars);
for (Comprehension.Clause clause : clauses) {
if (clause instanceof Comprehension.For) {
@@ -628,9 +708,6 @@ public void visit(Comprehension node) {
public void visit(DefStatement node) {
- if (!(locals.syntax instanceof StarlarkFile)) {
- errorf(node, "nested functions are not allowed. Move the function to the top level.");
- }
@@ -656,7 +733,8 @@ private Function resolveFunction(
// Enter function block.
ArrayList frame = new ArrayList<>();
- pushLocalBlock(def, frame);
+ ArrayList freevars = new ArrayList<>();
+ pushLocalBlock(def, frame, freevars);
// Check parameter order and convert to run-time order:
// positionals, keyword-only, *args, **kwargs.
@@ -743,6 +821,7 @@ private Function resolveFunction(
starStar != null,
+ freevars,
@@ -879,7 +958,7 @@ public static void resolveFile(StarlarkFile file, Module module) {
ArrayList frame = new ArrayList<>();
- r.pushLocalBlock(file, frame);
+ r.pushLocalBlock(file, frame, /*freevars=*/ null);
// First pass: creating bindings for statements in this block.
@@ -911,6 +990,7 @@ public static void resolveFile(StarlarkFile file, Module module) {
/*hasKwargs=*/ false,
/*numKeywordOnlyParams=*/ 0,
+ /*freevars=*/ ImmutableList.of(),
@@ -925,7 +1005,7 @@ public static Function resolveExpr(Expression expr, Module module, FileOptions o
Resolver r = new Resolver(errors, module, options);
ArrayList frame = new ArrayList<>();
- r.pushLocalBlock(null, frame); // for bindings in list comprehensions
+ r.pushLocalBlock(null, frame, /*freevars=*/ null); // for bindings in list comprehensions
@@ -943,11 +1023,13 @@ public static Function resolveExpr(Expression expr, Module module, FileOptions o
/*hasKwargs=*/ false,
/*numKeywordOnlyParams=*/ 0,
+ /*freevars=*/ ImmutableList.of(),
- private void pushLocalBlock(Node syntax, ArrayList frame) {
- locals = new Block(locals, syntax, frame);
+ private void pushLocalBlock(
+ Node syntax, ArrayList frame, @Nullable ArrayList freevars) {
+ locals = new Block(locals, syntax, frame, freevars);
private void popLocalBlock() {
diff --git a/src/test/java/net/starlark/java/eval/BUILD b/src/test/java/net/starlark/java/eval/BUILD
index 4d0972d22c223f..6091dc5983b208 100644
--- a/src/test/java/net/starlark/java/eval/BUILD
+++ b/src/test/java/net/starlark/java/eval/BUILD
@@ -54,6 +54,7 @@ java_test(
+ "//third_party:error_prone_annotations",
diff --git a/src/test/java/net/starlark/java/eval/ScriptTest.java b/src/test/java/net/starlark/java/eval/ScriptTest.java
index ccf89f5e556d66..2e5e499ad6d559 100644
--- a/src/test/java/net/starlark/java/eval/ScriptTest.java
+++ b/src/test/java/net/starlark/java/eval/ScriptTest.java
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableList;
import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableMap;
import com.google.common.io.Files;
+import com.google.errorprone.annotations.FormatMethod;
import java.io.File;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
@@ -73,7 +74,7 @@ interface Reporter {
public Object assertStarlark(Object cond, String msg, StarlarkThread thread)
throws EvalException {
if (!Starlark.truth(cond)) {
- thread.getThreadLocal(Reporter.class).reportError(thread, "assert_: " + msg);
+ reportErrorf(thread, "assert_: %s", msg);
return Starlark.NONE;
@@ -88,12 +89,48 @@ public Object assertStarlark(Object cond, String msg, StarlarkThread thread)
useStarlarkThread = true)
public Object assertEq(Object x, Object y, StarlarkThread thread) throws EvalException {
if (!x.equals(y)) {
- String msg = String.format("assert_eq: %s != %s", Starlark.repr(x), Starlark.repr(y));
- thread.getThreadLocal(Reporter.class).reportError(thread, msg);
+ reportErrorf(thread, "assert_eq: %s != %s", Starlark.repr(x), Starlark.repr(y));
return Starlark.NONE;
+ @StarlarkMethod(
+ name = "assert_fails",
+ doc = "assert_fails asserts that evaluation of f() fails with the specified error",
+ parameters = {
+ @Param(name = "f", doc = "the Starlark function to call"),
+ @Param(
+ name = "wantError",
+ doc = "a regular expression matching the expected error message"),
+ },
+ useStarlarkThread = true)
+ public Object assertFails(StarlarkCallable f, String wantError, StarlarkThread thread)
+ throws EvalException, InterruptedException {
+ Pattern pattern;
+ try {
+ pattern = Pattern.compile(wantError);
+ } catch (PatternSyntaxException unused) {
+ throw Starlark.errorf("invalid regexp: %s", wantError);
+ }
+ try {
+ Starlark.call(thread, f, ImmutableList.of(), ImmutableMap.of());
+ reportErrorf(thread, "evaluation succeeded unexpectedly (want error matching %s)", wantError);
+ } catch (EvalException ex) {
+ // Verify error matches expectation.
+ String msg = ex.getMessage();
+ if (!pattern.matcher(msg).find()) {
+ reportErrorf(thread, "regular expression (%s) did not match error (%s)", pattern, msg);
+ }
+ }
+ return Starlark.NONE;
+ }
+ @FormatMethod
+ private static void reportErrorf(StarlarkThread thread, String format, Object... args) {
+ thread.getThreadLocal(Reporter.class).reportError(thread, String.format(format, args));
+ }
// Constructor for simple structs, for testing.
@StarlarkMethod(name = "struct", documented = false, extraKeywords = @Param(name = "kwargs"))
public Struct struct(Dict kwargs) throws EvalException {
@@ -110,9 +147,15 @@ public Struct mutablestruct(Dict kwargs) throws EvalException {
name = "freeze",
- documented = false,
- parameters = {@Param(name = "x")})
- public void freeze(Object x) throws EvalException {
+ doc = "Shallow-freezes the operand. With no argument, freezes the thread.",
+ parameters = {@Param(name = "x", defaultValue = "unbound")},
+ useStarlarkThread = true)
+ public void freeze(Object x, StarlarkThread thread) throws EvalException {
+ if (x == Starlark.UNBOUND) {
+ thread.mutability().close();
+ return;
+ }
if (x instanceof Mutability.Freezable) {
((Mutability.Freezable) x).unsafeShallowFreeze();
} else {
diff --git a/src/test/java/net/starlark/java/eval/testdata/function.star b/src/test/java/net/starlark/java/eval/testdata/function.star
index 3cf13df8a756bf..99394092c60670 100644
--- a/src/test/java/net/starlark/java/eval/testdata/function.star
+++ b/src/test/java/net/starlark/java/eval/testdata/function.star
@@ -79,3 +79,98 @@ x() ### 'string' object is not callable
# Regression test for a type mismatch crash (b/168743413).
getattr(1, []) ### parameter 'name' got value of type 'list', want 'string'
+# assert_fails. This will be more useful when we add lambda.
+def divzero(): 1//0
+assert_fails(divzero, 'integer division by zero')
+# Test of nested def statements.
+def adder(x):
+ def add(x, y): return x + y # no free vars
+ def adder(y): return add(x, y) # freevars={x, add}
+ return adder
+add3 = adder(3)
+assert_eq(add3(1), 4)
+assert_eq(add3(-1), 2)
+addlam = adder("lam")
+assert_eq(addlam("bda"), "lambda")
+assert_eq(addlam("bada"), "lambada")
+# Test of stateful function values.
+def makerand(seed=0):
+ "makerand returns a stateful generator of small pseudorandom numbers."
+ state = [seed]
+ def rand():
+ "rand returns the next pseudorandom number in the sequence."
+ state[0] = ((state[0] + 7207) * 9941) & 0xfff
+ return state[0]
+ return rand
+rand1 = makerand(123)
+rand2 = makerand(123)
+assert_eq([rand1() for _ in range(10)], [3786, 133, 796, 1215, 862, 1961, 3088, 4035, 1458, 3981])
+assert_eq([rand2() for _ in range(10)], [3786, 133, 796, 1215, 862, 1961, 3088, 4035, 1458, 3981])
+# different seed
+rand3 = makerand()
+assert_eq([rand3() for _ in range(10)], [1651, 1570, 3261, 3508, 1335, 1846, 2657, 3880, 699, 3594])
+# Attempt to mutate frozen closure state.
+assert_fails(rand3, "trying to mutate a frozen list value")
+# recursion is disallowed
+def fib(x):
+ return x if x < 2 else fib(x-1)+fib(x-2)
+# TODO(adonovan): use lambda.
+def fib10(): return fib(10)
+assert_fails(fib10, "function 'fib' called recursively")
+# The recursion check breaks function encapsulation:
+# A function g that internally uses a higher-order helper function
+# such as 'call' (or Python's map and reduce) cannot itself be
+# called from within an active call of that helper.
+def call(f): f()
+def g(): call(list)
+# TODO(adonovan): use lambda.
+def call_g(): call(g)
+assert_fails(call_g, "function 'call' called recursively")
+# The recursion check is based on the syntactic equality
+# (same def statement), not function value equivalence.
+def eta(f):
+ # TODO(adonovan): use lambda
+ def call():
+ f()
+ return call
+def nop(): pass
+# fn1 and fn2 are both created by 'def call',
+# but they are distinct and close over different values...
+fn1 = eta(nop)
+fn2 = eta(fn1)
+assert_eq(str(fn1), '')
+assert_eq(str(fn2), '')
+assert_(fn1 != fn2)
+# ...yet both cannot be called in the same thread:
+assert_fails(fn2, "function 'call' called recursively")
+# This rule prevents users from writing the Y combinator,
+# which creates a new closure at each step of the recursion.
+# TODO(adonovan): enable test when we have lambda.
+# Y = lambda f: (lambda x: x(x))(lambda y: f(lambda *args: y(y)(*args)))
+# fibgen = lambda fib: lambda x: (x if x<2 else fib(x-1)+fib(x-2))
+# fib2 = Y(fibgen)
+# assert_fails(lambda: [fib2(x) for x in range(10)], "function lambda called recursively")
diff --git a/src/test/java/net/starlark/java/syntax/ResolverTest.java b/src/test/java/net/starlark/java/syntax/ResolverTest.java
index 784a84743a2763..feaa7a694af6ee 100644
--- a/src/test/java/net/starlark/java/syntax/ResolverTest.java
+++ b/src/test/java/net/starlark/java/syntax/ResolverTest.java
@@ -281,16 +281,6 @@ public void testTopLevelForFails() throws Exception {
"for i in []: 0\n");
- @Test
- public void testNestedFunctionFails() throws Exception {
- assertInvalid(
- "nested functions are not allowed. Move the function to the top level", //
- "def func(a):",
- " def bar(): return 0",
- " return bar()",
- "");
- }
public void testComprehension() throws Exception {
// The operand of the first for clause is resolved outside the comprehension block.
@@ -419,6 +409,25 @@ public void testBindingScopeAndIndex() throws Exception {
" [(aᴸ₁, bᴳ₁) for aᴸ₁ in aᴸ₀]");
checkBindings("load('module', aᴳ₀='a', bᴳ₁='b')");
+ // Nested functions have lexical scope.
+ checkBindings(
+ "def fᴳ₀(aᴸ₀, bᶜ₁):", // b is a cell: an indirect local shared with nested functions
+ " aᴸ₀",
+ " def gᴸ₂(cᴸ₀):",
+ " bᶠ₀, cᴸ₀"); // b is a free var: a reference to a cell of an outer function
+ // Multiply nested functions.
+ // Load still binds globally, for now, but soon it will bind locally.
+ checkBindings(
+ "load('module', aᴳ₀='a')", // eventually: aᶜ₀
+ "bᴳ₁= 0",
+ "def fᴳ₂(cᶜ₀):",
+ " aᴳ₀, bᴳ₁, cᶜ₀", // eventually: aᶠ0
+ " def gᶜ₁(dᶜ₀):",
+ " aᴳ₀, bᴳ₁, cᶠ₀, dᶜ₀, fᴳ₂",
+ " def hᶜ₁(eᴸ₀):",
+ " aᴳ₀, bᴳ₁, cᶠ₀, dᶠ₁, eᴸ₀, fᴳ₂, gᶠ₂, hᶠ₃");
// checkBindings verifies the binding (scope and index) of each identifier.